The article proceeds in three stages. The first section outlinesvariou terjemahan - The article proceeds in three stages. The first section outlinesvariou Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The article proceeds in three stage

The article proceeds in three stages. The first section outlines
various types of self-defence mechanism, placing them in two, rough,
groups. On the one hand, there are negative mechanisms, devices that
protect one institution from the attentions of another. On the other
hand, there are positive mechanisms, devices that give an institution a
weapon it can use against another constitutional body. The second
section considers, briefly, the normal demands of the separation of
powers and explains why self-defence mechanisms appear to run
against the principle. The third section considers the two types
of interaction that the separation of powers can create between
institutions and officials: interaction characterised by cooperation and
by friction. The article concludes that self-defence mechanisms are
valuable because of the need for friction within the constitution. These
mechanisms limit the ways in which disagreement between institutions
can be expressed. Whilst it might seem that the normal demand of the
separation of powers is set against self-defence mechanisms, a fuller
understanding of its requirements shows that the principle does require
the creation of devices of this kind.
Self-defence mechanisms are immunities or powers conferred on a
constitutional institution that fall outside of the normal requirements
of the separation of powers, but which have the function of protecting
that institution from other constitutional bodies. There are, then, two
defining features that draw these mechanisms together: first, they share
an ambiguous relationship to the principle of the separation of powers;
and, secondly, they are identified by the function that they play in the
constitution. The first element will be discussed at length later in
the paper, after the principle of the separation of powers has been
considered further. The second element – the functional aspect of these
provisions – can be dealt with more briefly. Sometimes, self-defence
mechanisms have been created in order to protect the institution;
those crafting the constitutional rule have designed it with this end in
mind. On other occasions, this capacity arises as incidental to powers
or immunities given for some other reason. This capacity was
not conferred with the aim of protecting the institution, but may
nevertheless play this role within the constitution. If the capacity it
confers is attractive, the mechanism may be said to have this function,
even if it may not have been created for this purpose.2 Or, to make the
same point another way, whilst the conferral of the capacity was not a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The article proceeds in three stages. The first section outlines
various types of self-defence mechanism, placing them in two, rough,
groups. On the one hand, there are negative mechanisms, devices that
protect one institution from the attentions of another. On the other
hand, there are positive mechanisms, devices that give an institution a
weapon it can use against another constitutional body. The second
section considers, briefly, the normal demands of the separation of
powers and explains why self-defence mechanisms appear to run
against the principle. The third section considers the two types
of interaction that the separation of powers can create between
institutions and officials: interaction characterised by cooperation and
by friction. The article concludes that self-defence mechanisms are
valuable because of the need for friction within the constitution. These
mechanisms limit the ways in which disagreement between institutions
can be expressed. Whilst it might seem that the normal demand of the
separation of powers is set against self-defence mechanisms, a fuller
understanding of its requirements shows that the principle does require
the creation of devices of this kind.
Self-defence mechanisms are immunities or powers conferred on a
constitutional institution that fall outside of the normal requirements
of the separation of powers, but which have the function of protecting
that institution from other constitutional bodies. There are, then, two
defining features that draw these mechanisms together: first, they share
an ambiguous relationship to the principle of the separation of powers;
and, secondly, they are identified by the function that they play in the
constitution. The first element will be discussed at length later in
the paper, after the principle of the separation of powers has been
considered further. The second element – the functional aspect of these
provisions – can be dealt with more briefly. Sometimes, self-defence
mechanisms have been created in order to protect the institution;
those crafting the constitutional rule have designed it with this end in
mind. On other occasions, this capacity arises as incidental to powers
or immunities given for some other reason. This capacity was
not conferred with the aim of protecting the institution, but may
nevertheless play this role within the constitution. If the capacity it
confers is attractive, the mechanism may be said to have this function,
even if it may not have been created for this purpose.2 Or, to make the
same point another way, whilst the conferral of the capacity was not a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Artikel ini hasil dalam tiga tahap. Bagian pertama menguraikan
berbagai jenis mekanisme pertahanan diri, menempatkan mereka dalam dua, kasar,
kelompok. Di satu sisi, ada mekanisme yang negatif, perangkat yang
melindungi satu lembaga dari perhatian orang lain. Di sisi lain
pihak, ada mekanisme yang positif, perangkat yang memberikan sebuah lembaga yang
senjata dapat digunakan terhadap tubuh konstitusi lain. Kedua
bagian menganggap, secara singkat, tuntutan normal pemisahan
kekuasaan dan menjelaskan mengapa mekanisme pertahanan diri muncul untuk menjalankan
melawan prinsip. Bagian ketiga mempertimbangkan dua jenis
interaksi bahwa pemisahan kekuasaan dapat membuat antara
lembaga dan pejabat: interaksi ditandai dengan kerjasama dan
oleh gesekan. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa mekanisme pertahanan diri yang
berharga karena kebutuhan untuk gesekan dalam konstitusi. Ini
mekanisme membatasi cara di mana perselisihan antara lembaga
dapat dinyatakan. Sementara itu mungkin tampak bahwa permintaan normal
pemisahan kekuasaan diatur terhadap mekanisme pertahanan diri, yang lebih lengkap
pemahaman persyaratan menunjukkan bahwa prinsip tidak memerlukan
penciptaan perangkat semacam ini.
mekanisme pertahanan diri adalah kekebalan atau kekuasaan yang diberikan pada
lembaga konstitusional yang berada di luar dari kebutuhan normal
dari pemisahan kekuasaan, tetapi yang memiliki fungsi melindungi
institusi yang dari badan-badan konstitusional lainnya. Ada, maka, dua
mendefinisikan fitur yang menarik mekanisme ini bersama-sama: pertama, mereka berbagi
hubungan ambigu dengan prinsip pemisahan kekuasaan,
dan, kedua, mereka diidentifikasi oleh fungsi yang mereka mainkan dalam
konstitusi. Elemen pertama akan dibahas panjang lebar kemudian di
koran, setelah prinsip pemisahan kekuasaan telah
dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut. Elemen kedua - aspek fungsional ini
ketentuan - dapat ditangani dengan lebih singkat. Kadang-kadang, bela diri
mekanisme telah diciptakan untuk melindungi lembaga,
mereka menyusun aturan konstitusional telah dirancang dengan tujuan ini dalam
pikiran. Pada kesempatan lain, kapasitas ini muncul sebagai terkait dengan kekuasaan
atau imunitas yang diberikan untuk beberapa alasan lain. Kapasitas ini
tidak diberikan dengan tujuan melindungi institusi, tetapi mungkin
tetap memainkan peran ini dalam konstitusi. Jika kapasitas itu
menganugerahkan menarik, mekanisme tersebut dapat dikatakan memiliki fungsi ini,
bahkan jika itu tidak mungkin telah diciptakan untuk purpose.2 ini Atau, untuk membuat
titik yang sama dengan cara lain, sementara conferral kapasitas itu bukan
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