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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1297: Peerless showdown! All these rapidness, dodge to flicker occurred!Lord Bai is seventh Lord of the Mountain and Sea, the Cultivation five source peak, the experience too slaughters, may not think, Meng Hao here ... Unexpectedly is so ruthless!Must know that this moment Meng Hao, beforehand several times attacked to approach, was already injured, particularly the collapse of stars stone, green Great Peng extinguishes broken, lets Meng Hao here, the five main internal organs (entrails) tumbles, even the corners of the mouth have the blood to overflow.But all these, trade ... Is this shakes the heavens spear!For this spear, Meng Hao does not hesitate injured, because Meng Hao understands that he with this Lord Bai, had the disparity, although this disparity is not very big, may regarding their this degree of cultivator, such disparity, perhaps unable to decide that the life and death, may actually be able to decide the victory or defeat!But Meng Hao wants, is not the victory or defeat, but is ... Life and death!This has nothing to do with the hatred, only then the Lord Bai death, this can solve this war, only then the Lord Bai death, can let the maternal grandfather security, only then before the eruption of opposite party, can have that intense fluctuation at the point of death, stimulates the soul return of maternal grandfather.Therefore, had this spear, even for this reason, by the Meng Hao disposition, did not hesitate to discard has untied most precious object Spear of seal by Greedy Wolf!Mengambil tombak Beng Miewei untuk disembunyikan, setan senjata Lonelytomb, kelajuan kecepatan, pendekatan dahi Bai Tuhan sangat cepat, tidak memberikan kesempatan yang Tuhan Bai menanggapi dan dodges sedikit, berkedip-kedip langsung... Pricks di dahi Tuhan Bai!Bahwa robekan, itu adalah kulit dengan suara yang membuka takik, kemudian menyebar suara tulang gangguan ka gema, pada saat yang sama, Iblis senjata Lonelytomb, jabs ke dahi Tuhan Bai langsung!Tapi dalam Meng Hao setan senjata Lonelytomb, pricks Tuhan Bai dahi instan. Tidak hanya wajah Meng Hao belum menunjukkan ekspresi wajah yang menenangkan, bukan tampilan perubahan, kedua mata kontraksi, tampak suram.Saat ini, dahi yang menembus Bai Tuhan. Redup dua mata winks tiba-tiba."Kekal biru Kaisar seni rahasia." Di dalam mulutnya, telah menempatkan keluar lima karakter, karakter ini lima Ghost mengatakan, tubuh Tuhan Bai, letusan tiba-tiba telah Meng Hao berpikir akrab aura!Tiba-tiba kemungkinan itulah... Kekal batas aura!!Bersama dengan letusan aura, Tuhan Bai dahi. Wriggles sesaat daging dan darah, pada saat yang sama, ini memungkinkan aura akrab Meng Hao, tiba-tiba mengikuti iblis senjata Lonelytomb, penyebaran langsung. Langsung menjulang Meng Hao.Ini Tuhan Bai, memulihkan kekuatan, Mei untuk Meng Hao, menjadi bencana, batas kekal Nya dalam tubuh, di manik, sekali seolah-olah bergerak, dapat tidak sesuai sebagai api dan air!After all Meng Hao eternal boundary. After perfectly was stripped, the chance coincidence condenses, and integrated did not have an item of silkworm. May sum up excitedly, in the root, with Mountain and Sea Scripture, had the complicated relation.Meng Hao is just about to receive the spear, this spear was held by Lord Bai, he is staring at Meng Hao. In the item reveals the fierce glow, his all around. The aura of that eternal boundary, is getting more and more intense. Thunders, in his behind, transformed this impressively unexpectedly, above had three large characters!Mountain and Sea Scripture!Change that as ancient passes through, Lord Bai aura, is more intense.Almost in instant, the eternal boundary of Meng Hao within the body this shade of passing through appears, is wilder, faint, seemed to be that a silkworm hissing, spreads from Meng Hao within the body, in his behind, at this moment, presented Phantom impressively.That is ... Does not have an item of silkworm!!Since not having an item of silkworm Meng Hao changes to the eternal boundary, this is for the first time in this manner appears, toward Lord Bai, sends out to whoosh.The Lord Bai facial color also reveals to be startled in this moment, obviously he also just saw, Meng Hao unexpectedly ... Also practicing Mountain and Sea Scripture!
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