His Dao Protector is silent, he knows that such vision, indicated the  terjemahan - His Dao Protector is silent, he knows that such vision, indicated the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

His Dao Protector is silent, he kno

His Dao Protector is silent, he knows that such vision, indicated the Young Lord of own family, to that Meng Clan clansman, there is a new interest ...
Facing berating of Meng Clan Young Lord side Dao Protector, the Meng Hao facial color is paler, the body shivers, bitter and astringent to open mouth in a low voice.
„Died, died ...” Meng Hao does not know way that Meng Chen usually spoke, therefore was unsuitable to talk too much, said these five characters, he spouted the blood simply, the body creakies, prepares to faint, but after the vision swept saw that Meng Clan Young Lord vision, the Meng Hao innermost feelings move.
„Died? Why his other people died, but you are actually living coming back, said that exactly what happened in!” Meng Clan Young Lord Dao Protector, shouted to clear the way again.
Meng Hao has not paid attention to this old man, right hand lifts pats bag of holding, immediately in the hand presented a silver trident, holds up high, toward Meng Clan Young Lord immediately to open mouth.
„The Meng Chen good fortune does not fail in one's mission, although among a narrow escape, may actually succeed seeks this treasure, for this magic weapon, all people died ...”
That Meng Clan Young Lord two eyes one bright, fierce takes a step to go out, approaches instant, one has grasped this silver trident, after the attempt, when his item of dew is wild with joy, looks to Meng Hao, suddenly under act snatching Meng Hao bag of holding, careful flipping, this loses to Meng Hao.
„Good, Meng Chen, calculates that you perform a merit.” This Meng Clan Young Lord, is taking the silver trident, more looked that more likes, the look is self-satisfied, laughs.
„This time goes out, obtains this most precious object, after returning to the family, Patriarch will praise to me surely much.”
„This is not Meng Chen own merit, is all clansmen tries hard to gain, naturally is most important , because all these have Young Lord to map out strategic plans in an army tent, therefore I can obtain this treasure smoothly.” The Meng Hao body creakies, difficult holding the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance, his words, that Meng Clan Young Lord stares, looked at Meng Hao one, has patted under the shoulder of Meng Hao maliciously, laughs once more.
„Good, good, you have the merit, bestows you to cultivate the room therapy three days of rights, comes the human, leading him to cultivate the room!” The Meng Clan Young Lord mood is excellent, immediately some people go forward, bringing Meng Hao to depart.
That Dao Protector old man frowned, he pours has not suspected Meng Hao, but thought that this time returns to the family, is not good to confess, has not thought the change of Meng Hao words, middle-aged cultivator that but his behind that once had had to do with Meng Hao, is actually the item of dew surprise.
Nearby Han youth, vision has fallen on Meng Hao, in the item is getting more and more bright.
The time passes, quick three days pass by, these three days of Meng Hao in the practicing room of this Meng Clan boat ship, declared to the outside therapy, nobody disturbed him, after all in Meng Clan, existence of Meng Chen, not worthy of mentioning.
Even on this boat ship, Meng Chen does not have what friend, Meng Hao is unscrupulous spiritual sense dispersing, in these three days, his spiritual sense covers the entire boat ship, if even he thinks that only needs a thought that old man including that Dao Protector, instantaneously collapse death.
Meng Hao is observing, discussions between these clansmen, that is called Meng De's Young Lord as well as the dialog between Dao Protector, or is that Han youth makes Meng Hao knit the brows the hobby that performs in Meng Hao at present.
Slowly, before he also knew Meng Chen, on this boat ship is unpleasant, had had the insult, enabling Meng Chen here, almost not to have the specially familiar person, if said really ... Has one, is that is the middle-aged man of steward.
But this person's surprise to Meng Hao, in these three days, in Meng Hao spiritual sense also felt, his vision dodged, a thought that immediately this seems like familiar to Meng Chen, may in fact innermost feelings sinister middle age cultivator, in one time sat in meditation in practicing, the direct mind disorder, passed away.
The death of this person, has caused the flurry of Meng Clan, may after that Dao Protector inspection, think that after is practicing had something go wrong, the people then relaxed.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
His Dao Protector is silent, he knows that such vision, indicated the Young Lord of own family, to that Meng Clan clansman, there is a new interest ...Facing berating of Meng Clan Young Lord side Dao Protector, the Meng Hao facial color is paler, the body shivers, bitter and astringent to open mouth in a low voice.„Died, died ...” Meng Hao does not know way that Meng Chen usually spoke, therefore was unsuitable to talk too much, said these five characters, he spouted the blood simply, the body creakies, prepares to faint, but after the vision swept saw that Meng Clan Young Lord vision, the Meng Hao innermost feelings move.„Died? Why his other people died, but you are actually living coming back, said that exactly what happened in!” Meng Clan Young Lord Dao Protector, shouted to clear the way again.Meng Hao has not paid attention to this old man, right hand lifts pats bag of holding, immediately in the hand presented a silver trident, holds up high, toward Meng Clan Young Lord immediately to open mouth.„The Meng Chen good fortune does not fail in one's mission, although among a narrow escape, may actually succeed seeks this treasure, for this magic weapon, all people died ...”That Meng Clan Young Lord two eyes one bright, fierce takes a step to go out, approaches instant, one has grasped this silver trident, after the attempt, when his item of dew is wild with joy, looks to Meng Hao, suddenly under act snatching Meng Hao bag of holding, careful flipping, this loses to Meng Hao.„Good, Meng Chen, calculates that you perform a merit.” This Meng Clan Young Lord, is taking the silver trident, more looked that more likes, the look is self-satisfied, laughs.„This time goes out, obtains this most precious object, after returning to the family, Patriarch will praise to me surely much.”„This is not Meng Chen own merit, is all clansmen tries hard to gain, naturally is most important , because all these have Young Lord to map out strategic plans in an army tent, therefore I can obtain this treasure smoothly.” The Meng Hao body creakies, difficult holding the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance, his words, that Meng Clan Young Lord stares, looked at Meng Hao one, has patted under the shoulder of Meng Hao maliciously, laughs once more.„Good, good, you have the merit, bestows you to cultivate the room therapy three days of rights, comes the human, leading him to cultivate the room!” The Meng Clan Young Lord mood is excellent, immediately some people go forward, bringing Meng Hao to depart.That Dao Protector old man frowned, he pours has not suspected Meng Hao, but thought that this time returns to the family, is not good to confess, has not thought the change of Meng Hao words, middle-aged cultivator that but his behind that once had had to do with Meng Hao, is actually the item of dew surprise.Nearby Han youth, vision has fallen on Meng Hao, in the item is getting more and more bright.The time passes, quick three days pass by, these three days of Meng Hao in the practicing room of this Meng Clan boat ship, declared to the outside therapy, nobody disturbed him, after all in Meng Clan, existence of Meng Chen, not worthy of mentioning.Even on this boat ship, Meng Chen does not have what friend, Meng Hao is unscrupulous spiritual sense dispersing, in these three days, his spiritual sense covers the entire boat ship, if even he thinks that only needs a thought that old man including that Dao Protector, instantaneously collapse death.Meng Hao is observing, discussions between these clansmen, that is called Meng De's Young Lord as well as the dialog between Dao Protector, or is that Han youth makes Meng Hao knit the brows the hobby that performs in Meng Hao at present.Slowly, before he also knew Meng Chen, on this boat ship is unpleasant, had had the insult, enabling Meng Chen here, almost not to have the specially familiar person, if said really ... Has one, is that is the middle-aged man of steward.But this person's surprise to Meng Hao, in these three days, in Meng Hao spiritual sense also felt, his vision dodged, a thought that immediately this seems like familiar to Meng Chen, may in fact innermost feelings sinister middle age cultivator, in one time sat in meditation in practicing, the direct mind disorder, passed away.The death of this person, has caused the flurry of Meng Clan, may after that Dao Protector inspection, think that after is practicing had something go wrong, the people then relaxed.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dao Protector nya adalah diam, ia tahu bahwa visi tersebut, ditunjukkan Tuhan Muda dari keluarga sendiri, untuk itu Meng Clan klan, ada minat baru ...
Menghadapi memarahi dari Meng Clan Muda Tuhan sisi Dao Protector, yang Meng Hao warna wajah adalah pucat, menggigil tubuh, pahit dan zat untuk membuka mulut dengan suara rendah.
"meninggal, meninggal ..." Meng Hao tidak tahu cara Meng Chen biasanya berbicara, karena itu tidak cocok untuk berbicara terlalu banyak, mengatakan lima karakter ini , ia menyemburkan darah sederhana, creakies tubuh, mempersiapkan pingsan, tapi setelah visi menyapu melihat bahwa visi Meng Clan muda TUHAN, Meng Hao terdalam perasaan bergerak.
"Meninggal? Mengapa orang lain meninggal, tapi Anda benar-benar hidup kembali, mengatakan bahwa apa yang terjadi di! "Meng Clan Muda Tuhan Dao Protector, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan lagi.
Meng Hao belum diperhatikan orang tua ini, tangan kanan lift tepukan tas memegang, segera di tangan disajikan trisula perak, memegang tinggi-tinggi, menuju Meng Clan muda Tuhan segera membuka mulut.
"The Meng Chen nasib baik tidak gagal dalam misi seseorang, meskipun di antara melarikan diri sempit, mungkin benar-benar berhasil mencari harta karun ini, untuk senjata sihir ini, semua orang meninggal ... "
Itu Meng Clan muda Tuhan dua mata satu terang, sengit mengambil langkah untuk pergi keluar, pendekatan instan, satu telah menangkap trisula perak ini, setelah upaya, ketika nya item embun liar dengan sukacita, terlihat Meng Hao, tiba-tiba di bawah tindakan menyambar Meng Hao tas holding, flipping hati-hati, ini kehilangan untuk Meng Hao.
"Baik, Meng Chen, menghitung bahwa Anda melakukan merit." ini Meng Clan muda Tuhan, adalah mengambil trisula perak, lebih tampak bahwa lebih suka, tampilan adalah puas diri, tertawa.
"kali ini keluar, memperoleh benda paling berharga ini, setelah kembali ke keluarga, Patriarch akan memuji saya pasti banyak."
"ini bukan Meng Chen jasa sendiri, semua klan berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan, secara alami adalah yang paling penting, karena semua ini memiliki muda Tuhan untuk memetakan rencana strategis di tenda tentara, karena itu saya dapat memperoleh harta ini lancar." The Meng Hao creakies tubuh, sulit memegang tangan di sisi lain sangat tidak hormat, kata-katanya, bahwa Meng Clan muda Tuhan menatap, menatap Meng Hao satu, telah menepuk bawah bahu Meng Hao jahat, tertawa sekali lagi.
"baik, baik, Anda memiliki manfaat itu, melimpahkan Anda untuk menumbuhkan terapi ruang tiga hari hak asasi, datang manusia, memimpin dia untuk menumbuhkan ruangan! "The Meng Clan muda Tuhan suasana hati yang sangat baik, segera beberapa orang maju, membawa Meng Hao untuk berangkat.
orang tua Dao Protector mengerutkan kening, ia menuangkan belum dicurigai Meng Hao, tetapi berpikir bahwa kali ini kembali ke keluarga, tidak baik untuk mengaku, belum memikirkan perubahan kata Meng Hao, pembudidaya setengah baya itu, tetapi di belakang itu sekali telah ada hubungannya dengan Meng Hao, sebenarnya item embun kejutan.
Terdekat pemuda Han, visi telah jatuh pada Meng Hao, di item tersebut semakin cerah.
waktu berlalu, cepat tiga hari berlalu tiga, ini hari Meng Hao di ruang berlatih kapal Meng Clan perahu ini, dinyatakan terapi luar, tidak ada yang mengganggunya, setelah semua di Meng Clan, keberadaan Meng Chen, tidak layak disebut.
Bahkan di kapal boat ini, Meng Chen tidak tidak memiliki apa yang teman, Meng Hao adalah tidak bermoral spiritual rasa menyebar, dalam tiga hari ini, rasa spiritualnya mencakup seluruh kapal boat, bahkan jika ia berpikir bahwa hanya membutuhkan pemikiran bahwa orang tua termasuk yang Dao Protector, seketika runtuh kematian.
Meng Hao mengamati, diskusi antara klan ini, yang disebut Meng De Lord muda serta dialog antara Dao Protector, atau adalah bahwa Han muda membuat Meng Hao merajut alis hobi yang melakukan di Meng Hao saat ini.
Perlahan, sebelum ia juga tahu Meng Chen, di kapal boat ini adalah menyenangkan, punya penghinaan, memungkinkan Meng Chen sini, hampir tidak ada orang khusus yang akrab, jika kata yang benar-benar ... memiliki satu, adalah bahwa adalah pria paruh baya dari steward.
tapi kejutan orang ini untuk Meng Hao, dalam tiga hari ini, dalam arti spiritual Meng Hao juga merasa, visinya dielakkan, pemikiran yang segera ini sepertinya akrab bagi Meng Chen, mungkin sebenarnya terdalam perasaan menyeramkan kultivator usia pertengahan, dalam satu waktu duduk dalam meditasi dalam berlatih, gangguan pikiran langsung, meninggal.
kematian orang ini, telah menyebabkan kebingungan Meng Clan, mungkin setelah itu pemeriksaan Dao Protector, berpikir bahwa setelah berlatih memiliki sesuatu yang salah, orang-orang kemudian santai.
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