Then, a breath of ice approached.However, as the ice breath had a smal terjemahan - Then, a breath of ice approached.However, as the ice breath had a smal Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Then, a breath of ice approached.Ho

Then, a breath of ice approached.

However, as the ice breath had a small range and slower speed than the ice spears, it couldn’t catch up to Shin’s speed. The ice spears that were shot in order to not interfere with the ice breath, were no longer functioned as the primary artillery barrage, and for Shin, it wasn’t difficult to break through the barrage of ice which had become weak.

“Yo, how’s the condition of your body?”

The Gryphon, which concluded that there was no effect from the breath, answered Shin’s remark with a blow of ice talons.

If one looked closely, the ice talons which extended from the Gryphon’s foreleg became one size bigger than before.

“It is reinforced each time it regenerate, huh?”

The ice talons which crashed onto 『Kakura』, shattered like the last time.

However Shin felt that even the size of the shattered ice seemed to have increased. It was likely that its strength went up, too. Though it was natural, the ice spears which transformed from the shattered pieces were just as big as the huge pieces.

By going around to the back, Shin made the Gryphon’s huge figure a shield, causing the ice spears to fly over him.


However, the Gryphon also kicked the ground with its hind legs and tried to maintain the line of fire by hovering with its wings.

“That’s a poor move.”

Though the Gryphon displayed a nimbleness which didn’t match its gigantic figure, it was in the line of fire of its own ice spears. Guaranteed to hit the Gryphon, it received a huge damage.

In addition, when considering their physical differences, it was like showing its belly to Shin as the Gryphon flew and floated in the air. It could be said to be a heaven-sent opportunity to drive in a single blow, although there was no guarantee that the belly was soft like an ordinary creature’s.


Without overlooking the little opening, Shin, who wielded 『Kakura』, jumped at the bosom without holding back.

From 『Kakura』 that cut up the air, a purple flame burst out.


The feathers of the Gryphon were blown away and scattered at the flank of the swung down 『Kakura』, and sank into the skin and inside the meat.

Just like that, the Gryphon’s belly caved in and it slammed against the ground with its whole body.


With a giant body more than 5 mels long falling to the ground, an earthquake traveled through the ground.

The sound of buildings, which were about to crumble, collapsed, and arrived at Shin’s ears along with the Gryphon’s groan.

“Was that about 10% just now?”

Shin confirmed the Gryphon’s remaining HP while landing.

Although his stats were restrained and although his weapon was not 《Ancient》 grade, a single blow directly from Shin had only dealt damage equal to about 10% of its total health. It was an exceptional defensive power for a monster he came across in this world.

The Gryphon didn’t continue to expose the gap while lying on the ground. A gaze of precaution was directed at Shin as it immediately kicked the ground and stood up.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Then, a breath of ice approached.However, as the ice breath had a small range and slower speed than the ice spears, it couldn’t catch up to Shin’s speed. The ice spears that were shot in order to not interfere with the ice breath, were no longer functioned as the primary artillery barrage, and for Shin, it wasn’t difficult to break through the barrage of ice which had become weak.“Yo, how’s the condition of your body?”The Gryphon, which concluded that there was no effect from the breath, answered Shin’s remark with a blow of ice talons.If one looked closely, the ice talons which extended from the Gryphon’s foreleg became one size bigger than before.“It is reinforced each time it regenerate, huh?”The ice talons which crashed onto 『Kakura』, shattered like the last time.However Shin felt that even the size of the shattered ice seemed to have increased. It was likely that its strength went up, too. Though it was natural, the ice spears which transformed from the shattered pieces were just as big as the huge pieces.By going around to the back, Shin made the Gryphon’s huge figure a shield, causing the ice spears to fly over him.“Kyiiiiiiiiii!!”However, the Gryphon also kicked the ground with its hind legs and tried to maintain the line of fire by hovering with its wings.“That’s a poor move.”Though the Gryphon displayed a nimbleness which didn’t match its gigantic figure, it was in the line of fire of its own ice spears. Guaranteed to hit the Gryphon, it received a huge damage.In addition, when considering their physical differences, it was like showing its belly to Shin as the Gryphon flew and floated in the air. It could be said to be a heaven-sent opportunity to drive in a single blow, although there was no guarantee that the belly was soft like an ordinary creature’s.“Hoo――”Without overlooking the little opening, Shin, who wielded 『Kakura』, jumped at the bosom without holding back.From 『Kakura』 that cut up the air, a purple flame burst out.“――raAAA!!!”The feathers of the Gryphon were blown away and scattered at the flank of the swung down 『Kakura』, and sank into the skin and inside the meat.Just like that, the Gryphon’s belly caved in and it slammed against the ground with its whole body.“GIE!!?”With a giant body more than 5 mels long falling to the ground, an earthquake traveled through the ground.The sound of buildings, which were about to crumble, collapsed, and arrived at Shin’s ears along with the Gryphon’s groan.“Was that about 10% just now?”Shin confirmed the Gryphon’s remaining HP while landing.Although his stats were restrained and although his weapon was not 《Ancient》 grade, a single blow directly from Shin had only dealt damage equal to about 10% of its total health. It was an exceptional defensive power for a monster he came across in this world.The Gryphon didn’t continue to expose the gap while lying on the ground. A gaze of precaution was directed at Shin as it immediately kicked the ground and stood up.“G-GIIII…”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kemudian, napas es mendekati.

Namun, sebagai nafas es memiliki jangkauan kecil dan kecepatan lebih lambat dari tombak es, itu bisa tidak mengejar kecepatan Shin. Es tombak yang ditembak agar tidak mengganggu napas es, yang tidak lagi berfungsi sebagai artileri utama, dan untuk Shin, itu tidak sulit untuk menembus rentetan es yang telah menjadi lemah.

"Yo, bagaimana ini kondisi tubuh Anda? "

The Gryphon, yang menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada efek dari nafas, menjawab komentar Shin dengan pukulan es cakar.

Jika salah satu melihat dekat, cakar es yang diperpanjang dari kaki depan Gryphon ini menjadi salah satu ukuran lebih besar dari sebelumnya.

"Hal ini diperkuat setiap kali regenerasi, ya?"

es cakar yang jatuh ke 「Kakura」, hancur seperti terakhir kali.

Namun Shin merasa bahwa bahkan ukuran es hancur tampaknya telah meningkat. Itu mungkin bahwa kekuatannya naik juga. Meskipun itu alami, tombak es yang berubah dari potongan-potongan hancur hanya sebagai besar sebagai potongan-potongan besar.

Dengan berkeliling ke belakang, Shin membuat tokoh besar yang Gryphon perisai, menyebabkan tombak es untuk terbang di atasnya.

"Kyiiiiiiiiii !! "

Namun, Gryphon juga menendang tanah dengan kaki belakangnya dan mencoba untuk mempertahankan garis api dengan melayang dengan sayapnya.

" Itu langkah yang buruk. "

Meskipun Gryphon ditampilkan kegesitan yang tidak cocok sosok raksasa yang , itu di garis api tombak es sendiri. Dijamin untuk memukul Gryphon, ia menerima kerusakan besar.

Selain itu, ketika mempertimbangkan perbedaan fisik mereka, itu seperti menunjukkan perutnya untuk Shin sebagai Gryphon terbang dan melayang di udara. Bisa dikatakan menjadi kesempatan surga-dikirim untuk berkendara di satu pukulan, meskipun tidak ada jaminan bahwa perut lembut seperti makhluk biasa ini.


Tanpa menghadap pembukaan kecil, Shin, yang memegang 「Kakura 」, melompat di dada tanpa menahan.

dari「 Kakura 」yang memotong udara, api ungu meledak.

" --raAAA !!! "

bulu-bulu dari Gryphon tertiup pergi dan tersebar di sayap dari mengayunkan yang bawah 「Kakura」, dan tenggelam ke dalam kulit dan di dalam daging.

Sama seperti itu, perut Gryphon menyerah dan membanting terhadap tanah dengan seluruh tubuhnya.

"GIE !!?"

dengan tubuh raksasa lebih dari 5 mels panjang jatuh ke tanah, gempa perjalanan melalui tanah.

suara bangunan, yang hendak runtuh, runtuh, dan tiba di telinga Shin bersama dengan erangan Gryphon ini.

"Apakah itu sekitar 10% sekarang?"

Shin menegaskan Gryphon sisa HP ketika mendarat.

meskipun statistik nya tertahan dan meskipun senjatanya tidak "Kuno" kelas, satu pukulan langsung dari Shin hanya ditangani kerusakan sama dengan sekitar 10% dari total kesehatan. Itu adalah kekuatan defensif yang luar biasa untuk rakasa dia datang di dalam dunia ini.

The Gryphon tidak terus mengekspos kesenjangan sambil berbaring di tanah. Sebuah tatapan pencegahan diarahkan pada Shin karena langsung menggebrak tanah dan berdiri.

"G-GIIII ..."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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