could not believe what I was doing right now. I was standing in front  terjemahan - could not believe what I was doing right now. I was standing in front  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

could not believe what I was doing

could not believe what I was doing right now. I was standing in front of Tiffany's apartment. Moreover, could not believe what I had brought along.
"Is it too much?" I looked back at the food that I had brought for Tiffany.
I shook my head as I walked into the elevator and jabbed the button to visit Tiffany's apartment. I just wanted to know how she was feeling. Nothing else.
The elevator doors opened. I got out and walked towards her apartment with a smile on my face. I was eager to meet Tiffany. I knew I would feel better when I saw her. I missed her smile.
But then, I stopped. I frowned at what I saw. From a distance, I could see that the door to Tiffany's apartment was open. Tiffany then came out along with her fiancé.
He ruffled Tiffany's hair while smiling. I tightened my grip on the plastic bag that I was holding. Right then, my eyes and Tiffany's met.
That man cupped Tiffany's cheek with his hand and then, he kissed Tiffany. Tiffany and I were still staring at each other until Tiffany shut her eyes. Then, she kissed him back.
I felt my chest become very tight. The kiss lasted longer than I expected and looked quite passionate. I closed my eyes and counted to ten but that seemed futile. The sound of her moans just made me feel even more painful.
Finally, I opened my eyes. Fortunately, they had not kissed again. In fact, he was already walking away from Tiffany. We passed each other. But he ignored me. Instead, he was busy with his cell phone.
"Where are you?" He said to his mobile phone as he passed.
Tiffany looked at me. Then I started to walk towards her but I stopped when I heard what he was saying.
"I'm so , baby... I need you, Jiyeon baby..." He moaned.
I turned around, ready to beat him up. But he had already entered the elevator. How could he sleep with another woman after meeting and kissing his fiancee?
"Tae..." She whispered.
I looked back at her. I sighed and walked over to her. Tiffany looked very disheveled. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy. Tiffany opened the door to her apartment and allowed me to go in first. I shook my head and held the door to let her go in first. "Thanks." She said softly as she nodded at me.
"What made you come here?" she asked as we sat on the couch.
"I brought food and fruits." I said flatly. My mind was filled with her lousy douchebag of a fiancé.
"Thanks... But you don't usually do this." Tiffany looked into a plastic bag which I gave her.
"Jessica said you were sick."
"Oh, Jessie..." she said softly. Slowly, she put the food I had brought on the small table in front of us.
We sat in silence. Then, I remembered what had happened yesterday. What if Tiffany left me because of the problem that happened yesterday?
"You were really good at kissing him, you know?" I smiled. I tried as hard as possible to hide my pain.
"What about Jessica?"
"You met with Jessica earlier. Are you guys together now?" Tiffany looked at the ground. She did not look at me at all.
"No way... Yul loves Jessica. I'm not going to destroy our friendship." I held tight to the necklace that I wore.
"But Jessica likes you. Besides, the both of you look good together." Tiffany bit her lower lip.
"But I don't like her." I stared at her although she did not look at me.
"If Yul didn't like Jessica, you would return Jessica's feelings, right?"
"What are you talking about?" I did not understand what she meant. After a while, I waited for her to speak. She finally spoke again.
"It looks like oppa will propose to me soon... Thus his visit to Korea."
I just stayed quiet. I couldn't say much.
"Aren't you going to say something?"
"W-well, that's a good thing, right? It's what you want."
"I-I don't think I want this. I still feel that oppa does not love me. And I don't love him either. Unlike you. Jessica likes you even though you do not like her back."
"I would never be happy."
Tiffany looked at me.
"I don't want to marry someone I don't like even though that person likes me to de
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
could not believe what I was doing right now. I was standing in front of Tiffany's apartment. Moreover, could not believe what I had brought along."Is it too much?" I looked back at the food that I had brought for Tiffany.I shook my head as I walked into the elevator and jabbed the button to visit Tiffany's apartment. I just wanted to know how she was feeling. Nothing else.The elevator doors opened. I got out and walked towards her apartment with a smile on my face. I was eager to meet Tiffany. I knew I would feel better when I saw her. I missed her smile.But then, I stopped. I frowned at what I saw. From a distance, I could see that the door to Tiffany's apartment was open. Tiffany then came out along with her fiancé.He ruffled Tiffany's hair while smiling. I tightened my grip on the plastic bag that I was holding. Right then, my eyes and Tiffany's met.That man cupped Tiffany's cheek with his hand and then, he kissed Tiffany. Tiffany and I were still staring at each other until Tiffany shut her eyes. Then, she kissed him back.I felt my chest become very tight. The kiss lasted longer than I expected and looked quite passionate. I closed my eyes and counted to ten but that seemed futile. The sound of her moans just made me feel even more painful.Finally, I opened my eyes. Fortunately, they had not kissed again. In fact, he was already walking away from Tiffany. We passed each other. But he ignored me. Instead, he was busy with his cell phone."Where are you?" He said to his mobile phone as he passed.
Tiffany looked at me. Then I started to walk towards her but I stopped when I heard what he was saying.
"I'm so , baby... I need you, Jiyeon baby..." He moaned.
I turned around, ready to beat him up. But he had already entered the elevator. How could he sleep with another woman after meeting and kissing his fiancee?
"Tae..." She whispered.
I looked back at her. I sighed and walked over to her. Tiffany looked very disheveled. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy. Tiffany opened the door to her apartment and allowed me to go in first. I shook my head and held the door to let her go in first. "Thanks." She said softly as she nodded at me.
"What made you come here?" she asked as we sat on the couch.
"I brought food and fruits." I said flatly. My mind was filled with her lousy douchebag of a fiancé.
"Thanks... But you don't usually do this." Tiffany looked into a plastic bag which I gave her.
"Jessica said you were sick."
"Oh, Jessie..." she said softly. Slowly, she put the food I had brought on the small table in front of us.
We sat in silence. Then, I remembered what had happened yesterday. What if Tiffany left me because of the problem that happened yesterday?
"You were really good at kissing him, you know?" I smiled. I tried as hard as possible to hide my pain.
"What about Jessica?"
"You met with Jessica earlier. Are you guys together now?" Tiffany looked at the ground. She did not look at me at all.
"No way... Yul loves Jessica. I'm not going to destroy our friendship." I held tight to the necklace that I wore.
"But Jessica likes you. Besides, the both of you look good together." Tiffany bit her lower lip.
"But I don't like her." I stared at her although she did not look at me.
"If Yul didn't like Jessica, you would return Jessica's feelings, right?"
"What are you talking about?" I did not understand what she meant. After a while, I waited for her to speak. She finally spoke again.
"It looks like oppa will propose to me soon... Thus his visit to Korea."
I just stayed quiet. I couldn't say much.
"Aren't you going to say something?"
"W-well, that's a good thing, right? It's what you want."
"I-I don't think I want this. I still feel that oppa does not love me. And I don't love him either. Unlike you. Jessica likes you even though you do not like her back."
"I would never be happy."
Tiffany looked at me.
"I don't want to marry someone I don't like even though that person likes me to de
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
tidak percaya apa yang saya lakukan sekarang. Aku berdiri di depan apartemen Tiffany. Selain itu, tidak bisa percaya apa yang saya bawa.
"Apakah itu terlalu banyak?" Aku kembali menatap makanan yang saya bawa untuk Tiffany.
Aku menggeleng saat aku berjalan ke lift dan menusukkan tombol untuk mengunjungi apartemen Tiffany. Aku hanya ingin tahu bagaimana perasaannya. Tidak ada yang lain.
Pintu lift terbuka. Aku keluar dan berjalan menuju apartemennya dengan senyum di wajah saya. Aku sangat ingin bertemu Tiffany. Aku tahu aku akan merasa lebih baik ketika aku melihatnya. Aku merindukan senyumnya.
Tapi kemudian, saya berhenti. Aku mengerutkan kening apa yang saya lihat. Dari kejauhan, aku bisa melihat bahwa pintu apartemen Tiffany terbuka. Tiffany kemudian keluar bersama dengan tunangannya.
Dia mengacak-acak rambut Tiffany sambil tersenyum. Saya memperketat cengkeraman saya pada kantong plastik yang aku pegang. Saat itu, mata saya dan Tiffany bertemu.
Orang itu menangkup pipi Tiffany dengan tangannya dan kemudian, ia mencium Tiffany. Tiffany dan aku masih menatap satu sama lain sampai Tiffany menutup matanya. Kemudian, ia menciumnya kembali.
Aku merasa dadaku menjadi sangat ketat. Ciuman berlangsung lebih lama dari yang saya harapkan dan tampak cukup bergairah. Aku memejamkan mata dan menghitung sampai sepuluh tapi itu tampaknya sia-sia. Suara erangan hanya membuat saya merasa lebih menyakitkan.
Akhirnya, saya membuka mata saya. Untungnya, mereka tidak mencium lagi. Bahkan, dia sudah berjalan jauh dari Tiffany. Kami melewati satu sama lain. Tapi dia mengabaikan saya. Sebaliknya, ia sibuk dengan ponselnya.
"Di mana kau?" Dia mengatakan ke ponsel sambil berlalu.
Tiffany menatapku. Lalu aku mulai berjalan ke arahnya tapi saya berhenti ketika saya mendengar apa yang ia katakan.
"Aku sangat, bayi ... aku membutuhkanmu, Jiyeon bayi ..." Dia mengerang.
Aku berbalik, siap untuk memukulinya . Tapi ia sudah memasuki lift. Bagaimana ia bisa tidur dengan wanita lain setelah bertemu dan mencium tunangannya?
"Tae ..." Dia berbisik.
Aku melihat ke arahnya. Aku menghela napas dan mendekatinya. Tiffany tampak sangat acak-acakan. Wajahnya pucat dan matanya merah dan bengkak. Tiffany membuka pintu apartemennya dan memungkinkan saya untuk masuk duluan. Aku menggeleng dan memegang pintu untuk membiarkan dia pergi dulu. "Terima kasih." Dia berkata pelan sambil mengangguk padaku.
"Apa yang membuat Anda datang ke sini?" tanyanya ketika kami duduk di sofa.
"Saya membawa makanan dan buah-buahan." Aku berkata tegas. Pikiranku dipenuhi Douchebag buruk nya tunangan.
"Terima kasih ... Tapi Anda biasanya tidak melakukan hal ini." Tiffany melihat ke dalam kantong plastik yang saya berikan kepadanya.
"Jessica mengatakan kau sakit."
"Oh, Jessie ..." katanya lembut. Perlahan, ia meletakkan makanan aku telah membawa pada meja kecil di depan kami.
Kami duduk dalam diam. Kemudian, aku ingat apa yang telah terjadi kemarin. Bagaimana jika Tiffany meninggalkan saya karena masalah yang terjadi kemarin?
"Kamu benar-benar baik di menciumnya, kau tahu?" Aku tersenyum. Aku mencoba sekeras mungkin untuk menyembunyikan rasa sakit saya.
"Tae ..."
"Bagaimana dengan Jessica?"
"Kau bertemu dengan Jessica sebelumnya. Apakah kalian bersama-sama sekarang?" Tiffany menatap tanah. Dia tidak melihat saya sama sekali.
"Tidak mungkin ... Yul mencintai Jessica. Aku tidak akan menghancurkan persahabatan kami." Aku memegang erat kalung yang saya pakai.
"Tapi Jessica menyukai Anda. Selain itu, Anda berdua terlihat baik bersama-sama." Tiffany menggigit bibir bawahnya.
"Tapi aku tidak menyukainya." Aku menatapnya meskipun dia tidak melihat saya.
"Jika Yul tidak suka Jessica, Anda akan kembali perasaan Jessica, kan?"
"Apa yang kamu bicarakan?" Saya tidak mengerti apa maksudnya. Setelah beberapa saat, saya menunggu dia untuk berbicara. Dia akhirnya berbicara lagi.
"Sepertinya oppa akan mengusulkan kepada saya segera ... Jadi kunjungannya ke Korea."
Aku hanya tinggal diam. Saya tidak bisa mengatakan banyak.
"Apakah kau tidak akan mengatakan sesuatu?"
"W-baik, itu hal yang baik, kan? Ini apa yang Anda inginkan."
"II tidak berpikir saya ingin ini. Saya masih merasa bahwa oppa tidak mencintaiku. Dan aku tidak mencintainya baik. Tidak seperti Anda. Jessica menyukai Anda meskipun Anda tidak menyukainya kembali.
"" Aku tidak akan pernah bahagia.
"Tiffany menatapku." Saya tidak ingin menikah dengan orang yang saya tidak suka meskipun orang yang suka saya untuk de
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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