6. ConclusionThe empirical evidence shown in this study offers further terjemahan - 6. ConclusionThe empirical evidence shown in this study offers further Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

6. ConclusionThe empirical evidence

6. Conclusion
The empirical evidence shown in this study offers further insights into the determinants
of audit report timeliness. Two crucial CEO characteristics are included, namely, tenure
and financial expertise, among the factors possibly affecting audit report timeliness. This is because it is believed that a CEO has a significant influence on the quality of financial reporting and that these characteristics have an influence on the behaviour of the CEOs. It is reported that a long-tenured CEOs or those with financial expertise are positively associated with audit report timeliness. Results further show that CEO characteristics complement each other in explaining the timeliness of the audit report.
Particularly, empirical evidence is found, suggesting that the long-tenured CEO who has
accounting expertise could be more active in enhancing the strategic decisions and the quality of financial reporting. Findings are also supplemented by conducting various robustness tests and the findings are reported as robust for the measurement of variables, the small sample and the problem of endogeneity. Overall, findings indicate that CEO characteristics do matter in respect of the timeliness of the audit report. This study contributes to the literature on audit report timeliness by documenting that the characteristics of a CEO do matter in respect of the timeliness of the audit report. Moreover, evidence is presented concerning the relative importance of the interaction among the CEO characteristics in relation to financial reporting timeliness. Prior literature on the effect of the characteristics of executives on financial reporting quality has not considered this issue. In addition, the literature is extended concerning emerging markets by providing evidence on the characteristics of the CEO beyond duality and shareholding. Finally, findings contain significant implications for the regulators,
boards of directors and shareholders. Similar to prior research, this study is not isolated from limitations that suggest caution in the interpretation of the results. First, it is recognised that the setting, Oman, prevents the investigation from being enriched due to the lack of public disclosure and insufficient cooperation between the companies and the academic society. For example, the additional characteristics of the CEOs, such as age, shareholding and compensation,
were not considered. Further, this lack of information prevents the adoption of a more
sophisticated approach of analysing the effect of the CEO on company policies (Bertrand
and Schoar, 2003). Second, empirical results are based on a small sample size from Oman
and particularly on the data of non-financial companies, thereby limiting the generalisability of the results to similar institutional settings and jurisdictions, and lowering the statistical power of the various tests, although bootstrap resampling method has been used to overcome this problem. Thus, such limitations warrant future research to re-explore this issue and to test the overall generalisability of the findings to other jurisdictions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
6. ConclusionThe empirical evidence shown in this study offers further insights into the determinantsof audit report timeliness. Two crucial CEO characteristics are included, namely, tenureand financial expertise, among the factors possibly affecting audit report timeliness. This is because it is believed that a CEO has a significant influence on the quality of financial reporting and that these characteristics have an influence on the behaviour of the CEOs. It is reported that a long-tenured CEOs or those with financial expertise are positively associated with audit report timeliness. Results further show that CEO characteristics complement each other in explaining the timeliness of the audit report.Particularly, empirical evidence is found, suggesting that the long-tenured CEO who hasaccounting expertise could be more active in enhancing the strategic decisions and the quality of financial reporting. Findings are also supplemented by conducting various robustness tests and the findings are reported as robust for the measurement of variables, the small sample and the problem of endogeneity. Overall, findings indicate that CEO characteristics do matter in respect of the timeliness of the audit report. This study contributes to the literature on audit report timeliness by documenting that the characteristics of a CEO do matter in respect of the timeliness of the audit report. Moreover, evidence is presented concerning the relative importance of the interaction among the CEO characteristics in relation to financial reporting timeliness. Prior literature on the effect of the characteristics of executives on financial reporting quality has not considered this issue. In addition, the literature is extended concerning emerging markets by providing evidence on the characteristics of the CEO beyond duality and shareholding. Finally, findings contain significant implications for the regulators,boards of directors and shareholders. Similar to prior research, this study is not isolated from limitations that suggest caution in the interpretation of the results. First, it is recognised that the setting, Oman, prevents the investigation from being enriched due to the lack of public disclosure and insufficient cooperation between the companies and the academic society. For example, the additional characteristics of the CEOs, such as age, shareholding and compensation,were not considered. Further, this lack of information prevents the adoption of a moresophisticated approach of analysing the effect of the CEO on company policies (Bertrandand Schoar, 2003). Second, empirical results are based on a small sample size from Omanand particularly on the data of non-financial companies, thereby limiting the generalisability of the results to similar institutional settings and jurisdictions, and lowering the statistical power of the various tests, although bootstrap resampling method has been used to overcome this problem. Thus, such limitations warrant future research to re-explore this issue and to test the overall generalisability of the findings to other jurisdictions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
6. Kesimpulan
Bukti empiris yang ditunjukkan dalam studi ini menawarkan wawasan lebih jauh ke dalam faktor penentu
dari laporan audit ketepatan waktu. Dua karakteristik CEO penting termasuk, yakni, penguasaan
dan keahlian keuangan, antara faktor-faktor mungkin mempengaruhi laporan audit ketepatan waktu. Hal ini karena diyakini bahwa CEO memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas pelaporan keuangan dan bahwa karakteristik ini memiliki pengaruh pada perilaku para CEO. Hal ini melaporkan bahwa CEO lama bertenor atau mereka yang memiliki keahlian keuangan positif terkait dengan laporan audit ketepatan waktu. Hasil lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik CEO saling melengkapi dalam menjelaskan ketepatan waktu laporan audit.
Terutama, bukti empiris ditemukan, menunjukkan bahwa CEO yang lama-bertenor yang memiliki
keahlian akuntansi bisa lebih aktif dalam meningkatkan keputusan strategis dan kualitas keuangan pelaporan. Temuan ini juga dilengkapi dengan melakukan berbagai tes ketahanan dan temuan dilaporkan sebagai kuat untuk pengukuran variabel, sampel kecil dan masalah endogenitas. Secara keseluruhan, temuan menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik CEO memang penting sehubungan dengan ketepatan waktu laporan audit. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada literatur tentang laporan audit ketepatan waktu dengan mendokumentasikan bahwa karakteristik CEO memang penting sehubungan dengan ketepatan waktu laporan audit. Selain itu, bukti-bukti yang disajikan mengenai kepentingan relatif dari interaksi antara karakteristik CEO dalam kaitannya dengan pelaporan keuangan ketepatan waktu. Literatur sebelumnya pada efek dari karakteristik eksekutif pada kualitas pelaporan keuangan belum dianggap masalah ini. Selain itu, literatur diperpanjang mengenai pasar negara berkembang dengan memberikan bukti tentang karakteristik CEO luar dualitas dan kepemilikan saham. Akhirnya, temuan mengandung implikasi signifikan bagi regulator,
dewan direksi dan pemegang saham. Serupa dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini tidak terisolasi dari keterbatasan yang menyarankan hati-hati dalam interpretasi hasil. Pertama, diakui bahwa pengaturan, Oman, mencegah penyelidikan dari yang diperkaya karena kurangnya keterbukaan publik dan kerjasama cukup antara perusahaan dan masyarakat akademis. Sebagai contoh, karakteristik tambahan dari CEO, seperti usia, kepemilikan saham dan kompensasi,
tidak dianggap. Selanjutnya, kurangnya informasi mencegah adopsi yang lebih
pendekatan canggih menganalisis efek dari CEO pada kebijakan perusahaan (Bertrand
dan Schoar, 2003). Kedua, hasil empiris didasarkan pada ukuran sampel kecil dari Oman
dan khususnya pada data perusahaan non-keuangan, sehingga membatasi generalisability hasil untuk pengaturan kelembagaan yang sama dan yurisdiksi, dan menurunkan kekuatan statistik dari berbagai tes, meskipun bootstrap Metode resampling telah digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Dengan demikian, keterbatasan tersebut menjamin penelitian di masa depan untuk mengeksplorasi-ulang masalah ini dan untuk menguji generalisability keseluruhan temuan ke yurisdiksi lain.
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