By using a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and the degree of freedom ( terjemahan - By using a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and the degree of freedom ( Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By using a 95% confidence level (α

By using a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and the degree of freedom (k) and (n - k -1) obtained Ftable for 3.24. While the F-test calculation results obtained Fcount of 18.95. So Fcount>Ftable, which means overall variable seed, fertilizer, and labor have a significant influence on pady output.

d. Direct influence and indirect influence
1. Influence X1 to Y
Direct Influence = Pyx1 . Pyx1
= 0,5754 . 0,5754
= 0,33108516

The direct influence ofseed to the changes inpady output is 33.11percent. Which means that each one percent change in the seed variable will directly influence the pady output by 33.11 percent.

Through X2 = Pyx1 . rx1x2 . Pyx2
= 0,5754 . 0,405 .0,344639
= 0,08031

The influenceof seed to the changes in pady output through fertilizer is 8.03 percent. Which means that each one percent change in seed variable indirectly influence pady output through it’s relationship with fertilizer by 8.03 percent.

Through X3 = Pyx1 . rx1x3 . Pyx3
= 0,5754 . 0,452 .0,185139
= 0,048151099
Influence of seed to the changes in pady output through the labor is 4.81 percent. It means that each one percent change in seed variable is indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the labor by 4.81 percent.

Total = 0,33108516 + 0,08031 + 0,048151099
= 0,459549897
So it can be concluded that the will be seed directly affect pady output by 33.11 percent, seed influence pady output through relationship with fertilizer by 8.03 percent, and the influence of seed to pady output through relationship with labor is 4.81 percent. Thus the total variable seed may influence pady output by 45.95 percent.

2.Influence X2 to Y
Direct Influence = Pyx2 . Pyx2
= 0,344639. 0,344639
= 0,11877604
The direct influence of fertlizer toward pady seed is 11.88 percent. Which meansthat each one percent change in the variable fertilizer will directly influencepady outputby11.88 percent.

Through X1 = Pyx2 . rx2x1 . Pyx1
= 0,344639 . 0,405 .0,5754
= 0,080313638
The influence of fertilizer to the changes in pady output through the seed is 8.03 percent. It means each one percent change in the variable fertilizer indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the seed by 8.03 percent.

Through X3= Pyx2 . rx2x3 . Pyx3
= 0,344639 . 0,314 .0,185139
= 0,020035121
The influence of fertilizer to the changes in pady output through the labor is 2.003 percent. It can be concluded that each one percent change in the variable perceived fertilizer indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the labor by 2.003 percent.

Total = 0,11877604 + 0,080313638 + 0,020035121
= 0,219124799
So it can be interpreted that the fertilizer will directly affect pady output by 11.88 percent, the influence of fertilizer in the relationship with pady output through seed is 8.03percent, while the influence of fertilizer on pady output through its relationship with the labor is 2.003 percent of the total variable. Thus,fertilizer can influence pady output by 21.913 percent.

3. Influence X3 to Y
Direct Influence = Pyx3 . Pyx3
= 0,185139 . 0,185139
= 0,034276449
The influence of labor to the changes inpady output directly is 3.42 percent. It can be concluded that each one percent change in the variable labor will directly influence the pady outputby3.42percent.

Through X1 = Pyx3 . rx3x1 . Pyx1
= 0,185139 . 0,452 .0,5754
= 0,048151099
The influence of labor to the changes in pady output through the seed is 4.81 percent. It means that each one percent change in the variable labor will indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the seed by 4.81 percent.

Through X2= Pyx3 . rx3x2 . Pyx2
= 0,185139 . 0,314 . 0,344639
= 0,020035121
The influence of labor to the changes in pady output through fertilizer is 2.003 percent. It can be concluded that each one percent change in the variable labor indirectly influence pady output through relationship with fertilizer by 2.003 percent.

Total = 0,034276449+ 0,048151099+ 0,020035121
= 0,102462669
So it can be concluded that labor will directly influence pady output by 3.42 percent, the influence of labor on pady output through its relationship with the seed is 4.81 percent, and the effect of labor on pady output through relationship with fertilizer is 2.003 percent of the total variable, thus, labor can influence pady output by 10.223 percent.

Total (1) + (2) + (3) = 0,459549897 + 0,219124799 + 0,102462669 = 0,7795
= 77,95 % = R2(Coefisient of Determination)

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
By using a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and the degree of freedom (k) and (n - k -1) obtained Ftable for 3.24. While the F-test calculation results obtained Fcount of 18.95. So Fcount>Ftable, which means overall variable seed, fertilizer, and labor have a significant influence on pady output.d. Direct influence and indirect influence 1. Influence X1 to YDirect Influence = Pyx1 . Pyx1 = 0,5754 . 0,5754 = 0,33108516The direct influence ofseed to the changes inpady output is 33.11percent. Which means that each one percent change in the seed variable will directly influence the pady output by 33.11 percent. Through X2 = Pyx1 . rx1x2 . Pyx2 = 0,5754 . 0,405 .0,344639 = 0,08031The influenceof seed to the changes in pady output through fertilizer is 8.03 percent. Which means that each one percent change in seed variable indirectly influence pady output through it’s relationship with fertilizer by 8.03 percent.Through X3 = Pyx1 . rx1x3 . Pyx3 = 0,5754 . 0,452 .0,185139 = 0,048151099Influence of seed to the changes in pady output through the labor is 4.81 percent. It means that each one percent change in seed variable is indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the labor by 4.81 percent.Total = 0,33108516 + 0,08031 + 0,048151099 = 0,459549897Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa akan biji secara langsung mempengaruhi pady output 33.11 persen, benih pengaruh pady output melalui hubungan dengan pupuk 8,03 persen, dan pengaruh benih pady output melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja adalah 4.81 persen. Dengan demikian total benih variabel mungkin mempengaruhi pady output oleh 45,95 persen. 2. pengaruh X2 ke YLangsung pengaruh = Pyx2. Pyx2 = 0,344639. 0,344639 = 0,11877604Pengaruh langsung dari fertlizer menuju pady benih adalah 11,88 persen. Meansthat yang masing-masing satu persen perubahan variabel pupuk akan langsung influencepady outputby11.88 persen.Melalui X1 = Pyx2. rx2x1. Pyx1 = 0,344639. 0,405 .0,5754 = 0,080313638Pengaruh pupuk untuk perubahan dalam output pady melalui benih adalah 8,03 persen. Itu berarti masing-masing persentase perubahan dalam pupuk variabel tidak langsung mempengaruhi pady output melalui hubungan dengan benih 8,03 persen.Melalui X3 = Pyx2. rx2x3. Pyx3 = 0,344639. 0,314 .0,185139 = 0,020035121Pengaruh pupuk untuk perubahan dalam output pady melalui tenaga kerja adalah 2.003 persen. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap satu persen perubahan dalam variabel dirasakan pupuk tidak langsung mempengaruhi output pady melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja 2.003 persen.Total = 0,11877604 + 0,080313638 + 0,020035121 = 0,219124799So it can be interpreted that the fertilizer will directly affect pady output by 11.88 percent, the influence of fertilizer in the relationship with pady output through seed is 8.03percent, while the influence of fertilizer on pady output through its relationship with the labor is 2.003 percent of the total variable. Thus,fertilizer can influence pady output by 21.913 percent. 3. Influence X3 to YDirect Influence = Pyx3 . Pyx3 = 0,185139 . 0,185139 = 0,034276449The influence of labor to the changes inpady output directly is 3.42 percent. It can be concluded that each one percent change in the variable labor will directly influence the pady outputby3.42percent. Through X1 = Pyx3 . rx3x1 . Pyx1 = 0,185139 . 0,452 .0,5754 = 0,048151099The influence of labor to the changes in pady output through the seed is 4.81 percent. It means that each one percent change in the variable labor will indirectly influence pady output through its relationship with the seed by 4.81 percent. Through X2= Pyx3 . rx3x2 . Pyx2 = 0,185139 . 0,314 . 0,344639 = 0,020035121The influence of labor to the changes in pady output through fertilizer is 2.003 percent. It can be concluded that each one percent change in the variable labor indirectly influence pady output through relationship with fertilizer by 2.003 percent.Total = 0,034276449+ 0,048151099+ 0,020035121 = 0,102462669So it can be concluded that labor will directly influence pady output by 3.42 percent, the influence of labor on pady output through its relationship with the seed is 4.81 percent, and the effect of labor on pady output through relationship with fertilizer is 2.003 percent of the total variable, thus, labor can influence pady output by 10.223 percent.Total (1) + (2) + (3) = 0,459549897 + 0,219124799 + 0,102462669 = 0,7795 = 77,95 % = R2(Coefisient of Determination)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan menggunakan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05) dan derajat kebebasan (k) dan (n - k -1) diperoleh Ftabel untuk 3.24. Sementara F-test hasil perhitungan diperoleh Fhitung dari 18,95. Jadi Fhitung> Ftabel, yang berarti keseluruhan benih variabel, pupuk, dan tenaga kerja memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada output pady.

D. Pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung
1. Pengaruh X1 terhadap Y
pengaruh langsung = Pyx1. Pyx1
= 0,5754. 0,5754
= 0,33108516

Pengaruh langsung ofseed untuk perubahan keluaran inpady adalah 33.11percent. Yang berarti bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen dalam variabel benih akan langsung mempengaruhi output pady oleh 33,11 persen.

Melalui X2 = Pyx1. rx1x2. Pyx2
= 0,5754. 0405 .0,344639
= 0,08031

Benih influenceof dengan perubahan dalam output pady melalui pupuk adalah 8.03 persen. Yang berarti bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen variabel benih secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi keluaran pady melalui itu hubungan dengan pupuk oleh 8.03 persen.

Melalui X3 = Pyx1. rx1x3. Pyx3
= 0,5754. 0452 .0,185139
= 0,048151099
Pengaruh benih untuk perubahan dalam output pady melalui kerja adalah 4,81 persen. Ini berarti bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen variabel benih secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi pady output melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja sebesar 4,81 persen.

Total = + 0,08031 + 0,33108516 0,048151099
= 0,459549897
Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa kehendak menjadi benih langsung mempengaruhi output pady oleh 33,11 persen, benih pengaruh keluaran pady melalui hubungan dengan pupuk oleh 8.03 persen, dan pengaruh benih pady output melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja 4,81 persen. Dengan demikian total benih variabel dapat mempengaruhi pady output dengan 45,95 persen.

2.Influence X2 ke Y
Pengaruh Langsung = Pyx2. Pyx2
= 0,344639. 0,344639
= 0,11877604
Pengaruh langsung dari pupuk nitrogen terhadap benih pady adalah 11,88 persen. Yang meansthat setiap perubahan satu persen dalam pupuk variabel akan langsung influencepady outputby11.88 persen.

Melalui X1 = Pyx2. rx2x1. Pyx1
= 0,344639. 0405 .0,5754
= 0,080313638
Pengaruh pupuk terhadap perubahan output pady melalui benih adalah 8.03 persen. Ini berarti setiap perubahan satu persen dalam pupuk variabel tidak langsung mempengaruhi pady output melalui hubungan dengan benih dengan 8.03 persen.

Melalui X3 = Pyx2. rx2x3. Pyx3
= 0,344639. 0314 .0,185139
= 0,020035121
Pengaruh pupuk terhadap perubahan output pady melalui kerja adalah 2,003 persen. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen dalam pupuk variabel yang dirasakan secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi keluaran pady melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja oleh 2,003 persen.

Total = 0,080313638 + + 0,11877604 0,020035121
= 0,219124799
Jadi dapat diartikan bahwa pupuk akan langsung mempengaruhi output pady oleh 11,88 persen, pengaruh pupuk dalam hubungan dengan output pady melalui biji 8.03percent, sedangkan pengaruh pupuk pada output pady melalui hubungan dengan tenaga kerja adalah 2,003 persen dari variabel jumlah. Dengan demikian, pupuk dapat mempengaruhi pady output dengan 21,913 persen.

3. Pengaruh X3 ke Y
pengaruh langsung = Pyx3. Pyx3
= 0,185139. 0,185139
= 0,034276449
Pengaruh tenaga kerja untuk perubahan keluaran inpady langsung 3.42 persen. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen dalam tenaga kerja variabel akan langsung mempengaruhi outputby3.42percent pady.

Melalui X1 = Pyx3. rx3x1. Pyx1
= 0,185139. 0452 .0,5754
= 0,048151099
Pengaruh tenaga kerja untuk perubahan dalam output pady melalui benih adalah 4,81 persen. Ini berarti bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen dalam tenaga kerja variabel secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi keluaran pady melalui hubungan dengan benih dengan 4,81 persen.

Melalui X2 = Pyx3. rx3x2. Pyx2
= 0,185139. 0314. 0,344639
= 0,020035121
Pengaruh tenaga kerja untuk perubahan dalam output pady melalui pupuk 2,003 persen. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap perubahan satu persen dalam tenaga kerja variabel tidak langsung mempengaruhi keluaran pady melalui hubungan dengan pupuk oleh 2,003 persen.

Total = 0,034276449+ 0,048151099+ 0,020035121
= 0,102462669
Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa tenaga kerja akan langsung mempengaruhi keluaran pady oleh 3,42 persen, pengaruh tenaga kerja terhadap output pady melalui hubungan dengan benih adalah 4,81 persen, dan efek dari kerja pada output pady melalui hubungan dengan pupuk 2,003 persen dari variabel total, sehingga, tenaga kerja dapat mempengaruhi pady output dengan 10,223 persen.

total (1) + (2) + (3) = 0,459549897 + 0,219124799 + 0,102462669 = 0,7795
= 77,95% = R2 (koefisien Determinasi)

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