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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1303: merebut gudang dan menelan! < ; script > ; < ; / script > ; "Aku harus menelepon Anda untuk Ji Dongyang, adalah... Ji klan patriak!" Meng Hao tampak di Ji Dongyang, dua mata adalah penyempitan mata, perasaan terdalam waspada, rasa krisis itu kehidupan dan kematian, lebih intens saat ini, bahkan ketika menghadapi Bai Tuhan, perasaan ini tidak begitu jelas.Setelah semua saat ini Meng Hao, apakah dia paling lemah waktu, tetapi munculnya Ji Dongyang, telah membuktikan masalah, partai yang berlawanan mengamati itu sendiri, adalah jauh dari waktu yang singkat, sebaliknya, tidak mungkin kebetulan seperti merebut kesempatan waktu ini.Tapi mengamati itu sendiri menjadi begitu lama, diri di sini tidak menyadari tiba-tiba bahwa hal ini memiliki petunjuk, status Ji Dongyang ini, pada saat ini, telah juga memicu menebak Meng Hao, karena itu yang memiliki beberapa kata-kata.Dan dalam kata-kata Partai berlawanan, mungkin karena bersemangat, telah terungkap banyak informasi, jika Ji Dongyang tahu bahwa Meng Hao melalui kata-katanya beberapa, melihat ini, akan menjadi terkejut pasti.Ji Dongyang kaget, memandang Meng Hao satu, tersenyum, saat ini ia tidak peduli oleh Meng Hao terlihat."Ji Tian, adalah sekali saya nama, aku suka, Ji Dongyang!"Dalam contoh bahwa penyebaran kata Ji Dongyang, Meng Hao kedua mata kontraksi sengit, Ji Tian, adalah Ji klan patriark, itu masa lalu dan sebuah kelompok besar waktu Fang klan patriark, berkompetisi untuk Tuhan gunung dan laut untuk berhasil, angkatan laut gunung kesembilan.„ You do not need to consider that delays the time to restore, the heaviness of your injury, is far from a short time can restore, that Lord Bai of strength, even if I also has scruples, fights with it, must defeat.But you, are make me pleasantly surprised really ... ”„ Decides as my ninth stature you, is I most correctly chooses ... Come, Meng Hao, after your I fuse, appears is my ninth, I will be bringing Ninth Mountain sea, brings order out of chaos, resists from 33 days of arrivals.You had sacrificed yourself , helping is not only I, but is entire Mountains and Seas Plane! I can pledge to you. Fang Clan, I can take care of very good ...Your all, ... Is me. ” Ji Dongyang laughs, the vision flashes slightly. to open mouth, has not actually approached Meng Hao, Meng Hao and Lord Bai that war, he saw from afar that is the heart is startled very much.Meng Hao facial color cloudy and cold. Not again to open mouth, but stands there, looks at Ji Dongyang indifferently.He is motionless, Ji Dongyang is not willing to act rashly, two people look, roughly after more than ten rests, Ji Dongyang frowned, suddenly lifts the footsteps, goes out three steps toward Meng Hao.These three falling instant, in the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges. Suddenly takes a step, directly soars Ji Dongyang, this sudden action, making Ji Dongyang heart shake, his subconscious on retreats.But in his retreats instance, Meng Hao here instantaneous same retreats, the rapidness of speed, instant goes far away.In the Ji Dongyang eye the cold glow dodges, immediately pursues, his heart has delivered the tone darkly. When pursuit vision twinkle, right hand lifts waves hand one figure suddenly, immediately the black light departs together instantaneously, directly soars Meng Hao.Meng Hao heart sighed darkly. Knows that this Ji Dongyang is hard to deal with, even if this person to so the degree, unexpectedly must first probe, but on act, obviously the disposition is not discrete immediately.But Meng Hao here cannot consume, his injury is too serious. At this moment restored one, cannot help but frowned, in Meng Hao dodges, the right hand lifts brandishes immediately, black light direct collapse that approaches.Thunders the reverberation, instead under shakes, Meng Hao corners of the mouth overflow blood, but his behind Ji Dongyang, chuckle.„ Brother Meng, does not need to worry, we have the time, your injury is very serious, but Ji also has the patience, when your injury erupts, loses the moment of consciousness.Naturally, you can also turn head immediately to my act, I guarantee you ... Before striking to kill me, quicker stupor, therefore, you must consider that you dare act. ” When the Ji Dongyang vision flashes, looks at Meng Hao, right hand waves hand, ten black light instantaneously depart, these ten black light, had the strength of thick karma.Meng Hao does not have act, but is body in a flash, directly soars the distant place, the speed erupts loudly, in an instant, directly has spread out some, but he direction, unexpectedly is not Deity Alliance, but is ... Seventh Mountain and Sea appears in Eighth Mountain and Sea that crack!Here , before , place that Lord Bai runs away.
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