Proposed ROO Draft Text for IA-CEPAArticle 1DefinitionsFor the purpose terjemahan - Proposed ROO Draft Text for IA-CEPAArticle 1DefinitionsFor the purpose Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Proposed ROO Draft Text for IA-CEPA

Proposed ROO Draft Text for IA-CEPA
Article 1
For the purposes of this Chapter:
a. aquaculture means the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, other aquatic invertebrates and aquatic plants, from seedstock such as eggs, fry, fingerlings and larvae , by intervention in the rearing or growth processes to enhance production such as regular stocking, feeding, or protection from predators;

b. the term “exporter” means a person located in an exporting Party who exports a good from the exporting Party in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the exporting Party;

c. the term “importer” means a person who imports a good into the importing Party in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the importing Party;

d. back-to-back Certificate of Origin means a Certificate of Origin issued by an intermediate exporting Party’s Issuing Authority/Body based on the Certificate of Origin issued by the first exporting Party;

e. CIF means the value of the good imported and includes the cost of freight and insurance up to the port or place of entry into the country of importation. The valuation shall be made in accordance with Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Customs Valuation;

f. FOB means the free-on-board value of the good, inclusive of the cost of transport to the port or site of final shipment abroad. The valuation shall be made in accordance with Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Customs Valuation;

g. generally accepted ccounting principles means the recognized consensus or substantial authoritative support in a Party, with respect to the recording of revenues, expenses, costs, assets and liabilities; the disclosure of information; and the preparation of financial statements. These standards may encompass broad guidelines of general application as well as detailed standards, practices and procedures;

h. good means any merchandise, product, article or material;

i. identical and interchangeable materials means materials that are fungible as a result of being of the same kind and commercial quality, possessing the same technical and physical characteristics, and which once they are incorporated into the finished product cannot be distinguished from one another for origin purposes by virtue of any markings or mere visual examination;

j. indirect material means a good used in the production, testing, or inspection of a good but not physically incorporated into the good, or a good used in the maintenance of buildings or the operation of equipment associated with the production of a good, including:
(i) fuel and energy;
(ii) tools, dies and moulds;
(iii) spare parts and materials used in the maintenance of equipment and buildings;
(iv) lubricants, greases, compounding materials and other materials used in production or used to operate equipment and buildings;
(v) gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing, safety equipment and supplies;
(vi) equipment, devices and supplies used for testing or inspecting goods;
(vii) catalysts and solvents; and
(viii) any other goods that are not incorporated into the good but whose use in the production of the good can reasonably be demonstrated to be a part of that production;

k. material means any matter or substance used or consumed in the production of goods or physically incorporated into a good or subjected to a process in the production of another good;

l. non-originating good or non-originating material means a good or material that does not qualify as originating under this Chapter;

m. originating material means a material that qualifies as originating under this Chapter;

n. producer means a person who grows, mines, raises, harvests, fishes traps, hunts, farms, captures, gathers, collects, breeds, extracts, manufactures, processes or assembles a good;

o. production means methods of obtaining goods including growing, mining, harvesting, farming, raising, breeding, extracting, gathering, collecting, capturing, fishing, trapping, hunting, manufacturing producing, processing or assembling a good;

p. Product Specific Rules are rules in XXX (Product Specific Rules) that specify that the materials used to produce a good have undergone a change in tariff classification or a specific manufacturing or processing operation, or satisfy a regional value content criterion or a combination of any of these criteria; and

q. packing materials and containers for transportation means goods used to protect a good during its transportation, different from those containers or materials used for its retail sale.
Article 2
Originating Goods
1. For the purposes of this Chapter, a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is either:

a. wholly produced or obtained in a Party as provided in Article 3 (Goods Wholly Produced or Obtained);
b. not wholly produced or obtained in a Party provided that the good has satisfied the requirements of Article 4 (Goods Not Wholly Produced or Obtained);
c. produced i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Proposed ROO Draft Text for IA-CEPAArticle 1DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Chapter:a. aquaculture means the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, other aquatic invertebrates and aquatic plants, from seedstock such as eggs, fry, fingerlings and larvae , by intervention in the rearing or growth processes to enhance production such as regular stocking, feeding, or protection from predators;b. the term “exporter” means a person located in an exporting Party who exports a good from the exporting Party in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the exporting Party;c. the term “importer” means a person who imports a good into the importing Party in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the importing Party;d. back-to-back Certificate of Origin means a Certificate of Origin issued by an intermediate exporting Party’s Issuing Authority/Body based on the Certificate of Origin issued by the first exporting Party;e. CIF means the value of the good imported and includes the cost of freight and insurance up to the port or place of entry into the country of importation. The valuation shall be made in accordance with Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Customs Valuation;f. FOB means the free-on-board value of the good, inclusive of the cost of transport to the port or site of final shipment abroad. The valuation shall be made in accordance with Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Customs Valuation;g. generally accepted ccounting principles means the recognized consensus or substantial authoritative support in a Party, with respect to the recording of revenues, expenses, costs, assets and liabilities; the disclosure of information; and the preparation of financial statements. These standards may encompass broad guidelines of general application as well as detailed standards, practices and procedures;h. good means any merchandise, product, article or material;i. identical and interchangeable materials means materials that are fungible as a result of being of the same kind and commercial quality, possessing the same technical and physical characteristics, and which once they are incorporated into the finished product cannot be distinguished from one another for origin purposes by virtue of any markings or mere visual examination;j. indirect material means a good used in the production, testing, or inspection of a good but not physically incorporated into the good, or a good used in the maintenance of buildings or the operation of equipment associated with the production of a good, including:(i) fuel and energy;(ii) tools, dies and moulds;(iii) spare parts and materials used in the maintenance of equipment and buildings;(iv) lubricants, greases, compounding materials and other materials used in production or used to operate equipment and buildings;(v) gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing, safety equipment and supplies;(vi) equipment, devices and supplies used for testing or inspecting goods;(vii) catalysts and solvents; and(viii) any other goods that are not incorporated into the good but whose use in the production of the good can reasonably be demonstrated to be a part of that production;k. material means any matter or substance used or consumed in the production of goods or physically incorporated into a good or subjected to a process in the production of another good;l. non-originating good or non-originating material means a good or material that does not qualify as originating under this Chapter; m. originating material means a material that qualifies as originating under this Chapter;n. producer means a person who grows, mines, raises, harvests, fishes traps, hunts, farms, captures, gathers, collects, breeds, extracts, manufactures, processes or assembles a good;o. production means methods of obtaining goods including growing, mining, harvesting, farming, raising, breeding, extracting, gathering, collecting, capturing, fishing, trapping, hunting, manufacturing producing, processing or assembling a good;p. Product Specific Rules are rules in XXX (Product Specific Rules) that specify that the materials used to produce a good have undergone a change in tariff classification or a specific manufacturing or processing operation, or satisfy a regional value content criterion or a combination of any of these criteria; andq. packing materials and containers for transportation means goods used to protect a good during its transportation, different from those containers or materials used for its retail sale.Article 2Originating Goods1. For the purposes of this Chapter, a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is either: a. wholly produced or obtained in a Party as provided in Article 3 (Goods Wholly Produced or Obtained);b. not wholly produced or obtained in a Party provided that the good has satisfied the requirements of Article 4 (Goods Not Wholly Produced or Obtained);c. produced i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Usulan ROO Draft Text untuk IA-CEPA
Pasal 1
Untuk keperluan Bab ini:
a. budidaya berarti pertanian organisme air termasuk ikan, moluska, krustasea, invertebrata air lainnya dan tanaman air, dari penyediaan benih seperti telur, goreng, bibit dan larva, intervensi dalam proses pemeliharaan atau pertumbuhan untuk meningkatkan produksi seperti stocking biasa, makan , atau perlindungan dari predator;

b. istilah "pengekspor" berarti seseorang terletak di Partai mengekspor yang mengekspor baik dari Pihak yang mengekspor sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan dari Pihak yang mengekspor berlaku;

c. istilah "importir" berarti seseorang yang mengimpor barang ke dalam Partai mengimpor sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan dari Partai pengimpor yang berlaku;

d. back-to-back Surat Keterangan Asal berarti Surat Keterangan Asal yang dikeluarkan oleh perantara mengekspor Partai Issuing Authority / Badan berdasarkan Surat Keterangan Asal yang dikeluarkan oleh mengekspor Partai pertama;

e. CIF berarti nilai yang baik yang diimpor dan termasuk biaya pengiriman dan asuransi sampai ke pelabuhan atau tempat masuk ke negara pengimpor. Valuasi yang harus dilakukan sesuai dengan Pasal VII GATT 1994 dan Perjanjian Penilaian Pabean;

f. FOB berarti bebas nilai-on-board dari baik, termasuk biaya transportasi ke pelabuhan atau tempat pengiriman akhir luar negeri. Valuasi yang harus dilakukan sesuai dengan Pasal VII GATT 1994 dan Perjanjian Penilaian Pabean;

g. berlaku umum prinsip AKUNTANSI berarti konsensus diakui atau dukungan otoritatif substansial dalam Partai, sehubungan dengan pencatatan pendapatan, beban, biaya, aset dan kewajiban; pengungkapan informasi; dan penyusunan laporan keuangan. Standar-standar ini dapat mencakup pedoman yang luas dari aplikasi umum serta standar rinci, praktik dan prosedur;

h. baik berarti setiap barang dagangan, produk, artikel atau materi;

i. bahan identik dan dipertukarkan berarti bahan yang sepadan sebagai akibat dari menjadi dari jenis yang sama dan kualitas komersial, yang memiliki karakteristik teknis dan fisik yang sama, dan yang setelah mereka dimasukkan ke dalam produk jadi tidak dapat dibedakan dari satu sama lain untuk tujuan asal oleh kebajikan dari setiap tanda atau pemeriksaan visual belaka;

j. bahan tidak langsung berarti baik digunakan dalam produksi, pengujian, atau pemeriksaan yang baik tetapi tidak secara fisik dimasukkan ke dalam baik, atau baik digunakan dalam pemeliharaan bangunan atau pengoperasian peralatan yang terkait dengan produksi yang baik, termasuk:
( i) bahan bakar dan energi;
(ii) alat, mati dan cetakan;
(iii) suku cadang dan bahan yang digunakan dalam pemeliharaan peralatan dan bangunan;
(iv) pelumas, gemuk, bahan peracikan dan bahan lain yang digunakan dalam produksi atau digunakan untuk mengoperasikan peralatan dan bangunan;
(v) sarung tangan, kacamata, sepatu, pakaian, peralatan keselamatan dan persediaan;
(vi) peralatan, perangkat dan perlengkapan yang digunakan untuk pengujian atau memeriksa barang;
(vii) katalis dan pelarut; dan
(viii) barang lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam baik tapi yang digunakan dalam produksi barang dapat cukup dibuktikan untuk menjadi bagian dari produksi itu;

k. Bahan berarti setiap materi atau zat yang digunakan atau dikonsumsi dalam produksi barang atau secara fisik dimasukkan ke dalam baik atau mengalami suatu proses dalam produksi barang lainnya;

l. non-berasal bahan yang baik atau non-berasal berarti yang baik atau bahan yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai berasal di bawah Bab ini;

m. bahan yang berasal berarti bahan yang memenuhi syarat sebagai berasal di bawah Bab ini;

n. produser berarti seseorang yang tumbuh, tambang, meningkatkan, panen, ikan perangkap, berburu, pertanian, menangkap, mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan, keturunan, ekstrak, manufaktur, proses atau merakit baik;

o. produksi berarti metode memperoleh barang termasuk tumbuh, pertambangan, penebangan, pertanian, meningkatkan, peternakan, penggalian, mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan, menangkap, memancing, menjebak, berburu, manufaktur produksi, pengolahan atau perakitan yang baik;

p. Produk Aturan Spesifik aturan di XXX (produk Aturan Spesifik) yang menentukan bahwa bahan yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan yang baik yang telah mengalami perubahan dalam klasifikasi tarif atau manufaktur atau pengolahan operasi tertentu, atau memenuhi kriteria kandungan nilai regional atau kombinasi dari setiap kriteria ini; dan

q. kemasan bahan dan kontainer untuk transportasi berarti barang yang digunakan untuk melindungi baik selama transportasi, berbeda dari yang wadah atau bahan yang digunakan untuk penjualan eceran tersebut.
Pasal 2
Berasal Barang
1. Untuk keperluan Bab ini, baik harus diperlakukan sebagai berasal baik jika itu adalah baik:

a. seluruhnya diproduksi atau diperoleh dalam Partai sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3 (Barang Sepenuhnya Diproduksi atau Diperoleh);
b. tidak sepenuhnya diproduksi atau diperoleh dalam Partai asalkan baik telah memenuhi persyaratan Pasal 4 (Barang Tidak Sepenuhnya Diproduksi atau Diperoleh);
c. diproduksi i
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