Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Aku berjalan di atas untuk memeriksa foto-foto sebagai akan mencari perban. Mereka harus mendapatkan gen mereka dari ayah mereka. Dalam gambar paling baru, yang masih terlihat beberapa tahun, tanggal, ayahnya telah memeluk dua anak laki-laki dan dia adalah memeras mereka bersama-sama untuk foto. Rambut hitam legam nya berbintik-bintik abu-abu dan hitam kumis tebal menguraikan senyumnya yang besar. Fitur nya identik Will. Mereka berdua memiliki mata yang tersenyum ketika mereka tertawa, mengekspos gigi putih yang sempurna. Will's Ibu menakjubkan. Dia punya rambut pirang panjang dan, dari gambar setidaknya, tampak tinggi. Saya tidak dapat memilih setiap fitur wajah miliknya yang ditanggungkan kepada anak-anaknya. Mungkin akan memiliki kepribadiannya. Semua gambar di dinding membuktikan satu perbedaan besar antara satu rumah-ini adalah sebuah rumah. Aku berjalan ke dapur dan mengambil kursi di bar. "Itu harus dibersihkan sebelum Anda menaruh perban di atasnya," katanya ketika ia Gulung lengan kemeja nya dan ternyata di keran. Dia memakai pucat kuning tombol-up berkerah kemeja yang sedikit transparan di bawah lampu dapur, mengungkapkan garis besar singlet nya. Dia memiliki luas bahu dan lengan bajunya dirapatkan disekitar otot-otot di lengannya. Bagian atas kepalanya bertemu kabinet di atasnya dan saya memperkirakan dari persamaan di dapur kami ia berdiri sekitar enam inci lebih tinggi daripada saya. Aku menatap pola di dasi hitam yang membalik atas bahu-nya dalam upaya untuk menghindari itu basah, ketika ia mengubah air off dan berjalan kembali ke bar. Saya merasa wajahku flush seperti yang saya ambil serbet basah dari tangannya, tidak bangga dari jumlah perhatian fisik nya mendapatkan dari saya. "Ini baik," mengatakan seperti aku menurunkan lengan saya bahu saya. "Aku bisa mendapatkannya." Dia membuka perban seperti aku menyeka darah luka. "Jadi, apa yang Anda lakukan di luar di piyama Anda pada pukul tujuh pagi?" Dia bertanya. "Apakah kalian masih muat?" Menggelengkan kepala dan bersandar di atas dan melemparkan serbet ke tempat sampah. "Kopi." "Kopi? Saya kira Anda tidak seseorang pagi." Akan mengatakan ini sebagai lebih dari sebuah pernyataan dari pertanyaan. Ketika ia bergerak lebih dekat untuk menempatkan perban pada bahuku, aku bisa merasakan napas di leherku. Aku menggosok lengan saya untuk menyembunyikan menggigil yang merangkak naik mereka. Ia mematuhi bahuku dan menepuk itu. "There. Good as new," he says. "Thanks. And I am a morning person," I say. "After I get my coffee." I stand up and look over my shoulder, pretending to inspect the bandage as I plot my next move. I already thanked him. I could turn and walk out now, but that would seem rude after he just helped me. If I just stand here waiting on him to make more small talk, I might look stupid for not leaving. I don't understand why I'm even contemplating basic actions around him. He's just another inhabitant! When I turn around, he's at the counter pouring a cup of coffee. He walks toward me and sets it on the counter in front of me. "You want cream or sugar?" I shake my head. "Black is fine. Thanks," I say as I pick up the cup and take a sip. He's leaning across the bar watching me as I drink the coffee. His eyes are the exact same hue of deep green as his mothers are from the picture. I guess he did get a feature from her. He smiles and breaks our gaze by looking down at his watch. "I need to go, my brother is waiting in the car and I’ve got to get to work," he says. "I'll walk you back. You can keep the cup." I look at the cup before taking another sip and notice the big letters emblazoned on the side. World's Greatest Dad. It's the exact same cup my father used to drink coffee from. "I'll be okay," I say as I head toward the front door. "I think I've got the whole walking erect thing down now." He follows me outside and shuts his front door behind him, insisting I take his jacket with me. I pull it on over my shoulders, thank him again, then head across the street. “Layken!” he yells just as I'm about to walk back inside my house. I turn back toward him and he's standing in his driveway. “May the force be with you!" He laughs and hops into his car and backs out of the driveway as I stand there, staring down at the Darth Vader house shoes I'm still sporting. Classic. *** The coffee helps. I locate the thermostat and by lunch the house has finally started to warm up. Mom and Kel are gone to the utility company to get everything switched into her name and I’m left with the last of the boxes, if you don't count what’s still in the jeep. I get a few more things unpacked and decide it's high time for a shower. I'm pretty sure I'm closing in on day three of my granola girl look. I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel; flipping my hair forward as I brush it out and blow dry it. When it's dry, I point the blow dryer at the fogged up mirror, forming a clear circular area so that I can apply a little makeup. I notice my tan has started to fade.
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