Decisions of the courts are protected from the scrutiny of thelegislat terjemahan - Decisions of the courts are protected from the scrutiny of thelegislat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Decisions of the courts are protect

Decisions of the courts are protected from the scrutiny of the
legislature.8 Conventions, or legislative rules of procedure, prevent
legislators from criticising decisions of judges.
 The funding of the courts, and the salary paid to the judges, is
protected from the parsimony of other branches.9 Whereas other
public bodies require legislative approval for their funds, or are
subject to financial control by the executive, the courts and judges
are treated as special cases.
 Judges are accorded control over the appointment and promotion
of other judges. In extreme cases, control of the process is almost
entirely in the hands of the judiciary: the judges choose their own
B. Positive Self-Defence Devices
Positive self-defence mechanisms give institutions a power that they
can use against other constitutional bodies. Sometimes these powers
are used quite frequently, but on other occasions these powers stand
as threats: they are weapons that could cause a great deal of harm,
perhaps even causing harm that goes beyond the body they are used
against. That a body has the constitutional capacity to do a thing may,
in itself, help ensure other bodies within the state show respect towards
it. The risk of the power being exercised is enough, in itself, to achieve
the purpose of that power. For example:
 The legislature controls the flow of money into the executive
branch, and can deny the executive the funds it needs to operate.11
 The legislature can impeach members of the executive branch.12
 Where legislatures operate at different levels – in a federation, for
instance – a lower legislature is empowered to repeal the acts of a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Decisions of the courts are protected from the scrutiny of thelegislature.8 Conventions, or legislative rules of procedure, preventlegislators from criticising decisions of judges. The funding of the courts, and the salary paid to the judges, isprotected from the parsimony of other branches.9 Whereas otherpublic bodies require legislative approval for their funds, or aresubject to financial control by the executive, the courts and judgesare treated as special cases. Judges are accorded control over the appointment and promotionof other judges. In extreme cases, control of the process is almostentirely in the hands of the judiciary: the judges choose their ownsuccessors.10B. Positive Self-Defence DevicesPositive self-defence mechanisms give institutions a power that theycan use against other constitutional bodies. Sometimes these powersare used quite frequently, but on other occasions these powers standas threats: they are weapons that could cause a great deal of harm,perhaps even causing harm that goes beyond the body they are usedagainst. That a body has the constitutional capacity to do a thing may,in itself, help ensure other bodies within the state show respect towardsit. The risk of the power being exercised is enough, in itself, to achievethe purpose of that power. For example: The legislature controls the flow of money into the executivebranch, and can deny the executive the funds it needs to operate.11 The legislature can impeach members of the executive branch.12 Where legislatures operate at different levels – in a federation, forinstance – a lower legislature is empowered to repeal the acts of a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Keputusan pengadilan dilindungi dari pengawasan dari
Konvensi legislature.8, atau aturan legislatif prosedur, mencegah
legislator dari mengkritik keputusan hakim.
? Pendanaan pengadilan, dan gaji yang dibayarkan kepada para hakim, yang
dilindungi dari kekikiran dari branches.9 lainnya Sedangkan lainnya
badan-badan publik memerlukan persetujuan legislatif untuk dana mereka, atau
tunduk pada pengawasan keuangan oleh eksekutif, pengadilan dan hakim
yang diperlakukan sebagai kasus khusus.
? Hakim diberikan kontrol atas pengangkatan dan promosi
hakim lainnya. Dalam kasus ekstrim, pengendalian proses ini hampir
sepenuhnya di tangan pengadilan: hakim memilih sendiri
B. Self-Defence Devices positif
mekanisme pertahanan diri yang positif memberikan lembaga kekuatan yang mereka
dapat menggunakan terhadap badan-badan konstitusional lainnya. Kadang-kadang kekuasaan ini
digunakan cukup sering, namun pada kesempatan lain kekuasaan ini berdiri
sebagai ancaman: mereka adalah senjata yang dapat menyebabkan banyak kerusakan,
bahkan mungkin menyebabkan kerusakan yang melampaui tubuh mereka digunakan
melawan. Bahwa tubuh memiliki kapasitas konstitusional untuk melakukan hal mungkin,
dalam dirinya sendiri, membantu memastikan badan-badan lain dalam acara penghormatan terhadap negara
itu. Risiko daya yang dilakukan sudah cukup, dalam dirinya sendiri, untuk mencapai
tujuan kekuasaan itu. Sebagai contoh:
? Legislatif mengontrol aliran uang ke eksekutif
cabang, dan dapat menyangkal eksekutif dana yang dibutuhkan untuk operate.11
? Legislatif dapat mendakwa anggota branch.12 eksekutif
? Dimana legislatif beroperasi pada tingkat yang berbeda - dalam satu federasi, untuk
misalnya - legislatif yang lebih rendah diberdayakan untuk mencabut tindakan dari
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