Nie Li tightly grasped the Thunder God’s Meteorite Sword. When he saw  terjemahan - Nie Li tightly grasped the Thunder God’s Meteorite Sword. When he saw  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nie Li tightly grasped the Thunder

Nie Li tightly grasped the Thunder God’s Meteorite Sword. When he saw how pained Ye Zong looked, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. With his current strength, he was capable of engaging in battle Demon Lord; however killing him would still be a difficult task.

After spending so much time together, Nie Li regarded Ye Zong as a second father in his heart.

Ye Zong endured the pain. Even though one of his arms had been ripped off and he was being held in a choke hold, he still had an air of unyielding pride.

Ye Zong solemnly said. “Nie Li, don’t worry about me. Use all your strength to kill him! Even if I wind up in hell, I’ll go happily!” His gaze moved away from Ye Ziyun. He had spent his entire life protecting Glory City, and would until his last breath. The only thing he would regret was leaving Ye Ziyun behind.

When she saw how much Ye Zong was suffering, tears fell from Ye Ziyun’s cheeks. She recalled her childhood, when her father had held her hands and led her along as they watched the distant scarlet clouds.

“Yun’er, did you know? Glory City is the one place we can call home. Countless ancestors have died in order to protect this home. Their spilled blood has contributed to the glory of the Snow Wind Family. You should feel proud of your ancestors. If Glory City meets with danger one day, I will also hand over my life without hesitation.”

Back then, Ye Ziyun couldn’t understand her father’s words. But as she grew up and started to understand, she tried her best to become stronger and help her father. Finally, she had stepped into Legend rank, but right now, she could only watch as Ye Zong suffered.

The Demon Lord laughed and said, “Ye Zong, did you think that if you lot were to join hands, that you’d be able to kill me? Hand the demon spirit stone over to me. Otherwise, not to mention just you, everyone here will die!” As he finished speaking, the Demon Lord grabbed Ye Zong’s other arm and tore it off.

With both of his arms dismembered, Ye Zong’s face twisted in pain.

On the contrary, his suffering caused the Demon Lord to be happy. He held onto Ye Zong’s neck and continued to exert strength. He could kill Ye Zong whenever he wished, if he cared to apply more force.

Seeing Ye Zong’s life hanging on a thread, Ye Mo hastily yelled, “Wait, as long as you let Ye Zong go, I’ll give the you the demon spirit stone!”

Ye Mo took out a demon spirit stone.

The Demon Lord coldly laughed, “Throw the demon spirit stone over!”

“Let him go first!” Ye Mo said in solemn voice.

The Demon Lord smiled sinisterly and said, “Ye Mo, it seems that you’re still unclear about the current situation. You guys have no other choice! If you don’t pass the demon spirit stone over right now, I’ll kill Ye Zong first, then take it from your hands. After that, what can you possibly do to me?”

The Demon Lord continued to exert force as Ye Zong’s sides continued to flow with blood. If he didn’t receive immediate aid, it would be too late!

Ye Mo’s eyes widened. Although he was usually extremely strict with Ye Zong, Ye Zong had always made him proud. As he watched his own son suffer, he desired that it would rather be himself who suffered!

“This is the demon spirit stone that you wanted!” Ye Mo threw the stone over.


The Demon Lord caught the demon spirit stone in one hand and verified it.

“Now, let Ye Zong go!” Ye Mo clenched both fists tightly and prepared to engage.

“Of course I’ll return him to you!” A cruel and sinister smile was plastered on the Demon Lord’s face. One of his arms pierced Ye Zong’s chest and sprayed blood everywhere. The Demon Lord licked at the blood that had splattered on his face, “Tsk, tsk. Such a fragrant scent! Ye Mo, both you and I have fought for dozens of years and today, your son will die in my hands. But don’t worry, I won’t let him die alone. I’ll take your life next and let the two of you reunite in the underworld!”

The moment the Demon Lord pierced Ye Zong’s chest, an unwavering determination express
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nie Li erat memahami Thunder God meteorit pedang. Ketika ia melihat bagaimana sedih melihat kamu Zong, dia merasa sakit yang tajam di dalam hatinya. Dengan kekuatan-Nya saat ini, ia mampu terlibat dalam pertempuran setan Tuhan; Namun membunuhnya akan masih menjadi tugas yang sulit.Setelah menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu bersama-sama, Nie Li dianggap kamu Zong sebagai seorang ayah yang kedua di dalam hatinya.Kamu Zong mengalami rasa sakit. Meskipun salah satu tangannya telah merobek dan ia ditahan dalam terus tersedak, ia masih memiliki udara kebanggaan keras.Kamu Zong sungguh-sungguh berkata. "Nie Li, jangan khawatir tentang saya. Gunakan kekuatan Anda untuk membunuh dia! Bahkan jika saya berakhir di neraka, aku akan pergi dengan gembira!" Tatapan pindah dari Ziyun kamu. Dia telah menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya melindungi kota kemuliaan, dan akan sampai nafas terakhirnya. Satu-satunya hal yang ia akan menyesal meninggalkan kamu Ziyun di belakang.Ketika dia melihat berapa banyak kamu Zong adalah penderitaan, air mata jatuh dari kamu Ziyun pipi. Dia mengingat kecilnya, ketika ayahnya telah memegang tangannya dan membimbingnya sepanjang sewaktu mereka sedang melihat awan merah jauh."Yun'er, Apakah Anda tahu? Kemuliaan City adalah salah satu tempat yang kita bisa menelepon ke rumah. Nenek moyang tak terhitung mati untuk melindungi rumah ini. Darah yang tumpah mereka telah memberikan kontribusi untuk kemuliaan keluarga angin salju. Anda harus merasa bangga nenek moyang Anda. Jika kota kemuliaan sesuai dengan bahaya suatu hari, aku juga akan menyerahkan hidupku tanpa ragu-ragu."Back then, Ye Ziyun couldn’t understand her father’s words. But as she grew up and started to understand, she tried her best to become stronger and help her father. Finally, she had stepped into Legend rank, but right now, she could only watch as Ye Zong suffered.The Demon Lord laughed and said, “Ye Zong, did you think that if you lot were to join hands, that you’d be able to kill me? Hand the demon spirit stone over to me. Otherwise, not to mention just you, everyone here will die!” As he finished speaking, the Demon Lord grabbed Ye Zong’s other arm and tore it off.With both of his arms dismembered, Ye Zong’s face twisted in pain.On the contrary, his suffering caused the Demon Lord to be happy. He held onto Ye Zong’s neck and continued to exert strength. He could kill Ye Zong whenever he wished, if he cared to apply more force.Seeing Ye Zong’s life hanging on a thread, Ye Mo hastily yelled, “Wait, as long as you let Ye Zong go, I’ll give the you the demon spirit stone!”Ye Mo took out a demon spirit stone.The Demon Lord coldly laughed, “Throw the demon spirit stone over!”“Let him go first!” Ye Mo said in solemn voice.The Demon Lord smiled sinisterly and said, “Ye Mo, it seems that you’re still unclear about the current situation. You guys have no other choice! If you don’t pass the demon spirit stone over right now, I’ll kill Ye Zong first, then take it from your hands. After that, what can you possibly do to me?”The Demon Lord continued to exert force as Ye Zong’s sides continued to flow with blood. If he didn’t receive immediate aid, it would be too late!Ye Mo’s eyes widened. Although he was usually extremely strict with Ye Zong, Ye Zong had always made him proud. As he watched his own son suffer, he desired that it would rather be himself who suffered!“This is the demon spirit stone that you wanted!” Ye Mo threw the stone over.*Pa!*The Demon Lord caught the demon spirit stone in one hand and verified it.“Now, let Ye Zong go!” Ye Mo clenched both fists tightly and prepared to engage.“Of course I’ll return him to you!” A cruel and sinister smile was plastered on the Demon Lord’s face. One of his arms pierced Ye Zong’s chest and sprayed blood everywhere. The Demon Lord licked at the blood that had splattered on his face, “Tsk, tsk. Such a fragrant scent! Ye Mo, both you and I have fought for dozens of years and today, your son will die in my hands. But don’t worry, I won’t let him die alone. I’ll take your life next and let the two of you reunite in the underworld!”The moment the Demon Lord pierced Ye Zong’s chest, an unwavering determination express
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nie Li erat digenggam Meteorit Pedang Thunder Allah. Ketika ia melihat bagaimana sedih Ye Zong tampak, ia merasakan nyeri di hatinya. Dengan kekuatan saat ini, dia mampu terlibat dalam pertempuran Demon Lord; Namun membunuhnya masih akan menjadi tugas yang sulit. Setelah menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu bersama-sama, Nie Li dianggap Ye Zong sebagai ayah kedua di hatinya. Ye Zong menahan rasa sakit. Meskipun salah satu lengannya telah merobek dan dia ditahan di choke terus, ia masih memiliki udara pantang menyerah kebanggaan. Ye Zong sungguh-sungguh mengatakan. "Nie Li, jangan khawatir tentang saya. Menggunakan semua kekuatan Anda untuk membunuh dia! Bahkan jika saya berakhir di neraka, aku akan pergi dengan senang hati! "Tatapannya pindah dari Ye Ziyun. Dia telah menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya melindungi Glory City, dan akan sampai napas terakhirnya. Satu-satunya hal yang dia akan menyesal meninggalkan Ye Ziyun belakang. Ketika dia melihat berapa banyak Ye Zong menderita, air mata jatuh dari pipi Ye Ziyun ini. Dia ingat masa kecilnya, ketika ayahnya memegang tangannya dan membimbingnya bersama saat mereka menyaksikan awan merah jauh. "Yun'er, kau tahu? Glory City adalah salah satu tempat kami bisa menelepon ke rumah. Leluhur yang tak terhitung jumlahnya telah meninggal untuk melindungi rumah ini. Darah mereka tumpah telah berkontribusi kemuliaan Salju Angin Family. Anda harus merasa bangga nenek moyang Anda. Jika Glory Kota bertemu dengan bahaya satu hari, saya juga akan menyerahkan hidup saya tanpa ragu-ragu. " Saat itu, Ye Ziyun tidak bisa memahami kata-kata ayahnya. Tapi saat ia tumbuh dan mulai mengerti, dia mencoba nya terbaik untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan membantu ayahnya. Akhirnya, ia melangkah ke Legenda peringkat, tapi sekarang, dia hanya bisa menyaksikan Ye Zong menderita. The Demon Lord tertawa dan berkata, "Ye Zong, apakah Anda berpikir bahwa jika Anda banyak untuk bergabung tangan, Anda akan mampu membunuhku? Tangan batu semangat setan ke saya. Jika tidak, belum lagi hanya Anda, semua orang di sini akan mati! "Saat ia selesai berbicara, Demon Tuhan memegang lengan Ye Zong yang lain dan merobek off. Dengan kedua lengannya dipotong-potong, wajah Ye Zong berkerut kesakitan. Sebaliknya, penderitaannya menyebabkan Demon Lord untuk menjadi bahagia. Dia memegang leher Ye Zong dan terus mengerahkan kekuatan. Dia bisa membunuh Ye Zong setiap kali ia berharap, jika ia peduli untuk menerapkan kekuatan lebih. Melihat kehidupan Ye Zong tergantung di benang, Ye Mo buru-buru berteriak, "Tunggu, selama Anda membiarkan Ye Zong pergi, saya akan memberikan Anda setan semangat batu! " Ye Mo mengambil batu semangat setan. The demon Lord dingin tertawa," Lempar batu semangat setan lebih! " " Biarkan dia pergi dulu! "Ye Mo berkata dengan suara serius. The demon Lord tersenyum sinisterly dan berkata , "Ye Mo, tampaknya Anda masih belum jelas tentang situasi saat ini. Kalian tidak punya pilihan lain! Jika Anda tidak lulus batu semangat setan lebih sekarang, aku akan membunuhmu Ye Zong pertama, kemudian mengambilnya dari tangan Anda. Setelah itu, apa yang dapat Anda mungkin lakukan untuk saya? " The Demon Lord terus mengerahkan kekuatan sebagai sisi Ye Zong terus mengalir dengan darah. Jika ia tidak menerima bantuan segera, itu akan menjadi terlambat! Mata Ye Mo melebar. Meskipun ia biasanya sangat ketat dengan Ye Zong, Ye Zong selalu membuatnya bangga. Saat ia melihat anaknya sendiri menderita, ia diinginkan bahwa lebih suka menjadi dirinya sendiri yang menderita! "Ini adalah batu semangat setan yang Anda inginkan!" Ye Mo melemparkan batu di atas. * Pa! * The Demon Lord menangkap batu semangat setan di satu tangan dan diverifikasi. "Sekarang, mari kita Ye Zong pergi!" Ye Mo mengepalkan kedua tangannya erat dan siap untuk terlibat. "Tentu saja aku akan kembali dia untuk Anda!" senyum kejam dan menyeramkan itu terpampang di Demon Tuhan menghadapi. Salah satu lengannya menusuk dada Ye Zong dan disemprotkan darah di mana-mana. The Demon Lord menjilat darah yang berceceran di wajahnya, "Ck, ck. Seperti aroma harum! Ye Mo, baik Anda dan saya telah berjuang selama puluhan tahun dan hari ini, anak Anda akan mati di tangan saya. Tapi jangan khawatir, aku tidak akan membiarkan dia mati sendiri. Aku akan mengambil hidup Anda berikutnya dan biarkan Anda berdua bersatu kembali di dunia bawah! " Saat Demon Tuhan menusuk dada Ye Zong, seorang tekad ekspres tak tergoyahkan

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