Fallen leaf at air­borne dance, how­ever at this mo­ment, „”, a beau­t terjemahan - Fallen leaf at air­borne dance, how­ever at this mo­ment, „”, a beau­t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Fallen leaf at air­borne dance, how

Fallen leaf at air­borne dance, how­ever at this mo­ment, „”, a beau­ti­ful form pen­e­trates the leaf has formed the bar­rier sud­denly, the speed fired into Sim­ple quickly cer­tainly, Lin Wan Er opened cer­tainly the trace step.
An arm pen­du­lum, in­vis­i­ble strength from the sky has formed gen­tly one ** the net, these fallen leaves co­ag­u­late im­me­di­ately all in air­borne, and body of Sim­ple also re­ceived the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of short Cooldown, is the Lin Wan Er do­main con­trol skill, the dag­ger one hor­i­zon­tal, „” a chisel struck pen­e­trated the Sim­ple poly spirit shield, has cre­ated the dizzi­ness ef­fect, the dou­ble dag­ger wielded con­tin­u­ously, has pro­jected on 11% the Sim­ple poly spirit shield tough­ness in­stan­ta­neously, but Sim­ple had also made the re­sponse at this time, an ejec­tion leapt 20 yards away on the book­let, and vi­o­lent flame stone + Lei Yingzhen fell sud­denly.!
„Bang bang”
Lin Wan Er changed into the iron um­brella de­fense at­ti­tude in­stan­ta­neously, has not come under the biggest at­tack of magic, but HP brushed as be­fore 50% many, with­out hes­i­ta­tion held up the iron um­brella to start being near of var­i­ous god, body „brush­ing” has wal­loped to the match, sep­a­rated spa­tial sharp knife blade book­let to leap, when Sim­ple lifted the law stick once more, the Lin Wan Er dag­ger shocked sud­denly in the ruby of law stick is state-of-art, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the iron um­brella swept away, „bang” a blue ray shook, four big phrases flew
„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”
Sim­ple en­tered the delay ef­fect in­stan­ta­neously, in short Cooldown is un­able to op­er­ate is un­able to use the skill, the blade edge of + dou­ble knife-edge Lin Wan Er tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity var­i­ous god com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other, car­ries off di­rectly!
1 : 0, has at­tained neatly the first small dif­fer­ence.
Quick, the 2 nd game will soon start.
Yue Qing Qian looks on the stage, said: „Sis­ter Cang Tong this is wants 2 : 0 to carry off the Sim­ple rhythm!”
I deep frown, shake the head say­ing: „Not nec­es­sar­ily, can look at Sim­ple not to have fully, should be is want­ing to keep the strength for the fol­low­ing com­pe­ti­tion.”
„? Keeps the strength again, per­haps did not have the op­por­tu­nity to dis­play.”
On the stage, the war con­tin­ues, Lin Wan Er fast chas­ing down and in­ter­rup­tion make Sim­ple ex­cep­tion­ally un­com­fort­able, and space book­let leaps her too not to dare to use, three ca­pers, that is the life of mas­ter, after hav­ing used up , the killer who bumps into Lin Wan Er this rank was doomed dead.
The fine leather boots pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly ground, a Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye has set­tled on the flaw of match, makes use takes a wave band to walk, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Sim­ple straight stand­ing there, the law stick raises sud­denly, the whole body rises sud­denly in­cor­rupt­ible, drinks one ten­derly: „Comes out!”
„Roar roar”
The heavy snow dances in the air base­less, a colos­sus fell on the Sim­ple front sud­denly, was one wears armor im­pres­sively fights the bear, strength un­known sum­mon, was not the pet, but ac­tu­ally sur­passed the pet.
„Bang”, after fight­ing the bear falls to the ground, is one time to tram­pling of earth, thun­der and light­ning rays wreak havoc, Lin Wan Er by the thun­der and light­ning paral­y­sis ef­fect, was cer­tainly fought the bear to wave the sharp claws, to our beau­ti­ful woman young ladies is being a taunt skill, fi­nally a Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye has filled being at a loss sud­denly, moved to­ward slowly has fought the bear.
Sim­ple seizes the op­por­tu­nity, lifts the left hand, in the palm fire­balls is flee­ing, to Lin Wan Er is being 7 rip­ple fires of con­tin­u­ous fire­ball, in a flash, the beau­ti­ful woman young lady sobbed to kneel.
1 : 1, tied.
Yue Qing Qian this time also wrin­kled the del­i­cate eye­brows:
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fallen leaf at air­borne dance, how­ever at this mo­ment, „”, a beau­ti­ful form pen­e­trates the leaf has formed the bar­rier sud­denly, the speed fired into Sim­ple quickly cer­tainly, Lin Wan Er opened cer­tainly the trace step.An arm pen­du­lum, in­vis­i­ble strength from the sky has formed gen­tly one ** the net, these fallen leaves co­ag­u­late im­me­di­ately all in air­borne, and body of Sim­ple also re­ceived the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of short Cooldown, is the Lin Wan Er do­main con­trol skill, the dag­ger one hor­i­zon­tal, „” a chisel struck pen­e­trated the Sim­ple poly spirit shield, has cre­ated the dizzi­ness ef­fect, the dou­ble dag­ger wielded con­tin­u­ously, has pro­jected on 11% the Sim­ple poly spirit shield tough­ness in­stan­ta­neously, but Sim­ple had also made the re­sponse at this time, an ejec­tion leapt 20 yards away on the book­let, and vi­o­lent flame stone + Lei Yingzhen fell sud­denly.!„Bang bang”„9771!”„8729!”Lin Wan Er changed into the iron um­brella de­fense at­ti­tude in­stan­ta­neously, has not come under the biggest at­tack of magic, but HP brushed as be­fore 50% many, with­out hes­i­ta­tion held up the iron um­brella to start being near of var­i­ous god, body „brush­ing” has wal­loped to the match, sep­a­rated spa­tial sharp knife blade book­let to leap, when Sim­ple lifted the law stick once more, the Lin Wan Er dag­ger shocked sud­denly in the ruby of law stick is state-of-art, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the iron um­brella swept away, „bang” a blue ray shook, four big phrases flew„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”Sim­ple en­tered the delay ef­fect in­stan­ta­neously, in short Cooldown is un­able to op­er­ate is un­able to use the skill, the blade edge of + dou­ble knife-edge Lin Wan Er tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity var­i­ous god com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other, car­ries off di­rectly!1 : 0, has at­tained neatly the first small dif­fer­ence.Quick, the 2 nd game will soon start.Yue Qing Qian looks on the stage, said: „Sis­ter Cang Tong this is wants 2 : 0 to carry off the Sim­ple rhythm!”I deep frown, shake the head say­ing: „Not nec­es­sar­ily, can look at Sim­ple not to have fully, should be is want­ing to keep the strength for the fol­low­ing com­pe­ti­tion.”„? Keeps the strength again, per­haps did not have the op­por­tu­nity to dis­play.”On the stage, the war con­tin­ues, Lin Wan Er fast chas­ing down and in­ter­rup­tion make Sim­ple ex­cep­tion­ally un­com­fort­able, and space book­let leaps her too not to dare to use, three ca­pers, that is the life of mas­ter, after hav­ing used up , the killer who bumps into Lin Wan Er this rank was doomed dead.„Rus­tle”The fine leather boots pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly ground, a Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye has set­tled on the flaw of match, makes use takes a wave band to walk, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Sim­ple straight stand­ing there, the law stick raises sud­denly, the whole body rises sud­denly in­cor­rupt­ible, drinks one ten­derly: „Comes out!”„Roar roar”The heavy snow dances in the air base­less, a colos­sus fell on the Sim­ple front sud­denly, was one wears armor im­pres­sively fights the bear, strength un­known sum­mon, was not the pet, but ac­tu­ally sur­passed the pet.„Bang”, after fight­ing the bear falls to the ground, is one time to tram­pling of earth, thun­der and light­ning rays wreak havoc, Lin Wan Er by the thun­der and light­ning paral­y­sis ef­fect, was cer­tainly fought the bear to wave the sharp claws, to our beau­ti­ful woman young ladies is being a taunt skill, fi­nally a Lin Wan Er pair of beau­ti­ful eye has filled being at a loss sud­denly, moved to­ward slowly has fought the bear.Sim­ple seizes the op­por­tu­nity, lifts the left hand, in the palm fire­balls is flee­ing, to Lin Wan Er is being 7 rip­ple fires of con­tin­u­ous fire­ball, in a flash, the beau­ti­ful woman young lady sobbed to kneel.1 : 1, tied.Yue Qing Qian this time also wrin­kled the del­i­cate eye­brows:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jatuh daun di tari udara, namun pada saat ini, "", bentuk yang indah menembus daun telah membentuk penghalang tiba-tiba, kecepatan menembak ke Simple cepat tentu, Lin Wan Er dibuka tentu jejak langkah.
Sebuah pendulum lengan, kekuatan tak terlihat dari langit telah membentuk lembut satu ** bersih, ini daun jatuh mengental segera semua di udara, dan tubuh dari Wikipedia juga menerima imobilisasi Cooldown pendek, adalah Lin Wan Er keterampilan kontrol domain, belati horizontal, "" pahat melanda menembus Simple semangat perisai poli, telah menciptakan efek pusing, belati ganda memegang terus-menerus, telah diproyeksikan pada 11% Simple poli semangat perisai ketangguhan seketika, tapi sederhana juga telah membuat respon pada saat ini, ejeksi melompat 20 yard pada buku, dan kekerasan api batu + Lei Yingzhen jatuh tiba-tiba.!
"Bang bang"
Lin Wan Er berubah menjadi payung besi sikap pertahanan instan, belum datang di bawah serangan terbesar sihir, tapi HP disikat seperti sebelumnya 50% banyak, tanpa ragu-ragu mengangkat payung besi untuk mulai menjadi dekat berbagai dewa, tubuh "menyikat" telah terpukul keras untuk pertandingan, dipisahkan spasial tajam pisau pisau buku untuk melompat, ketika Simple mengangkat tongkat hukum sekali lagi , belati Lin Wan Er terkejut tiba-tiba di ruby tongkat hukum adalah negara-of-art, bersamaan payung besi hanyut, "bang" sinar biru mengguncang, empat frase besar terbang
"Serangan dan menghancurkan berhasil!"
Simple memasuki menunda efek seketika, di Cooldown pendek tidak dapat beroperasi tidak dapat menggunakan skill, tepi pisau dari + ganda pisau-tepi Lin Wan Er mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan menggabungkan berbagai dewa dan melengkapi satu sama lain, membawa off langsung!
1: 0, . telah mencapai rapi perbedaan kecil dulu
. Cepat, permainan 2 nd segera akan mulai
Yue Qing Qian terlihat di atas panggung, mengatakan: "Suster Cang Tong ini ingin 2: 0 untuk membawa off irama Simple"
aku mengerutkan kening dalam, menggelengkan kepalanya mengatakan: "belum tentu, dapat melihat Wikipedia tidak memiliki sepenuhnya, harus yang ingin menjaga kekuatan untuk kompetisi berikutnya."
"? Terus kekuatan lagi, mungkin tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menampilkan. "
Di atas panggung, perang berlanjut, Lin Wan Er cepat memburu dan gangguan membuat Simple sangat tidak nyaman, dan ruang booklet melompat dia juga tidak berani menggunakan, tiga caper , yang adalah kehidupan guru, setelah habis, pembunuh yang menabrak Lin Wan Er peringkat ini ditakdirkan mati.
sepatu bot kulit halus melewati lembut dan cepat tanah, sepasang Lin Wan Er mata indah memiliki menetap di cacat pertandingan, membuat penggunaan mengambil sebuah band gelombang berjalan, benar-benar menemukan bahwa Simple langsung berdiri di sana, tongkat hukum menimbulkan tiba-tiba, seluruh tubuh naik secara tiba-tiba yang tidak fana, minuman satu lembut: "! Datang keluar"
"Roar gemuruh"
tarian salju berat di berdasar udara, raksasa jatuh di depan Simple tiba-tiba, adalah salah satu memakai baju besi mengesankan perkelahian beruang, kekuatan summon tidak diketahui, tidak hewan peliharaan, tapi benar-benar melampaui hewan peliharaan.
"Bang", setelah pertempuran beruang jatuh ke tanah, adalah salah satu waktu untuk menginjak-injak bumi, guntur dan kilat sinar mendatangkan malapetaka, Lin Wan Er oleh guntur dan kilat kelumpuhan efek, itu pasti berjuang beruang untuk gelombang cakar yang tajam, untuk wanita muda wanita cantik kami sedang keterampilan ejekan, akhirnya sepasang Lin Wan Er mata indah telah diisi makhluk bingung tiba-tiba, bergerak menuju perlahan telah berjuang beruang.
Simple merebut kesempatan, mengangkat tangan kiri, di bola api sawit melarikan diri, untuk Lin Wan Er sedang 7 kebakaran riak bola api terus menerus, dalam sekejap, wanita muda wanita cantik menangis berlutut.
1: 1, diikat.
Yue Qing Qian kali ini juga berkerut alis halus:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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