It is recognized that outpatient resources for patients whosuffer from terjemahan - It is recognized that outpatient resources for patients whosuffer from Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is recognized that outpatient re

It is recognized that outpatient resources for patients who
suffer from psychiatric illnesses are insufficient. As
a result, a significant number of psychiatric patients use
EDs as their main entrance into the health care system5-8
and as a source of primary care. Due to their complex
needs,2-9,12 a significant percentage of psychiatric patients
presenting to the ED require inpatient care. This is reflected
by their high admission rates (22% to 35%2'8'13-15; and up
to 54% for patients with substance abuse).15 This high
admission rate, combined with a lack of acute care beds
on inpatient psychiatric units1-3’10'11 results in boarding of
admitted patients in ED corridors.
It is accepted that acute care resources, including
hospital beds, should be used by patients who need them
the most.16 With limited acute care psychiatry beds to
adequately meet the needs, it becomes imperative that
patients not remain in hospital after their acute care
episode resolves. However, due to the specific needs
o f this clientele, patients are not leaving the acute care
psychiatry units in a timely manner.
Lack of housing and community support for patients
requiring long-term care is commonly cited among the
reasons that prevent hospital discharges and extend
hospital stays on acute psychiatry units.17 As a result, an
important proportion of acute psychiatry beds are occupied
inappropriately because of the absence of suitable alternative
settings.18 For example, Paton et al19 reported that up to
40% of elderly patients were inappropriately hospitalized
on an acute psychiatry unit, primarily because no other
alternatives were available. This is not a new problem; more
than 15 years ago, the major reasons preventing hospital
discharge from acute psychiatry wards included a lack of
suitable alternatives, such as long-term rehabilitation beds
or domiciliary based community support.20

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It is recognized that outpatient resources for patients whosuffer from psychiatric illnesses are insufficient. Asa result, a significant number of psychiatric patients useEDs as their main entrance into the health care system5-8and as a source of primary care. Due to their complexneeds,2-9,12 a significant percentage of psychiatric patientspresenting to the ED require inpatient care. This is reflectedby their high admission rates (22% to 35%2'8'13-15; and upto 54% for patients with substance abuse).15 This highadmission rate, combined with a lack of acute care bedson inpatient psychiatric units1-3’10'11 results in boarding ofadmitted patients in ED corridors.It is accepted that acute care resources, includinghospital beds, should be used by patients who need themthe most.16 With limited acute care psychiatry beds toadequately meet the needs, it becomes imperative thatpatients not remain in hospital after their acute careepisode resolves. However, due to the specific needso f this clientele, patients are not leaving the acute carepsychiatry units in a timely manner.Lack of housing and community support for patientsrequiring long-term care is commonly cited among thereasons that prevent hospital discharges and extendhospital stays on acute psychiatry units.17 As a result, animportant proportion of acute psychiatry beds are occupiedinappropriately because of the absence of suitable alternativesettings.18 For example, Paton et al19 reported that up to40% of elderly patients were inappropriately hospitalizedon an acute psychiatry unit, primarily because no otheralternatives were available. This is not a new problem; morethan 15 years ago, the major reasons preventing hospitaldischarge from acute psychiatry wards included a lack ofsuitable alternatives, such as long-term rehabilitation bedsor domiciliary based community support.20
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hal ini diakui bahwa sumber daya rawat jalan untuk pasien yang
menderita penyakit kejiwaan tidak mencukupi. Sebagai
hasilnya, sejumlah besar pasien psikiatri menggunakan
eds sebagai pintu masuk utama mereka ke dalam system5-8 perawatan kesehatan
dan sebagai sumber perawatan primer. Karena mereka yang kompleks
kebutuhan, 2-9,12 persentase yang signifikan dari pasien kejiwaan
yang datang ke UGD memerlukan perawatan inap. Hal ini tercermin
dengan tarif masuk yang tinggi (22% sampai 35% 2'8'13-15, dan sampai
dengan 54% untuk pasien dengan penyalahgunaan zat) 0,15 tinggi ini
tingkat penerimaan, dikombinasikan dengan kurangnya tidur perawatan akut
pada inap Hasil units1-3'10'11 kejiwaan di asrama dari
pasien yang dirawat di koridor ED.
Hal ini diterima bahwa sumber daya perawatan akut, termasuk
tempat tidur rumah sakit, harus digunakan oleh pasien yang membutuhkannya
yang most.16 Dengan terbatasnya akut tempat tidur perawatan psikiatri untuk
memadai memenuhi kebutuhan, menjadi penting bahwa
pasien tidak tetap di rumah sakit setelah perawatan akut mereka
episode menyelesaikan. Namun, karena kebutuhan spesifik
dari klien ini, pasien tidak meninggalkan perawatan akut
unit psikiatri pada waktu yang tepat.
Kurangnya perumahan dan dukungan masyarakat untuk pasien
yang membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang umumnya dikutip antara
alasan yang mencegah pembuangan rumah sakit dan memperluas
tinggal di rumah sakit di units.17 psikiatri akut Akibatnya, sebuah
proporsi penting dari tempat tidur psikiatri akut ditempati
tidak tepat karena tidak adanya alternatif yang cocok
settings.18 Misalnya, Paton et al19 melaporkan bahwa sampai
40% dari pasien usia lanjut yang tidak tepat rumah sakit
pada unit psikiatri akut, terutama karena tidak ada lain
alternatif yang tersedia. Ini bukan masalah baru; lebih
dari 15 tahun yang lalu, alasan utama mencegah sakit
debit dari bangsal psikiatri akut termasuk kurangnya
alternatif yang sesuai, seperti tempat tidur rehabilitasi jangka panjang
atau rumah tangga support.20 berbasis masyarakat

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