The Mouse Deer and the SnailPosted by baharudinAUG11Long times ago, al terjemahan - The Mouse Deer and the SnailPosted by baharudinAUG11Long times ago, al Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Mouse Deer and the SnailPosted

The Mouse Deer and the Snail
Posted by baharudin
Long times ago, all the animals living in the jungle lived peacefully. They helped each other and were friendly. The lion was the king. He governed the animals ini his kingdom in the jungle. Among the animals living in the jungle was Mouse deer. The Mouse deer was always cheerful and very confident. He was known as tricky and intelligent animal. Because of his intelligence and cleverness, the Mouse deer became conceited and over confident. He abused hs to deceive other animals.

?I?m the cleverest in the jungle. I am the best. No other animal can compare me.? ? If a person is afraid of the tiger, the crocodile or the elephant, it because they are big and fience.? ?But when they deal with me, I can always cheat them.?

The Mouse deer?s other habit is wandering. He would roam the jungle from one corner to another. He has the nerves to go anywhere. One day…………………….. ? Boy, its bad. It?s going to rain. I have to go home or otherwise I?ll get all wet.? ? It will be worse if the branches of these trees might fall on me.?

The Mouse deer ran and ran quickly, looking up to observe the clouds growing darker and darker. He did not notice there was a big hole in front af him, waiting to swallo him. And……………He plug into the hole…….. ? Oh, I am neer death!? ? Luckily, some shrubs and grass grew thick at the bottom of the hole …so it was a smooth landing.? ? But how can I get out of this hole. This hole is very deep too deep for me to reach the surface on the ground above.?

The Mouse deer tried hard to jump onto the surface but could not reach it…… Tired and hopeless, he could only rest thinking af any possible way to get out of the hole…. After long anough of waiting and trying, he eventually the sounds of heavy steps… ?What is that sound up there?? From the depth of the hole, he could see the elephant passing by……. ? Elephant ! Come here quickly !? ? Deer elephant. You?re the mighty one. I care for you. You?re good friend of mine. I must tell you that world is going to end …….? ? The sky above us is going to collapse and fall to the ground ….. Look up for yourself ! Now you can see.?

The elephant who had never noticed the sky above before suddenly felt scared….. ? The sky is really dark.? ?Look! The clouds are moving. That?s the sign that the sky is going to fall.? ?You?re right, Mouse deer! The sky is going to fall ….. But why are you hiding down there? Why dont you run and escape. Come up quickly.? ? Oh thats very kind of you tell me, deer Mouse deer. Please let me get down and join you in your hiding place. Please let me go down. I?m scared. The sky is going to fall on.? ? Well, you?re a good friend of mine. Now get down and safe yourself in this safe place.? The Elephant went down into the hole slowly. The Mouse deer moved aside to avoid his big body. ?Well well. You have to stay here. Go nowhere.? ? I?m going to go and see our friends up there, we might have to help them too, I?m going to tell them to hide here.?

The elephant obeyed and sat down. The Mouse deer leaped onto his back and up onto the ground. The elephant did not realize that the Mouse deer had played a trick on him. What a smart animal!! …… He was very happy. Only in second the Mouse deer was alredy on the ground. Witahout looking back, he ran quickly into the jungle leaving the elephant alone in the hole. The Mouse deer continued to run into the jungle because he thought that the elephant would learn that he had deceived him and would kill him…….. He suddenly stopped………… ?Oh no, there is a wide river in front, I can?t go on……? ? I?ll try to get some banana trunks to make a raft to cross the river. But, there are not any around here. How then………?? The Mouse deer was thinking of how to get to the other of the river. Not far from where he was, a group of crocodile were gathering. ?Hi friends. Isn?t it the Mouse deer over there. He usually deceives all animals in the jungle.? ? You?re right. This is time for us to catch him,? ? Yes, lets surround him.? The crocodiles dived to where the Mouse deer was standing. As soon as they get close to him, the cocodile came to the surface of the water. The Mouse deer was surprised to see the crocodile around him. ?Aha ………. it?s nice to see you again, Mouse deer.? ?Oh this is horrible, these crocodile are going to kill and eat me.? ?Mouse deer, it?s time for you to die. You have fooled us many times before. You?d better surrender.? ? Come here, and we?ll make you our meal!! There is no way you can escape. We are feasting on your meat today!!? The Mouse deer stood still. But only for a while. He could control himself again. He already found a good idea to deal with the crocodiles. ? My dear friends, the crocodiles. I?ve wanted to surrender and become your good meals. But then came my second though…? ? My thin body will not make you full …….. Now listen to me…….? ? I met a wise man yesterday, he taught me how to fatten my self. This man also gave me some parfum to make my meat smell sweet. So if you already want to eat my meat, you cam say it?s good time.? The crocodiles looked at each other. They didin?t seem to really understand what the Mouse deer had said. ? Friends, I don?t believe what the Mouse deer said. He?ll probably deceive us again this time, becareful let?s listen to what he is going to said.? ? With his magic spell, the wise man has made my body sufficient to satisfy one hunderd hungry crocodiles. For that reason, I?m going to count ypu. Please form your selves in an orderly line. Don?t worry, everyone will get my meat!? ? Come on, queue up in an orderly line! I am going to start counting you. Don?t get messy or leave the row. I?ll run away if you do !? The Crocodiles were amazed. They followed the Mouse deer?s instructions and formed a neat straight line of crocodiles stretching from one side of the river to the other. ? Are you all ready ? I can start counting now……. one two three……..? The Mouse deer jumped on the crocodiles back tactfully from one side of the river towards the other side. ? Twenty five…. twenty six….. twenty seven……. twenty eight ……… twenty nine, thirty? Dear crocodiles, you are only thirty in al. How come?? ? My meat can make one hundred crocodiles full. Where are the others?? ? Listen ! I?m in hurry. I am having a meeting wth the Lion and the Elephant. So I have to go now. Hup……? ? Good bye stupid crocodiles. Have a nice day……? ? You?ll be able to eat Mouse deer meat only if you can catch me.? When the Mouse deer had already got to the other side of the river. ? Till we meet again, greedy crocodiles !……..? ? You?ll be ale to eat my meat when you are smart enough to do it.? The Mouse deer jumped his away off the crocodiles line. ? Bad so bad. He has cheated us again!? ? I wonder how can he still be so clever.? The Mouse deer had gone far into the jungle. He could always deceive other animals. He was witty, clever, intelligent and sometimes cunning too. One day………….. The Mouse der was walking along a very clear river. ? I?am the Mouse deer ! The clever, brave and shrewd animal !? ? Hi Mouse deer, where are you going? You look very happy. You?ve been singing happily.? The Mouse der stopped singing trying to find where the soft voice had come from……… ? Well, so it was you has just talked to me !? ? How are you, little snail? I mean are you small but not cute ugly like dirt.? ? Mouse deer, every animal knows you as clever animal. But now find you conceited and humiliating too !? ? Listen every animal has its own sterngth.? ? Poor snail, tell what your sterngth is. I am already curius,? ?Mouse deer , the clever animal. Listen carefully! I defy you on a race from here to the tree near the end of the deep part of the river. Who can reach the palce first is the winner! You or I ? Do you understand ?? ? Ho ho ho ! I can easily beat you even if I walk blindfolded. I don?t have to run. Lets start now!? ? Be patient dear friend. You need to practice first to beat me in the race. Let?s do it on Sunday ! ………..? ? Ok I?ll be back on Sunday. Don?t break your promise !? The Mouse deer walked back into the jungle. ? How could the Sanil be so conceited ? What is he going to show off ? How dare he was to defy me on the race?? The brave and daring Snail had in fact very clever ideas. He gathered other snails, his friends. ? Dear friends we are going to have a race with the Mouse deer on Sunday. We are going to trick him to win this race. We are going to teach him lesson on pride. He is very proud of himself.? ? You?ll have to hide yourselves behind a stone or grass along the river. And each of us has to come up every time the Mouse deer calls. This way we can confuse him.? ? Alright, so we are waiting for the day of the race.?

The waited Sunday finally came. The Mouse deer was desperately curius to find out the Snail?s strength. He had prepared some mocking expressions to say when he won the race. ? Hi Snail ! Are you ready for the race?? ?Of course I am! We Snails always keep our promises. We can start the race ow ! We start from the point here and finish under the tree near the end of the deep part of the river.? ? You can run anywhere in between and call me. I?ll come up and answer your call. Are you ready?? ? Of course I am. I know I?ll even if I walk slowly , I don?t have to run because I?m still faster ! I can beat you with only a jump !? ? Alright we can start the race now ! One……. two………three !……? The Snail dived in the water and the Mouse deer started walking slowly towards the finish line downstream line. After a few steps the Mouse deer called Snail. ? Snail where are you ? How far are you going ?? The Snail suddenly appeared out of the water in front of him. ? Cluck cluck, hi Mouse deer I am here, in front of you. Beat me if you can !? The Mouse deer could not understand why the Snail could be faster than him. ? Hi Snail where are you now ?? ? cluck cluck
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kancil dan siput
Dikirim oleh baharudin
jangka waktu yang lama yang lalu, semua hewan yang hidup di hutan hidup damai. Mereka membantu satu sama lain dan ramah. Singa adalah raja. Dia diatur hewan ini kerajaannya di hutan. Di antara binatang yang hidup di hutan adalah kancil. Kancil itu selalu ceria dan sangat percaya diri. Ia dikenal sebagai rumit dan cerdas hewan. Karena kecerdasan dan kepandaian, kancil menjadi sombong dan percaya diri. Ia disiksa hs untuk menipu hewan.

?Saya? m terpandai di hutan. Saya yang terbaik. Tidak ada binatang lain dapat membandingkan saya.? ? Jika seseorang takut harimau, buaya, atau gajah, itu karena mereka besar dan fience.? ?Tapi saat mereka berurusan dengan saya, saya selalu dapat memanipulasi mereka.?

Kancil? s kebiasaan lain berkeliaran. Dia akan menjelajah hutan dari salah satu sudut yang lain. Dia memiliki saraf untuk pergi ke manapun. Suatu hari... ? Laki-laki, yang buruk. Itu? s akan hujan. Aku harus pergi rumah atau kalau tidak aku? ll mendapatkan basah.? ? Itu akan lebih buruk jika cabang-cabang pohon ini mungkin jatuh pada saya.?

Kancil berlari dan berlari cepat, melihat ke atas untuk mengamati awan tumbuh lebih gelap dan lebih gelap. Ia tidak menyadari ada besar lubang di depan af dia, menunggu untuk swallo nya. Dan...Dia plug ke lubang... ? Oh, aku Somers kematian!? ? Untungnya, beberapa semak-semak dan rumput tumbuh tebal di bagian bawah lubang.. .so itu pendaratan yang halus.? ? Tapi bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan keluar dari lubang ini. Ini lubang sangat jauh terlalu dalam bagi saya untuk mencapai permukaan pada tanah atas.?

Kancil berusaha keras untuk melompat ke permukaan tetapi tidak dapat mencapai itu... Lelah dan putus asa, ia hanya bisa beristirahat berpikir af setiap cara yang mungkin untuk keluar dari lubang... Setelah lama anough menunggu dan mencoba, ia akhirnya suara berat langkah...?Apakah suara itu atas sana?? Dari kedalaman lubang, Dia bisa melihat gajah lewat...? Gajah! Datang dengan cepat di sini!? ? Gajah rusa. Anda? kembali yang perkasa. Aku peduli bagi Anda. Anda? kembali teman baik saya. Saya harus memberitahu Anda bahwa dunia akan berakhir...??? Langit di atas kita akan runtuh dan jatuh ke tanah... Mencari untuk diri sendiri! Sekarang Anda bisa melihat.?

Gajah yang tidak pernah memperhatikan langit di atas sebelum tiba-tiba merasa takut... ? Langit benar-benar gelap.? ?Lihat! Awan bergerak. Yang? s tanda langit akan jatuh.? ?Anda? kembali benar, kancil! Langit akan jatuh... Tapi mengapa Anda bersembunyi di sana? Mengapa Anda tidak menjalankan dan melarikan diri. Datang cepat.? ? Oh yang sangat baik dari Anda katakan padaku, tikus rusa rusa. Tolong beritahu saya turun dan bergabung dengan Anda dalam tempat persembunyian Anda. Tolong beritahu saya turun. Saya? m takut. Langit akan jatuh pada.? ? Nah,? kembali seorang teman baik saya. Sekarang mendapatkan turun dan aman diri Anda di tempat aman ini.? Gajah turun ke dalam lubang perlahan-lahan. Rusa Mouse dipindahkan ke samping untuk menghindari tubuhnya yang besar. ?Baik baik. Anda harus tinggal di sini. Ke mana-mana.? ? SAYA?m akan pergi dan melihat teman-teman kita di sana, kita mungkin harus membantu mereka juga, saya? m akan untuk memberitahu mereka untuk menyembunyikan sini.?

Gajah ditaati dan duduk. Tikus rusa melompat ke nya kembali dan sampai ke tanah. Gajah tidak menyadari bahwa tikus rusa telah bermain trik pada dirinya. Apa hewan yang cerdas!! …… Ia merasa sangat bahagia. Hanya dalam kedua kancil adalah alredy di tanah. Witahout melihat ke belakang, ia berlari cepat ke dalam hutan meninggalkan gajah sendirian di dalam lubang. Kancil terus berlari ke hutan karena ia berpikir bahwa Gajah akan belajar bahwa ia telah menipunya dan akan membunuh dia... Dia tiba-tiba berhenti...?Oh tidak, ada berbagai sungai di depan, aku bisa? t pergi...? ? SAYA?saya akan mencoba untuk mendapatkan beberapa batang pisang untuk membuat rakit untuk menyeberangi sungai. Namun, tidak ada apa pun di sini. Bagaimana kemudian...?? Kancil berpikir bagaimana untuk mendapatkan ke sisi lain dari sungai. Tidak jauh dari tempat itu, sekelompok buaya mengumpulkan. ?Hai teman. Isn? t itu kancil di sana. Dia biasanya menyesatkan semua binatang di dalam hutan.? ? Anda? benar. Ini saatnya bagi kita untuk menangkapnya,?? Ya, mari kita mengelilingi dirinya.? Buaya menyelam ke mana kancil berdiri. Segera setelah mereka mendekatinya, cocodile datang ke permukaan air. Kancil terkejut melihat buaya di sekelilingnya. ?AHA... itu? s bagus untuk melihat Anda lagi, kancil.? ?Oh ini mengerikan, buaya ini akan membunuh dan makan saya.? ?Kancil, itu? s waktu bagi Anda untuk mati. Anda telah tertipu kita berkali-kali sebelumnya. Anda? d lebih baik menyerah.? ? Datang ke sini, dan kami? ll membuat Anda makan kami!! Tidak ada cara Anda dapat melarikan diri. Kita berpesta daging Anda hari!!? Kancil berdiri. Tetapi hanya untuk sementara. Ia dapat mengendalikan dirinya lagi. Dia sudah menemukan ide yang baik untuk berurusan dengan buaya. ? Teman tersayang, buaya. SAYA?ve ingin menyerah dan menjadi makanan yang baik. Tapi kemudian datang kedua saya meskipun...? ? Tubuh kurus saya tidak akan membuat Anda penuh... Sekarang harus mendengarkan saya...?? Saya bertemu orang bijak kemarin, Dia mengajari saya bagaimana untuk menggemukkan diri saya. Orang ini juga memberi saya beberapa parfum untuk membuat daging saya bau manis. Jadi jika Anda sudah ingin makan daging saya, Anda cam mengatakannya? s baik waktu.? Buaya memandang satu sama lain. Mereka didin?t tampaknya benar-benar mengerti apa yang dikatakan rusa Mouse. ? Teman-teman, aku don? t percaya apa yang dikatakan rusa Mouse. Ia? ll mungkin menipu kita lagi kali ini, biarkan becareful? s mendengarkan apa yang sedang ia mengatakan.? ? Dengan mantra sihir nya, orang bijaksana telah membuat tubuh saya cukup untuk memuaskan satu hunderd buaya lapar. Untuk alasan itu, aku? m akan menghitung berombongan. Harap membentuk diri Anda dalam sebuah baris teratur. Don? t khawatir, setiap orang akan mendapatkan daging saya!? ? Ayo, mengantri di garis teratur! Aku akan mulai menghitung Anda. Don? t mendapatkan berantakan atau meninggalkan baris. Saya? ll melarikan diri jika Anda melakukannya!? Buaya kagum. Mereka mengikuti kancil? s petunjuk dan membentuk garis lurus rapi buaya yang membentang dari satu sisi sungai yang lain. ? Apakah Anda siap? Saya bisa mulai menghitung sekarang... Satu dua tiga...? Kancil yang melompat pada buaya kembali dengan bijaksana dari satu sisi sungai menuju sisi lain. ? ... Dua puluh lima dua puluh enam... dua puluh tujuh... dua puluh delapan... dua puluh sembilan, tiga puluh? Dear buaya, Anda adalah hanya tiga puluh di al. Bagaimana datang?? ? Daging saya dapat membuat seratus buaya penuh. Mana yang lain?? ? Dengarkan! Saya? m terburu-buru. Saya mengalami wth Rapat singa dan Gajah. Jadi aku harus pergi sekarang. Hup...? ? Selamat tinggal bodoh buaya. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan...? ? Anda? ll dapat makan daging rusa Mouse hanya jika Anda dapat menangkap saya.? Ketika Mouse rusa telah sudah mendapat ke sisi lain dari sungai. ? Sampai kita bertemu lagi, serakah buaya!...? ? Anda? ll menjadi ale makan daging saya ketika Anda cukup pintar untuk melakukan itu.? Tikus rusa melompat nya jauh dari garis buaya. ? Buruk begitu buruk. Ia telah mengkhianati kita lagi!? ? Aku bertanya-tanya bagaimana dia masih bisa begitu pintar.? Kancil telah pergi jauh ke dalam hutan. Ia selalu bisa menipu hewan lain. Dia adalah cerdas, cerdas, cerdas dan kadang-kadang licik terlalu. Suatu hari... Mouse der sedang berjalan di sepanjang sungai yang sangat jelas. ? Saya? am rusa Mouse! Pintar, berani dan cerdas hewan!? ? Hi tikus rusa, mana Anda akan? Anda terlihat sangat bahagia. Anda? ve telah bernyanyi bahagia.? Mouse der berhenti bernyanyi berusaha mencari mana suara lembut telah datang dari...? Yah, jadi Anda memiliki hanya berbicara kepada saya!? ? Bagaimana kabarmu, siput kecil? Maksudku, Apakah Anda kecil tapi tidak lucu jelek seperti kotoran.? ? Kancil, setiap hewan tahu Anda sebagai hewan cerdas. Tapi sekarang menemukan Anda sombong dan terlalu memalukan!? ? Mendengarkan setiap hewan memiliki sendiri sterngth.? ? Miskin siput, memberitahu apa sterngth Anda. Saya sudah becuse,??Kancil, hewan cerdas. Mendengarkan dengan hati-hati! Aku menantang Anda pada perlombaan dari sini ke pohon di dekat akhir ke bagian dalam sungai. Yang dapat mencapai sudah pertama adalah pemenang! Anda atau saya? Kamu mengerti?? ? Ho ho ho! Saya dapat dengan mudah mengalahkan Anda bahkan jika aku berjalan dengan mata tertutup. Aku don? t harus menjalankan. Mari kita mulai sekarang!? ? Menjadi teman pasien. Anda perlu berlatih pertama untuk mengalahkan saya dalam lomba. Biarkan? s melakukannya pada hari Minggu! ………..? ? OK saya? akan kembali pada hari Minggu. Don? t melanggar janji Anda!? Kancil berjalan kembali ke hutan. ? Bagaimana bisa Sanil akan jadi sombong? Apa yang akan ia memamerkan? Beraninya dia adalah untuk menentang saya pada perlombaan?? Siput pemberani dan berani memiliki ide-ide yang sebenarnya sangat pintar. Dia mengumpulkan siput lain, teman-temannya. ? Teman-teman kita akan memiliki ras dengan rusa Mouse pada hari Minggu. Kita akan trik dia untuk memenangkan perlombaan ini. Kita akan untuk mengajar dia pelajaran tentang kebanggaan. Ia sangat bangga dengan dirinya.? ? Anda?LL harus menyembunyikan diri di belakang batu atau rumput sepanjang sungai. Dan setiap dari kita memiliki untuk datang setiap kali kancil panggilan. Dengan cara ini kita dapat membingungkan dirinya.? ? Baiklah, jadi kami menunggu untuk hari perlombaan.?

Menunggu hari Minggu akhirnya datang. Tikus rusa adalah mati-matian becuse untuk mengetahui siput? s kekuatan. Dia telah menyiapkan beberapa ungkapan mengejek mengatakan ketika ia memenangkan perlombaan. ? Hi siput! Apakah Anda siap untuk ras?? ?Tentu saja aku! Kami siput selalu menjaga janji-janji kami. Kita dapat memulai perlombaan ow! Kita mulai dari titik di sini dan selesai di bawah pohon pada penghujung ke bagian dalam sungai.? ? Anda dapat menjalankan mana saja di antara dan menelepon saya. Saya? ll datang atas dan menjawab panggilan Anda. Apakah kamu siap?? ? Tentu saja saya. Aku tahu aku? ll bahkan jika aku berjalan lamban, aku don?t harus menjalankan karena saya? m masih lebih cepat! Saya dapat mengalahkan Anda dengan hanya melompat!? ? Baiklah kita dapat memulai perlombaan sekarang! Satu... dua... tiga!...? Siput menyelam di air dan kancil mulai berjalan perlahan menuju garis hilir garis finish. Setelah beberapa langkah kancil yang disebut siput. ? Bekicot dimana Apakah Anda? Seberapa jauh Anda akan?? Siput tiba-tiba muncul dari air kepadanya. ? Keok keok, Hai kancil aku di sini, di depan Anda. Mengalahkan saya jika Anda bisa!? Kancil tidak bisa mengerti mengapa siput bisa lebih cepat daripada dirinya. ? Hi siput tempat Anda berada sekarang?? ? keok keok
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Mouse Deer and the Snail
Posted by baharudin
Long times ago, all the animals living in the jungle lived peacefully. They helped each other and were friendly. The lion was the king. He governed the animals ini his kingdom in the jungle. Among the animals living in the jungle was Mouse deer. The Mouse deer was always cheerful and very confident. He was known as tricky and intelligent animal. Because of his intelligence and cleverness, the Mouse deer became conceited and over confident. He abused hs to deceive other animals.

?I?m the cleverest in the jungle. I am the best. No other animal can compare me.? ? If a person is afraid of the tiger, the crocodile or the elephant, it because they are big and fience.? ?But when they deal with me, I can always cheat them.?

The Mouse deer?s other habit is wandering. He would roam the jungle from one corner to another. He has the nerves to go anywhere. One day…………………….. ? Boy, its bad. It?s going to rain. I have to go home or otherwise I?ll get all wet.? ? It will be worse if the branches of these trees might fall on me.?

The Mouse deer ran and ran quickly, looking up to observe the clouds growing darker and darker. He did not notice there was a big hole in front af him, waiting to swallo him. And……………He plug into the hole…….. ? Oh, I am neer death!? ? Luckily, some shrubs and grass grew thick at the bottom of the hole …so it was a smooth landing.? ? But how can I get out of this hole. This hole is very deep too deep for me to reach the surface on the ground above.?

The Mouse deer tried hard to jump onto the surface but could not reach it…… Tired and hopeless, he could only rest thinking af any possible way to get out of the hole…. After long anough of waiting and trying, he eventually the sounds of heavy steps… ?What is that sound up there?? From the depth of the hole, he could see the elephant passing by……. ? Elephant ! Come here quickly !? ? Deer elephant. You?re the mighty one. I care for you. You?re good friend of mine. I must tell you that world is going to end …….? ? The sky above us is going to collapse and fall to the ground ….. Look up for yourself ! Now you can see.?

The elephant who had never noticed the sky above before suddenly felt scared….. ? The sky is really dark.? ?Look! The clouds are moving. That?s the sign that the sky is going to fall.? ?You?re right, Mouse deer! The sky is going to fall ….. But why are you hiding down there? Why dont you run and escape. Come up quickly.? ? Oh thats very kind of you tell me, deer Mouse deer. Please let me get down and join you in your hiding place. Please let me go down. I?m scared. The sky is going to fall on.? ? Well, you?re a good friend of mine. Now get down and safe yourself in this safe place.? The Elephant went down into the hole slowly. The Mouse deer moved aside to avoid his big body. ?Well well. You have to stay here. Go nowhere.? ? I?m going to go and see our friends up there, we might have to help them too, I?m going to tell them to hide here.?

The elephant obeyed and sat down. The Mouse deer leaped onto his back and up onto the ground. The elephant did not realize that the Mouse deer had played a trick on him. What a smart animal!! …… He was very happy. Only in second the Mouse deer was alredy on the ground. Witahout looking back, he ran quickly into the jungle leaving the elephant alone in the hole. The Mouse deer continued to run into the jungle because he thought that the elephant would learn that he had deceived him and would kill him…….. He suddenly stopped………… ?Oh no, there is a wide river in front, I can?t go on……? ? I?ll try to get some banana trunks to make a raft to cross the river. But, there are not any around here. How then………?? The Mouse deer was thinking of how to get to the other of the river. Not far from where he was, a group of crocodile were gathering. ?Hi friends. Isn?t it the Mouse deer over there. He usually deceives all animals in the jungle.? ? You?re right. This is time for us to catch him,? ? Yes, lets surround him.? The crocodiles dived to where the Mouse deer was standing. As soon as they get close to him, the cocodile came to the surface of the water. The Mouse deer was surprised to see the crocodile around him. ?Aha ………. it?s nice to see you again, Mouse deer.? ?Oh this is horrible, these crocodile are going to kill and eat me.? ?Mouse deer, it?s time for you to die. You have fooled us many times before. You?d better surrender.? ? Come here, and we?ll make you our meal!! There is no way you can escape. We are feasting on your meat today!!? The Mouse deer stood still. But only for a while. He could control himself again. He already found a good idea to deal with the crocodiles. ? My dear friends, the crocodiles. I?ve wanted to surrender and become your good meals. But then came my second though…? ? My thin body will not make you full …….. Now listen to me…….? ? I met a wise man yesterday, he taught me how to fatten my self. This man also gave me some parfum to make my meat smell sweet. So if you already want to eat my meat, you cam say it?s good time.? The crocodiles looked at each other. They didin?t seem to really understand what the Mouse deer had said. ? Friends, I don?t believe what the Mouse deer said. He?ll probably deceive us again this time, becareful let?s listen to what he is going to said.? ? With his magic spell, the wise man has made my body sufficient to satisfy one hunderd hungry crocodiles. For that reason, I?m going to count ypu. Please form your selves in an orderly line. Don?t worry, everyone will get my meat!? ? Come on, queue up in an orderly line! I am going to start counting you. Don?t get messy or leave the row. I?ll run away if you do !? The Crocodiles were amazed. They followed the Mouse deer?s instructions and formed a neat straight line of crocodiles stretching from one side of the river to the other. ? Are you all ready ? I can start counting now……. one two three……..? The Mouse deer jumped on the crocodiles back tactfully from one side of the river towards the other side. ? Twenty five…. twenty six….. twenty seven……. twenty eight ……… twenty nine, thirty? Dear crocodiles, you are only thirty in al. How come?? ? My meat can make one hundred crocodiles full. Where are the others?? ? Listen ! I?m in hurry. I am having a meeting wth the Lion and the Elephant. So I have to go now. Hup……? ? Good bye stupid crocodiles. Have a nice day……? ? You?ll be able to eat Mouse deer meat only if you can catch me.? When the Mouse deer had already got to the other side of the river. ? Till we meet again, greedy crocodiles !……..? ? You?ll be ale to eat my meat when you are smart enough to do it.? The Mouse deer jumped his away off the crocodiles line. ? Bad so bad. He has cheated us again!? ? I wonder how can he still be so clever.? The Mouse deer had gone far into the jungle. He could always deceive other animals. He was witty, clever, intelligent and sometimes cunning too. One day………….. The Mouse der was walking along a very clear river. ? I?am the Mouse deer ! The clever, brave and shrewd animal !? ? Hi Mouse deer, where are you going? You look very happy. You?ve been singing happily.? The Mouse der stopped singing trying to find where the soft voice had come from……… ? Well, so it was you has just talked to me !? ? How are you, little snail? I mean are you small but not cute ugly like dirt.? ? Mouse deer, every animal knows you as clever animal. But now find you conceited and humiliating too !? ? Listen every animal has its own sterngth.? ? Poor snail, tell what your sterngth is. I am already curius,? ?Mouse deer , the clever animal. Listen carefully! I defy you on a race from here to the tree near the end of the deep part of the river. Who can reach the palce first is the winner! You or I ? Do you understand ?? ? Ho ho ho ! I can easily beat you even if I walk blindfolded. I don?t have to run. Lets start now!? ? Be patient dear friend. You need to practice first to beat me in the race. Let?s do it on Sunday ! ………..? ? Ok I?ll be back on Sunday. Don?t break your promise !? The Mouse deer walked back into the jungle. ? How could the Sanil be so conceited ? What is he going to show off ? How dare he was to defy me on the race?? The brave and daring Snail had in fact very clever ideas. He gathered other snails, his friends. ? Dear friends we are going to have a race with the Mouse deer on Sunday. We are going to trick him to win this race. We are going to teach him lesson on pride. He is very proud of himself.? ? You?ll have to hide yourselves behind a stone or grass along the river. And each of us has to come up every time the Mouse deer calls. This way we can confuse him.? ? Alright, so we are waiting for the day of the race.?

The waited Sunday finally came. The Mouse deer was desperately curius to find out the Snail?s strength. He had prepared some mocking expressions to say when he won the race. ? Hi Snail ! Are you ready for the race?? ?Of course I am! We Snails always keep our promises. We can start the race ow ! We start from the point here and finish under the tree near the end of the deep part of the river.? ? You can run anywhere in between and call me. I?ll come up and answer your call. Are you ready?? ? Of course I am. I know I?ll even if I walk slowly , I don?t have to run because I?m still faster ! I can beat you with only a jump !? ? Alright we can start the race now ! One……. two………three !……? The Snail dived in the water and the Mouse deer started walking slowly towards the finish line downstream line. After a few steps the Mouse deer called Snail. ? Snail where are you ? How far are you going ?? The Snail suddenly appeared out of the water in front of him. ? Cluck cluck, hi Mouse deer I am here, in front of you. Beat me if you can !? The Mouse deer could not understand why the Snail could be faster than him. ? Hi Snail where are you now ?? ? cluck cluck
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