Read the article and answer the question!Become a Leader That People W terjemahan - Read the article and answer the question!Become a Leader That People W Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Read the article and answer the que

Read the article and answer the question!
Become a Leader That People Want to Follow
When you ask most employees what affects their day-to-day performance the most, the most common answer is their immediate supervisor. Supervisors have a profound effect on the employees they manage. Whether this effect is positive or negative is up to the supervisor. It's certainly isn't easy, but with a few simple, yet powerful changes in a supervisors behavior the different can be amazing.
When communicating with employees don't simple tell them what to do. Share information with them and ask for their opinion. People are more receptive when the feel they are heard and have an opinion in what happens at work. Plus, the meeting of minds always makes for a more productive workforce. Empowering your employees do their job without your constant interference can only help productivity. In addition listen to their complaints and needs and then act upon them. If they know you are listening, they will work much harder. A happy workplace is also an efficient and productive one.
Never focus on the negative. Always tell people what they are doing right. Go out of your way to find the good things in your workplace. This positive reinforcement always works better than the negative. Try to focus on solutions rather than problems. Don't get angry and harp on the problem that has presented itself. This negative attitude shuts people down. Looking solutions stimulates the positive creativity that your workforce possesses.
Lastly, NEVER discipline an employee in public. There will come a time when you have to have a conversation with an employee. If this occurs, do it in your office or behind closed doors. Nothing will de-motivate an entire workplace than public discipline. Not only will it embarrass the employee in question, but the rest of the workplace will also lose inspiration. When you do need to discipline, make sure you have cooled off first. Never discipline when you are angry.
As a supervisor you have a powerful influence on your staff and how you handle this influence will determine your personal success and failure. If you fail to become a great leader, your staff will suffer and then in turn you will suffer low productivity and an unhappy workplace. Your success is linked directly with your leadership style. Make it a positive , motivating style and your employees will follow.
Diakses 14 /2/2014

What will demotivate the entire workplace in terms of discipline?

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Membaca artikel dan menjawab pertanyaan!Menjadi pemimpin orang-orang yang ingin mengikutiKetika Anda bertanya kepada sebagian besar karyawan apa yang mempengaruhi kinerja mereka sehari-hari yang paling, jawaban yang paling umum adalah mereka penyelia langsungnya. Pengawas memiliki efek mendalam pada karyawan mereka berhasil. Apakah efek ini positif atau negatif terserah supervisor. Hal ini tentu tidak mudah, tetapi dengan beberapa sederhana, namun kuat perubahan perilaku para supervisor yang berbeda dapat menjadi luar biasa.Ketika berkomunikasi dengan karyawan tidak sederhana memberitahu mereka apa yang harus dilakukan. Berbagi informasi dengan mereka dan meminta pendapat mereka. Orang lebih mudah menerima ketika merasa mereka didengar dan memiliki pendapat dalam apa yang terjadi di tempat kerja. Plus, pertemuan pikiran selalu membuat tenaga kerja yang lebih produktif. Memberdayakan karyawan Anda lakukan pekerjaan mereka tanpa gangguan konstan Anda hanya dapat membantu produktivitas. Selain mendengarkan keluhan dan kebutuhan mereka dan kemudian bertindak atasnya. Jika mereka tahu Anda sedang mendengarkan, mereka akan bekerja jauh lebih sulit. Tempat kerja yang bahagia adalah juga salah satu yang efisien dan produktif.Tidak pernah fokus pada hal yang negatif. Selalu memberitahu orang apa yang mereka lakukan tepat. Pergi keluar dari jalan untuk menemukan hal-hal yang baik di tempat kerja Anda. Penguatan positif ini selalu bekerja lebih baik daripada yang negatif. Mencoba untuk fokus pada solusi bukan masalah. Jangan marah dan harpa pada masalah yang telah muncul dengan sendirinya. Sikap negatif ini menutup orang. Mencari solusi merangsang kreativitas positif yang memiliki tenaga kerja.Terakhir, tidak pernah disiplin karyawan di depan umum. Ada akan datang suatu waktu ketika Anda harus memiliki percakapan dengan seorang karyawan. Jika ini terjadi, lakukan di kantor Anda atau di balik pintu tertutup. Tidak ada de akan memotivasi kerja seluruh daripada umum disiplin. Tidak hanya akan mempermalukan karyawan yang bersangkutan, tetapi sisa tempat kerja juga akan kehilangan inspirasi. Ketika Anda perlu disiplin, pastikan Anda telah mendingin pertama. Pernah disiplin ketika Anda sedang marah.Sebagai pengawas Anda memiliki pengaruh yang kuat pada staf Anda dan bagaimana Anda menangani pengaruh ini akan menentukan pribadi sukses dan kegagalan. Jika Anda gagal untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin besar, staf Anda akan menderita dan kemudian pada gilirannya Anda akan menderita produktivitas rendah dan tempat kerja yang tidak bahagia. Keberhasilan Anda terhubung langsung dengan gaya kepemimpinan Anda. Membuatnya positif, memotivasi gaya dan karyawan Anda akan mengikuti. 14/2/2014 Apa yang akan demotivate seluruh tempat kerja dalam hal disiplin?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Read the article and answer the question!
Become a Leader That People Want to Follow
When you ask most employees what affects their day-to-day performance the most, the most common answer is their immediate supervisor. Supervisors have a profound effect on the employees they manage. Whether this effect is positive or negative is up to the supervisor. It's certainly isn't easy, but with a few simple, yet powerful changes in a supervisors behavior the different can be amazing.
When communicating with employees don't simple tell them what to do. Share information with them and ask for their opinion. People are more receptive when the feel they are heard and have an opinion in what happens at work. Plus, the meeting of minds always makes for a more productive workforce. Empowering your employees do their job without your constant interference can only help productivity. In addition listen to their complaints and needs and then act upon them. If they know you are listening, they will work much harder. A happy workplace is also an efficient and productive one.
Never focus on the negative. Always tell people what they are doing right. Go out of your way to find the good things in your workplace. This positive reinforcement always works better than the negative. Try to focus on solutions rather than problems. Don't get angry and harp on the problem that has presented itself. This negative attitude shuts people down. Looking solutions stimulates the positive creativity that your workforce possesses.
Lastly, NEVER discipline an employee in public. There will come a time when you have to have a conversation with an employee. If this occurs, do it in your office or behind closed doors. Nothing will de-motivate an entire workplace than public discipline. Not only will it embarrass the employee in question, but the rest of the workplace will also lose inspiration. When you do need to discipline, make sure you have cooled off first. Never discipline when you are angry.
As a supervisor you have a powerful influence on your staff and how you handle this influence will determine your personal success and failure. If you fail to become a great leader, your staff will suffer and then in turn you will suffer low productivity and an unhappy workplace. Your success is linked directly with your leadership style. Make it a positive , motivating style and your employees will follow.
Diakses 14 /2/2014

What will demotivate the entire workplace in terms of discipline?

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