Hun­dred百 bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to l terjemahan - Hun­dred百 bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to l Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hun­dred百 bow-shaped wooden sur­vey


bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to lock him for the tar­get, im­me­di­ately turns around to walk, but my sword blade edge ad­vance + Big Dip­per po­si­tion rapid mi­gra­tion in the past, raised the long sword is Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan!
Hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments judg­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties are very ac­cu­rate, when my at­tack falls mo­bi­lizes Re­gent, 1 sec­ond of in­vin­ci­ble MISS fell my Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan, but I lift the hand, seizes the dragon stunt to start, has caught him di­rectly, but the re­ac­tion rates of hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments were too fast, was to seize in the glide path of dragon to start the stunt, the whole body has cov­ered under the pro­tec­tion of golden shield, 11 sec­onds of in­vin­ci­ble stunt!
I do not have any think­ing, turns around to erupt the dou­ble hit ef­fect to an be­hind as­sas­sin, 6 at­tack sec­onds mas­sa­cred him twice, fought the boots to skid sud­denly for­ward, were tow­ing re­main­ing 4 at­tack sweep­ing, in two rode the war is on the play­ers, ab­sorbed near 10 W HP in­stan­ta­neously, the sur­round­ing archer and hack­bu­teer at­tack was too fierce, more­over hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also dis­tant con­tin­u­a­tion bursts, hurt!
A body Qu, catches up to shoot up to the sky sud­denly, has left be­hind the air cur­rents of ma­neu­vers in the jun­gle, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Mu Yushu added HP to one­self, NND, the nar­row squeak, the body of ef­fect ex­tin­guish­ing does not van­ish in­stan­ta­neously I un­ex­pect­edly only then 1 W + HP, has joined hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments to have Lin Xi­aowu me­teor arrow such very-long-range skill, one time sen­tences to Tien Chien in ad­vance, I must die prob­a­bly.
The body stays in air­borne, fills the next blood bot­tle, in ad­di­tion Mu Yushu re­turns to the blood speed, the judg­ment should be safe.
How­ever such as my in­tent, dis­tant place bird­song, the next quar­ter sev­eral shad­ows have not come to me, is the warhawk rides to search, but is not the pure warhawk rides to search prob­a­bly, but is one type the warhawk that has pro­vided the javelin rides to search, 178 lev­els of NPC, the strength, with 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon sim­i­lar ap­pear­ances, in the ground also has prob­a­bly heard that hot lion armed forces hun­dred hus­band's long roar­ing sounds: „Warhawk rides, kills, mas­sacres this bas­tard!”
Orig­i­nally air­borne is un­safe?
I showed a faint smile, laid out the but­ter­fly sword, HP have replied about 70%, did not in­sti­gate that this group of peo­ple, a town Yue Dao spin over­ran, the dou­ble hit + rode to work as thou­sand erup­tions, rode to search to rip the frag­ment a warhawk di­rectly, the sword has bran­dished con­tin­u­ously cuts to kill, the god level skill rode the wind to cut the erup­tion, now rode the wind to cut also to be prac­ticed 19 lev­els by me, cooled the Cooldown 5 min­utes, and can wield the vi­o­lent 15 swords in­stan­ta­neously, the pre­lude skills of 19 lev­els of god level skills from the sky erupted, un­ex­pect­edly has formed a shock-wave shape, flowed swiftly to fall just like the multi-col­ored sun­light, but 15 The sword wielded the ori­gin to carry over blood rain con­tin­u­ously, was two warhawks rides to search is cut to kill in air­borne, the stump resid­ual limb broke the body to fly high to fall, the player who one crowd in ground went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world def­i­nitely also looked fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive.
Dur­ing the minute min­utes, 14 warhawks ride to search kill off com­pletely.
I look jun­gle once again to the ground, im­me­di­ately that hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments the face whiten, has been rais­ing the long bow, shouted to clear the way lowly: „It is not good, we lack sup­press his strength, all peo­ple re­treat to south along with me!”
Also re­main­ing 100 + wen
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hun­dred百 bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to lock him for the tar­get, im­me­di­ately turns around to walk, but my sword blade edge ad­vance + Big Dip­per po­si­tion rapid mi­gra­tion in the past, raised the long sword is Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan!„Um!?”Hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments judg­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties are very ac­cu­rate, when my at­tack falls mo­bi­lizes Re­gent, 1 sec­ond of in­vin­ci­ble MISS fell my Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan, but I lift the hand, seizes the dragon stunt to start, has caught him di­rectly, but the re­ac­tion rates of hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments were too fast, was to seize in the glide path of dragon to start the stunt, the whole body has cov­ered under the pro­tec­tion of golden shield, 11 sec­onds of in­vin­ci­ble stunt!I do not have any think­ing, turns around to erupt the dou­ble hit ef­fect to an be­hind as­sas­sin, 6 at­tack sec­onds mas­sa­cred him twice, fought the boots to skid sud­denly for­ward, were tow­ing re­main­ing 4 at­tack sweep­ing, in two rode the war is on the play­ers, ab­sorbed near 10 W HP in­stan­ta­neously, the sur­round­ing archer and hack­bu­teer at­tack was too fierce, more­over hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also dis­tant con­tin­u­a­tion bursts, hurt!„Bang!”A body Qu, catches up to shoot up to the sky sud­denly, has left be­hind the air cur­rents of ma­neu­vers in the jun­gle, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Mu Yushu added HP to one­self, NND, the nar­row squeak, the body of ef­fect ex­tin­guish­ing does not van­ish in­stan­ta­neously I un­ex­pect­edly only then 1 W + HP, has joined hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments to have Lin Xi­aowu me­teor arrow such very-long-range skill, one time sen­tences to Tien Chien in ad­vance, I must die prob­a­bly.The body stays in air­borne, fills the next blood bot­tle, in ad­di­tion Mu Yushu re­turns to the blood speed, the judg­ment should be safe.How­ever such as my in­tent, dis­tant place bird­song, the next quar­ter sev­eral shad­ows have not come to me, is the warhawk rides to search, but is not the pure warhawk rides to search prob­a­bly, but is one type the warhawk that has pro­vided the javelin rides to search, 178 lev­els of NPC, the strength, with 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon sim­i­lar ap­pear­ances, in the ground also has prob­a­bly heard that hot lion armed forces hun­dred hus­band's long roar­ing sounds: „Warhawk rides, kills, mas­sacres this bas­tard!”Orig­i­nally air­borne is un­safe?I showed a faint smile, laid out the but­ter­fly sword, HP have replied about 70%, did not in­sti­gate that this group of peo­ple, a town Yue Dao spin over­ran, the dou­ble hit + rode to work as thou­sand erup­tions, rode to search to rip the frag­ment a warhawk di­rectly, the sword has bran­dished con­tin­u­ously cuts to kill, the god level skill rode the wind to cut the erup­tion, now rode the wind to cut also to be prac­ticed 19 lev­els by me, cooled the Cooldown 5 min­utes, and can wield the vi­o­lent 15 swords in­stan­ta­neously, the pre­lude skills of 19 lev­els of god level skills from the sky erupted, un­ex­pect­edly has formed a shock-wave shape, flowed swiftly to fall just like the multi-col­ored sun­light, but 15 The sword wielded the ori­gin to carry over blood rain con­tin­u­ously, was two warhawks rides to search is cut to kill in air­borne, the stump resid­ual limb broke the body to fly high to fall, the player who one crowd in ground went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world def­i­nitely also looked fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive.Dur­ing the minute min­utes, 14 warhawks ride to search kill off com­pletely.I look jun­gle once again to the ground, im­me­di­ately that hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments the face whiten, has been rais­ing the long bow, shouted to clear the way lowly: „It is not good, we lack sup­press his strength, all peo­ple re­treat to south along with me!”Also re­main­ing 100 + wen
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

berbentuk busur instrumen survei kayu juga melihat saya untuk mengunci dia untuk target, segera berbalik untuk berjalan, tapi saya muka pedang pisau tepi + posisi Dipper migrasi cepat Big di masa lalu, mengangkat pedang panjang Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhan !
"Um !?"
Seratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur peluang penghakiman sangat akurat, ketika serangan saya jatuh memobilisasi Bupati, 1 detik dari LEWATKAN terkalahkan jatuh Big Dipper saya rusak Yue Zhan, tapi saya angkat tangan, merebut naga stunt untuk mulai, telah menangkapnya secara langsung, namun laju reaksi ratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur terlalu cepat, adalah untuk merebut di jalur luncur naga untuk memulai aksi tersebut, seluruh tubuh telah tercakup dalam perlindungan perisai emas, 11 detik dari aksi tak terkalahkan!
saya tidak memiliki pemikiran apapun, berbalik untuk meletus efek hit ganda untuk seorang pembunuh belakang, 6 serangan detik dibantai dua kali, berjuang sepatu tergelincir tiba-tiba maju, adalah penarik tersisa 4 serangan menyapu, dalam dua berkuda perang adalah pada pemain, diserap dekat 10 W HP seketika, serangan pemanah dan hackbuteer sekitarnya terlalu sengit, apalagi seratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur juga semburan kelanjutan jauh, sakit!
tubuh Qu, menangkap sampai dengan menembak ke langit tiba-tiba, telah meninggalkan arus udara dari manuver di hutan, secara bersamaan Mu Yushu menambahkan HP untuk diri sendiri, NND, derit sempit, tubuh efek pemadam tidak lenyap seketika aku tiba-tiba hanya kemudian 1 W + HP , telah bergabung ratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur untuk memiliki Lin Xiaowu meteor panah seperti keterampilan yang sangat panjang jarak, satu kali kalimat untuk Tien Chien di muka, saya harus mati mungkin.
tubuh tetap di udara, mengisi botol darah berikutnya, selain Mu Yushu kembali ke kecepatan darah, putusan harus aman.
namun seperti maksud saya, jauh tempat kicau burung, kuartal berikutnya beberapa bayangan tidak datang kepada saya, adalah warhawk wahana untuk mencari, tetapi bukan warhawk murni naik untuk mencari mungkin, tetapi adalah salah satu jenis warhawk yang telah disediakan lembing naik untuk mencari, 178 tingkat NPC, kekuatan, dengan 6 tingkat penampilan yang mirip setan yang berbeda, di tanah juga mungkin telah mendengar bahwa singa panas angkatan bersenjata ratus menderu panjang suami terdengar: "! Warhawk naik, membunuh, membantai bajingan ini"
? Awalnya udara tidak aman
saya menunjukkan senyum samar, ditata pedang kupu-kupu, HP telah menjawab sekitar 70%, tidak menghasut bahwa kelompok orang, kota Yue Dao berputar menyerbu, ganda hit + naik untuk bekerja sebagai ribu letusan, naik untuk mencari untuk merobek fragmen warhawk langsung, pedang telah mengacungkan terus memotong untuk membunuh, keterampilan tingkat dewa naik angin untuk memotong letusan, sekarang naik angin untuk memotong juga dipraktekkan 19 tingkat oleh saya, didinginkan Cooldown 5 menit, dan dapat menggunakan yang kekerasan 15 pedang seketika, keterampilan awal dari 19 tingkat keterampilan tingkat dewa dari langit meletus, tiba-tiba telah membentuk shock- sebuah bentuk gelombang, mengalir dengan cepat jatuh seperti sinar matahari multi-warna, tapi 15 pedang memegang asal untuk membawa lebih dari hujan darah terus menerus, adalah dua warhawks naik untuk mencari dipotong untuk membunuh di udara, tunggul sisa dahan patah tubuh untuk terbang tinggi untuk jatuh, pemain yang satu kerumunan di tanah melanjutkan ekspedisi dunia pasti juga tampak takut dan khawatir.
Selama menit menit, 14 warhawks naik untuk mencari membunuh sepenuhnya.
saya melihat hutan sekali lagi ke tanah, langsung bahwa ratus berbentuk busur instrumen survei kayu wajah memutihkan, telah meningkatkan busur panjang, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "tidak baik, kami kurang menekan kekuatannya, semua orang mundur ke selatan bersama dengan saya!"
Juga tersisa 100 + wen
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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