Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
100:02:57, 391--> 00:03:03, 058Gambar yang nyata, riil alam,mengirimkan sinar seperti fajar,200:03:03, 141--> 00:03:06, 058membuat kita semua jatuh cinta.300:03:06, 141--> 00:03:08, 391Oh, Venice!400:03:09, 475--> 00:03:13, 558-Oh, Ratu!-Oh, Ratu!500:03:17, 058--> 00:03:20, 683Napas Anda adalahsirocco atau bora angin600:03:20, 766--> 00:03:24, 558yang terbangun merindingkehidupan kekal,700:03:24, 641--> 00:03:28, 183Golden wanita yang mengatur kita.800:03:28, 433--> 00:03:30, 683Oh, Venice!900:03:36, 725--> 00:03:40, 600Kepala Suci, batu dan berlian,mulut yang berbicara,1000:03:40, 683--> 00:03:42, 891telinga yang mendengar...1100:03:42, 975--> 00:03:46, 558Meningkatkan pita.Jika Anda takut, tutup mata Anda.1200:04:09, 516--> 00:04:13, 641Oh, bagaimana Anda tumbuh,Oh bulan, dengan gua-gua yang mendalam.1300:04:13, 725--> 00:04:18, 141Oh, bagaimana Anda naik,dengan rambut biru dan berambut pirang...1400:04:31, 016--> 00:04:33, 391Naik! Naik!1500:04:33, 475--> 00:04:36, 933Memasang irons, memasang kutubTuangkan anggur, membawa kendi untuknya.1600:04:37, 016--> 00:04:39, 891Mengisi dia hanya yang terbaik.1700:04:39, 975--> 00:04:43, 225Dia adalah pemabuk, seorang pelahap!1800:04:43, 308--> 00:04:47, 558Siapa yang tahu apa yang dia akan menyumbangbagi kami, setelah!1900:04:48, 183--> 00:04:52, 183Screwer Miuna, pantat, buang air besarSubterranean wanita tua,2000:04:52, 266--> 00:04:57, 433wanita tua itu bau atau Miuna besar,flirter and cheater,2100:04:57,516 --> 00:05:03,725who we are forced to accept as wifemother, wicked mother- in-law,2200:05:03,808 --> 00:05:07,475sister and grandmother...2300:06:02,641 --> 00:06:06,099A tragedy! A tragedy!2400:06:06,183 --> 00:06:09,266We won't see it anymore!We won't see it anymore!2500:06:09,349 --> 00:06:14,099We won't seethis damned head anymore!2600:07:05,349 --> 00:07:10,766"A nun who has seen you fortwo months at the convent Mass,2700:07:10,849 --> 00:07:12,641wishes to meet you.2800:07:12,724 --> 00:07:16,641She will be waiting for youat San Bartolo island tonight.2900:07:16,724 --> 00:07:21,224Without a servant,and carrying a candle."3000:08:55,766 --> 00:09:01,557My love, please. Let me take offthose clothes which are so serious.3100:09:01,641 --> 00:09:05,516They are ill-suitedfor our love encounter.3200:09:05,599 --> 00:09:07,641We must wait.3300:09:08,891 --> 00:09:10,349What?3400:09:10,432 --> 00:09:13,516I do not know if my friendhas already arrived.3500:09:14,391 --> 00:09:15,557Friend?3600:09:30,141 --> 00:09:31,557He is here.3700:09:31,641 --> 00:09:33,099Who?3800:09:34,307 --> 00:09:37,932- My lover De Bernis.- The French ambassador?3900:09:39,807 --> 00:09:42,891That is really something!It will add a different flavor.4000:09:42,974 --> 00:09:45,224Villa ini adalah miliknya.4100:09:45, 307--> 00:09:46, 974Ia akan memungkinkan kita untuk menggunakannya,4200:09:47, 057--> 00:09:50, 141Tapi di exchange dia ingin menonton,tanpa kami melihatnya.4300:09:50, 224--> 00:09:53, 516Mana orang aneh ini akan tinggal?4400:09:54, 349--> 00:09:56, 349-Dia ada di sana.-Mana?4500:09:56, 432--> 00:09:59, 599Apakah Anda melihat mereka sedikit ikandi dinding?4600:10:00, 266--> 00:10:02, 349Dia adalah kembali ke sana.4700:10:05, 307--> 00:10:08, 349Jika Anda melakukan tugas Anda dengan tekun,Dia tidak akan bosan.4800:10:08, 849--> 00:10:10, 141Bosan?4900:10:11, 349--> 00:10:12, 682Dengan saya?5000:10:13, 099--> 00:10:15, 932-Dia akan kagum.-Benar-benar?5100:10:16, 641 00:10:19, 057-->Pernah ia telah melihatkewanitaan Anda, Anda rahmat,5200:10:19, 141--> 00:10:23, 766disorot oleh sepertiseorang pencinta sopan.5300:10:25, 724--> 00:10:28, 474Tidak sopan!Ini adalah suatu pelanggaran.5400:10:28, 557--> 00:10:33, 224Ketika melakukan dua kekasih, disusuloleh hiruk-pikuk, khawatir tentang sopan santun?5500:10:34, 057--> 00:10:37, 391Kemudian... Saya hanya akan halus.5600:10:48, 307--> 00:10:50, 891Apa itu?Oh, apa sebuah permata yang indah!5700:10:52, 349--> 00:10:53, 766Itu emas?5800:10:55, 557--> 00:10:57, 182Burung apa itu?5900:10:57, 474--> 00:11:00, 266Merpati? Atau burung hantu?6000:11:01, 807--> 00:11:03, 724Tidak, tidak, tidak.6100:11:03, 807--> 00:11:05, 849Stop.6200:11:07, 057--> 00:11:08, 932Di sana.6300:11:11, 932--> 00:11:15, 057Sekarang Anda harus mengejar saya karenaItulah apa yang ia suka.6400:11:15, 141--> 00:11:16, 391Baik-baik saja.6500:11:20, 266--> 00:11:23, 349Kekasih Anda pantas menjadi selingkuh pirang.6600:11:23, 432--> 00:11:26, 516Dan kami akan menerapkan diri ini,sepanjang malam.6700:11:51, 099--> 00:11:52, 432Datang.6800:12:04, 266--> 00:12:05, 474Bagus sekali.6900:12:19, 099--> 00:12:20, 390Berbalik.7000:12:37, 932--> 00:12:40, 140Berhenti, berhenti!7100:14:26, 557--> 00:14:28, 599Tidak, tidak, tidak.7200:15:52, 390--> 00:15:54, 182Cinta, cinta.7300:16:12, 098--> 00:16:15, 557Baik dilakukan, laki-laki muda saya.Bagus sekali.7400:16:15, 848--> 00:16:19, 140Aku akan mengatakan kinerja AndaSangat baik.7500:16:19, 223--> 00:16:23, 807Saya telah mendengar banyak yang mengagumkanhal-hal tentang Anda.7600:16:23, 932--> 00:16:27, 057Untuk lebih menuntut,7700:16:27, 140--> 00:16:31, 348Ketika Anda berada di punggung,Anda bisa melakukan lebih baik.7800:16:31, 432--> 00:16:35, 057Di sana, Anda kekurangan sedikit dalam...7900:16:35, 682--> 00:16:37, 307imajinasi.8000:16:37, 557--> 00:16:42, 807Tapi secara keseluruhan,kinerja sangat baik dilakukan.8100:16:42, 890--> 00:16:44, 932Bravo!8200:16:45, 015--> 00:16:47, 098Mister Ambassador, persetujuan Anda...8300:16:47, 182--> 00:16:48, 682Giacomo.8400:16:49, 640--> 00:16:54, 307Persetujuan Anda mengisi sayadengan penuh kebanggaan.8500:16:55,515 --> 00:17:00,348However, with your permission,I want to say that my capacities8600:17:00,432 --> 00:17:03,515go beyond what you havejust been a spectator of.8700:17:03,765 --> 00:17:06,390I studied engineering, literature...8800:17:06,473 --> 00:17:08,390Giacomo.8900:17:08,473 --> 00:17:13,598and I am learned in the artof politics and economy.9000:17:13,765 --> 00:17:17,140I modestly believethat some of my discoveries9100:17:17,223 --> 00:17:20,890would be favorably acceptedby the King of France's government.9200:17:21,640 --> 00:17:24,098Besides being a dilettantein the studies of alchemy,9300:17:24,182 --> 00:17:28,515which almost led me to increasethe volume of mercury,9400:17:28,598 --> 00:17:31,265- I am an expert in divination.- Take this.9500:17:33,182 --> 00:17:36,057I invented an infallible method9600:17:36,140 --> 00:17:40,223to double the profits of a state,in the brief time span of one year.9700:17:40,598 --> 00:17:42,307If I may dare...9800:17:43,682 --> 00:17:45,307Your cape.9900:17:47,307 --> 00:17:50,557In all humility, I would liketo ask your excellency,10000:17:50,640 --> 00:17:52,557for a letter of presentation.10100:17:52,640 --> 00:17:56,473I am ready to leave immediatelyfor your wonderful country10200:17:56,557 --> 00:17:59,307which I love and considermy second homeland.10300:18:32,140 --> 00:18:33,140Good-bye.10400:18:33,848 --> 00:18:35,640Do you care for me?10500:19:37,306 --> 00:19:39,431Giacomo Casanova!10600:19:42,098 --> 00:19:44,056Giacomo Casanova!10700:19:46,723 --> 00:19:51,890In the nameof Messer Grande,10800:19:51,973 --> 00:19:55,348the illumined judgesof the Inquisition court,10900:19:55,431 --> 00:19:57,598you are under arrest.11000:19:58,181 --> 00:20:01,056Why? Why?11100:20:17,931 --> 00:20:22,556"Giacomo Casanova, you are guiltyof exercising black magic,11200:20:22,640 --> 00:20:26,098of possessing prohibited evil books,11300:20:26,181 --> 00:20:30,056of being the author of hereticwritings and of criticizing religion.11400:20:30,140 --> 00:20:33,640I, Messer Grande, by orderof the Inquisitors of Venice,11500:20:33,723 --> 00:20:37,973declare you under arrest. You will beput into the Piombi prison.11600:20:42,473 --> 00:20:46,098I respect the illuminated judgementof the court, Messer Grande,11700:20:46,181 --> 00:20:50,223but I am obliged to repeat thatI declare myself absolutely innocent.11800:21:33,640 --> 00:21:35,306Come.11900:21:43,098 --> 00:21:45,140Listen, listen...12000:21:46,556 --> 00:21:51,556Open! Open! I cannot livein this horrible cell!12100:21:51,640 --> 00:21:53,806It is an injustice! Open!12200:21:53,890 --> 00:21:56,806I am not a heretic. Open!12300:21:57,140 --> 00:21:58,556Open!12400:22:06,848 --> 00:22:08,681Why?12500:22:27,015 --> 00:22:30,473My life of freedomseemed so far away.12600:22:31,348 --> 00:22:35,723The pleasant company,the love encounters.12700:22:38,431 --> 00:22:41,639Marietta, we need a differentthread here!12800:22:43,764 --> 00:22:46,056He looks a like a mannequin.12900:22:46,264 --> 00:22:47,806- Are those things real?- What?13000:22:47,889 --> 00:22:51,348That silk, those ornaments,that satin he is wearing.13100:22:52,556 --> 00:22:57,973With a nose such as his,I wonder what the rest is like!13200:22:59,514 --> 00:23:01,639Tonina, pass me the thread.13300:23:11,889 --> 00:23:13,931Look at what a lovely statue!13400:23:14,723 --> 00:23:19,181The artist should have addedmore color.13500:23:19,473 --> 00:23:22,514That girl is a big worry for me.13600:23:22,598 --> 00:23:27,306She does not eat, does not sing, doesnot laugh and is always at home!13700:23:30,223 --> 00:23:31,098Here she is!13800:23:38,139 --> 00:23:40,889My lady is outside waiting.13900:23:41,556 --> 00:23:44,264Hurry! Hide!Slip underneath!14000:24:08,473 --> 00:24:10,598She looks like a peacock!14100:24:15,598 --> 00:24:20,139Come out from under there! Getto work or it will never get done.14200:24:35,973 --> 00:24:38,056You know he is startingto act like a madman again?14300:24:39,264 --> 00:24:42,348Again?
I cannot believe it.
00:24:42,431 --> 00:24:45,931
I tell you that it is so.
Worse than before.
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