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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Simultaneously, it is important for our work to highlight thattransformational leadership and organizational learning are alsorelated. This circumstance implies indirect influences onorganizational innovation, influences that have usually beenabsent from previous research analysis.Many authors have asserted relationships between leadershipand organizational learning (e.g., Senge, 1990; Senge etal., 1994; Tushman & Nadler, 1986). Traditional leadership hasbeen characterized as highly individualistic and asystematicand as making the learning of organizational teams difficult;however, transformational leadership is focused on activepromotion of employees’ participation in collective decisionsand activities (Adair, 1990; Bass, 1991). Transformationalleaders should be able to build teams and provide them withdirection, energy, and support for processes of change andorganizational learning (Blackler & McDonald, 2000; McDonough,2000; Nadler & Tushman, 1990).More specifically, transformational leadership fuels organizationallearning by promoting intellectual stimulation, inspirationalmotivation, and self-confidence among organizationmembers (Coad & Berry, 1998). A capability for transformationalleadership has been even described as one of the mostimportant means of developing learning organizations (e.g.,Maani & Benton, 1999; Slater & Narver, 1995; Snell, 2001).Dengan demikian, kami memperkirakan:Hipotesis 3a. Kepemimpinan transformasi positif mempengaruhiorganisasi belajar.3b hipotesis. Kepemimpinan transformasi positif dantidak langsung mempengaruhi perusahaan inovasi melalui organisasibelajar.
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