Xiao Che! What do you mean by that?” The First Elder Xiao Li suddenly  terjemahan - Xiao Che! What do you mean by that?” The First Elder Xiao Li suddenly  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Xiao Che! What do you mean by that?

Xiao Che! What do you mean by that?” The First Elder Xiao Li suddenly bellowed: “Don’t tell me you’re implying that Clan Master had stolen the Profound Opening Powder from himself, and then shifted the blame to Xiao Lingxi! You’re the reason why Xiao Lingxi had stolen the Profound Opening Powder. If you keep blabbering such nonsense, be careful or else even you will get punished together if you don’t step down!”

“Don’t be agitated, First Elder.” Xiao Che shook his head as he laughed, appearing harmless: “Where would I get the courage to even dare question Clan Master, I’m just voicing out the suspicions in my heart, and I believe, that most of us here have the same question too. Many of us here understand Clan Master’s nature and must be puzzled as to why Clan Master had handled the situation that way. Of course Clan Master is innocent. He couldn’t have done this kind of low and dirty thing that even the world would despise. I’m sure Clan Master will give a perfect explanation. Am I right, Clan Master.”
(TL: “low and dirty” was interpreted from Chinese idiom that literally meant “worse than pigs and dogs”)

The people of Xiao Clan and the nobles of Floating Cloud City all stared at him surreptitiously… The Xiao Che they knew was a weak and timid person, someone who was terrified of even coming into contact with outsiders. However, not only was he able to be speak frankly under the watchful eyes of the crowd in this tense atmosphere and situation, his expression did not even change when the First Elder had shouted at him… This Xiao Che and the Xiao Che they knew seemed to be two fundamentally different people.

“Low and dirty that even the world would despise” These few words caused Xiao Yunhai’s face to cramp momentarily. He raised his head to look at Xiao Che, faintly smiled and said: “There’s no need to get agitated First Elder, it’s normal for Xiao Che to question this way and just like he said, many of our friends here should have the same question as well. Actually, when I received the Profound Opening Powder from Young Master Xiao yesterday, I indeed had prepared to keep it by my side. However, the Profound Opening Powder is a high grade medicine from the Xiao Sect that’s also extremely precious. The higher the grade of the medicine, the easier it is for the effects to dissipate. In the case of this treasure elixir, even if the effect was to dissipate by a bit, it would still be a great loss. If I were to carry it with me, it will often come into contact with impure vital energy so even though it is protected by the Black Profound Ebony box, its effects will still dissipate easily. That’s the reason why I placed it inside the infirmary. After all, in the infirmary, a numerous variety of herbs have been gathered over the years, resulting in plenty of ‘medicinal energy. In places with ample ‘medicinal energy’, the elixir’s energy will not dissipate that easily… That is the reason.”

“Another reason is that we of the Xiao Clan have always been serious about abiding to the law. I never would have expected a ‘domestic thief’ to appear, or even think that she would have the audacity to steal the important gift the Xiao Sect had brought… But no matter the reason, it is nonetheless my fault that the Profound Opening Powder was stolen. In regards to this, I can’t escape that responsibility. I won’t complain if Young Master Xiao also demands my punishment.”

Xiao Yunhai sighed heavily after he finished speaking.

Xiao Yunhai explanation was completely perfect. The First Elder suddenly yelled once more: “Xiao Che! Did you hear that clearly? Clan Master had left the Profound Opening Powder in the infirmary was because of this meticulous reason and wanted to protect the Profound Opening Powder’s potency! Who would have thought a house thief would appear! What else do you have to say?”

“Oh, oh! So that’s it!” Xiao Che nodded his head, as if he was pleased with Xiao Yunhai explanation: “To even know the existence of ‘medicinal energy’, Clan Master sure is knowledgeable. Then, the second question that I wanted to ask is coincidentally related with this ‘medicinal energy’.”

Xiao Che narrowed his eyes and faintly laughed as he continued: “Regarding ‘medicinal energy’, our Xiao Clan’s infirmary has accumulated a variety of herbs over the years and they are indeed ample. Furthermore, the highest quantity herb we have in our infirmary is the “Thin Net Grass”, so the medicinal energy’s odor should be a sweet fishy one belonging to that of the ‘Thin Net Grass’.”

“Clan Master also knows that the box containing the Profound Opening Powder is made from the Black Profound Ebony and Black Profound Ebony is very good at protecting the effects of elixirs from dissipating to the surrounding, then does Clan Master know the reason why Black Profound Ebony can protect the effects of elixirs… Well, in fact, the reason is pretty simple. Black Profound Ebony has a very strong particle absorption ability, so when the medicinal force i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Xiao Che! Apa maksudmu dengan itu?" Li Xiao penatua pertama tiba-tiba berteriak: "Jangan katakan Anda menyiratkan bahwa klan Master dicuri bubuk pembukaan mendalam dari dirinya sendiri, dan kemudian bergeser menyalahkan Xiao Lingxi! Anda adalah alasan mengapa Xiao Lingxi telah mencuri bubuk pembukaan mendalam. Jika Anda menjaga mengoceh omong kosong, hati-hati atau bahkan Anda akan dihukum bersama-sama jika Anda tidak turun!""Jangan diganggu, penatua pertama." Xiao Che menggelengkan kepala saat dia tertawa, muncul tidak berbahaya: "mana saya mendapatkan keberanian untuk bahkan berani mempertanyakan klan Master, saya hanya menyuarakan keluar kecurigaan dalam hati saya, dan saya percaya, bahwa sebagian dari kita di sini memiliki pertanyaan yang sama juga. Banyak dari kita di sini memahami sifat klan Master dan harus menjadi bingung mengapa klan Master telah menangani situasi seperti itu. Tentu klan Master tidak bersalah. Dia tidak bisa melakukan jenis rendah dan hal yang kotor yang bahkan dunia akan membenci. Saya yakin klan Master akan memberikan penerangan sempurna. Apakah saya benar, klan Master."(TL: "rendah dan kotor" ditafsirkan dari Cina idiom yang secara harfiah berarti "lebih buruk dari babi dan anjing")Orang-orang klan Xiao dan pemuka-pemuka Floating awan kota semua menatap dia diam-diam... Xiao Che yang mereka tahu adalah orang yang lemah dan pemalu, seseorang yang takut bahkan datang ke dalam kontak dengan dunia luar. Namun, tidak hanya itu ia dapat berbicara terus terang di bawah pengawasan mata orang-orang dalam suasana tegang dan situasi, ekspresi tidak bahkan berubah ketika pertama penatua telah berteriak padanya... Xiao Che ini dan Xiao Che mereka tahu tampaknya menjadi dua orang yang secara fundamental berbeda.“Low and dirty that even the world would despise” These few words caused Xiao Yunhai’s face to cramp momentarily. He raised his head to look at Xiao Che, faintly smiled and said: “There’s no need to get agitated First Elder, it’s normal for Xiao Che to question this way and just like he said, many of our friends here should have the same question as well. Actually, when I received the Profound Opening Powder from Young Master Xiao yesterday, I indeed had prepared to keep it by my side. However, the Profound Opening Powder is a high grade medicine from the Xiao Sect that’s also extremely precious. The higher the grade of the medicine, the easier it is for the effects to dissipate. In the case of this treasure elixir, even if the effect was to dissipate by a bit, it would still be a great loss. If I were to carry it with me, it will often come into contact with impure vital energy so even though it is protected by the Black Profound Ebony box, its effects will still dissipate easily. That’s the reason why I placed it inside the infirmary. After all, in the infirmary, a numerous variety of herbs have been gathered over the years, resulting in plenty of ‘medicinal energy. In places with ample ‘medicinal energy’, the elixir’s energy will not dissipate that easily… That is the reason.”“Another reason is that we of the Xiao Clan have always been serious about abiding to the law. I never would have expected a ‘domestic thief’ to appear, or even think that she would have the audacity to steal the important gift the Xiao Sect had brought… But no matter the reason, it is nonetheless my fault that the Profound Opening Powder was stolen. In regards to this, I can’t escape that responsibility. I won’t complain if Young Master Xiao also demands my punishment.”Xiao Yunhai sighed heavily after he finished speaking.Xiao Yunhai explanation was completely perfect. The First Elder suddenly yelled once more: “Xiao Che! Did you hear that clearly? Clan Master had left the Profound Opening Powder in the infirmary was because of this meticulous reason and wanted to protect the Profound Opening Powder’s potency! Who would have thought a house thief would appear! What else do you have to say?”“Oh, oh! So that’s it!” Xiao Che nodded his head, as if he was pleased with Xiao Yunhai explanation: “To even know the existence of ‘medicinal energy’, Clan Master sure is knowledgeable. Then, the second question that I wanted to ask is coincidentally related with this ‘medicinal energy’.”Xiao Che narrowed his eyes and faintly laughed as he continued: “Regarding ‘medicinal energy’, our Xiao Clan’s infirmary has accumulated a variety of herbs over the years and they are indeed ample. Furthermore, the highest quantity herb we have in our infirmary is the “Thin Net Grass”, so the medicinal energy’s odor should be a sweet fishy one belonging to that of the ‘Thin Net Grass’.”“Clan Master also knows that the box containing the Profound Opening Powder is made from the Black Profound Ebony and Black Profound Ebony is very good at protecting the effects of elixirs from dissipating to the surrounding, then does Clan Master know the reason why Black Profound Ebony can protect the effects of elixirs… Well, in fact, the reason is pretty simple. Black Profound Ebony has a very strong particle absorption ability, so when the medicinal force i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Xiao Che! Apa yang Anda maksud dengan itu "The Elder Pertama Xiao Li tiba-tiba berteriak:"? Jangan bilang kau menyiratkan bahwa Clan Guru telah mencuri Powder Pembukaan mendalam dari dirinya sendiri, dan kemudian bergeser menyalahkan Xiao Lingxi! Anda adalah alasan mengapa Xiao Lingxi telah mencuri Powder Pembukaan Mendalam. ! Jika Anda terus mengoceh omong kosong seperti, hati-hati atau bahkan Anda akan dihukum bersama-sama jika Anda tidak mundur "" Jangan gelisah, Penatua Pertama. "Xiao Che menggeleng sambil tertawa, muncul tidak berbahaya:" mana saya akan mendapatkan keberanian untuk bahkan berani pertanyaan Clan Guru, aku hanya menyuarakan keluar kecurigaan dalam hati saya, dan saya percaya, bahwa sebagian besar dari kita di sini memiliki pertanyaan yang sama juga. Banyak dari kita di sini memahami sifat Clan Guru dan harus bingung mengapa Clan Guru telah menangani situasi seperti itu. Tentu saja Clan Guru tidak bersalah. Dia tidak bisa melakukan hal semacam ini rendah dan kotor bahwa bahkan dunia akan membenci. Saya yakin Clan Guru akan memberikan penjelasan yang sempurna. Apakah saya benar, Clan Master ". (TL:" rendah dan kotor "itu ditafsirkan dari idiom Cina yang secara harfiah berarti" lebih buruk dari babi dan anjing ") Orang-orang Xiao Clan dan bangsawan dari Terapung Cloud Kota semua menatapnya diam-diam ... Xiao Che mereka tahu adalah orang yang lemah dan pemalu, seseorang yang takut bahkan datang ke dalam kontak dengan orang luar. Namun, tidak hanya itu ia mampu menjadi berbicara terus terang di bawah pengawasan dari kerumunan di suasana tegang ini dan situasi, ekspresinya bahkan tidak berubah ketika Penatua Pertama telah berteriak padanya ... ini Xiao Che dan Xiao Che yang mereka tahu tampak menjadi dua orang yang berbeda secara fundamental. "Rendah dan kotor bahwa bahkan dunia akan membenci" ini beberapa kata yang disebabkan wajah Xiao Yunhai untuk kram sesaat. Dia mengangkat kepalanya untuk melihat Xiao Che, samar-samar tersenyum dan berkata: "Tidak perlu untuk mendapatkan gelisah Elder Pertama, itu normal bagi Xiao Che mempertanyakan cara ini dan seperti kata dia, banyak dari teman-teman kita di sini harus memiliki pertanyaan yang sama demikian juga. Sebenarnya, ketika saya menerima Powder Pembukaan Mendalam dari Tuan Muda Xiao kemarin, saya memang harus siap untuk tetap di sisiku. Namun, Powder Pembukaan mendalam adalah obat kelas tinggi dari Xiao Sekte itu juga sangat berharga. Semakin tinggi kelas obat, semakin mudah untuk efek menghilang. Dalam kasus harta obat mujarab ini, bahkan jika efeknya adalah untuk mengusir demi sedikit, itu akan tetap menjadi kerugian besar. Jika saya harus membawanya dengan saya, itu akan sering bersentuhan dengan energi vital yang tidak murni sehingga meskipun dilindungi oleh kotak Ebony Mendalam Hitam, efeknya masih akan menghilang dengan mudah. Itulah alasan mengapa saya ditempatkan di dalam rumah sakit. Setelah semua, di rumah sakit, berbagai berbagai herbal telah dikumpulkan selama bertahun-tahun, sehingga banyak 'energi obat. Di tempat-tempat dengan banyak 'energi obat', energi obat mujarab tidak akan menghilang dengan mudah ... Itulah alasan. "" Alasan lain adalah bahwa kita dari Xiao Clan selalu serius taat hukum. Saya tidak pernah akan diharapkan 'pencuri domestik' muncul, atau bahkan berpikir bahwa ia akan memiliki keberanian untuk mencuri hadiah penting Xiao Sekte telah membawa ... Tapi tidak peduli alasannya, itu tetap salahku bahwa Powder Pembukaan Mendalam adalah dicuri. Dalam hal ini, saya tidak bisa lepas tanggung jawab itu. Aku tidak akan mengeluh jika Tuan Muda Xiao juga menuntut hukuman saya. "Xiao Yunhai menghela napas berat setelah ia selesai berbicara. Penjelasan Xiao Yunhai benar-benar sempurna. Elder Pertama tiba-tiba berteriak sekali lagi: "Xiao Che! Apakah Anda mendengar bahwa jelas? Clan Guru telah meninggalkan Powder Pembukaan Mendalam di rumah sakit itu karena alasan teliti ini dan ingin melindungi potensi Pembukaan Powder Mendalam ini! Siapa sangka seorang pencuri rumah akan muncul! Apa lagi yang harus Anda katakan? "" Oh, oh! Jadi itu "Xiao Che mengangguk kepalanya, seolah-olah dia senang dengan penjelasan Xiao Yunhai:"! Untuk bahkan mengetahui keberadaan 'energi obat', Clan Guru pasti adalah berpengetahuan. Kemudian, pertanyaan kedua yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah kebetulan yang terkait dengan ini 'energi obat' ". Xiao Che menyipitkan matanya dan samar-samar tertawa sambil melanjutkan:" Mengenai 'energi obat', sakit Xiao Clan kami telah mengumpulkan berbagai herbal selama bertahun-tahun dan mereka memang cukup. Selanjutnya, kuantitas ramuan tertinggi yang kita miliki di rumah sakit kami adalah "Thin Net rumput", sehingga bau energi obat harus menjadi amis satu manis milik bahwa dari 'Thin Net Grass'. "" Clan Guru juga tahu bahwa kotak yang berisi bubuk Pembukaan Mendalam terbuat dari Ebony Mendalam Hitam dan Black Mendalam Ebony sangat baik untuk melindungi efek ramuan dari menghilang ke sekitarnya, maka tidak Clan Guru tahu alasan mengapa Hitam Mendalam Ebony dapat melindungi efek ramuan ... Yah , pada kenyataannya, alasannya sangat sederhana. Hitam mendalam Ebony memiliki kemampuan penyerapan partikel yang sangat kuat, sehingga ketika kekuatan obat i

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