The strik­ing power is good, but the thun­der bear at least 8 W HP upp terjemahan - The strik­ing power is good, but the thun­der bear at least 8 W HP upp Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The strik­ing power is good, but th

The strik­ing power is good, but the thun­der bear at least 8 W HP upper limit, can­not mas­sacre, was he is on the con­trary di­rect the hand is a tom­a­hawk pro­jects the skill to fall on the love front!
The love hur­ried back­lash, the thun­der bear ac­tu­ally lowly roars, the cross­ing the ru­bi­con skill started, an axe di­vided the love has reached as high as 4 W HP, the sec­ond killed di­rectly!
A troop flows the player of Yun meet­ing to roar the charge, tore into shreds the at­tack lineup of male tyrant wind and cloud di­rectly, Liu Ying has raised the sword to progress in the crowd, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the op­po­site party will also counter-at­tack in the process of be­com­ing a fugi­tive, the face whiten, ex­claimed lowly: „With­stands, kills to me!”
Lei Xiong is also roar­ing, tom­a­hawk surges to sweep the crowd, two six rev­o­lu­tions of swords­men kill, two sword round dance sec­onds killed in the male tyrant wind and cloud frontal line sev­eral to ride the war are the play­ers, which can also be able to re­sist, the play­ers who out­stand­ing he­roes dom­i­nated the wind and cloud were scared, at least 2000 + sharp cav­alry sol­diers who flowed the cloud shortly im­me­di­ately turned around to retro­cede to­ward the moun­tain val­ley one side, there was the am­bush bat­tal­ion of hot axe armed forces, above also two Long Jing ar­tillery, it seems like Liu Ying was the plan re­quests re­in­force­ments to the hot axe armed forces.
Who once thinks that Luo child old fogy is cruel-hearted, raises the long sword to ex­claim lowly: „Heavy shield camp, falls to the ground your shields, do not make any­body break through our lines of de­fense, Long Jing ar­tillery con­tin­ues to bomb!”
„Bang bang bang”
The per­son of male tyrant wind and cloud hits one after an­other in NPC shield, is ac­tu­ally not able to pass, can only con­tinue to with­stand be­hind Lei Xiong has killed, no­body is Lei Xiong the match, even the drunk rain cold maple tree male tyrant wind and cloud first knight can­not re­sist, was co­or­di­nated an archer round col­lec­tion fire to kill to the sec­ond by Lei Xiong.
Liu Ying is rais­ing the long sword red, the com­plex­ion sees Luo child, the anger ex­claims: „Fa­ther is the Tian Ling Em­pire player, puts us to pass, Luo child your this old dog, put the fa­ther quickly in the past!”
Luo child is ac­tu­ally angry, the brow raises: „Ig­no­rant petty peo­ple, dare like this with ban­ning Hou speak, come the human, gives me the shield to strike the bang to draw back them!”
Per­son shield of one group of hot axe armed forces strikes, rum­bled to draw back one group of peo­ple of male tyrant wind and cloud, the mem­ory trans­plant of NPC in the mem­ory of hon­or­able per­son, wants that per­son who came Luo child to trans­plant also to be that type of seek­ing re­venge for the slight­est griev­ance, and bul­lied the weak and feared the strong, if changed into our [Zhan Long] sharp player, per­haps Luo child has al­lowed im­me­di­ately to pass, this time Luo child in­ten­tion was too sim­ple, the per­son who let the male tyrant wind and cloud worked as the can­non fod­der in front, one­self loss­less hit hard the player in India with the arrow and ar­tillery, in NPC, these should not be the fire Yun Cheng ven­turer, Damn.
Li Mu and I could not tol­er­ate, al­most does not have any dis­cussing to raise the sword blade edge im­me­di­ately: „Broth­ers, kill, teaches a per­son of lower reaches Yun meet­ing!”
Prob­a­bly also rides on 2000 + pro­ces­sions of lanterns around us with the iron blade edge rides, in ad­di­tion Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and other as­sas­sins, in the pop­u­la­tion al­most, I also ac­tu­ally very much want to ask for ad­vice the IBN fourth per­son of strength, as well as the true strength of fire Yun Cheng third trade union.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The strik­ing power is good, but the thun­der bear at least 8 W HP upper limit, can­not mas­sacre, was he is on the con­trary di­rect the hand is a tom­a­hawk pro­jects the skill to fall on the love front!„28717!”The love hur­ried back­lash, the thun­der bear ac­tu­ally lowly roars, the cross­ing the ru­bi­con skill started, an axe di­vided the love has reached as high as 4 W HP, the sec­ond killed di­rectly!A troop flows the player of Yun meet­ing to roar the charge, tore into shreds the at­tack lineup of male tyrant wind and cloud di­rectly, Liu Ying has raised the sword to progress in the crowd, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the op­po­site party will also counter-at­tack in the process of be­com­ing a fugi­tive, the face whiten, ex­claimed lowly: „With­stands, kills to me!”Lei Xiong is also roar­ing, tom­a­hawk surges to sweep the crowd, two six rev­o­lu­tions of swords­men kill, two sword round dance sec­onds killed in the male tyrant wind and cloud frontal line sev­eral to ride the war are the play­ers, which can also be able to re­sist, the play­ers who out­stand­ing he­roes dom­i­nated the wind and cloud were scared, at least 2000 + sharp cav­alry sol­diers who flowed the cloud shortly im­me­di­ately turned around to retro­cede to­ward the moun­tain val­ley one side, there was the am­bush bat­tal­ion of hot axe armed forces, above also two Long Jing ar­tillery, it seems like Liu Ying was the plan re­quests re­in­force­ments to the hot axe armed forces.Who once thinks that Luo child old fogy is cruel-hearted, raises the long sword to ex­claim lowly: „Heavy shield camp, falls to the ground your shields, do not make any­body break through our lines of de­fense, Long Jing ar­tillery con­tin­ues to bomb!”„Bang bang bang”The per­son of male tyrant wind and cloud hits one after an­other in NPC shield, is ac­tu­ally not able to pass, can only con­tinue to with­stand be­hind Lei Xiong has killed, no­body is Lei Xiong the match, even the drunk rain cold maple tree male tyrant wind and cloud first knight can­not re­sist, was co­or­di­nated an archer round col­lec­tion fire to kill to the sec­ond by Lei Xiong.Liu Ying is rais­ing the long sword red, the com­plex­ion sees Luo child, the anger ex­claims: „Fa­ther is the Tian Ling Em­pire player, puts us to pass, Luo child your this old dog, put the fa­ther quickly in the past!”Luo child is ac­tu­ally angry, the brow raises: „Ig­no­rant petty peo­ple, dare like this with ban­ning Hou speak, come the human, gives me the shield to strike the bang to draw back them!”Per­son shield of one group of hot axe armed forces strikes, rum­bled to draw back one group of peo­ple of male tyrant wind and cloud, the mem­ory trans­plant of NPC in the mem­ory of hon­or­able per­son, wants that per­son who came Luo child to trans­plant also to be that type of seek­ing re­venge for the slight­est griev­ance, and bul­lied the weak and feared the strong, if changed into our [Zhan Long] sharp player, per­haps Luo child has al­lowed im­me­di­ately to pass, this time Luo child in­ten­tion was too sim­ple, the per­son who let the male tyrant wind and cloud worked as the can­non fod­der in front, one­self loss­less hit hard the player in India with the arrow and ar­tillery, in NPC, these should not be the fire Yun Cheng ven­turer, Damn.Li Mu and I could not tol­er­ate, al­most does not have any dis­cussing to raise the sword blade edge im­me­di­ately: „Broth­ers, kill, teaches a per­son of lower reaches Yun meet­ing!”Prob­a­bly also rides on 2000 + pro­ces­sions of lanterns around us with the iron blade edge rides, in ad­di­tion Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and other as­sas­sins, in the pop­u­la­tion al­most, I also ac­tu­ally very much want to ask for ad­vice the IBN fourth per­son of strength, as well as the true strength of fire Yun Cheng third trade union.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kekuatan mencolok adalah baik, tetapi guntur beruang minimal 8 W HP batas atas, tidak bisa pembantaian, yang ia adalah sebaliknya langsung tangan adalah tomahawk sebuah proyek keterampilan untuk jatuh di depan cinta!
cinta itu bergegas backlash, guntur menanggung mengaum sebenarnya rendah, yang melintasi keterampilan rubicon mulai, kapak dibagi cinta telah mencapai setinggi 4 W HP, kedua tewas langsung!
A pasukan mengalir pemain pertemuan Yun mengaum muatan, merobek cabik lineup serangan angin tiran laki-laki dan awan langsung, Liu Ying telah mengangkat pedang untuk kemajuan di keramaian, tidak benar-benar berpikir bahwa pihak lawan akan juga serangan balik dalam proses menjadi buronan, wajah memutihkan, seru rendah: "! tahan, membunuh saya"
Lei Xiong juga menderu, tomahawk lonjakan untuk menyapu kerumunan, dua enam revolusi dari pedang membunuh, dua pedang putaran detik tari tewas dalam laki-laki tiran angin dan frontal awan garis beberapa untuk naik perang adalah pemain, yang juga bisa dapat menolak, pemain yang pahlawan yang luar biasa didominasi angin dan awan yang takut, setidaknya 2.000 + tentara kavaleri tajam yang mengalir awan tak lama segera berbalik ke retrocede menuju gunung lembah satu sisi, ada adalah batalion penyergapan angkatan bersenjata kapak panas, di atas juga dua Long Jing artileri, tampaknya seperti Liu Ying adalah rencana meminta bala bantuan untuk kapak panas angkatan bersenjata.
Siapa yang pernah berpikir bahwa orang kolot anak Luo kejam-hati, meningkatkan panjang pedang untuk berseru rendah: "camp perisai Heavy, jatuh ke tanah perisai Anda, tidak membuat siapa pun menerobos lini pertahanan, Long Jing artileri terus mengebom!"
"Bang bang bang"
orang laki-laki tiran angin dan awan hit satu demi satu di NPC perisai, sebenarnya tidak mampu melewati, hanya bisa terus menahan belakang Lei Xiong telah tewas, tidak ada yang Lei Xiong pertandingan, bahkan hujan mabuk maple dingin pohon-laki tiran angin dan awan knight pertama tidak dapat menolak, itu . dikoordinasikan putaran api koleksi pemanah untuk membunuh untuk yang kedua oleh Lei Xiong
Liu Ying menaikkan pedang panjang merah, kulit yang melihat anak Luo, kemarahan berseru: "Bapa adalah pemain Tian Ling Empire, menempatkan kita untuk lulus, anak Luo ! Anda anjing tua ini, menempatkan ayah cepat di masa lalu "
anak Luo sebenarnya marah, alis menimbulkan:" orang kecil bodoh, berani seperti ini dengan melarang Hou berbicara, datang manusia, memberi saya perisai untuk menyerang bang untuk menarik kembali mereka! "
orang perisai dari satu kelompok kapak panas pemogokan angkatan bersenjata, bergemuruh untuk menarik kembali satu kelompok orang angin tiran laki-laki dan awan, transplantasi memori dari NPC dalam memori orang terhormat, ingin bahwa orang yang datang Luo anak untuk transplantasi juga menjadi jenis membalas dendam untuk keluhan sedikit pun, dan diganggu lemah dan takut yang kuat, jika berubah menjadi kami [Zhan panjang] pemain yang tajam, mungkin Luo anak telah memungkinkan segera lulus, kali ini Luo niat anak terlalu sederhana, orang yang membiarkan tiran angin laki-laki dan awan bekerja sebagai pakan ternak meriam di depan, diri lossless memukul keras pemain di India dengan panah dan artileri, di NPC, ini tidak harus menjadi api Yun Cheng venture, Sial .
Li Mu dan aku tidak bisa mentolerir, hampir tidak memiliki membahas menaikkan tepi pedang pisau segera: "Saudara, membunuh, mengajarkan seseorang dari rendah mencapai pertemuan Yun!"
mungkin juga naik pada 2000 + prosesi dari lentera di sekitar kita dengan pisau besi tepi naik, selain Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan pembunuh lainnya, dalam populasi hampir, saya juga sebenarnya sangat ingin meminta saran orang keempat IBN kekuatan, serta kekuatan sebenarnya dari api Yun Cheng serikat pekerja ketiga.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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