The South Ko­rean deep pool rides a horse to come, to raise the epee t terjemahan - The South Ko­rean deep pool rides a horse to come, to raise the epee t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The South Ko­rean deep pool rides a

The South Ko­rean deep pool rides a horse to come, to raise the epee to say with a smile: „Gen­eral leads troops in the right way, look, the palace guard of this crowd of soft feet had good bat­tle ef­fi­ciency now!”
I look at the dis­tant place, one group of human sol­diers are prac­tic­ing the carte and tierce ad­vance, rhyth­mi­cal, the thorn will strike each time will send out drinks greatly, the skill that this type will drink greatly will be very ac­tu­ally sim­ple, will deter the match in the mo­men­tum, will then sup­press in the im­pos­ing man­ner, in the strength suit­able sit­u­a­tion can de­feat the enemy, there­fore I will show a faint smile: „It is not I, was Gen­eral Han leads troops in the right way, what sit­u­a­tion re­cently the palace guard had not had?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „No, but trains ex­tremely in the labor, there­fore many aris­to­crat sol­diers with­drew from the palace guard on own ini­tia­tive, what­ever I they went, was in any case re­cent Cooldown the per­son who came the palace guard to be sub­ject to duty to be­come a sol­dier to be many!”
„?” I smile: „Isn't the be­fore­hand palace guard abeg­ging?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool also smiled: „Be­fore was be­fore, but the pre­vi­ous gen­eral led us after a dragon grave war cut to kill 2000 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the pres­tige of palace guard the whole na­tion all knew, and palace guard pre­sent sol­dier's ra­tions and pay are fa­vor­able, there­fore the young peo­ple in em­pire are will­ing to come the palace guard to throw the armed forces, if were not the limit, per­haps we could have 30,000 armies now.”
„That pre­sent al­to­gether how many peo­ple?”
„20,000 orig­i­nal armies, 8000 re­cruits, the bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies of these re­cruits have noth­ing worth­while in ad­di­tion, but has not re­lated, I have been train­ing them with Xiao Li, so long as in a half month, these re­cruits are also same can have the good bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.”
„Um, is very good!”
In this time, an eques­trian is hold­ing the golden reel to dash to enter from the bar­rack sud­denly, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Ur­gent re­port! Ur­gent re­port! The palace guards com­mand Li Xiao Yao to meet the com­mand!”
Under I progress to go for­ward hur­riedly, stand up from fail­ure the train­ing ground: „I am Li Xiao Yao!”
The mes­sen­gers same dis­con­tinue, launch the reel say­ing: „Does not turn over to the sea to spread the news, the mas­sive dif­fer­ent evil spir­its will be rid­ing the ships across not to turn over to the sea, quick to ar­rive do not turn over to the Hainan shore to mount the em­pire ter­ri­tory, your majesty de­cided that the royal cart drafts, lead­ing the em­pire 7 main force reg­i­ments to meet head-on the dif­fer­ent demon, flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment also, com­mand, Li Xiao Yao leads palace guard all war to enter the war to­gether, leads troops to rush to­ward im­me­di­ately does not turn over to the Hainan shore!”
I re­ceive the reel and sig­nal arrow mil­i­tary tally, the nod said: „End will know, im­me­di­ately!”
The mes­sen­gers show a faint smile: „Gen­eral Li was la­bo­ri­ous, please early em­bark, oth­er­wise harmed the dou­ble-hour we un­able to delay!”
Mean­while, the ear hears ting, is the em­pire con­scrip­tion law, did not turn over to the sea to come the mas­sive ships, the dif­fer­ent demon reg­i­ment was threat­en­ing, down to Hur­lock Great had planned that must sol­diers with the whole na­tion re­sist this time the at­tack from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Please note, the mas­sive dif­fer­ent evil spir­its in pass­ing through do not turn over to the sea, at­tempts the frontal at­tack day plume em­pire, ask­ing every­body to par­tic­i­pate in the play­ers of em­pire army to get ready for ac­tion, must the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its sur­round and ex­ter­mi­nate, in did not turn over to the sea out­side the south­ern for­est, pre­vent­ing them
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The South Ko­rean deep pool rides a horse to come, to raise the epee to say with a smile: „Gen­eral leads troops in the right way, look, the palace guard of this crowd of soft feet had good bat­tle ef­fi­ciency now!”I look at the dis­tant place, one group of human sol­diers are prac­tic­ing the carte and tierce ad­vance, rhyth­mi­cal, the thorn will strike each time will send out drinks greatly, the skill that this type will drink greatly will be very ac­tu­ally sim­ple, will deter the match in the mo­men­tum, will then sup­press in the im­pos­ing man­ner, in the strength suit­able sit­u­a­tion can de­feat the enemy, there­fore I will show a faint smile: „It is not I, was Gen­eral Han leads troops in the right way, what sit­u­a­tion re­cently the palace guard had not had?”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „No, but trains ex­tremely in the labor, there­fore many aris­to­crat sol­diers with­drew from the palace guard on own ini­tia­tive, what­ever I they went, was in any case re­cent Cooldown the per­son who came the palace guard to be sub­ject to duty to be­come a sol­dier to be many!”„?” I smile: „Isn't the be­fore­hand palace guard abeg­ging?”The South Ko­rean deep pool also smiled: „Be­fore was be­fore, but the pre­vi­ous gen­eral led us after a dragon grave war cut to kill 2000 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the pres­tige of palace guard the whole na­tion all knew, and palace guard pre­sent sol­dier's ra­tions and pay are fa­vor­able, there­fore the young peo­ple in em­pire are will­ing to come the palace guard to throw the armed forces, if were not the limit, per­haps we could have 30,000 armies now.”„That pre­sent al­to­gether how many peo­ple?”„20,000 orig­i­nal armies, 8000 re­cruits, the bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies of these re­cruits have noth­ing worth­while in ad­di­tion, but has not re­lated, I have been train­ing them with Xiao Li, so long as in a half month, these re­cruits are also same can have the good bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.”„Um, is very good!”In this time, an eques­trian is hold­ing the golden reel to dash to enter from the bar­rack sud­denly, shouted to clear the way loudly: „Ur­gent re­port! Ur­gent re­port! The palace guards com­mand Li Xiao Yao to meet the com­mand!”Under I progress to go for­ward hur­riedly, stand up from fail­ure the train­ing ground: „I am Li Xiao Yao!”The mes­sen­gers same dis­con­tinue, launch the reel say­ing: „Does not turn over to the sea to spread the news, the mas­sive dif­fer­ent evil spir­its will be rid­ing the ships across not to turn over to the sea, quick to ar­rive do not turn over to the Hainan shore to mount the em­pire ter­ri­tory, your majesty de­cided that the royal cart drafts, lead­ing the em­pire 7 main force reg­i­ments to meet head-on the dif­fer­ent demon, flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment also, com­mand, Li Xiao Yao leads palace guard all war to enter the war to­gether, leads troops to rush to­ward im­me­di­ately does not turn over to the Hainan shore!”I re­ceive the reel and sig­nal arrow mil­i­tary tally, the nod said: „End will know, im­me­di­ately!”The mes­sen­gers show a faint smile: „Gen­eral Li was la­bo­ri­ous, please early em­bark, oth­er­wise harmed the dou­ble-hour we un­able to delay!”„Yes!”Mean­while, the ear hears ting, is the em­pire con­scrip­tion law, did not turn over to the sea to come the mas­sive ships, the dif­fer­ent demon reg­i­ment was threat­en­ing, down to Hur­lock Great had planned that must sol­diers with the whole na­tion re­sist this time the at­tack from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory„Bites!”Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Please note, the mas­sive dif­fer­ent evil spir­its in pass­ing through do not turn over to the sea, at­tempts the frontal at­tack day plume em­pire, ask­ing every­body to par­tic­i­pate in the play­ers of em­pire army to get ready for ac­tion, must the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its sur­round and ex­ter­mi­nate, in did not turn over to the sea out­side the south­ern for­est, pre­vent­ing them
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam kolam Korea Selatan naik kuda untuk datang, untuk menaikkan epee mengatakan sambil tersenyum: "General memimpin pasukan dengan cara yang benar, melihat, penjaga istana kerumunan ini kaki lembut memiliki efisiensi pertempuran baik sekarang!"
Saya melihat di tempat yang jauh, satu kelompok tentara manusia berlatih carte dan Tierce muka, ritmis, duri akan menyerang setiap kali akan mengirimkan minuman sangat, keterampilan yang jenis ini akan minum sangat akan sangat benar-benar sederhana, akan menghalangi pertandingan dalam momentum, maka akan menekan dengan cara mengesankan, dalam situasi kekuatan yang cocok dapat mengalahkan musuh, karena itu saya akan menunjukkan senyum tipis: "ini bukan aku, itu General Han memimpin pasukan dengan cara yang benar, apa situasi baru-baru ini pengawal istana tidak punya "?
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" tidak, tapi melatih sangat dalam persalinan, oleh karena itu banyak tentara bangsawan menarik diri dari penjaga istana atas inisiatif sendiri, apa pun yang saya mereka pergi, itu dalam hal apapun Pendinginan baru-baru ini orang yang datang pengawal istana untuk menjadi subyek tugas untuk menjadi seorang prajurit untuk menjadi banyak "!
aku tersenyum"? ":"? Bukankah sebelumnya pengawal istana abegging "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan juga tersenyum:" sebelum itu sebelumnya, tapi umum sebelumnya membawa kami setelah dipotong naga kuburan perang untuk membunuh 2.000 roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, prestise istana penjaga seluruh bangsa semua tahu, dan jatah penjaga istana hadir prajurit dan gaji yang menguntungkan, karena orang-orang muda di kerajaan bersedia untuk datang pengawal istana untuk membuang angkatan bersenjata, jika tidak membatasi, mungkin kita bisa memiliki 30.000 tentara sekarang. "
" Itu hadir sama sekali berapa banyak orang? "
" 20.000 tentara asli, 8000 merekrut, efisiensi pertempuran rekrutan ini tidak ada yang berharga di samping itu, tetapi tidak terkait, saya telah melatih mereka dengan Xiao Li, asalkan dalam satu bulan setengah, rekrutan ini juga sama dapat memiliki efisiensi pertempuran baik. "
" Um, sangat baik! "
dalam waktu ini, sebuah berkuda memegang gulungan emas untuk lari masuk dari barak tiba-tiba, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "laporan Urgent! Laporan Urgent! Penjaga istana perintah Li Xiao Yao untuk memenuhi perintah "!
Di bawah saya maju untuk maju buru-buru, berdiri dari kegagalan tempat latihan:"! Saya Li Xiao Yao "
Para utusan menghentikan sama, meluncurkan reel mengatakan:" Tidak menyerahkan ke laut untuk menyebarkan berita, besar roh jahat yang berbeda akan naik kapal di tidak untuk menyerahkan ke laut, cepat tiba tidak menyerahkan ke pantai Hainan untuk me-mount wilayah kerajaan, yang Mulia memutuskan bahwa gerobak draft kerajaan, memimpin kerajaan 7 resimen kekuatan utama untuk memenuhi kepala-on setan yang berbeda, api panjang Juntuan, resimen Kaisar Yu legendaris juga, perintah, Li Xiao Yao memimpin pengawal istana semua perang untuk memasuki perang bersama-sama, mengarah tentara ! terburu-buru menuju segera tidak menyerahkan ke pantai Hainan "
saya menerima gulungan dan sinyal panah penghitungan militer, anggukan mengatakan:" End akan tahu, segera "!
para utusan menunjukkan senyum tipis:" Jenderal Li adalah melelahkan, silakan awal memulai, jika tidak dirugikan ganda jam kami tidak dapat menunda! "
" Ya! "
Sementara itu, telinga mendengar ting, adalah hukum kerajaan wajib militer, tidak berpaling ke laut untuk datang kapal-kapal besar, setan resimen yang berbeda adalah mengancam, turun ke Hurlock besar telah merencanakan yang harus prajurit dengan seluruh bangsa menolak kali ini serangan dari wilayah iblis yang berbeda
Sistem pengumuman: Perlu diketahui, besar roh-roh jahat yang berbeda dalam melewati tidak menyerahkan ke laut, upaya frontal serangan hari kerajaan membanggakan, meminta semua orang untuk berpartisipasi dalam pemain tentara kerajaan untuk mendapatkan siap beraksi, harus roh-roh jahat yang berbeda mengelilingi dan memusnahkan, di tidak berpaling ke laut di luar hutan selatan, mencegah mereka
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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