Wang Zecheng only pays great at­ten­tion to fos­ter­ing of guild, has  terjemahan - Wang Zecheng only pays great at­ten­tion to fos­ter­ing of guild, has  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wang Zecheng only pays great at­ten

Wang Zecheng only pays great at­ten­tion to fos­ter­ing of guild, has ac­tu­ally ne­glected the reg­i­ment sys­tem, his pre­sent mer­i­to­ri­ous value is quite as be­fore low, the sta­tus in Em­pire Armed forces is also dis­pens­able, there­fore does not have any NPC army to sup­port him, lacks the reen­force­ment of heavy ar­tillery camp, the ris­ing sun such as blood trade union again also one per­son alone can­not save the sit­u­a­tion, loses se­ri­ously is un­avoid­able.
The dis­tant place, the fire is in­ter­mit­tent, Long Xiang the po­si­tion edge, the heavy ar­tillery camp of fall har­vest reg­i­ment also started to bomb the sea-nymph clan, Drunken Spear raised the iron spear to pa­trol above the frontal line back and forth to rush ahead, con­trasts, the sit­u­a­tion that the dragon flew in cir­cles such as the blood wanted to be stronger than the ris­ing sun.
Re­views our [Zhan Long], own strength was sec­ond to none in the Chi­nese area, in ad­di­tion side is the vig­or­ous mil­i­tary strength of palace guard, re­sists the im­pact of tri­an­gle beast, al­though is dif­fi­cult, but can block as be­fore.
Comes com­pared with our these big trade unions, in these sit­u­a­tion of small guild some­what was hor­ri­ble to look, on coast­line con­tin­u­ous hun­dred li (0.5km), every­where is the tri­an­gle beast by killing the scene of player, even many tri­an­gle beasts pen­e­trated in the Tian Ling Em­pire do­main, but is after step by step thor­ough, a troop player gath­ers round a tri­an­gle beast to kill, mas­sacres is not but ac­tu­ally dif­fi­cult, after all the pop­u­la­tion of player ex­ceeds in the tri­an­gle beast by far.
With mis­er­able howl­ing, death that the tri­an­gle beast piles in heaps in the [Zhan Long] frontal line, ex­pe­ri­ence gloss flew to the player, blew out var­i­ous color equip­ment, this wave of of­fen­sive also ar­rived at end, the spent force was un­able to put on the thin raw white silk, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min and other [Zhan Long] brave war­riors ac­tu­ally more kills is fiercer, var­i­ous types had the human to har­vest the life of tri­an­gle beast.
Yue Qing Qian is rais­ing the dag­ger, after one time sur­rounds and at­tacks con­tin­u­ally lithely kills a tri­an­gle beast, on ver­ti­cal leaps the back­lash, 32 steps ar­rive at side me, said with a smile: „Ram­ble elder brother, this wave of we were de­fend, al­though the minute pledge at least hung above the 1 W per­son”
I nod: „Um, the bat­tle loss is un­avoid­able, this is also dis­ci­plin­ing, hangs in mon­ster first-level al­ways com­pares in the coun­try fights is killed to be bet­ter by the for­eign player.”
„Um!” Yue Qing Qian nods the head with a smile, said: „Elder brother, the words said that only then [Zhan Long] and palace guard kill here strangely, why don't you trans­fer the Dragon’s den khaki cloth in every book city? Crag Long Tieqi, Flame Hawk Archers these branch of the ser­vices prop­erly speak­ing should more in­tre­pid than the palace guard, there are these mil­i­tary strength to help the de­fense words, our losses meet much less”
I stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, walk to go for­ward to pat the shoul­der of Yue Qing Qian, said: „Leans to be shal­low you to have not to know that crag Long Tieqi, Flame Hawk Archers of Dragon’s den armed forces kill in many peo­ple are un­able to pro­mote, will not pro­mote any at­tribute, but the palace guard is dif­fer­ent from the player, how we can the so­ci­ety rea­son­able usage skill in the fight, how act in har­mony mu­tu­ally . More­over the palace guard kills strangely can also pro­mote, there­fore I do not use the Dragon’s den armed forces, at­tack of Dragon’s den armed forces will be gen­er­ally only used final fatal strikes!”
Yue Qing Qian nods with a smile: „I un­der­stood, ram­ble elder brother, you looks at your edi­tion ac­tiv­ity in­te­gral, is first”
I have swept one, truly, this edi­tion is called „the anger of north­ern ter­ri­tory”, in fact is a dif­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wang Zecheng only pays great at­ten­tion to fos­ter­ing of guild, has ac­tu­ally ne­glected the reg­i­ment sys­tem, his pre­sent mer­i­to­ri­ous value is quite as be­fore low, the sta­tus in Em­pire Armed forces is also dis­pens­able, there­fore does not have any NPC army to sup­port him, lacks the reen­force­ment of heavy ar­tillery camp, the ris­ing sun such as blood trade union again also one per­son alone can­not save the sit­u­a­tion, loses se­ri­ously is un­avoid­able.The dis­tant place, the fire is in­ter­mit­tent, Long Xiang the po­si­tion edge, the heavy ar­tillery camp of fall har­vest reg­i­ment also started to bomb the sea-nymph clan, Drunken Spear raised the iron spear to pa­trol above the frontal line back and forth to rush ahead, con­trasts, the sit­u­a­tion that the dragon flew in cir­cles such as the blood wanted to be stronger than the ris­ing sun.Re­views our [Zhan Long], own strength was sec­ond to none in the Chi­nese area, in ad­di­tion side is the vig­or­ous mil­i­tary strength of palace guard, re­sists the im­pact of tri­an­gle beast, al­though is dif­fi­cult, but can block as be­fore.Comes com­pared with our these big trade unions, in these sit­u­a­tion of small guild some­what was hor­ri­ble to look, on coast­line con­tin­u­ous hun­dred li (0.5km), every­where is the tri­an­gle beast by killing the scene of player, even many tri­an­gle beasts pen­e­trated in the Tian Ling Em­pire do­main, but is after step by step thor­ough, a troop player gath­ers round a tri­an­gle beast to kill, mas­sacres is not but ac­tu­ally dif­fi­cult, after all the pop­u­la­tion of player ex­ceeds in the tri­an­gle beast by far.With mis­er­able howl­ing, death that the tri­an­gle beast piles in heaps in the [Zhan Long] frontal line, ex­pe­ri­ence gloss flew to the player, blew out var­i­ous color equip­ment, this wave of of­fen­sive also ar­rived at end, the spent force was un­able to put on the thin raw white silk, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min and other [Zhan Long] brave war­riors ac­tu­ally more kills is fiercer, var­i­ous types had the human to har­vest the life of tri­an­gle beast.Yue Qing Qian is rais­ing the dag­ger, after one time sur­rounds and at­tacks con­tin­u­ally lithely kills a tri­an­gle beast, on ver­ti­cal leaps the back­lash, 32 steps ar­rive at side me, said with a smile: „Ram­ble elder brother, this wave of we were de­fend, al­though the minute pledge at least hung above the 1 W per­son”I nod: „Um, the bat­tle loss is un­avoid­able, this is also dis­ci­plin­ing, hangs in mon­ster first-level al­ways com­pares in the coun­try fights is killed to be bet­ter by the for­eign player.”„Um!” Yue Qing Qian nods the head with a smile, said: „Elder brother, the words said that only then [Zhan Long] and palace guard kill here strangely, why don't you trans­fer the Dragon’s den khaki cloth in every book city? Crag Long Tieqi, Flame Hawk Archers these branch of the ser­vices prop­erly speak­ing should more in­tre­pid than the palace guard, there are these mil­i­tary strength to help the de­fense words, our losses meet much less”I stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, walk to go for­ward to pat the shoul­der of Yue Qing Qian, said: „Leans to be shal­low you to have not to know that crag Long Tieqi, Flame Hawk Archers of Dragon’s den armed forces kill in many peo­ple are un­able to pro­mote, will not pro­mote any at­tribute, but the palace guard is dif­fer­ent from the player, how we can the so­ci­ety rea­son­able usage skill in the fight, how act in har­mony mu­tu­ally . More­over the palace guard kills strangely can also pro­mote, there­fore I do not use the Dragon’s den armed forces, at­tack of Dragon’s den armed forces will be gen­er­ally only used final fatal strikes!”Yue Qing Qian nods with a smile: „I un­der­stood, ram­ble elder brother, you looks at your edi­tion ac­tiv­ity in­te­gral, is first”„Um!”I have swept one, truly, this edi­tion is called „the anger of north­ern ter­ri­tory”, in fact is a dif­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Wang Zecheng hanya membayar perhatian besar untuk mendorong serikat, telah benar-benar diabaikan sistem resimen, nilai berjasa yang sekarang ini cukup seperti sebelumnya rendah, status di pasukan Empire Bersenjata juga dibuang, karena tidak memiliki tentara NPC untuk mendukung dia, tidak memiliki yang reenforcement dari kamp artileri berat, matahari terbit seperti serikat pekerja darah lagi juga satu orang saja tidak bisa menyelamatkan situasi, kehilangan serius tidak dapat dihindari.
The jauh tempat, api berselang, Long Xiang tepi posisi, kamp artileri berat dari jatuh panen resimen juga mulai membom klan laut nimfa, Drunken Spear mengangkat tombak besi untuk berpatroli di atas garis frontal bolak-balik ke buru-buru ke depan, kontras, situasi yang naga terbang dalam lingkaran seperti darah ingin menjadi lebih kuat dari matahari terbit.
our [Zhan panjang], kekuatan sendiri duanya di wilayah Cina, selain sisi kekuatan militer yang kuat dari pengawal istana, menolak dampak dari segitiga binatang, meskipun sulit, tetapi dapat memblokir sebagai sebelumnya.
Datang dibandingkan dengan serikat buruh besar kami ini, dalam situasi ini guild kecil agak mengerikan untuk melihat, di garis pantai terus menerus ratus li (0.5km), di mana-mana adalah segitiga binatang dengan membunuh adegan pemain, bahkan banyak segitiga binatang ditembus dalam domain Tian Ling Empire, tetapi setelah langkah demi langkah menyeluruh, pemain pasukan mengumpulkan putaran binatang segitiga untuk membunuh, pembantaian tidak tetapi sebenarnya sulit, setelah semua penduduk pemain melebihi di binatang segitiga jauh.
dengan melolong menyedihkan , bahwa kematian tumpukan segitiga binatang di tumpukan di [Zhan panjang] garis frontal, pengalaman gloss terbang ke pemain, meniup berbagai peralatan warna, gelombang ini ofensif juga tiba di akhir, kekuatan menghabiskan tidak dapat mengenakan tipis sutra putih mentah, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min dan [Zhan panjang] prajurit pemberani lainnya sebenarnya lebih membunuh sengit, berbagai jenis memiliki manusia untuk memanen kehidupan segitiga binatang.
Yue Qing Qian adalah meningkatkan belati, setelah satu waktu mengelilingi dan serangan terus lithely membunuh binatang segitiga, pada lompatan vertikal backlash, 32 langkah tiba di sisi saya, berkata sambil tersenyum: "pelancongan kakak, gelombang ini kami membela, meskipun menit janji setidaknya tergantung di atas 1 W orang "
saya mengangguk:". Um, pertempuran kerugian tidak dapat dihindari, ini juga mendisiplinkan, tergantung di rakasa tingkat pertama selalu membandingkan perkelahian negara terbunuh menjadi lebih baik dengan pemain asing "
"! Um "Yue Qing Qian mengangguk kepala sambil tersenyum, mengatakan: "saudara Penatua, kata-kata mengatakan bahwa hanya kemudian [Zhan panjang] dan penjaga istana membunuh sini anehnya, kenapa tidak Anda mentransfer kain khaki den Naga di setiap kota buku? Crag panjang Tieqi, Flame Elang Pemanah cabang tersebut dari layanan berbicara dengan benar harus lebih pemberani dari pengawal istana, ada ini kekuatan militer untuk membantu kata-kata pertahanan, kerugian kami bertemu apalagi "
Aku berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan, berjalan pergi meneruskan untuk menepuk bahu Yue Qing Qian, mengatakan: "bersandar menjadi dangkal Anda untuk memiliki tidak tahu bahwa karang panjang Tieqi, Flame Elang Pemanah angkatan bersenjata den Dragon membunuh dalam banyak orang tidak mampu untuk mempromosikan, tidak akan mempromosikan atribut apapun , tapi penjaga istana berbeda dari pemain, bagaimana kita bisa masyarakat wajar penggunaan keterampilan dalam perjuangan, bagaimana bertindak selaras saling. ! Apalagi pengawal istana membunuh aneh juga dapat mempromosikan, oleh karena itu saya tidak menggunakan angkatan bersenjata den Naga, serangan angkatan bersenjata den Dragon akan umumnya hanya digunakan pemogokan yang fatal akhir "
Yue Qing Qian mengangguk sambil tersenyum:" Saya mengerti, melantur kakak, Anda melihat aktivitas edisi integral, pertama "
" Um! "
saya telah menyapu satu, benar-benar, edisi ini disebut" kemarahan wilayah utara ", sebenarnya adalah dif sebuah
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