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12.3 farmakokinetikPharmacokinetics dari solusi lisan EPANED sudah terbukti mirip dengan Vasotec tabletdalam kondisi berpuasa. Makanan tinggi lemak berkurang C enalapril dan enalaprilat dengan 46%, 36%,masing-masing. Eksposur, yang diukur dengan AUC, untuk enalaprilat berkurang sebesar 23%. Waktu untuk puncakkonsentrasi (C) ditunda oleh 20 menit untuk enalapril dan 62 menit untuk enalaprilat. TheKadar plasma palung enalapril (dari 6 hingga 12 jam) dan enalaprilat (dari 16 hingga 36 jam) adalahserupa antara administrasi berpuasa dan diberi makan.Orang dewasaSetelah pemberian oral enalapril maleate tablet, konsentrasi serum puncak enalapril terjadidalam waktu sekitar satu jam. Berdasarkan kemih pemulihan, tingkat penyerapan enalapril adalah sekitar60%. Enalapril penyerapan tidak dipengaruhi oleh kehadiran makanan dalam saluran pencernaan.Setelah penyerapan, enalapril adalah dihidrolisis untuk enalaprilat, yang merupakan angiotensinconverting lebih kuatinhibitor enzim dari enalapril; enalaprilat kurang diserap ketika diberikan secara oral.Konsentrasi serum puncak enalaprilat terjadi tiga sampai empat jam setelah oral dosis enalaprilmaleate. Ekskresi enalapril terutama ginjal.Sekitar 94% dari dosis pulih kencing dan tinja sebagai enalaprilat atau enalapril. Thekomponen utama dalam urin yang enalaprilat, akuntansi untuk sekitar 40% dari dosis dan enalapril utuh.There is no evidence of metabolites of enalapril, other than enalaprilat.The serum concentration profile of enalaprilat exhibits a prolonged terminal phase, apparently®maxmaxrepresenting a small fraction of the administered dose that has been bound to ACE. The amount bounddoes not increase with dose, indicating a saturable site of binding. The effective half-life foraccumulation of enalaprilat following multiple doses of enalapril maleate is 11 hours.The disposition of enalapril and enalaprilat in patients with renal insufficiency is similar to that inpatients with normal renal function until the glomerular filtration rate is 30 mL/min or less. Withglomerular filtration rate ≤30 mL/min, peak and trough enalaprilat levels increase, time to peakconcentration increases, and time to steady state may be delayed. The effective half-life of enalaprilatfollowing multiple doses of enalapril maleate is prolonged at this level of renal insufficiency [seeDosage and Administration (2.1)]. Enalaprilat is dialyzable at the rate of 62 mL/min.Pediatric PatientsA multiple dose pharmacokinetic study was conducted in 40 hypertensive male and female pediatricpatients aged 2 months to ≤16 years following daily oral administration of 0.07 to 0.14 mg/kg enalaprilmaleate. At steady state, the mean effective half-life for accumulation of enalaprilat was 14 hours andthe mean urinary recovery of total enalapril and enalaprilat in 24 hours was 68% of the administereddose. Conversion of enalapril to enalaprilat was in the range of 63-76%. The overall results of thisstudy indicate that the pharmacokinetics of enalapril in hypertensive children aged 2 months to ≤16 yearsare consistent across the studied age groups and consistent with pharmacokinetic historic data in healthyadults.In the above pediatric study, enalapril maleate was given as tablets and for those children and infantswho were unable to swallow tablets or who required a lower dose than is available in tablet form,enalapril was administered in a suspension formulation.Studies in dogs indicate that enalapril crosses the blood-brain barrier poorly, if at all; enalaprilat doesnot enter the brain. Multiple doses of enalapril maleate in rats do not result in accumulation in anytissues. Milk of lactating rats contains radioactivity following administration of C-enalapril maleate.Radioactivity was found to cross the placenta following administration of labeled drug to pregnanthamsters.
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