Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sebelum saya memulai, saya hanya ingin memperkenalkan dunia ini segera sehingga Anda tidak akan bingung.Cerita ini mengambil tempat di dunia yang mirip dengan dunia kita. Ini adalah sama, Korea dan Seoul yang pada dasarnya sama seperti yang kita tahu, kecuali bahwa sihir dan supranatural adalah bagian dari dunia. Mereka "normal". Yah, Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak tentang hal itu kemudian ;)Jadi, ya... Di sini adalah bab pertama! Kutukan. "Donghwa, mengapa ayah membenci saya?" Anak laki-laki melirik saudaranya lima tahun, Donghae. Ia melihat anak kecil selama beberapa detik, matanya mengembara atas kerangka gagal anak duduk di depannya. Dia menurunkan alis nya dan ekspresinya digelapkan karena ia bermata ditutup matanya wajah saudara nya.Dia butuh waktu beberapa detik sebelum ia berhasil Balasan."Dia tidak membenci Anda", ia berbohong.Laki-laki lain tetap diam untuk sementara, sampai suaranya bernada tinggi, lembut berbicara lagi. "Dia tidak pernah datang menemui saya", katanya dengan tenang."Dia sedang sibuk dengan pekerjaan.""Don't lie. Aku mungkin tidak dapat menggunakan mataku, tapi aku bisa merasakannya. Dia membenci saya."Laki-laki tua diamati saudaranya untuk sementara.Donghae adalah tepat. Meskipun ia tidak diizinkan untuk melihat dengan matanya, dia bisa merasakan hal-hal yang lebih baik daripada siapa pun. Tanpa pandangannya, ia telah mengembangkan kepekaan yang sangat tajam. Dia bisa merasakan orang. Dia bisa merasakan emosi yang mengisi hati mereka."Ia takut", Donghwa akhirnya menjawab, mengetahui bagaimana berguna adalah berbohong kepada yang lebih muda."Why? Why is he scared?"Donghae for sure knew the cause, but he still couldn't accept the reason. As a child, it was something he couldn't understand. The hatred of your own parental figures isn't easy to put up with. "Because..." Donghwa stopped and ran his tongue over his slightly dried lips. "Like everyone in the village, he thinks you're dangerous. They're scared you will harm them.""I don't want to harm them", Donghae whispered weakly."I know Donghae. I know you don't want to", Donghwa said and brought his brother closer to him, until the younger's head rested on his shoulder. He wrapped his skinny arms around the tiny frame of his brother and hugged him tightly, feeling how the small hands came to grip his shirt. The silence came back into the room. Donghae remained quiet while Dongwha gently d his hair, soothing the little boy whose heart never felt happy."Is it why I'm not allowed to leave my room?" Donghae softly asked again, even though he knew the answer."Yes.""Is it why I can't take it off?" he added, his small fingers softly moving up to his face and tugging on the blindfold concealing his eyes."It is."The answers always hurt him, yet he couldn't help but ask the same questions over and over again, each time secretly hoping the replies would change. But they never did. The answers were the same, and it hurt. "If I take it off, will people be harmed?" Donghae's small voice whispered again, muffled by the fabric of Donghwa's shirt."I don't know", the elder brother hugged the little boy tighter, pursing his lips until they became a thin line. He wasn't exactly lying. He honestly didn't know what would happen if Donghae disobeyed and took off the blindfold concealing his eyes.Maybe people would be hurt. That's what the whole village believed. Donghae had been cursed by a witch after all. It wasn't something to be taken lightly. Everyone feared the witches. But above all, people feared those who had been cursed."Is it my fault that your mother died?" Donghae softly muttered, snapping Donghwa out of his dark thoughts.The elder frowned. "She was your mother too, you know.""No, I don't", the five years old boy retorted. "I can't remember I ever had a mother."Donghwa gritted his teeth. "You know she died when you were a newborn. Of course you can't remember anything about her", he mumbled dejectedly."Was it my fault that she died?" Donghae repeated and tightened his grip on his brother shirt, as if fearing to hear the answer. Only the silen
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