Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Tephritid distribution and abundance dependon several abiotic factors (e.g., temperature,relative humidity, rainfall) and several bioticfactors (e.g., host plants, natural enemies)(Vayssières et al. 2008). This study focusedon the effect of temperature on the developmentof pre-imaginal stages of B. carambolaeand B. papayae. Working either in the laboratoryor in the field, researchers demonstratedthat temperature is the main abiotic factor affectingsurvival and development of manytephritid species (Fletcher 1987, Vargas et al.1997, Brévault and Quilici 2000, Duyck andQuilici 2002, Rwomushana et al. 2008,Vayssières et al. 2008, Liu and Ye 2009). Twofundamental thermal parameters that expresshow the rate of development of ectothermsdepends on temperature are the lower thresholdtemperature for development (Tmin:temperature below which no measurable developmenttakes place) and the thermalconstant K (number of degree days [DD]above temperature Tmin for completion of development)(Higley et al.1986, Rwomushanaet al. 2008). There is no published report onthe effect of these important variables on B.carambolae and B. papayae. Therefore, thisstudy was aimed at identifying and comparingthe effect of six constant temperatures on thedevelopment and survival of immature stagesof these flies. The study also tested and revealedhow the flies survive on the food fromtheir host plant Psidium guajava L. (Myrtales:Myrtaceae). Spesies ini terbang yang diketahuicohabitate pada buah Jambu di bidang danoleh karena itu menunjukkan tumpang-tindih ceruk melalui buah(Duyck et al., 2008).
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