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Health risks of climate change: act

Health risks of climate change: act now or pay later

Link dokumen ProQuest
Abstrak: The effects of climate change on humanity under such high-end emission scenarios are difficult to
estimate. No epidemiology is possible, models cannot be validated, and baseline world health and
socioeconomic conditions that far into the future are a matter close to conjecture.
Teks lengkap: There is growing scientific consensus that climate change is happening, is largely human
induced, and will have serious consequences for human health. The impact of climate change on global health
is probably not yet large, compared with major risk factors, but will become greater later in this century,
especially if the world follows one of the so-called high-end emission pathways, such as Representative
Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8·5, outlined in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth
Assessment Report. 1,2
This emission pathway assumes that present trends of relatively unrestrained use of fossil fuels and high
population growth will continue. According to this emission pathway, by 2100 the global average temperature
will probably be more than 4°C above preindustrial levels ( figure ), with higher average temperatures over land.
Inertia in climate systems would mean that projected global temperatures would continue to rise for several
hundred years; the mean estimate for this emission pathway in 2300 would be at least 8°C above preindustrial
levels. Long-term global average warming of 12°C or more is possible from unconstrained fossil fuel burning.
An increase of 12°C in global average temperature would create conditions in which physiological limits for
outdoor activity would be reached during certain times of the year in many heavily populated parts of the world.
One study estimates that under RCP 8·5 there would be about a 40% reduction in global labour capacity
during the hottest months by 2100.4
The effects of climate change on humanity under such high-end emission scenarios are difficult to estimate. No
epidemiology is possible, models cannot be validated, and baseline world health and socioeconomic conditions
that far into the future are a matter close to conjecture. However, such extreme temperature trends might cross
what has been called the "afterlife" threshold--ie, where the impact on humanity is so great as to be a
discontinuity in the long-term progression of humanity. 5
The climate implications of different emission trajectories will not strongly diverge until the middle of the 21st
century, whatever progress is achieved in the next few decades in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
Therefore, the near-term and medium-term (up to about 2050) is a time to promote and fund adaptation
measures that will reduce the damage to health caused by climate change, to which the world is already
committed. Society also needs to prepare for the possibility of more serious changes later in the century. For
example, in the next 20-30 years, net global food production might be maintained as a result of increased crop
yields in cooler, high latitudes. However, continued warming after 2050 would adversely affect crop yields in
most parts of the world, at a time when demand for food will be rising strongly due to projected population
growth and economic development. 6
Both a high absolute level and a rapid rate of global climate change will severely test biological and social
mechanisms for adaptation, with limits to adaptation becoming increasingly evident. Examples range from
emergency preparedness in the face of shortening return periods after potentially catastrophic floods, to
saltwater intrusion into freshwater lenses in small islands which would potentially compromise water quality to
such an extent that migration might be the only option. 7
Furthermore, limits to adaptation will arise when
hazards associated with a changing climate interact with inappropriate development pathways--eg, where
building occurs on flood plains. Adaptation limits might also occur when health systems fail to proactively design
and implement adaptation actions needed to address a particular health risk.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
RISIKO kesehatan Perubahan Iklim: Bertindak sekarang ATAU membayar Nanti link Dokumen ProQuest Abstrak: Efek Dari Perubahan Iklim pãda Kemanusiaan Di Bawah emisi saham seperti high-end Skenario Sulit . perkiraan Epidemiologi TIDAK dimungkinkan, Model TIDAK DAPAT divalidasi, Dan Dasar Dunia Kesehatan dan Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Yang JAUH to Masa Depan Adalah masalah Dekat UNTUK menduga. Teks Lengkap: ada Tumbuh Ilmiah Konsensus bahwa Perubahan Iklim Yang Terjadi, sebagian gede Manusia . disebabkan, Dan akan memiliki konsekuensi serius Bagi kesehatan Manusia Dampak Iklim mengubah kesehatan global yang Mungkin Belum gede, dibandingkan DENGAN faktor- faktor RISIKO gede, walopun akan Menjadi Hobi gede hearts kemudian Abad Suami, terutama JIKA Dunia mengikuti shalat Satu Jalur disebut high-end emisi saham, seperti Perwakilan Konsentrasi 8 · 5 Jalur (RCP), hearts diuraikan Panel Antarpemerintah PBB TENTANG Perubahan Iklim (IPCC) Kelima PENILAIAN Laporan. 1,2 Jalur emisi saham Suami mengasumsikan Yang Hadir tren relatif yang tak terkendali PENGGUNAAN Bahan bakar fosil Dan Tinggi pertumbuhan Penduduk akan Terus. * Menurut Jalur emisi saham Suami, 2100 rata-rata Suhu global yang Mungkin akan Lebih Dari 4 ° C di differences Tingkat praindustri ( gambar), with Suhu rata-rata Yang Hobi Tinggi differences tanah. Inersia hearts Sistem Iklim akan berarti bahwa diproyeksikan Suhu global yang akan Terus MENINGKAT UNTUK beberapa Seratus Tahun, perkiraan rata-rata UNTUK Jalur emisi saham Suami di 2300 setidaknya akan 8 ° C di differences praindustri Tingkat. Jangka Panjang rata-rata Pemanasan global yang 12 ° C ATAU Hobi Mungkin Dari pembakaran energi fosil TIDAK dibatasi. Peningkatan 12 ° C Suhu rata-hearts rata global yang akan menciptakan Kondisi di mana Batas fisiologis aktivitas luar ruangan akan dicapai selama Waktu-Waktu Tertentu Tahun di Banyak Bagian padat Penduduk Dunia. 3 Satu studi menjabarkan memperkirakan bahwa di Bawah RCP 8 · 5 akan ADA Pengurangan 40% kapasitas kerja global yang selama bulan-bulan terpanas Oleh 2.100,4 Efek Dari Perubahan Iklim pãda Kemanusiaan Di Bawah emisi saham seperti high-end Skenario Sulit UNTUK memperkirakan. TIDAK epidemiologi dimungkinkan, Model TIDAK DAPAT divalidasi, Dasar Dunia Kesehatan dan Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Yang JAUH to Masa Depan Adalah masalah Dekat UNTUK menduga. Namun, tren Suhu ekstrim seperti Salib APA Yang TELAH disebut "akhirat" Ambang - Yaitu, mana Dampak pãda Kemanusiaan BeGiTu akan gede Diskontinuitas hearts Perkembangan Jangka Panjang Kemanusiaan. 5 Implikasi Iklim BERBEDA emisi saham LINTASAN TIDAK akan Sangat menyimpang Sampai Pertengahan-21 Abad, Kemajuan APA pun dicapai hearts beberapa Dekade berikutnya hearts Mengurangi emisi saham rumah kaca gas. Oleh KARENA ITU, Jangka Pendek Dan Jangka Menengah (Sampai Sekitar 2050) Adalah Waktu UNTUK mempromosikan Dan dana Adaptasi Langkah-Langkah Yang akan Mengurangi kerusakan kesehatan Yang disebabkan Diposkan Perubahan Iklim, UNTUK Yang Sudah Dunia berkomitmen. Masyarakat JUGA Perlu mempersiapkan UNTUK kemungkinan Perubahan Hobi serius kemudian hearts kurun. UNTUK contoh, hearts 20 -30 Tahun berikutnya, Produksi bersih Pangan global yang Mungkin dipertahankan Astra Honda Motor sebagai Akibat Dari peningkatan Tanaman hasil temuan di lintang Dingin, Tinggi. Namun, Terus Pemanasan Penghasilan kena pajak 2050 mempengaruhi hasil temuan akan Panen di sebagian gede Dunia, pãda Waktu Ketika permintaan Negara UNTUK MAKANAN akan MENINGKAT Sangat KARENA POPULASI diproyeksikan Dan pertumbuhan Perkembangan Ekonomi. 6 Mutlak Tingkat Tinggi Dan Tingkat Yang Cepat Perubahan Iklim global yang akan Parah uji biologi Dan sosial Mekanisme UNTUK Adaptasi, with Batas-Batas UNTUK Adaptasi Menjadi Semakin Jelas. Contoh berkisar kesiapsiagaan Darurat hearts Menghadapi memperpendek periode Kembali Penghasilan kena pajak Berpotensi membawa Bencana banjir , UNTUK intrusi air asin to Lensa air tawar di pulau-pulau Kecil Yang akan Berpotensi membahayakan KUALITAS udara sedemikian rupa bahwa Migrasi Mungkin Satu-Satunya PILIHAN. 7 Selain ITU, Batas UNTUK Adaptasi akan Muncul Ketika Bahaya Yang Berlangganan DENGAN Perubahan Iklim berinteraksi DENGAN Jalur TIDAK Tepat Pengembangan - misalnya, di mana . Bangunan Terjadi pãda Dataran banjir Adaptasi Batas JUGA Mungkin Terjadi Ketika Sistem kesehatan Gagal UNTUK Beroperasi proaktif desain Dan Checklists Memverifikasi Daftar nama Adaptasi tindakan-tindakan Yang diperlukan UNTUK RISIKO Mengatasi kesehatan Tertentu.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Health risks of climate change: act now or pay later

Link dokumen ProQuest
Abstrak: The effects of climate change on humanity under such high-end emission scenarios are difficult to
estimate. No epidemiology is possible, models cannot be validated, and baseline world health and
socioeconomic conditions that far into the future are a matter close to conjecture.
Teks lengkap: There is growing scientific consensus that climate change is happening, is largely human
induced, and will have serious consequences for human health. The impact of climate change on global health
is probably not yet large, compared with major risk factors, but will become greater later in this century,
especially if the world follows one of the so-called high-end emission pathways, such as Representative
Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8·5, outlined in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth
Assessment Report. 1,2
This emission pathway assumes that present trends of relatively unrestrained use of fossil fuels and high
population growth will continue. According to this emission pathway, by 2100 the global average temperature
will probably be more than 4°C above preindustrial levels ( figure ), with higher average temperatures over land.
Inertia in climate systems would mean that projected global temperatures would continue to rise for several
hundred years; the mean estimate for this emission pathway in 2300 would be at least 8°C above preindustrial
levels. Long-term global average warming of 12°C or more is possible from unconstrained fossil fuel burning.
An increase of 12°C in global average temperature would create conditions in which physiological limits for
outdoor activity would be reached during certain times of the year in many heavily populated parts of the world.
One study estimates that under RCP 8·5 there would be about a 40% reduction in global labour capacity
during the hottest months by 2100.4
The effects of climate change on humanity under such high-end emission scenarios are difficult to estimate. No
epidemiology is possible, models cannot be validated, and baseline world health and socioeconomic conditions
that far into the future are a matter close to conjecture. However, such extreme temperature trends might cross
what has been called the "afterlife" threshold--ie, where the impact on humanity is so great as to be a
discontinuity in the long-term progression of humanity. 5
The climate implications of different emission trajectories will not strongly diverge until the middle of the 21st
century, whatever progress is achieved in the next few decades in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
Therefore, the near-term and medium-term (up to about 2050) is a time to promote and fund adaptation
measures that will reduce the damage to health caused by climate change, to which the world is already
committed. Society also needs to prepare for the possibility of more serious changes later in the century. For
example, in the next 20-30 years, net global food production might be maintained as a result of increased crop
yields in cooler, high latitudes. However, continued warming after 2050 would adversely affect crop yields in
most parts of the world, at a time when demand for food will be rising strongly due to projected population
growth and economic development. 6
Both a high absolute level and a rapid rate of global climate change will severely test biological and social
mechanisms for adaptation, with limits to adaptation becoming increasingly evident. Examples range from
emergency preparedness in the face of shortening return periods after potentially catastrophic floods, to
saltwater intrusion into freshwater lenses in small islands which would potentially compromise water quality to
such an extent that migration might be the only option. 7
Furthermore, limits to adaptation will arise when
hazards associated with a changing climate interact with inappropriate development pathways--eg, where
building occurs on flood plains. Adaptation limits might also occur when health systems fail to proactively design
and implement adaptation actions needed to address a particular health risk.
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