Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
100:00:02, 301--> 00:00:04, 625Anda menghancurkan hidupku,Ollivette.200:00:04, 626--> 00:00:06, 527Crucianti!300:00:07, 170 00:00:08, 506-->Adalah bahwa dia?400:00:08, 507--> 00:00:10, 173Puitis keadilan, jika kau bertanya padaku.500:00:10, 175--> 00:00:12, 108-Styne keluarga.-Mereka telah setelah saya600:00:12, 117--> 00:00:14, 318sejak aku-aku menggali"Buku terkutuk."700:00:14, 320--> 00:00:15, 586Semua mantra yang mereka digunakan800:00:15, 588--> 00:00:17, 354datang dari sebuah buku"tak terkatakan tindak kejahatan."900:00:17, 356--> 00:00:19, 857Keluarga saya tidak akan pernah berhentimencari buku itu.1000:00:21, 527--> 00:00:25, 462Anda harus mencari carauntuk mendapatkan tanda kain dari Dean1100:00:25, 464--> 00:00:27, 898sebelum ternyata diakembali ke setan?1200:00:27, 900--> 00:00:29, 132Ada obat untuk tandadi buku.1300:00:29, 134--> 00:00:30, 500Tapi datang dengan harga.1400:00:30, 502--> 00:00:32, 269Kami punya untuk menghancurkannya.1500:00:32, 271--> 00:00:34, 004Mungkin akan di belakang punggungbukan ide yang terbaik.1600:00:34, 006--> 00:00:35, 305Sam! Membakar--sekarang!1700:00:35, 307--> 00:00:36, 940Dan aku tahu itu adalah hidup--1800:00:36, 942--> 00:00:39, 142melakukan sedikit buruksehingga Anda dapat melakukan banyak hal baik.1900:00:39, 144--> 00:00:40, 444Akan Anda membantu saya?2000:00:40, 446--> 00:00:43, 146Tapi kadang-kadangyang buruk sebenarnya buruk,2100:00:43, 148--> 00:00:47, 384dan yang baik - itu bisadi salah satu neraka dari harga.2200:00:47, 386--> 00:00:49, 186Membunuh anakku.2300:00:49, 188--> 00:00:50, 354Aku akan membunuh Crowley.2400:00:50, 356--> 00:00:51, 889Anda dapat membaca buku?2500:00:51, 891--> 00:00:55, 692Membawa saya codex Nadya's,dan aku akan memberi Anda obat Anda.2600:00:55, 694--> 00:00:57, 594Kami memiliki kesepakatan.2700:00:57, 596--> 00:00:59, 596Anda ingin keluar? Cepat.2800:01:19, 351--> 00:01:21, 318Ah.Anda harus Eileen.2900:01:21, 320--> 00:01:23, 120Ya. Saya di siniuntuk wawancara.3000:01:23, 122--> 00:01:25, 088Terima kasih banyakuntuk pas saya setelah jam.3100:01:27, 592--> 00:01:30, 761Sebagai, um, seperti yang Anda lihat,Aku sedang dalam kesehatan yang baik3200:01:30, 763--> 00:01:34, 131dan penglihatan saya 20/20,mana penting, ya?3300:01:34, 133--> 00:01:37, 167Karena ini adalahpenelitian pada penglihatan?3400:01:37, 169 00:01:38, 702-->Mm-hmm.3500:01:41, 272--> 00:01:42, 706Teman saya M dan saya3600:01:42, 708--> 00:01:44, 908lakukan seperti banyak dari iniklinis studi seperti yang kita dapat3700:01:44, 910--> 00:01:46, 643karena kami sedang semua anggaran,3800:01:46, 645--> 00:01:49, 246dan uang dari hal-halbenar-benar membantu dengan college.3900:01:49, 248--> 00:01:50, 380Oke.4000:01:50, 382--> 00:01:52, 616Semuanyatampaknya berada di urutan.4100:01:52, 618--> 00:01:53, 884Oke.4200:01:53, 886--> 00:01:56, 386Mari kita mengintipat these eyes.4300:01:56,388 --> 00:01:58,021Yes.4400:02:01,793 --> 00:02:03,493Okay.4500:02:23,915 --> 00:02:24,948N-no! No!4600:02:24,950 --> 00:02:26,083No!4700:02:26,085 --> 00:02:27,651No!!4800:02:53,846 --> 00:02:55,245Everything okay in there?4900:02:57,416 --> 00:02:58,448What's going on?!5000:02:59,585 --> 00:03:00,784Everything okay?5100:03:02,186 --> 00:03:03,553Hey!5200:03:31,616 --> 00:03:35,616♪ Supernatural 10x21 ♪Angel HeartOriginal Air Date on May 6, 20155300:03:35,617 --> 00:03:38,717== sync, corrected by elderman ==@elder_man5400:03:38,723 --> 00:03:40,257Nothing?5500:03:40,259 --> 00:03:41,391You've got nothing?!5600:03:41,393 --> 00:03:44,294Rowena, it's been days!5700:03:44,296 --> 00:03:47,130You said the codexwould crack the code.5800:03:47,132 --> 00:03:50,300I am an artist, Samuel.These things cannot be rushed.5900:03:51,537 --> 00:03:53,804Perhapsif I weren't chained up...6000:03:53,806 --> 00:03:55,272I'm really notat full strength.6100:03:55,274 --> 00:03:57,240Yeah, and you won't beat full strength.6200:03:57,242 --> 00:03:58,508No witchcraft.6300:04:00,344 --> 00:04:04,548Look, I need the curefor my brother from the book,6400:04:04,550 --> 00:04:05,682and if you're stalling --6500:04:05,684 --> 00:04:07,651Why on earthwould I stall?!6600:04:07,653 --> 00:04:10,220I want the Mark off your brotherfor my own protection!6700:04:10,222 --> 00:04:12,556I want out of these chainsand out of this pit,6800:04:12,558 --> 00:04:14,157and I want you to hold upyour end of the deal6900:04:14,159 --> 00:04:15,559and kill Crowley.7000:04:15,561 --> 00:04:17,194You do remember the deal,do you not, Samuel?7100:04:17,196 --> 00:04:19,863Believe me, I have no issuekilling Crowley!7200:04:23,101 --> 00:04:25,235The problem is,7300:04:25,237 --> 00:04:27,304the languageNadya used in the codex7400:04:27,306 --> 00:04:29,372is damn nearindecipherable.7500:04:29,374 --> 00:04:32,776She was a gifted witchbut a selfish pig.7600:04:32,778 --> 00:04:34,344Once she cracked a code,7700:04:34,346 --> 00:04:37,114she then coded its secretsfor herself.7800:04:37,116 --> 00:04:38,949So...7900:04:38,951 --> 00:04:42,819Now we need to break a codeto...break a code?8000:04:42,821 --> 00:04:45,355Quick, aren't you?8100:04:45,357 --> 00:04:49,326Listen,Dean gets worse every day.8200:04:49,328 --> 00:04:51,194Get this done.8300:04:54,132 --> 00:04:57,767You won't forgetthe grocery shopping, will you?8400:05:00,905 --> 00:05:02,172No.8500:05:05,710 --> 00:05:07,077Astounding.8600:05:07,079 --> 00:05:09,446Astoundingand disappointing.8700:05:09,448 --> 00:05:11,781There was a time,Eldon,8800:05:11,783 --> 00:05:14,017when I would call youour most promising.8900:05:14,019 --> 00:05:16,153You ask your brothersand your cousins.9000:05:16,155 --> 00:05:18,488But clearly, you have beenspoiled and overindulged,9100:05:18,490 --> 00:05:20,423and the resultis arrogance.9200:05:20,425 --> 00:05:22,259The utterlack of judgment.9300:05:22,261 --> 00:05:24,161You thoughtyou'd take time9400:05:24,163 --> 00:05:25,729for a little quickiewith that girl9500:05:25,731 --> 00:05:27,864before you harvested her.9600:05:27,866 --> 00:05:29,099Sir --9700:05:29,101 --> 00:05:31,568And you were discoveredby a witness.9800:05:31,570 --> 00:05:33,503We don't have witnesses!9900:05:33,505 --> 00:05:36,306And left a body behind.10000:05:37,408 --> 00:05:39,442And we certainlydon't leave behind bodies10100:05:39,444 --> 00:05:41,244when we harvest.10200:05:41,246 --> 00:05:46,616The whole key to our successall these centuries is secrecy.10300:05:46,618 --> 00:05:47,984Daddy...10400:05:47,986 --> 00:05:51,688I've never doneanything like this before.10500:05:51,690 --> 00:05:55,759I haven't been myself...ever since Jacob died.10600:05:55,761 --> 00:05:57,861Oh, no.10700:05:57,863 --> 00:05:59,429No, no, no.10800:06:00,765 --> 00:06:04,234Don't you dare cheapenthe memory of your brother10900:06:04,236 --> 00:06:07,671by using him as an excusefor your foolishness.11000:06:07,673 --> 00:06:10,607I'm filled with regret,sir.11100:06:10,609 --> 00:06:12,909I doubt that.11200:06:12,911 --> 00:06:15,946But you will beif you are cast down11300:06:15,948 --> 00:06:17,948to the lower echelonsof this family,11400:06:17,950 --> 00:06:21,418where you will exchangeyour title of son and heir11500:06:21,420 --> 00:06:23,019for lab rat.11600:06:23,821 --> 00:06:27,490I madethis single mistake.11700:06:27,492 --> 00:06:29,092Discipline.11800:06:29,094 --> 00:06:31,294It is allthat holds our life together.11900:06:31,296 --> 00:06:34,764If it unravels,we are done.12000:06:36,701 --> 00:06:39,436Here's howyou'll redeem yourself.12100:06:39,438 --> 00:06:42,305First, clean up your messin Omaha.12200:06:42,307 --> 00:06:48,245Next, you will track downthese Winchesters12300:06:48,247 --> 00:06:50,880who murderedyour brother Jacob,12400:06:50,882 --> 00:06:52,983and who may now havein their possession12500:06:52,985 --> 00:06:54,551"The Book of the Damned."12600:06:54,553 --> 00:06:57,153It will be done.12700:07:07,732 --> 00:07:09,165Sir?12800:07:09,167 --> 00:07:10,467Uncle Monroe?12900:07:10,469 --> 00:07:11,635Yes, Eli?13000:07:11,637 --> 00:07:15,772I was wonderingif it was best13100:07:15,774 --> 00:07:18,742to put such an importantassignment in Eldon's hands13200:07:18,744 --> 00:07:20,310since his...13300:07:21,513 --> 00:07:24,214judgment isso questionable.13400:07:24,216 --> 00:07:27,350That's very bold of you, Eli,considering your own issues.13500:07:27,352 --> 00:07:29,252My issues, sir?13600:07:29,254 --> 00:07:31,221The mysteriousredheaded girl13700:07:31,223 --> 00:07:33,990that your cousin Jacobwas tracking when he died --13800:07:33,992 --> 00:07:36,293the onethat stole the book --13900:07:36,295 --> 00:07:38,995was that tasknot passed on to you?14000:07:38,997 --> 00:07:40,563Have you located her?14100:07:40,565 --> 00:07:42,499I'm trying, sir.14200:07:42,501 --> 00:07:44,401There's stillno trace of her.14300:07:44,403 --> 00:07:47,304Well, if the Winchesters don'thave the book,she's got it.14400:07:47,306 --> 00:07:50,307So if you're so worriedthat your cousin will fail,14500:07:50,309 --> 00:07:53,677report in with Eldonand back his effort.14600:07:55,546 --> 00:07:57,480Now get out.14700:08:16,100 --> 00:08:17,167Wow.14800:08:17,169 --> 00:08:18,401Hey.14900:08:18,403 --> 00:08:20,103Well, you looklike crap on toast.15000:08:20,105 --> 00:08:22,505I just haven't...really been sleeping well.15100:08:23,875 --> 00:08:26,076There's a womanyou haven't mentioned?15200:08:26,078 --> 00:08:28,24
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