“Which reminds me, wasn’t there a request that I haven’t completed yet terjemahan - “Which reminds me, wasn’t there a request that I haven’t completed yet Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Which reminds me, wasn’t there a r

“Which reminds me, wasn’t there a request that I haven’t completed yet…”

Shin suddenly recalled it, as he looked at the bulletin board for non-subjugation requests. Despite the unfulfilled request, because the last piece he found was a very expensive item, the large amount of money he earned was far more than the reward of the gathering request. (T/N: This was in LN volume 2 when he found Gem Grass, something not stated in the WN. You can read it in the manga, chapter 10.)

Shin headed towards the receptionist desk to confirm the details, because it was convenient to complete the request if he found another piece.

“Excuse me, I would like to confirm a little something.”

“Yes, how can I help you?”

The reception woman, whose featured ears reminded him of a Chihuahua, was asked about the collection request for Hillock herbs.

“I am truly sorry, but a gathering request of a repeatable kind has to be confirmed at the branch office where you received it.”

According to the receptionist, items in demand depended on each area, and the reward was often different, too. So they couldn’t handle this request, only the branch office where the request was received could. Since it couldn’t be helped, Shin decided to accept a subjugation request corresponding with his current rank.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Which reminds me, wasn’t there a request that I haven’t completed yet…”Shin suddenly recalled it, as he looked at the bulletin board for non-subjugation requests. Despite the unfulfilled request, because the last piece he found was a very expensive item, the large amount of money he earned was far more than the reward of the gathering request. (T/N: This was in LN volume 2 when he found Gem Grass, something not stated in the WN. You can read it in the manga, chapter 10.)Shin headed towards the receptionist desk to confirm the details, because it was convenient to complete the request if he found another piece.“Excuse me, I would like to confirm a little something.”“Yes, how can I help you?”The reception woman, whose featured ears reminded him of a Chihuahua, was asked about the collection request for Hillock herbs.“I am truly sorry, but a gathering request of a repeatable kind has to be confirmed at the branch office where you received it.”According to the receptionist, items in demand depended on each area, and the reward was often different, too. So they couldn’t handle this request, only the branch office where the request was received could. Since it couldn’t be helped, Shin decided to accept a subjugation request corresponding with his current rank.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Yang mengingatkan saya, tidak ada permintaan yang saya belum selesai belum ..." Shin tiba-tiba teringat hal itu, karena ia melihat papan buletin untuk permintaan non-penaklukan. Meskipun permintaan yang tak terpenuhi, karena potongan terakhir ia temukan adalah barang yang sangat mahal, jumlah besar uang yang diperolehnya jauh lebih dari pahala permintaan pertemuan. (T / N:. Ini adalah di LN volume 2 ketika ia menemukan Gem Grass, sesuatu yang tidak tercantum dalam WN yang Anda dapat membacanya di manga, pasal 10.) Shin menuju ke meja resepsionis untuk mengkonfirmasi rincian, karena itu nyaman untuk menyelesaikan permintaan jika ia menemukan sepotong. "Permisi, saya ingin mengkonfirmasi sedikit sesuatu." "Ya, bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?" penerimaan wanita, yang telinganya fitur mengingatkannya dari Chihuahua, diminta tentang permintaan koleksi untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan Hillock. "saya benar-benar menyesal, tapi permintaan pertemuan dari jenis berulang harus dikonfirmasi di kantor cabang di mana Anda menerimanya." Menurut resepsionis, item permintaan tergantung pada masing-masing daerah, dan reward itu sering berbeda juga. Sehingga mereka tidak bisa menangani permintaan ini, hanya kantor cabang di mana permintaan itu diterima bisa. Karena tidak bisa membantu, Shin memutuskan untuk menerima permintaan penaklukan yang sesuai dengan jabatannya sekarang.

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