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Toggle navigasiTaman GuidesToggle CariCara mengobati nematoda pohon araIkhtisarNematoda yang mikroskopis menghuni tanah cacing yang menyerang sistem akar. Hama ini memakan akar, menyebabkan mereka empedu atau membengkak, yang mengganggu penggunaan normal nutrisi dan air. Simpul akar nematoda, akar lesi nematoda dan nematoda jeruk yang paling umum pohon ara hama. Nematoda sering sangat sulit untuk mengontrol karena mereka dengan mudah menyebar melalui air dan peralatan berkebun.Langkah 1Memeriksa akar pohon ara untuk nematoda. Menggali tanah dan menemukan akar. Periksa akar untuk galls atau pembengkakan yang terlihat mirip dengan gelembung udara. Nematoda hidup dan pakan dalam galls ini, yang dapat tumbuh sebagai besar sebagai 1 inci diameter.Langkah 2Memeriksa daun pohon ara dan buah untuk gejala nematoda. Tanda-tanda di atas tanah infestasi nematoda termasuk layu dedaunan, menguning daun, buah-buahan yang lebih kecil dan lebih sedikit daun.Langkah 3Mengumpulkan sampel tanah untuk pengujian. Mengambil sampel tanah kecil dari di sekitar akar pohon ara yang terkena. Ringan melembabkan tanah dan menempatkannya dalam kantong plastik yang bersih atau wadah plastik. Laboratorium tidak dapat menguji sampel tanah kering. Dinginkan sampel tanah sampai Anda mengambil oleh pusat Taman lokal atau universitas untuk identifikasi nematoda positif.Langkah 4Complete soil solarization around your fig tree. Break up any dirt clods and remove all rocks and sticks. Moisten the soil and cover it with a plastic tarp. Secure the edges with bricks or rocks. Leave the tarp in place for four to six weeks during the summer. Nematodes and their eggs die when the soil temperatures get higher than 125 degrees Fahrenheit. This soil solarization process temporarily reduces the nematode populations in the top 12 inches of upper soil.Step 5Add amendments to the soil around your fig tree. Compost, peat and manure help to control nematode populations by increasing the nutrient- and water-holding capacity of the soil. Healthier trees have a reduced risk of nematode infestation. Some soil amendments also release toxins that can kill nematodes.Tips and WarningsNematodes can spread by gardening tools, so be sure to clean your equipment thoroughly after each use.Things You'll NeedShovelPlastic bag or containerPlastic tarpBricksCompostPeatManureReferencesUniversity of California's Integrated Pest Managment Program: NematodesNatural Sustainable Agriculture: Solarization ProcessWho Can HelpUniversity of Florida IFAS Extension: Managing Nematodes for the Non-Commercial Vegetable GardenUniversity of Florida's Featured Creatures: NematodesKeywords: how to treat fig tree nematodes, how to control fig tree nematodes, how to treat nematodes in fig treesAbout this AuthorCat Carson has been a writer, editor and researcher for the past decade. She has professional experience in a variety of media, including the Internet, newspapers, newsletters and magazines. Her work has appeared on websites like eHow.com and GardenGuides.com, among others. Carson holds a master’s degrees in writing and cultural anthropology, and is currently working on her doctoral degree in psychology.New in Home Remedies for Insect ControlFicus Tree and Cuban BeetlesIndoor Garden Pest RepellerSalt as an InsecticidePine Bark Mulch InsectsCaffeine As an InsecticideAdditional ReadingHow to Kill Fleas Without PesticidesCan Water Protect Plants From Insects?Plants That Japanese Beetles AvoidHow to Get Rid of Insecticide Resistant TicksPests of Ornamental PlantsSite Map About Us PrivacyTerms of Use© 1999-2014 Demand Media, Inc.Demand Media
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