„Who is?”„The per­son who dragon flies in cir­cles, Mu Tian leads, 104 terjemahan - „Who is?”„The per­son who dragon flies in cir­cles, Mu Tian leads, 104 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Who is?”„The per­son who dragon fl

„Who is?”
„The per­son who dragon flies in cir­cles, Mu Tian leads, 104 lev­els of crazy sol­diers.”
„Al­to­gether ap­prox­i­mately how many peo­ple?”
„400 + peo­ple of ap­pear­ances, the av­er­age Level 97.8 lev­els, does guild­mas­ter, need me to sum­mon the lit­tle friend to in­ter­cept them?”
I think, reply: „No need, av­er­age Level only then 97.8 lev­els, with­out five rev­o­lu­tions of peo­ple one big, around their Pangu deep pool flame ties can­not pass through, thou­sand cities you qui­etly prac­ticed the level to be good in pe­riph­ery, do not pro­voke them, even if were this group of peo­ple gets down, made the in­ad­e­quate any threat to us.”
Dream thou­sand cities send in a smil­ing face sym­bol: „Good, I knew, guild­mas­ter re­fu­els!”
The pre­sent smog dis­perses grad­u­ally, fi­nally, the Pangu deep pool tenth ter­rain ap­pears in my at pre­sent, lets the per­son ac­ci­dent un­ex­pect­edly is not the scene that abyss lava spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, this tenth com­pletely is a spa­cious main hall, is densely cov­ered one type the cav­alry who is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, these cav­alry sol­dier whole bod­ies cover in the iron armor, only eye dew out­side, this group of cav­alry sol­diers are not every­where the scat­tered in dis­or­der dis­tri­b­u­tions, but pre­sents teams of se­quences, this is an army!
The dead cen­ter of main hall, the di­vine and won­der­ful spirit is dense, to­gether axe blade edge frag­ment float there, the gloss of axe blade edge ex­tends, con­densed an image of en­tire han­dle tom­a­hawk, did not need to think that this was the frag­ment of Pangu axe, but the place above of this Pangu axe frag­ment, was one huge disc-shaped law, the law pic­colo in­jec­tor the bound­less roar­ing flame, these roar­ing flame have cre­ated the Pangu deep pool scald­ing hot un­usual en­vi­ron­ment.
I have swal­lowed a saliva, Lin Wan Er also saw all these, can­not bear say with a smile: „Pangu axe, at pre­sent, ex­cited?”
I make a fist say­ing: „Nat­u­rally!”
Li Mu shows a faint smile: „But, we must clean up these young pe­cu­liar ge­nius lines first”
Wang Jian Mi fo­cuses: „These are not small strange, can the free elder brother read the at­trib­utes of these cav­alry sol­diers?”
I jumped to slide to dozens me­ters once again, re­ally read, cav­alry sol­dier at­tribute shar­ing in the form­ing a team chan­nel, let the peo­ple di­rectly sur­prised, the frag­ment of this Pangu axe is not truly easy to ob­tain
【Chi You cav­alry】( Saint sun­light step ac­cu­rate BOSS)
Level: 123
At­tack: 8800-11400
De­fense: 9000
HP: 1000,0000
Skill: 【Blood cuts】 【Chaotic spear punc­tures con­tin­u­ally】 【Chi You strikes】
In­tro­duced: Chi You cav­alry, one of the an­tiq­uity Chi You tribe pro­tec­tors, these cav­al­ries were the Chi You tribe most heroic fierce gen­tle­men, tamed the spir­ited wild horse be­comes the sad­dle horse, the cast­ing fine Ar­mour pro­tec­tion stature was im­pas­si­ble, and in every­one hand had the long-bar­relled gun of black crag cast­ing, the ar­mor-pierc­ing bro­ken shield ef­fect was greatly strength­ened, this group of Chi You cav­al­ries re­ceived Gu Shen to have the omi­nous spirit oblig­a­tion, ar­rived in the Pangu deep pool to oc­cupy the Pangu axe frag­ment, at­tempted one day to be able through the di­vine and won­der­ful spirit of Pangu axe the spirit of re­ac­ti­vat­ing Chi You
Song Han­shen in­spired, said: „About 10-15 Chi You cav­al­ries have com­posed one team, ba­si­cally is be­comes the team square for­ma­tion moves, we can only play one team one time, many words could ex­tin­guish roll.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Siapakah?""Orang yang naga terbang di lingkaran, Mu Tian Lead, 104 tingkat prajurit gila.""Sama sekali kira-kira berapa banyak orang?""400 + orang-orang dari penampilan, tingkat 97,8 tingkat rata-rata, Apakah guildmaster, membutuhkan saya untuk memanggil teman sedikit untuk mencegat mereka?"Saya pikir, Balasan: "tidak perlu, rata-rata tingkat saja kemudian tingkat 97.8, tanpa lima revolusi rakyat yang besar, di sekitar Pangu mereka dalam kolam api ikatan tidak dapat melewati, kota seribu tenang Anda berlatih tingkat baik di pinggiran, tidak memprovokasi mereka, bahkan jika ini kelompok orang mendapat turun, dibuat tidak memadai ancaman kepada kita."Mimpi kota seribu mengirimkan simbol wajah tersenyum: "Baik, aku tahu, guildmaster refuels!"Kabut asap hadir menyebar secara bertahap, akhirnya, daerah kesepuluh dalam kolam Pangu muncul di saya saat ini, memungkinkan orang kecelakaan tiba-tiba bukanlah adegan yang lava jurang spatters di segala arah, kesepuluh ini benar-benar adalah sebuah aula utama yang luas, adalah padat tertutup satu jenis kavaleri yang meningkatkan senapan berlaras panjang, kavaleri ini prajurit seluruh penutup tubuh di dalam baju besi besi , hanya mata embun di luar, kelompok ini pasukan kavaleri yang tidak di mana-mana tersebar di gangguan distribusi, tetapi menyajikan tim urutan, ini adalah tentara!The dead cen­ter of main hall, the di­vine and won­der­ful spirit is dense, to­gether axe blade edge frag­ment float there, the gloss of axe blade edge ex­tends, con­densed an image of en­tire han­dle tom­a­hawk, did not need to think that this was the frag­ment of Pangu axe, but the place above of this Pangu axe frag­ment, was one huge disc-shaped law, the law pic­colo in­jec­tor the bound­less roar­ing flame, these roar­ing flame have cre­ated the Pangu deep pool scald­ing hot un­usual en­vi­ron­ment.„Thump”I have swal­lowed a saliva, Lin Wan Er also saw all these, can­not bear say with a smile: „Pangu axe, at pre­sent, ex­cited?”I make a fist say­ing: „Nat­u­rally!”Li Mu shows a faint smile: „But, we must clean up these young pe­cu­liar ge­nius lines first”Wang Jian Mi fo­cuses: „These are not small strange, can the free elder brother read the at­trib­utes of these cav­alry sol­diers?”I jumped to slide to dozens me­ters once again, re­ally read, cav­alry sol­dier at­tribute shar­ing in the form­ing a team chan­nel, let the peo­ple di­rectly sur­prised, the frag­ment of this Pangu axe is not truly easy to ob­tain【Chi You cav­alry】( Saint sun­light step ac­cu­rate BOSS)Level: 123At­tack: 8800-11400De­fense: 9000HP: 1000,0000Skill: 【Blood cuts】 【Chaotic spear punc­tures con­tin­u­ally】 【Chi You strikes】In­tro­duced: Chi You cav­alry, one of the an­tiq­uity Chi You tribe pro­tec­tors, these cav­al­ries were the Chi You tribe most heroic fierce gen­tle­men, tamed the spir­ited wild horse be­comes the sad­dle horse, the cast­ing fine Ar­mour pro­tec­tion stature was im­pas­si­ble, and in every­one hand had the long-bar­relled gun of black crag cast­ing, the ar­mor-pierc­ing bro­ken shield ef­fect was greatly strength­ened, this group of Chi You cav­al­ries re­ceived Gu Shen to have the omi­nous spirit oblig­a­tion, ar­rived in the Pangu deep pool to oc­cupy the Pangu axe frag­ment, at­tempted one day to be able through the di­vine and won­der­ful spirit of Pangu axe the spirit of re­ac­ti­vat­ing Chi YouSong Han­shen in­spired, said: „About 10-15 Chi You cav­al­ries have com­posed one team, ba­si­cally is be­comes the team square for­ma­tion moves, we can only play one team one time, many words could ex­tin­guish roll.”
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