Regulatory stipulationsRegulatory requirements for herbal medicinal pr terjemahan - Regulatory stipulationsRegulatory requirements for herbal medicinal pr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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Regulatory stipulations
Regulatory requirements for herbal medicinal products (HMP) are clearly regulated in the EU (Vlietinck et al., 2009), in the USA and in many other countries. Food supplements have not been defined to the same extent but are covered by food law within the EU (EFSA, 2009; EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), 2011) and by cGMP for dietary supplements in the USA since June 2007 (United States of America Congress, 1994; FDA, 2012). In contrast to this, Brazil has only just begun to stipulate official regulations for herbal products used in medicinal products, dietary and food supplements. Hence the quality aspect has been brought up more in discussions in recent years and the quality of reference standards and the pertinent documentation will play an important role in this respect. All globally operating manufacturers of drugs and medicinal products are affected by the guidelines drawn up by WHO, ISO and NIST, as well as by monographs of such pharmacopoeias as the European or United States Pharmacopoeia, which define and provide general and plant-specific requirements for the quality and quality control of plant-based products. Some fundamental requirements for the establishment, documentation and use of reference standards regarding active pharmaceutical ingredients can be found in the Note for Guidance on Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (EMA, 2000b). Although they are not legally binding, ISO Guides 30-35 (International Organisation for Standardization, 1997, 2000a,b, 2006, 2008, 2009) are more essential for reference standard users. ISO Guide 30, for example, which defines a certified reference material (CRM) as follows: "Reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose property values are certified by a procedure which establishes its traceability to an accurate realization of the unit in which the property values are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty at a stated level of confidence."
Particularly important for manufacturers in the pharmaceutical sector, or third parties who establish standards themselves instead of using pharmacopoeial standards, is that each set of rules and standards (ISO Guides and EP) contains cross-references to the other one. Any deviations must be documented with evidence of their equivalence, even if parts of documents, such as Section 5.12 "Reference standards" of the EP only have a virtually binding effect within the pharmacopoeia's scope of application. Furthermore, "Reference standards are shown to be suitable for their intended purpose; they are not necessarily suitable for other purposes." is an important principle laid down in the EP. The CRS standards fulfil these specifications in full consequence. Hence reference standards are an important tool to not only ensure analytical quality and method transfer but also to guarantee the safety of herbal products, including the
raw material, extracts, pharmaceutical formulations and food or dietary supplements.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Regulatory stipulationsRegulatory requirements for herbal medicinal products (HMP) are clearly regulated in the EU (Vlietinck et al., 2009), in the USA and in many other countries. Food supplements have not been defined to the same extent but are covered by food law within the EU (EFSA, 2009; EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), 2011) and by cGMP for dietary supplements in the USA since June 2007 (United States of America Congress, 1994; FDA, 2012). In contrast to this, Brazil has only just begun to stipulate official regulations for herbal products used in medicinal products, dietary and food supplements. Hence the quality aspect has been brought up more in discussions in recent years and the quality of reference standards and the pertinent documentation will play an important role in this respect. All globally operating manufacturers of drugs and medicinal products are affected by the guidelines drawn up by WHO, ISO and NIST, as well as by monographs of such pharmacopoeias as the European or United States Pharmacopoeia, which define and provide general and plant-specific requirements for the quality and quality control of plant-based products. Some fundamental requirements for the establishment, documentation and use of reference standards regarding active pharmaceutical ingredients can be found in the Note for Guidance on Good Manufacturing Practice for Active PharmaceuticalIngredients (EMA, 2000b). Although they are not legally binding, ISO Guides 30-35 (International Organisation for Standardization, 1997, 2000a,b, 2006, 2008, 2009) are more essential for reference standard users. ISO Guide 30, for example, which defines a certified reference material (CRM) as follows: "Reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose property values are certified by a procedure which establishes its traceability to an accurate realization of the unit in which the property values are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty at a stated level of confidence."Particularly important for manufacturers in the pharmaceutical sector, or third parties who establish standards themselves instead of using pharmacopoeial standards, is that each set of rules and standards (ISO Guides and EP) contains cross-references to the other one. Any deviations must be documented with evidence of their equivalence, even if parts of documents, such as Section 5.12 "Reference standards" of the EP only have a virtually binding effect within the pharmacopoeia's scope of application. Furthermore, "Reference standards are shown to be suitable for their intended purpose; they are not necessarily suitable for other purposes." is an important principle laid down in the EP. The CRS standards fulfil these specifications in full consequence. Hence reference standards are an important tool to not only ensure analytical quality and method transfer but also to guarantee the safety of herbal products, including theraw material, extracts, pharmaceutical formulations and food or dietary supplements.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ketentuan peraturan
persyaratan peraturan untuk produk obat herbal (HMP) secara jelas diatur dalam Uni Eropa (Vlietinck et al., 2009), di Amerika Serikat dan di banyak negara lain. Suplemen makanan belum ditetapkan pada tingkat yang sama namun ditutupi oleh hukum makanan dalam Uni Eropa (EFSA, 2009; EFSA Panel Dietetic Produk, Nutrisi dan Alergi (NDA), 2011) dan oleh cGMP untuk suplemen diet di Amerika Serikat sejak Juni 2007 (Amerika Serikat Kongres, 1994; FDA, 2012). Berbeda dengan ini, Brasil baru saja mulai menetapkan peraturan resmi untuk produk herbal yang digunakan dalam produk obat, makanan dan makanan suplemen. Oleh karena itu aspek kualitas telah membawa lebih banyak dalam diskusi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan kualitas standar referensi dan dokumentasi yang bersangkutan akan memainkan peran penting dalam hal ini. Semua produsen yang beroperasi secara global obat dan produk obat dipengaruhi oleh pedoman yang disusun oleh WHO, ISO dan NIST, serta oleh monografi farmakope seperti Eropa atau Amerika Serikat Pharmacopoeia, yang menentukan dan memberikan persyaratan umum dan tanaman-spesifik untuk kualitas dan kontrol kualitas produk nabati. Beberapa persyaratan mendasar untuk pembentukan, dokumentasi dan penggunaan standar referensi tentang bahan aktif farmasi dapat ditemukan pada Catatan untuk Pedoman Good Manufacturing Practice untuk farmasi aktif
Bahan (EMA, 2000b). Meskipun mereka tidak mengikat secara hukum, ISO Guides 30-35 (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi 1997, 2000a, b, 2006, 2008, 2009) yang lebih penting bagi pengguna standar referensi. ISO Guide 30, misalnya, yang mendefinisikan bahan referensi bersertifikat (CRM) sebagai berikut: "Bahan referensi, disertai dengan sertifikat, satu atau lebih dari nilai-nilai properti disertifikasi oleh prosedur yang menetapkan traceability untuk realisasi akurat dari Unit di mana nilai properti disajikan, dan yang masing-masing nilai bersertifikat disertai dengan ketidakpastian pada tingkat dinyatakan kepercayaan. "
Terutama penting bagi produsen di sektor farmasi, atau pihak ketiga yang menetapkan standar sendiri daripada menggunakan standar farmakope, adalah bahwa setiap seperangkat aturan dan standar (ISO Guides dan EP) mengandung referensi silang dengan yang lain. Setiap penyimpangan harus didokumentasikan dengan bukti kesetaraan mereka, bahkan jika bagian dari dokumen, seperti Bagian 5.12 "standar Referensi" dari EP hanya memiliki efek hampir mengikat dalam lingkup farmakope untuk aplikasi. Selanjutnya, "Standar acuan terbukti cocok untuk tujuan mereka, mereka belum tentu cocok untuk tujuan lain." merupakan prinsip penting yang ditetapkan dalam EP. Standar CRS memenuhi spesifikasi ini di konsekuensi penuh. Oleh karena itu standar acuan merupakan alat penting untuk tidak hanya memastikan kualitas analitis dan mentransfer metode tetapi juga untuk menjamin keamanan produk herbal, termasuk
bahan baku, ekstrak, formulasi farmasi dan makanan atau suplemen diet.
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