many GIS packages do provide a 2.5D intermediate solution for viewing, terjemahan - many GIS packages do provide a 2.5D intermediate solution for viewing, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

many GIS packages do provide a 2.5D

many GIS packages do provide a 2.5D intermediate solution for viewing, by
draping thematic layers, like land cover or a road network, over a digital elevation
model. In this case, however, there is no ‘depth’ in the data model,
as we can see when a road tunnel route is draped over the mountain it goes
2.2 Classes and Methods in R
In Chap. 1, we described R as a language and environment for data analysis.
Although this is not the place to give an extended introduction to R,2 it will
be useful to highlight some of its features (see also Braun and Murdoch, 2007,
for an up-to-date introduction). In this book, we will be quoting R commands
in the text, showing which commands a user could give, and how the nongraphical
output might be represented when printed to the console.
Of course, R can be used as a calculator to carry out simple tasks, where
no values are assigned to variables, and where the results are shown without
being saved, such as the area of a circle of radius 10:
> pi * 10^2
[1] 314.1593
Luckily, ð is a built-in constant in R called pi, and so entering a rounded
version is not needed. So this looks like a calculator, but appearances mislead.
The first misleading impression is that the arithmetic is simply being ‘done’,
while in fact it is being translated (parsed) into functions (operators) with
arguments first, and then evaluated:
> "*"(pi, "^"(10, 2))
[1] 314.1593
When the operators or functions permit, vectors of values may be used
as readily as scalar values (which are vectors of unit length) — here the ‘:’
operator is used to generate an integer sequence of values:
> pi * (1:10)^2
[1] 3.141593 12.566371 28.274334 50.265482 78.539816 113.097336
[7] 153.938040 201.061930 254.469005 314.159265
The second misapprehension is that what is printed to the console is the
‘result’, when it is actually the outcome of applying the appropriate print
method for the class of the ‘result’, with default arguments. If we store the
value returned for the area of our circle in variable x using the assignment
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
many GIS packages do provide a 2.5D intermediate solution for viewing, by
draping thematic layers, like land cover or a road network, over a digital elevation
model. In this case, however, there is no ‘depth’ in the data model,
as we can see when a road tunnel route is draped over the mountain it goes
2.2 Classes and Methods in R
In Chap. 1, we described R as a language and environment for data analysis.
Although this is not the place to give an extended introduction to R,2 it will
be useful to highlight some of its features (see also Braun and Murdoch, 2007,
for an up-to-date introduction). In this book, we will be quoting R commands
in the text, showing which commands a user could give, and how the nongraphical
output might be represented when printed to the console.
Of course, R can be used as a calculator to carry out simple tasks, where
no values are assigned to variables, and where the results are shown without
being saved, such as the area of a circle of radius 10:
> pi * 10^2
[1] 314.1593
Luckily, ð is a built-in constant in R called pi, and so entering a rounded
version is not needed. So this looks like a calculator, but appearances mislead.
The first misleading impression is that the arithmetic is simply being ‘done’,
while in fact it is being translated (parsed) into functions (operators) with
arguments first, and then evaluated:
> "*"(pi, "^"(10, 2))
[1] 314.1593
When the operators or functions permit, vectors of values may be used
as readily as scalar values (which are vectors of unit length) — here the ‘:’
operator is used to generate an integer sequence of values:
> pi * (1:10)^2
[1] 3.141593 12.566371 28.274334 50.265482 78.539816 113.097336
[7] 153.938040 201.061930 254.469005 314.159265
The second misapprehension is that what is printed to the console is the
‘result’, when it is actually the outcome of applying the appropriate print
method for the class of the ‘result’, with default arguments. If we store the
value returned for the area of our circle in variable x using the assignment
operator <-, we can print x with the default number of digits, or with more if
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
banyak paket GIS lakukan memberikan solusi antara 2.5D untuk melihat, dengan
mengalungkan lapisan tematik, seperti tutupan lahan atau jaringan jalan, lebih dari elevasi digital
Model. Dalam kasus ini, bagaimanapun, tidak ada 'kedalaman' dalam model data,
seperti yang kita bisa lihat ketika sebuah terowongan jalan rute yang menutupi gunung ia pergi
2.2 Kelas dan Metode dalam R
Di Chap. 1, kita digambarkan R sebagai bahasa dan lingkungan untuk analisis data.
Meskipun ini bukan tempat untuk memberikan pengenalan diperpanjang ke R, 2 itu akan
berguna untuk menyoroti beberapa fitur-fiturnya (lihat juga Braun dan Murdoch, 2007,
untuk up-to-date pengenalan). Dalam buku ini, kita akan mengutip R perintah
dalam teks, menunjukkan yang perintah pengguna bisa memberikan, dan bagaimana nongraphical
hasilnya mungkin diwakili bila dicetak ke konsol.
Tentu saja, R dapat digunakan sebagai kalkulator untuk melakukan sederhana tugas, di mana
tidak ada nilai-nilai yang ditugaskan untuk variabel, dan di mana hasilnya akan ditampilkan tanpa
diselamatkan, seperti luas lingkaran dengan jari-jari 10:
> pi * 10 ^ 2
[1] 314,1593
Untungnya, ð adalah built-in konstan di R disebut pi, dan memasuki bulat
versi tidak diperlukan. . Jadi ini terlihat seperti kalkulator, namun penampilan menyesatkan
Kesan menyesatkan pertama adalah bahwa aritmetika hanya sedang 'dilakukan',
padahal itu sedang diterjemahkan (dipecah) menjadi fungsi (operator) dengan
argumen pertama, dan kemudian dievaluasi:
> "*" (pi, "^" (10, 2))
[1] 314,1593
Ketika operator atau fungsi izin, vektor nilai dapat digunakan
sebagai nilai-nilai yang mudah skalar (yang vektor satuan panjang) - di sini ': '
operator yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan urutan bilangan bulat nilai:
> pi * (01:10) ^ 2
[1] 3,141593 12,566371 28,274334 50,265482 78,539816 113,097336
[7] 153,938040 201,061930 254,469005 314,159265
The kesalahpahaman kedua adalah bahwa apa yang dicetak ke konsol adalah yang
'hasil', ketika itu sebenarnya hasil dari penerapan cetak yang sesuai
metode untuk kelas dari 'hasil', dengan argumen default. Jika kita menyimpan
nilai kembali untuk luas lingkaran kami dalam variabel x dengan menggunakan penugasan
Operator <-, kita dapat mencetak x dengan nomor standar digit, atau dengan lebih jika
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