Many of the ancient peoples of Europe marked the end of the harvest se terjemahan - Many of the ancient peoples of Europe marked the end of the harvest se Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Many of the ancient peoples of Euro

Many of the ancient peoples of Europe marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in late autumn. The most important of these holidays to influence later Halloween customs was Samhain, a holiday observed by the ancient Celts. Among the Celts, Samhain marked the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It was one of four Celtic holidays linked to important transitions in the annual cycle of seasons.

Samhain began at sundown on October 31 and extended into the following day. According to the Celtic pagan religion, known as Druidism, the spirits of those who had died in the preceding year roamed the earth on Samhain evening. The Celts sought to ward off these spirits with offerings of food and drink. The Celts also built bonfires at sacred hilltop sites and performed rituals, often involving human and animal sacrifices, to honor Druid deities.

By the end of the 1st century ad, the Roman Empire had conquered most of the Celtic lands. In the process of incorporating the Celts into their empire, the Romans adapted and absorbed some Celtic traditions as part of their own pagan and Catholic religious observances. In Britain, Romans blended local Samhain customs with their own pagan harvest festival honoring Pomona, goddess of fruit trees. Some scholars have suggested that the game of bobbing for apples derives from this Roman association of the holiday with fruit.

Pure Celtic influences lingered longer on the western fringes of Europe, especially in areas that were never brought firmly under Roman control, such as Ireland, Scotland, and the Brittany region of northwestern France. In these areas, Samhain was abandoned only when the local people converted to Christianity during the early Middle Ages, a period that lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. The Roman Catholic Church often incorporated modified versions of older religious traditions in order to win converts. For example, Pope Gregory IV sought to replace Samhain with All Saints’ Day in 835. All Souls’ Day, closer in spirit to Samhain and modern Halloween, was first instituted at a French monastery in 998 and quickly spread throughout Europe. Folk observances linked to these Christian holidays, including Halloween, thus preserved many of the ancient Celtic customs associated with Samhain.

Halloween traditions thought to be incompatible with Christianity often became linked with Christian folk beliefs about evil spirits. Although such superstitions varied a great deal from place to place, many of the supernatural beings now associated with Halloween became fixed in the popular imagination during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance (14th to 17th century). The jack-o’-lantern, originally carved from a large turnip rather than a pumpkin, originated in medieval Scotland. Various methods of predicting the future, especially concerning matters of romance and marriage, were also prominent features of Halloween throughout the British Isles.

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, Europe was seized by a hysterical fear of witches, leading to the persecution of thousands of innocent women. Witches were thought to ride flying brooms and to assume the form of black cats. These images of witches soon joined other European superstitions as symbols of Halloween.
1. 'Samhain' Was Original Name Of ....... to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in late autumn.

2. The Word 'Annual' in the last sentence of paragraph I means
3. The Annual cycle of Season in Eroupe is
4. According to the second paragraph, 'Samhain' was
5. What happened on 'Samhain evening'?
6. ... The Spirits of those who had died.... The Word "Those" refers to
7. The Main Idea of Paragraph 3 Is
8. Paragraph 4 tells us about
9. The Story of symbol of Halloween had a close relationship with
10. What do you think about Halloween ? Whould you like to come to holloween party? Why / Why Not ?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Many of the ancient peoples of Europe marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in late autumn. The most important of these holidays to influence later Halloween customs was Samhain, a holiday observed by the ancient Celts. Among the Celts, Samhain marked the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It was one of four Celtic holidays linked to important transitions in the annual cycle of seasons.Samhain began at sundown on October 31 and extended into the following day. According to the Celtic pagan religion, known as Druidism, the spirits of those who had died in the preceding year roamed the earth on Samhain evening. The Celts sought to ward off these spirits with offerings of food and drink. The Celts also built bonfires at sacred hilltop sites and performed rituals, often involving human and animal sacrifices, to honor Druid deities.By the end of the 1st century ad, the Roman Empire had conquered most of the Celtic lands. In the process of incorporating the Celts into their empire, the Romans adapted and absorbed some Celtic traditions as part of their own pagan and Catholic religious observances. In Britain, Romans blended local Samhain customs with their own pagan harvest festival honoring Pomona, goddess of fruit trees. Some scholars have suggested that the game of bobbing for apples derives from this Roman association of the holiday with fruit.Pure Celtic influences lingered longer on the western fringes of Europe, especially in areas that were never brought firmly under Roman control, such as Ireland, Scotland, and the Brittany region of northwestern France. In these areas, Samhain was abandoned only when the local people converted to Christianity during the early Middle Ages, a period that lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. The Roman Catholic Church often incorporated modified versions of older religious traditions in order to win converts. For example, Pope Gregory IV sought to replace Samhain with All Saints’ Day in 835. All Souls’ Day, closer in spirit to Samhain and modern Halloween, was first instituted at a French monastery in 998 and quickly spread throughout Europe. Folk observances linked to these Christian holidays, including Halloween, thus preserved many of the ancient Celtic customs associated with Samhain.Halloween traditions thought to be incompatible with Christianity often became linked with Christian folk beliefs about evil spirits. Although such superstitions varied a great deal from place to place, many of the supernatural beings now associated with Halloween became fixed in the popular imagination during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance (14th to 17th century). The jack-o’-lantern, originally carved from a large turnip rather than a pumpkin, originated in medieval Scotland. Various methods of predicting the future, especially concerning matters of romance and marriage, were also prominent features of Halloween throughout the British Isles.Between the 15th and 17th centuries, Europe was seized by a hysterical fear of witches, leading to the persecution of thousands of innocent women. Witches were thought to ride flying brooms and to assume the form of black cats. These images of witches soon joined other European superstitions as symbols of Halloween.1. 'Samhain' Was Original Name Of ....... to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in late autumn.2. The Word 'Annual' in the last sentence of paragraph I means3. The Annual cycle of Season in Eroupe is4. According to the second paragraph, 'Samhain' was5. What happened on 'Samhain evening'?6. ... The Spirits of those who had died.... The Word "Those" refers to7. The Main Idea of Paragraph 3 Is8. Paragraph 4 tells us about9. The Story of symbol of Halloween had a close relationship with10. What do you think about Halloween ? Whould you like to come to holloween party? Why / Why Not ?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Banyak dari orang-orang kuno Eropa menandai berakhirnya musim panen dan awal musim dingin dengan merayakan liburan di akhir musim gugur. Yang paling penting dari liburan ini untuk mempengaruhi kemudian Halloween adat adalah Samhain, liburan diamati oleh Celtic kuno. Di antara Celtic, Samhain menandai akhir dari satu tahun dan awal berikutnya. Itu salah satu dari empat libur Celtic terkait dengan transisi penting dalam siklus tahunan musim. Samhain mulai saat matahari terbenam pada tanggal 31 Oktober dan diperpanjang ke hari berikutnya. Menurut agama pagan Celtic, yang dikenal sebagai Druidism, roh-roh orang yang telah meninggal pada tahun sebelumnya berkeliaran di bumi pada Samhain malam. Celtic berusaha untuk mengusir roh ini dengan persembahan makanan dan minuman. Celtic juga dibangun api unggun di situs puncak bukit suci dan melakukan ritual, sering melibatkan pengorbanan manusia dan hewan, untuk menghormati dewa Druid. Pada akhir abad ke-1 iklan, Kekaisaran Romawi telah menaklukkan sebagian besar tanah Celtic. Dalam proses menggabungkan Celtic ke kerajaan mereka, orang-orang Romawi diadaptasi dan diserap beberapa tradisi Celtic sebagai bagian dari pagan mereka sendiri dan ibadah agama Katolik. Di Inggris, Roma dicampur adat Samhain lokal dengan festival pagan panen mereka sendiri menghormati Pomona, dewi pohon buah-buahan. Beberapa ahli telah menyarankan bahwa permainan angguk untuk apel berasal dari asosiasi ini Roman dari liburan dengan buah. Pengaruh Celtic Murni berlama-lama lagi di pinggiran barat Eropa, terutama di daerah yang pernah dibawa tegas di bawah kendali Romawi, seperti Irlandia, Skotlandia, dan wilayah Brittany dari barat laut Perancis. Di daerah ini, Samhain ditinggalkan hanya ketika orang-orang lokal menjadi Kristen selama awal Abad Pertengahan, periode yang berlangsung dari 5 sampai abad ke-15. Gereja Katolik Roma sering dimasukkan versi modifikasi dari tradisi keagamaan yang lebih tua untuk memenangkan bertobat. Misalnya, Paus Gregorius IV berusaha untuk menggantikan Samhain dengan All Saints 'Day di 835. All Souls' Day, dekat dalam semangat untuk Samhain dan Halloween modern, pertama kali dilembagakan di sebuah biara Perancis di 998 dan dengan cepat menyebar ke seluruh Eropa. Ketaatan rakyat terkait dengan ini Christian liburan, termasuk Halloween, sehingga diawetkan banyak kebiasaan Celtic kuno terkait dengan Samhain. Halloween tradisi dianggap bertentangan dengan agama Kristen sering menjadi terkait dengan keyakinan rakyat Kristen tentang roh-roh jahat. Meskipun takhayul seperti bervariasi banyak dari tempat ke tempat, banyak makhluk gaib kini dikaitkan dengan Halloween menjadi tetap dalam imajinasi populer selama akhir Abad Pertengahan dan Renaissance (14 ke abad ke-17). Jack-o'-lantern, awalnya diukir dari lobak besar daripada labu, berasal abad pertengahan Skotlandia. Berbagai metode memprediksi masa depan, terutama mengenai hal-hal asmara dan pernikahan, juga fitur yang menonjol dari Halloween di seluruh Kepulauan Inggris. Antara abad 15 dan 17, Eropa ditangkap oleh ketakutan histeris penyihir, yang mengarah ke penganiayaan terhadap ribuan wanita yang tidak bersalah. Penyihir dianggap naik sapu terbang dan untuk mengasumsikan bentuk kucing hitam. Gambar-gambar ini dari penyihir segera bergabung takhayul Eropa lainnya sebagai simbol Halloween. 1. 'Samhain' Apakah Nama Asli Of ....... untuk menandai akhir dari musim panen dan awal musim dingin dengan merayakan liburan di akhir musim gugur. 2. Firman Tahunan 'dalam kalimat terakhir dari ayat berarti 3. Siklus Tahunan Musim di Eroupe adalah 4. Menurut paragraf kedua, 'Samhain' adalah 5. Apa yang terjadi pada 'Samhain malam'? 6. ... The Spirits dari mereka yang telah meninggal .... Word The "Mereka" mengacu pada 7. Ide utama dari ayat 3 Apakah 8. Ayat 4 memberitahu kita tentang 9. Kisah simbol Halloween memiliki hubungan dekat dengan 10. Apa pendapat Anda tentang Halloween? Whould Anda ingin datang ke pesta holloween? Mengapa / Mengapa Tidak?

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