Rancho's house thelone house in the entire valley was onthe crown of a terjemahan - Rancho's house thelone house in the entire valley was onthe crown of a Jerman Bagaimana mengatakan

Rancho's house thelone house in the

Rancho's house the
lone house in the entire valley was on
the crown of a low hill. From the
pinnacle of the hill one could see the
rapid flowing stream and next to it vast
fields of ripe corn in between the red
kidney bean flowers. Looking at it one
could predict that it was going to be
good harvest but it needed a rainfall,
however brief.
All through the morning Rancho kept scanning the sky for signs of rainfall and he
was quite confident that it would rain. “You know, woman, now we are finally
going to get some rain.” His wife, who was busy preparing food, replied: “Yes, God
As soon as Rancho's family, his wife and sons, sat for dinner, just as he had
predicted big drops of rain started falling. In the Northeast huge clouds were
covering the sky like a blanket. The air had the smell of rain combined with the
smell of fresh earth. The atmosphere at that time was absolutely heavenly. The
boys left their food on pretext of getting one thing and another. All they wanted
was to get wet and play in the rain.
Rancho was very happy as he looked at his field, “Ah! now my harvest is
going to be wonderful.” He started dreaming about all the things he will be doing
once he sells the crops. Suddenly heavy winds began to blow accompanied by big
drops of rain, which looked like huge pearls of ice. “Oh my God! This can't be
happening,” he thought. “NO!! NO!! I will be destroyed. This is no rain, it is a
hailstorm. I hope it will pass soon.” But in front of his family he kept a strong front
and said, “I am sure it will pass soon, don't worry.”
Unfortunately it didn't. The hailstorm lasted the whole night. It destroyed
entire field of his precious crops. Everything looked so white as if someone had
thrown sacks and sacks of pearls all over the place.

92 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1
Rancho and his wife were worried to death. Everything they had was destroyed
and they had no inkling as to what they will do.
The boys asked them, “What are we going to do? Everything is destroyed.
We don't even have few pieces of corn or beans. Does this mean we are going to die
of hunger?”
Rancho said, “ My sons, nobody dies of hunger. Always remember we have
God. I am sure he will help us.”
All through the night Rancho kept on thinking how to ask for help from
God. “God knows everything but I think I should write to Him and ask directly what I
Rancho was thankful for the day his parents had sent him to school. Even
though he wasn't interested in studies but he had grudgingly learned to read and
write. So he took out paper and pen and started writing.
Rancho Lucas
The Violet Hill
18 th May 1999
Dear God
I am writing this letter to you out of extreme urgency, otherwise I
wouldn't have disturbed you. You know about the recent hailstorm in
my place. Well, it has destroyed me. Everything in my farm was
destroyed. My corn and kidney beans were almost ready and all it
needed was a rainfall but instead of rainfall came a storm. If it had
lasted for short period it would have been OK, but unfortunately it
lasted for an entire night. It has put me at a serious disadvantage, you
see God, my sole source of income is that farm and now it is
completely destroyed. Nothing is left. If I leave it like this my family
will die of hunger, since we will not have anything to eat. I can't sit
still and do nothing about it. I need 100 pesos to buy the seeds and
resow my field all over again and buy some food till the next harvest.
So dear God, please help me. I know you will not disappoint me.
Sincerely Yours,
Rancho, the farmer
Bahasa Inggris 93
th He put the letter inside an envelope and addressed it to “God, 7 Heaven”
and placed a stamp on it and dropped it in the mailbox. The workers at the post
office were preparing the letters to mail when they came across the letter
addressed to God. The postman who came across this letter became curious
because he had never seen a letter addressed to God. He wanted to open the
letter but his job ethics stopped him from doing so. He decided to take the letter to
the Postmaster. The Postmaster was a very nice and kind gentleman. He always
helped people in any way he could. When the postman gave him the letter, he
looked at it and said, “It takes a man with strong faith to start a communication
with God. I wish I had such strong faith.”
After much thought, he decided to read the letter and perhaps reply it. He
opened Rancho's letter. Little did he know that replying the letter would need
more than good intention, pen and paper. Rancho needed a lot of money but the
postmaster didn't have any. Since he had already decided to help Rancho, he
decided to give part of his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers to
contribute. But it was impossible for him to collect 100 pesos. He was happy that at
least 70 pesos were collected. So he put the money in an envelope and signed it as
“God” and asked the postman to deliver it to Rancho's house.
When the postman arrived at Rancho's house and delivered the letter to
him, Rancho was exhilarated beyond means. And he kept repeating Thank you
God! Thank you God! I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Rancho had very strong faith in God. He was not surprised when he
opened the envelope. But as he was counting the money he became very angry.
God couldn't have made mistake in sending the money. So he took out paper and
wrote to God again. Then he placed a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. When
the postman took the letter out, he immediately took it to the postmaster. The
Postmaster quickly opened the letter and everyone in the post office gathered
around him wanting to know what Rancho wrote to God.
Rancho Lucas
The Violet Hill
20th May 1999
Dear God
I am really grateful to you for sending the money. I knew you wouldn't let my family
go hungry. Of the money you send me I only received 70 pesos. Please send me the
rest. I really need the money. But, this time please, God don't send it through the
mail, because the people working here in this post office are all a bunch of thieves.
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Jerman
Hasil (Jerman) 1: [Salinan]
Die Rancho-Haus dereinsamen Haus im gesamten Tal war aufdie Krone von einem niedrigen Hügel. Aus derHöhepunkt des Hügels man konnte sehen, dieschnell fließender Strom und weiter, um es großeFeldern reif Mais zwischen dem rotenKidney-Bohnen-Blumen. Betrachtet mankönnte sagen voraus, dass es sein wolltegute Ernte, aber es benötigt eine Niederschlagsmenge,aber kurze.Alle durch den Morgen gehalten Rancho Himmel auf Anzeichen von Regen und er scannen.war ganz zuversichtlich, dass es regnen würde. "Wissen Sie, Frau, nun sind wir endlichwird um etwas Regen zu bekommen." Seine Frau, die Zubereitung von Speisen beschäftigt war, antwortete: "Ja, Gottbereit."Sobald die Rancho Familie, seine Frau und Söhne, saß für Abendessen, genauso wie er hattevorhergesagte große Tropfen Regen begann fallen. Im Nordosten wurden riesige Wolkenden Himmel wie eine Decke abdecken. Die Luft hatte den Geruch von Regen in Verbindung mit derder Geruch der frischen Erde. Die Atmosphäre zu dieser Zeit war absolut himmlisch. Diejungen liess ihre Nahrung unter dem Vorwand der immer eins und ein anderes. Alles, was, die Sie wolltenwar nass und spielen im Regen.Rancho war sehr glücklich, als er auf seinem Gebiet, "Ah! sah Jetzt ist meine Erntewird wundervoll sein." Er begann, über alles, was, die er tun werde, träumenSobald er die Pflanzen verkauft. Plötzlich starker Wind begann zu Blasen begleitet von großenTropfen Regen, die wie riesige Perlen Eis sah. "Oh mein Gott! Das kann nicht seinpassiert,"dachte er. "NEIN!! Nein!! Ich werden vernichtet. Dies ist kein Regen, es ist einHagelsturm. Ich hoffe, es bald passieren wird." Aber vor seiner Familie hielt er eine starke frontund sagte: "Ich bin sicher es wird bald passieren, Mach dir keine Sorgen."Leider hat es nicht. Hailstorm dauerte die ganze Nacht. Es zerstörtgesamten Bereich der seine kostbaren ernten. Alles sah so weiß, als hätte jemandausgelöst von Säcken und Säcke mit Perlen ganz über dem Platz.92 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1Rancho und seine Frau waren zum Tode besorgt. Alles, was sie hatten wurde zerstörtund sie hatten keine Ahnung, was sie tun werden.Die jungen fragte sie, "Was werden wir tun? Alles wird zerstört.Wir haben nicht einmal die paar Stücke von Mais oder Bohnen. Bedeutet dies, dass werden wir sterbender Hunger?"Rancho sagte: "meine Söhne, niemand an Hunger stirbt. Denken Sie immer daran, dass wir habenGott. Ich bin sicher, dass er uns hilft."All Through the Night, Rancho gehalten, zu denken, wie um Hilfe bittenGott. "Gott weiß alles, aber ich denke, ich sollte ihm schreiben und direkt Fragen, was ichwollen."Rancho war dankbar für den Tag, die, den ihm seine Eltern in die Schule geschickt hatte. AuchObwohl er nicht Studien interessiert, aber er widerwillig lesen gelernt hatte undschreiben. Er nahm Papier und Stift und begann zu schreiben.Rancho LucasDie Violet HillArgentinien18 th Mai 1999Lieber GottHalloIch schreibe diesen Brief an Sie aus äußerster Dringlichkeit, sonst ichwürden nicht Sie gestört haben. Kennen Sie den letzten Hailstorm inMein Platz. Na ja, hat es mich zerstört. War alles in meinem Hofdestroyed. My corn and kidney beans were almost ready and all itneeded was a rainfall but instead of rainfall came a storm. If it hadlasted for short period it would have been OK, but unfortunately itlasted for an entire night. It has put me at a serious disadvantage, yousee God, my sole source of income is that farm and now it iscompletely destroyed. Nothing is left. If I leave it like this my familywill die of hunger, since we will not have anything to eat. I can't sitstill and do nothing about it. I need 100 pesos to buy the seeds andresow my field all over again and buy some food till the next harvest.So dear God, please help me. I know you will not disappoint me.Sincerely Yours,Rancho, the farmerBahasa Inggris 93th He put the letter inside an envelope and addressed it to “God, 7 Heaven”and placed a stamp on it and dropped it in the mailbox. The workers at the postoffice were preparing the letters to mail when they came across the letteraddressed to God. The postman who came across this letter became curiousbecause he had never seen a letter addressed to God. He wanted to open theletter but his job ethics stopped him from doing so. He decided to take the letter tothe Postmaster. The Postmaster was a very nice and kind gentleman. He alwayshelped people in any way he could. When the postman gave him the letter, helooked at it and said, “It takes a man with strong faith to start a communicationwith God. I wish I had such strong faith.”After much thought, he decided to read the letter and perhaps reply it. Heopened Rancho's letter. Little did he know that replying the letter would needmore than good intention, pen and paper. Rancho needed a lot of money but thepostmaster didn't have any. Since he had already decided to help Rancho, hedecided to give part of his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers tocontribute. But it was impossible for him to collect 100 pesos. He was happy that atleast 70 pesos were collected. So he put the money in an envelope and signed it as“God” and asked the postman to deliver it to Rancho's house.When the postman arrived at Rancho's house and delivered the letter tohim, Rancho was exhilarated beyond means. And he kept repeating Thank youGod! Thank you God! I knew you wouldn't let me down.Rancho had very strong faith in God. He was not surprised when heopened the envelope. But as he was counting the money he became very angry.God couldn't have made mistake in sending the money. So he took out paper andwrote to God again. Then he placed a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. Whenthe postman took the letter out, he immediately took it to the postmaster. ThePostmaster quickly opened the letter and everyone in the post office gatheredaround him wanting to know what Rancho wrote to God.Rancho LucasThe Violet HillArgentina20th May 1999Dear GodI am really grateful to you for sending the money. I knew you wouldn't let my familygo hungry. Of the money you send me I only received 70 pesos. Please send me therest. I really need the money. But, this time please, God don't send it through themail, because the people working here in this post office are all a bunch of thieves.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Jerman) 3:[Salinan]
rancho haus der "einsame haus im ganzen tal war über
die krone eines niedrigen hügel.der "höhepunkt der hügel könnte man die" schnellen fluss und neben das riesige
felder von reifen mais zwischen den roten
nieren - blumen.es betrachtet eine
konnte voraussehen, daß es wird
gute ernte, aber es brauchte einen niederschlag,
jedoch kurz. "den ganzen morgen rancho hat der himmel auf anzeichen von regen - und er
war zuversichtlich, dass es regnen."weißt du, frau, jetzt sind wir endlich
vor regen bekommen." seine frau, die damit beschäftigt, nahrungsmittel, antwortete: "ja, gott
sobald rancho ist familie, seine frau und die söhne, saß zum essen, wie er dicke tropfen regen vorhergesagt hatte. fielen.im nordosten wurden riesige wolken über den himmel "wie eine decke.die luft war der geruch von regen, kombiniert mit den "geruch von frischer erde.die atmosphäre war damals absolut himmlisch.die "jungs haben ihre essen auf dem schon das ein oder andere.alle wollten sie
war nass und spielen im regen. "rancho war sehr glücklich, wie er schaute auf seinem feld," ah!nun, meine ernte.wird toll. "er hat davon geträumt, all die dinge, die er tun werden: einmal verkauft er die ernte.plötzlich schwere winde blasen, begleitet von großen begann
tropfen regen, die aussah wie große perlen im eis."oh mein gott!das kann nicht sein "los", dachte er."nein!nein!!!! ich zerstört wird.das ist kein regen, es ist ein
hagelschlag.ich hoffe, es wird bald vorbei sein."aber in den augen seiner familie, er hatte immer eine starke front" und sagte: "ich bin sicher, es wird bald vorbei sein, keine sorge."
leider nicht der hagelsturm dauerte die ganze nacht.das zerstörte
bereich seiner ernte.alles sah so weiß wie wenn jemand
werfen säcke und säcke mit perlen überall.

92 kelas xi sma / ma / - / mak semester (1)
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