Ahh!!”Xiao Lingxi cried out and sprang backwards like a frightened rab terjemahan - Ahh!!”Xiao Lingxi cried out and sprang backwards like a frightened rab Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ahh!!”Xiao Lingxi cried out and spr


Xiao Lingxi cried out and sprang backwards like a frightened rabbit. Her fingers touched her numb lips as her beautiful eyes widened in surprise and a touch of red quickly spread from her fair face to the nape of her neck: “You… You… You kissed me again!!”

“You have the same reaction as usual.” The innocent Xiao Che had a heartbroken expression on his face: “ When we were younger, we always played your favorite Kiss Kiss game. These days, you go into shock every time I try to kiss you.”

“You-you-you… You knew that was when we were kids!” Xiao Lingxi’s face flushed into the color of a red rose: “We’re now adults and cannot afford to mess around! You… You are soon to have a wife! In the future you can only kiss your wife!”


“Because I’m your aunt!” Xiao Lingxi stomped her foot as she lost her breath.

“Then…. What do I do if I want to kiss you?” Smiling mischievously, Xiao Che put his hand under his chin.

“Then… You should marry me!” Xiao Lingxi turned her nose up in anger.

“Hey! You’re my aunt, how could I possibly marry you….” Xiao Che said with his voice lowered as his eyes widened.

“Even you know that! If you dare steal another kiss, I’ll let your wife know and let her handle you. Hmph hmph! Xiao Lingxi looked at him triumphantly, with her nose in the air.

Xiao Hong’s voice came from outside once again: “ Young master, are you ready? It’s about time to go get the bride.”

“Yes, I’m coming out now.” Xiao Che looked at his current outfit, and got ready to leave. After two steps, Xiao Lingxi grabbed his hand and said with a serious face: “Xiao Che! Before leaving, repeat the promise we made yesterday, word for word, or I won’t let you go.”

Yesterday’s promise? Xiao Che thought for a while and cannot help but say: “Alright…. after entering the marriage with Xia Qingyue, I won’t forget about little aunt just because I have a wife. I’ll spend the same amount of time with little aunt like before, I will listen to little aunt’s calls and would arrive as soon as I’m called just like before….I don’t think I forgot a word.”

“Huehue, what a good boy.” Xiao Lingxi smiled sweetly but did not release Xiao Che’s hand: “However, we will be adding another one today, the one I forgot yesterday…. Although Xia Qingyue is about to become your wife, in your heart she cannot outweigh me! Repeat that right now, hurry hurry hurry!”

Xiao Che gazed at her beautiful eyes and said: “If you kiss me, I will make that promise.”

“Then… marry me?”

“……” Xiao Che was defeated.

“Young master, are you still not ready?” It’s forbidden to be past the “auspicious time”. Xiao Hong’s urgent voice came from outside again.

Xiao Che put his hand on the door but did not push it open yet. He whispered: “I can’t make that promise because in my heart, you are already my number one. Even if there are a hundred Xia Qingyue’s, she cannot catch up to you. You are irreplaceable.”

As his voice faded, he pushed the door open and left.

Xiao Lingxi stood still, frozen in place for a while. An arc formed at the edge of her lips and she joyfully skipped out afterwards, like a girl who was given her favorite candy.

As Xiao Che walked out of the room, his gorgeous wedding team awaited him. Xiao Hong kindly smiled at him: “Young master, please get on the horse. On the way I will be protecting you with everything I have…. But of course, today is young master’s big day. I should not worry that much since there would only be good things that are waiting to happen.”

“Thanks, Grandpa Hong.” Xiao Che smiled at Xiao Hong and got on the horse. A gentle voice suddenly came from his left:

“Looks like I came at the just right time. Is brother Xiao Che going to retrieve his bride now? Felicitations.”

Xiao Che’s eyebrows furrowed slightly at that sound and saw two young men slowly walk to his side. The person who spoke was a twenty year old young man of medium build. He was as handsome as he was elegant. His eyes were crystal clear on top of a refreshing face and he wore a bright smile. At his rear was a thinner younger man. His footsteps followed quickly behind the speaker.

“Watching them, Xiao Che smiled: “Oh it’s brother Yulong and brother Xiao Yang, did you guys especially make this trip here to see me off?”

Xiao Yulong was the son of the leader of the Xiao clan. At the age of twenty, regardless of his appearance, his talent, use of speech and wisdom was at the top of the younger generation in the Xiao clan. His profound strength had reached the third level of the Nascent Profound Realm at the moment. He is his father, Xiao Yunhai’s, pride and joy and is also the future hope of the Xiao clan. The clan had high expectations for him because he would become the next leader if no accidents should occur. He possessed many good qualities but he had never been arrogant. He is one who was kind and polite to everyone. Even towards Xiao Che, who was considered to be disabled in everyone’s eyes. He has never mocked Xiao Che but instead was as gentle as
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ahh!!”Xiao Lingxi cried out and sprang backwards like a frightened rabbit. Her fingers touched her numb lips as her beautiful eyes widened in surprise and a touch of red quickly spread from her fair face to the nape of her neck: “You… You… You kissed me again!!”“You have the same reaction as usual.” The innocent Xiao Che had a heartbroken expression on his face: “ When we were younger, we always played your favorite Kiss Kiss game. These days, you go into shock every time I try to kiss you.”“You-you-you… You knew that was when we were kids!” Xiao Lingxi’s face flushed into the color of a red rose: “We’re now adults and cannot afford to mess around! You… You are soon to have a wife! In the future you can only kiss your wife!”“Why…”“Because I’m your aunt!” Xiao Lingxi stomped her foot as she lost her breath.“Then…. What do I do if I want to kiss you?” Smiling mischievously, Xiao Che put his hand under his chin.“Then… You should marry me!” Xiao Lingxi turned her nose up in anger.“Hey! You’re my aunt, how could I possibly marry you….” Xiao Che said with his voice lowered as his eyes widened.“Even you know that! If you dare steal another kiss, I’ll let your wife know and let her handle you. Hmph hmph! Xiao Lingxi looked at him triumphantly, with her nose in the air.Xiao Hong’s voice came from outside once again: “ Young master, are you ready? It’s about time to go get the bride.”“Yes, I’m coming out now.” Xiao Che looked at his current outfit, and got ready to leave. After two steps, Xiao Lingxi grabbed his hand and said with a serious face: “Xiao Che! Before leaving, repeat the promise we made yesterday, word for word, or I won’t let you go.”Yesterday’s promise? Xiao Che thought for a while and cannot help but say: “Alright…. after entering the marriage with Xia Qingyue, I won’t forget about little aunt just because I have a wife. I’ll spend the same amount of time with little aunt like before, I will listen to little aunt’s calls and would arrive as soon as I’m called just like before….I don’t think I forgot a word.”“Huehue, what a good boy.” Xiao Lingxi smiled sweetly but did not release Xiao Che’s hand: “However, we will be adding another one today, the one I forgot yesterday…. Although Xia Qingyue is about to become your wife, in your heart she cannot outweigh me! Repeat that right now, hurry hurry hurry!”Xiao Che gazed at her beautiful eyes and said: “If you kiss me, I will make that promise.”“Then… marry me?”“……” Xiao Che was defeated.“Young master, are you still not ready?” It’s forbidden to be past the “auspicious time”. Xiao Hong’s urgent voice came from outside again.Xiao Che put his hand on the door but did not push it open yet. He whispered: “I can’t make that promise because in my heart, you are already my number one. Even if there are a hundred Xia Qingyue’s, she cannot catch up to you. You are irreplaceable.”
As his voice faded, he pushed the door open and left.

Xiao Lingxi stood still, frozen in place for a while. An arc formed at the edge of her lips and she joyfully skipped out afterwards, like a girl who was given her favorite candy.

As Xiao Che walked out of the room, his gorgeous wedding team awaited him. Xiao Hong kindly smiled at him: “Young master, please get on the horse. On the way I will be protecting you with everything I have…. But of course, today is young master’s big day. I should not worry that much since there would only be good things that are waiting to happen.”

“Thanks, Grandpa Hong.” Xiao Che smiled at Xiao Hong and got on the horse. A gentle voice suddenly came from his left:

“Looks like I came at the just right time. Is brother Xiao Che going to retrieve his bride now? Felicitations.”

Xiao Che’s eyebrows furrowed slightly at that sound and saw two young men slowly walk to his side. The person who spoke was a twenty year old young man of medium build. He was as handsome as he was elegant. His eyes were crystal clear on top of a refreshing face and he wore a bright smile. At his rear was a thinner younger man. His footsteps followed quickly behind the speaker.

“Watching them, Xiao Che smiled: “Oh it’s brother Yulong and brother Xiao Yang, did you guys especially make this trip here to see me off?”

Xiao Yulong was the son of the leader of the Xiao clan. At the age of twenty, regardless of his appearance, his talent, use of speech and wisdom was at the top of the younger generation in the Xiao clan. His profound strength had reached the third level of the Nascent Profound Realm at the moment. He is his father, Xiao Yunhai’s, pride and joy and is also the future hope of the Xiao clan. The clan had high expectations for him because he would become the next leader if no accidents should occur. He possessed many good qualities but he had never been arrogant. He is one who was kind and polite to everyone. Even towards Xiao Che, who was considered to be disabled in everyone’s eyes. He has never mocked Xiao Che but instead was as gentle as
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ahh !! "Xiao Lingxi berteriak dan melompat mundur seperti kelinci ketakutan. Jari-jarinya menyentuh bibir mati rasa sebagai mata yang indah melebar kaget dan sentuhan merah cepat menyebar dari wajah yang adil ke tengkuknya: "Kamu ... Kamu ... Kamu menciumku lagi !!" "Anda memiliki reaksi yang sama seperti . biasa "The polos Xiao Che memiliki ekspresi sedih di wajahnya:" Ketika kita masih muda, kita selalu memainkan game Kiss Kiss favorit Anda. Hari-hari ini, Anda pergi ke shock setiap kali saya mencoba untuk menciummu "." Anda-Anda-Anda ... Anda tahu bahwa ketika kita masih anak-anak! "Wajah Xiao Lingxi memerah ke warna merah mawar:" Kami sekarang orang dewasa dan tidak mampu untuk main-main! Anda ... Anda akan segera punya istri! Di masa depan Anda hanya dapat mencium istri Anda! "" Kenapa ... "" Karena aku bibimu! "Xiao Lingxi menginjak kakinya saat ia kehilangan napas." Lalu .... Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika saya ingin menciummu? "Sambil tersenyum nakal, Xiao Che meletakkan tangannya di bawah dagu." Kemudian ... Anda harus menikah! "Xiao Lingxi berbalik hidungnya di marah." Hei! Anda bibi saya, bagaimana mungkin aku bisa menikah .... "Kata Xiao Che dengan suaranya diturunkan sebagai matanya melebar." Bahkan kau tahu itu! Jika Anda berani mencuri ciuman lain, aku akan membiarkan istri Anda mengetahui dan membiarkan dia menangani Anda. Hmph Hmph! Xiao Lingxi menatapnya penuh kemenangan, dengan hidungnya di udara. Suara Xiao Hong datang dari luar sekali lagi: "Tuan muda, apakah Anda siap? Sudah waktunya untuk pergi mendapatkan pengantin. "" Ya, aku keluar sekarang. "Xiao Che melihat pakaian saat ini, dan bersiap-siap untuk meninggalkan. Setelah dua langkah, Xiao Lingxi meraih tangannya dan berkata dengan wajah serius: "Xiao Che! Sebelum pergi, ulangi janji yang kami buat kemarin, kata demi kata, atau saya tidak akan membiarkan Anda pergi. "Janji kemarin? Xiao Che berpikir sejenak dan tidak bisa tidak mengatakan: "Baiklah .... setelah memasuki pernikahan dengan Xia Qingyue, saya tidak akan melupakan sedikit bibi hanya karena saya punya istri. Aku akan menghabiskan jumlah waktu yang sama dengan sedikit bibi seperti sebelumnya, saya akan mendengarkan panggilan kecil bibi dan akan tiba segera setelah aku dipanggil seperti sebelumnya ... .Saya tidak berpikir saya lupa kata. "" Huehue ., apa yang baik anak "Xiao Lingxi tersenyum manis tapi tidak melepaskan tangan Xiao Che:" Namun, kami akan menambahkan satu lagi hari ini, salah satu yang saya lupa kemarin .... Meskipun Xia Qingyue adalah untuk menjadi istri Anda, di dalam hati Anda dia tidak bisa lebih besar daripada saya! Ulangi itu sekarang, buru buru buru "! Xiao Che menatap mata indah dan berkata:". Jika Anda mencium saya, saya akan membuat janji bahwa ""? Lalu ... menikah "". Xiao Che dikalahkan "......" tuan muda, kau masih belum siap? "Ini dilarang menjadi masa lalu" waktu yang menguntungkan ". Suara mendesak Xiao Hong datang dari luar lagi. Xiao Che meletakkan tangannya di pintu tapi tidak mendorong itu terbuka belum. Dia berbisik: "Saya tidak bisa membuat janji itu karena dalam hati saya, Anda sudah nomor satu. Bahkan jika ada seratus Xia Qingyue, ia tidak bisa mengejar Anda. Anda tak tergantikan. "Sebagai suaranya memudar, ia membuka pintu dan kiri. Xiao Lingxi berdiri diam, membeku di tempat untuk sementara waktu. Busur terbentuk di tepi bibirnya dan dia gembira melewatkan keluar setelah itu, seperti gadis yang diberi permen favoritnya. Sebagai Xiao Che berjalan keluar dari ruangan, tim pernikahan cantik menantinya. Xiao Hong ramah tersenyum padanya: "Tuan muda, silakan di atas kuda. Dalam perjalanan saya akan melindungi Anda dengan semua yang saya miliki .... Tapi tentu saja, hari ini adalah hari besar tuan muda. Saya tidak perlu khawatir bahwa banyak karena hanya akan ada hal-hal yang baik yang menunggu untuk terjadi. "" Terima kasih, Kakek Hong. "Xiao Che tersenyum Xiao Hong dan naik kuda. Sebuah suara lembut tiba-tiba datang dari kirinya: "Sepertinya saya datang pada saat yang tepat. Apakah saudara Xiao Che akan mengambil istrinya sekarang? Ucapan. "Alis Xiao Che berkerut sedikit pada saat itu suara dan melihat dua pemuda perlahan berjalan ke sisinya. Orang yang berbicara adalah seorang pemuda berusia dua puluh tahun medium membangun. Dia setampan dia elegan. Matanya jelas di atas wajah menyegarkan dan ia mengenakan senyum cerah. Di bagian belakang nya adalah seorang pria muda tipis. . Jejaknya diikuti dengan cepat di belakang pembicara "Melihat mereka, Xiao Che tersenyum:" Oh itu saudara Yulong dan saudara Xiao Yang, apa kalian terutama membuat perjalanan ini di sini untuk melihat saya "? Xiao Yulong adalah anak dari pemimpin klan xiao. Pada usia dua puluh, terlepas dari penampilannya, bakatnya, penggunaan pidato dan kebijaksanaan berada di atas generasi muda di klan Xiao. Kekuatan mendalam telah mencapai tingkat ketiga dari Realm Mendalam baru lahir pada saat ini. Dia adalah ayahnya, Xiao Yunhai itu, kebanggaan dan sukacita dan juga harapan masa depan klan Xiao. Klan memiliki harapan yang tinggi untuk dia karena dia akan menjadi pemimpin berikutnya jika ada kecelakaan harus terjadi. Dia memiliki banyak kualitas yang baik tapi dia tidak pernah sombong. Dia adalah orang yang baik dan sopan kepada semua orang. Bahkan terhadap Xiao Che, yang dianggap dinonaktifkan di mata semua orang. Dia tidak pernah mengejek Xiao Che melainkan adalah selembut

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