CHAPTER SUMMARY● An important distinction is that between consciousnes terjemahan - CHAPTER SUMMARY● An important distinction is that between consciousnes Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

CHAPTER SUMMARY● An important disti

● An important distinction is that between consciousness
and self-consciousness/awareness. Self-awareness allows
us to see ourselves as others see us.
● Our self-concept refers to our perception of our
personality, and comprises the self-image (which includes
body image/bodily self), self-esteem and ideal self. It can
also be defined in terms of a complex set of selfschemata, which themselves include an array of possible
● A major theoretical approach to the self is symbolic
interactionism, associated mainly with Mead, who was
influenced by James’s ‘I’/‘me’ distinction and by Cooley’s
theory of the looking-glass self.
● Mead denied that the self is mentalistic, seeing it as a
process of social interaction. It develops through
role-taking, in particular, taking the perspective of the
‘generalised other’ in the context of the child’s play.
● Based on Mead, many sociologists and social
psychologists see language as fundamental to how the
self is constructed, providing stories or accounts of what
being a person is like (‘discourses’).
● Discourses differ between cultures. The view of
people as independent, self-contained individuals is a
relatively recent invention of western, individualist
● Two major influences on the development of the
self-concept are the reaction of others and
comparison with others. Much of the relevant
research is consistent with the theories of James,
Cooley and Mead.
● The self-concept develops in fairly regular, predictable
ways. During the first few months, the existential self
emerges, but the bodily self is probably the first aspect
of the self-concept to develop.
● The bodily self has been studied through (mainly visual)
self-recognition in mirrors. Self-recognition appears
at about 18 months in children, and is also found in
● While it’s generally agreed that passing the mirror test
implies a self-concept, this may be no more than a
kinaesthetic self-concept, which doesn’t involve an
understanding of psychological states.
● Self-definition is related to the use of language, including
the use of labels, such as names. By three and a half to
four, children seem to have a basic understanding of a
psychological self (or ‘theory of mind’).
● Age and gender are two basic features of the categorical
self, which changes from being described in physical to
more psychological terms during middle childhood
through to adolescence.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CHAPTER SUMMARY● An important distinction is that between consciousnessand self-consciousness/awareness. Self-awareness allowsus to see ourselves as others see us.● Our self-concept refers to our perception of ourpersonality, and comprises the self-image (which includesbody image/bodily self), self-esteem and ideal self. It canalso be defined in terms of a complex set of selfschemata, which themselves include an array of possibleselves.● A major theoretical approach to the self is symbolicinteractionism, associated mainly with Mead, who wasinfluenced by James’s ‘I’/‘me’ distinction and by Cooley’stheory of the looking-glass self.● Mead denied that the self is mentalistic, seeing it as aprocess of social interaction. It develops throughrole-taking, in particular, taking the perspective of the‘generalised other’ in the context of the child’s play.● Based on Mead, many sociologists and socialpsychologists see language as fundamental to how theself is constructed, providing stories or accounts of whatbeing a person is like (‘discourses’).● Discourses differ between cultures. The view ofpeople as independent, self-contained individuals is arelatively recent invention of western, individualistcultures.● Two major influences on the development of theself-concept are the reaction of others andcomparison with others. Much of the relevantresearch is consistent with the theories of James,Cooley and Mead.● The self-concept develops in fairly regular, predictableways. During the first few months, the existential selfemerges, but the bodily self is probably the first aspectof the self-concept to develop.● The bodily self has been studied through (mainly visual)self-recognition in mirrors. Self-recognition appearsat about 18 months in children, and is also found inchimps.● While it’s generally agreed that passing the mirror testimplies a self-concept, this may be no more than akinaesthetic self-concept, which doesn’t involve anunderstanding of psychological states.● Self-definition is related to the use of language, includingthe use of labels, such as names. By three and a half tofour, children seem to have a basic understanding of apsychological self (or ‘theory of mind’).● Age and gender are two basic features of the categoricalself, which changes from being described in physical tomore psychological terms during middle childhoodthrough to adolescence.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
● Sebuah perbedaan penting adalah bahwa antara kesadaran
dan kesadaran diri / kesadaran. Kesadaran diri memungkinkan
kita untuk melihat diri kita sebagai orang lain melihat kita.
● konsep diri kami mengacu pada persepsi kita tentang kami
kepribadian, dan terdiri dari citra diri (yang mencakup
citra tubuh / diri tubuh), harga diri dan diri ideal. Hal ini dapat
juga didefinisikan dalam hal satu set kompleks selfschemata, yang sendiri meliputi berbagai kemungkinan
● Pendekatan teoritis utama untuk diri adalah simbolik
interaksionisme, terkait terutama dengan Mead, yang
dipengaruhi oleh James 'I' / ' saya 'perbedaan dan oleh Cooley
teori diri mencari-kaca.
● Mead membantah bahwa diri adalah mentalistik, melihatnya sebagai
proses interaksi sosial. Ini berkembang melalui
peran-taking, khususnya, mengambil perspektif
'umum lainnya' dalam konteks bermain anak.
● Berdasarkan Mead, banyak sosiolog dan sosial
psikolog melihat bahasa sebagai dasar untuk bagaimana
diri dibangun, cerita menyediakan atau rekening apa
menjadi seseorang seperti ('wacana').
● Wacana berbeda antara budaya. Pandangan
orang sebagai independen, individu mandiri adalah
penemuan yang relatif baru dari barat, individualis
● Dua pengaruh besar pada perkembangan
konsep diri adalah reaksi dari orang lain dan
perbandingan dengan orang lain. Sebagian besar relevan
penelitian ini konsisten dengan teori James,
Cooley dan Mead.
● The konsep diri berkembang di cukup teratur, dapat diprediksi
cara. Selama beberapa bulan pertama, diri eksistensial
muncul, tetapi diri tubuh mungkin adalah aspek pertama
dari konsep-diri untuk mengembangkan.
● Diri tubuh telah diteliti melalui (terutama visual)
self-pengakuan di cermin. Self-pengakuan muncul
pada sekitar 18 bulan pada anak-anak, dan juga ditemukan di
● Sementara itu umumnya sepakat bahwa lulus tes cermin
menyiratkan konsep diri, ini mungkin tidak lebih dari
konsep diri kinestetik, yang tidak melibatkan
pemahaman keadaan psikologis.
● Self-definisi terkait dengan penggunaan bahasa, termasuk
penggunaan label, seperti nama. Dengan tiga setengah untuk
empat, anak-anak tampaknya memiliki pemahaman dasar dari
diri psikologis (atau 'teori pikiran').
● Umur dan jenis kelamin adalah dua fitur dasar dari kategoris
diri, yang berubah dari yang dijelaskan dalam fisik untuk
lebih istilah psikologis selama masa kanak-kanak tengah
hingga remaja.
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