Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
37200:24:49,200 --> 00:24:51,340He was offered the chance to go toAfrica,37300:24:52,100 --> 00:24:55,220to continue his research,but his wife protested.37400:24:55,230 --> 00:24:58,120He probably felt he couldn't leaveher.37500:24:58,130 --> 00:24:59,310Do you know much about her, Captain?37600:24:59,320 --> 00:25:03,310Only that she's an invalid.She certainly enjoys ill health.37700:25:05,110 --> 00:25:07,250So you don't think there's very muchthe matter?37800:25:07,260 --> 00:25:10,160She always seems to be ableto do anything she wants.37900:25:10,170 --> 00:25:12,210You know the Franklins well, do you?38000:25:12,220 --> 00:25:14,150Er...no.38100:25:15,110 --> 00:25:17,290What I've told you I learnt fromyour daughter.38200:25:18,210 --> 00:25:20,230She's up in arms on his behalf.38300:25:21,330 --> 00:25:23,300What do you think of Mr Norton?38400:25:24,250 --> 00:25:27,130Why do you ask?You seem to get on well.38500:25:28,310 --> 00:25:31,270We have a good deal in common,38600:25:31,280 --> 00:25:36,190and he's awfully kind, if alittle...ineffectual.38700:25:36,200 --> 00:25:38,270No, he's a gentle soul.38800:25:38,280 --> 00:25:41,260He lived with his mother for manyyears - she was very bossy -38900:25:41,270 --> 00:25:44,320and I don't think he hada very good time at school either.39000:25:46,250 --> 00:25:49,130He's very perceptive, you know.39100:25:50,250 --> 00:25:52,250Quiet people often are.39200:25:52,260 --> 00:25:53,300Yes.39300:25:53,310 --> 00:25:58,130That's the depressing thingabout places like this.39400:25:59,200 --> 00:26:01,210It's full of failures.39500:26:01,220 --> 00:26:03,320I suppose it's having enduredanother war.39600:26:03,330 --> 00:26:06,210We've all had the stuffing knockedout of us.39700:26:07,190 --> 00:26:11,250Did you see much action, CaptainHastings? Oh, not allowed to thistime round.39800:26:11,260 --> 00:26:15,220Gammy leg. And, let's face it, I'mpushing it a bit.39900:26:17,140 --> 00:26:19,150But your life's just beginning.40000:26:19,160 --> 00:26:21,200Anything might happen.40100:26:22,300 --> 00:26:28,240If you mean marriage, I could neverthink of it. Not with my history.40200:26:28,250 --> 00:26:30,270What do you mean?40300:26:32,190 --> 00:26:35,200You have no idea who I am, have you?40400:26:35,210 --> 00:26:37,100I know your name.40500:26:37,280 --> 00:26:40,140It isn't Cole. It's Litchfield.40600:26:40,150 --> 00:26:43,100Matthew Litchfield.Yes. He was my father.40700:26:44,150 --> 00:26:46,220A wicked man, Captain Hastings.40800:26:47,230 --> 00:26:49,330He was our jailer until my sisterMargaret...40900:26:49,340 --> 00:26:53,110Yes, I know. It was in all thepapers. But you don't.41000:26:54,250 --> 00:26:58,230It's inconceivable she'd murder him.41100:26:59,230 --> 00:27:02,120I know she gave herself up, but...41200:27:04,150 --> 00:27:07,160..I've always felt it wasn't true.41300:27:08,170 --> 00:27:10,190It wasn't Margaret.41400:27:11,190 --> 00:27:13,230It can't have been.41500:27:26,220 --> 00:27:29,210Good morning, gentlemen.Good morning, Mrs Franklin.41600:27:29,220 --> 00:27:33,120You sound very happy today, madame.I am. I am, Monsieur Poirot.41700:27:33,130 --> 00:27:38,170I'm going on a little outing withSir William to Knatton Hall toadvise him on his cretonnes.41800:27:38,180 --> 00:27:42,260Silly me left my handbag in thestudio yesterday when I was talkingto John.41900:27:42,270 --> 00:27:45,250Head like a sieve.Where is Dr Franklin?42000:27:45,260 --> 00:27:49,320He and Judith have driven intoTadminster for some chemical orother.42100:27:50,320 --> 00:27:53,130I'm so glad I don't have ascientific mind.42200:27:53,140 --> 00:27:56,140On a day like this, it all seems sopuerile.42300:27:56,150 --> 00:27:59,130Do not let the scientists hear yousay that, madame.42400:27:59,140 --> 00:28:03,130Oh. Oh, you mustn't thinkI don't admire my husband, monsieur.42500:28:03,140 --> 00:28:05,330The way he lives for his workis really tremendous,42600:28:05,340 --> 00:28:10,110but it makes me nervousthe lengths to which he might go.42700:28:10,120 --> 00:28:12,170What exactly do you mean, madame?42800:28:12,180 --> 00:28:16,290Well, this horrible Calabar beanthing.42900:28:16,300 --> 00:28:20,230I'm so afraid he's going to startexperimenting on himself.43000:28:20,240 --> 00:28:24,290You see, he can only learn so muchfrom animals.43100:28:24,300 --> 00:28:26,330He'd take every precaution, surely.43200:28:26,340 --> 00:28:31,180Oh, you don't know John.Absolutely oblivious of his ownsafety.43300:28:31,190 --> 00:28:34,170He really is a sort of saint.43400:28:34,180 --> 00:28:37,290You ready, Babs? Oh. Mustn't keepthe baronet waiting.43500:28:41,120 --> 00:28:44,130Dr Franklin, the modern saint.43600:28:44,140 --> 00:28:46,140She's a feather for every wind.43700:28:46,150 --> 00:28:49,330You think she is a fool, do you not,Hastings?43800:28:49,340 --> 00:28:54,170Well, she's not the most brilliantintellect. First her handbag, nowher gloves.43900:28:54,180 --> 00:28:56,300I don't know how that girl puts upwith it.44000:29:00,330 --> 00:29:03,260It was so close! Wasn't it?44100:29:10,160 --> 00:29:16,100I...can't help noticing, Captain,that you're looking a little uneasy.44200:29:16,320 --> 00:29:21,290Am I? And I have to say, well, I'dfeel the same way.44300:29:24,110 --> 00:29:26,230Things change all the time, don'tthey?44400:29:26,240 --> 00:29:31,300Girls are more independent now.I suppose the w-war had a lot to dowith that.44500:29:32,290 --> 00:29:34,300What are you trying to say, Norton?44600:29:34,310 --> 00:29:36,270Well...44700:29:37,200 --> 00:29:39,200..don't let it go further, but...44800:29:40,220 --> 00:29:43,140..when it comes to young women,44900:29:43,150 --> 00:29:47,160Allerton has rather a specialt-technique in that line.45000:29:49,330 --> 00:29:53,260I happen to know something prettyf-foul about him, actually.45100:29:53,270 --> 00:29:55,300And what would that be?45200:29:57,160 --> 00:30:01,110Not long ago, I heard of a girl justlike Judith -45300:30:01,240 --> 00:30:06,320modern, independent -falling prey to the major's charms.45400:30:07,300 --> 00:30:13,240Once he'd got her in his clutches,just when she was at her mostv-vulnerable,45500:30:13,250 --> 00:30:16,290he abandoned her, leaving herd-desperate.45600:30:17,240 --> 00:30:20,140So d-devastated was she...45700:30:22,100 --> 00:30:24,110..she took her own life.45800:30:24,120 --> 00:30:26,240An overdose of Veronal.45900:30:44,130 --> 00:30:46,120Poor old woman.46000:30:46,130 --> 00:30:47,250Devilish pain.46100:30:47,260 --> 00:30:52,230Overdose of morphia finished her offand her niece, Freda, said it was aslip-up.46200:30:52,240 --> 00:30:56,200The police had other ideasbut didn't have enough evidence toprosecute.46300:30:56,210 --> 00:30:58,240You knew her, did you, Freda Clay?46400:30:58,250 --> 00:30:59,290Yes.46500:30:59,300 --> 00:31:02,180It is just that I have heard thisstory before.46600:31:02,190 --> 00:31:05,120So have I, from someonewho was there, actually.46700:31:05,130 --> 00:31:07,100Ah, have you?46800:31:07,110 --> 00:31:09,160It was in all the papers.46900:31:10,190 --> 00:31:13,220Get a bit erm...fuddledin the old brain-box sometimes.47000:31:13,230 --> 00:31:16,190Oh, Bill, can't you think ofanything jollier to talk about?47100:31:16,200 --> 00:31:18,340I'm sure Monsieur Poirotis fed up to the back teeth47200:31:19,100 --> 00:31:22,220with people killing and dyingand who did what and why.47300:31:22,230 --> 00:31:25,280She certainly keeps us on our toes,eh, Franklin?47400:31:25,290 --> 00:31:27,290Just the ticket.47500:31:27,300 --> 00:31:31,110They do say, don't they, that mentend to marry their mothers?47600:31:31,120 --> 00:31:32,260I'm not quite sure about that.47700:31:32,270 --> 00:31:35,120Better ask Norton. He's the expert.47800:31:35,130 --> 00:31:37,310A full complement!47900:31:37,320 --> 00:31:39,190What a treat! Isn't it, Toby?48000:31:39,200 --> 00:31:41,110Yes, my sweet.48100:31:41,120 --> 00:31:44,160Our little dinners are not the samewithout you, Monsieur Poirot.48200:31:44,170 --> 00:31:46,300No. I don't like the thought of youreating alone.48300:31:46,310 --> 00:31:50,340I myself do not like to missanything, mon cher.48400:31:51,100 --> 00:31:53,230Never a m-moment's rest in your lineof work.48500:31:53,240 --> 00:31:57,160No, no, Monsieur Norton, there isalways still so much more to do...48600:31:58,220 --> 00:32:01,100..but the clock it ticks. Non?48700:32:01,330 --> 00:32:04,100Such is the will of God.48800:32:04,110 --> 00:32:07,280We'll all miss you, old chap,but you won't be forgotten.48900:32:10,110 --> 00:32:11,290Mm.49000:32:12,240 --> 00:32:15,230Damn good claret. But my point is...Now, Bill.49100:32:15,240 --> 00:32:19,260You can see where Freda was comingfrom, putting somebody out of theirmisery.49200:32:19,270 --> 00:32:22,280Don't you think it should only bedone with the patient's consent?49300:32:22,290 --> 00:32:27,180It can't be left to the patient.It's the duty of someone who lovesthem to take responsibility.49400:32:27,190 --> 00:32:31,320And end up being charged withmurder? If you love someone, you'dtake that risk.49500:32:31,330 --> 00:32:35,120Would you? Yes, I would.49600:32:36,220 --> 00:32:39,260Well, I certainly wouldn't,and neither would Toby, would you,dear?49700:32:39,270 --> 00:32:43,260Sip of water. That'll shift it.49800:32:44,260 --> 0
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