Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
102001:16:15, 400--> 01:16:18, 290Dan karena itu Anda harus tahukebenaran.102101:16:20, 380--> 01:16:24, 330Ada satu orangpaling bahagia dengan putusan-Norton.102201:16:25, 440--> 01:16:28, 440Dia disingkirkan, Anda lihat,dagingnya of pound.102301:16:30, 210--> 01:16:32, 230Madame Franklin telah meninggal, ya...102401:16:32, 410--> 01:16:34, 440.. tetapi tidak bagaimana dia diinginkan.102501:16:35, 400--> 01:16:41, 260Pembunuhan yang dia telah mengatur pergikacau, jadi apa yang harus dilakukan?102601:16:41, 270--> 01:16:43, 270Norton, apa itu masalah?102701:16:44, 280--> 01:16:47, 220Ia mulai membuang petunjuktentang apa yang ia melihat hari itu102801:16:47, 230--> 01:16:48, 380dengan Anda dan Mademoiselle Cole.102901:16:48, 390--> 01:16:50, 350Apa itu?103001:16:50, 360--> 01:16:52, 330Ia tidak pernah mengatakan apa-apa yang pasti,103101:16:52, 340--> 01:16:56, 340Jadi jika ia bisa menyampaikan kesanbahwa itu Franklin dan Judith yangia melihat,103201:16:56, 350--> 01:16:58, 330tidak Allerton dan Judith,103301:16:58, 340--> 01:17:04, 250kemudian yang bisa membukasudut baru yang menarik padakasus bunuh diri,103401:17:04, 260--> 01:17:06, 380mungkin bahkan melemparkan keraguanvonis.103501:17:07, 380--> 01:17:14, 200Dan aku menyadari bahwa apa yang telah sayadirencanakan sepanjang harus dilakukan disekali,103601:17:14, 400--> 01:17:17, 310saat ini saya sudah mulai takut-103701:17:17, 320--> 01:17:20, 290keputusan yang paling sulit dari sayalife.103801:17:24,310 --> 01:17:31,290That is why I invited Norton to myroom that night and told to him allthat I knew.103901:17:39,270 --> 01:17:44,270Madame Constance Etherington...tried for the poisoning of herhusband,104001:17:44,280 --> 01:17:47,270a man who was very sadisticbut also addicted to the drugs104101:17:47,280 --> 01:17:50,310and with whom you are on terms mostintimate.104201:17:55,330 --> 01:17:59,250Norah Sharples -poisoned by her niece, Freda Clay.104301:18:00,270 --> 01:18:04,220I hope you're not s-suggestingI was on intimate terms with her.104401:18:08,240 --> 01:18:11,240You and Mademoiselle Claytaking a walk together.104501:18:11,250 --> 01:18:13,380You see, I do my homework, MonsieurNorton.104601:18:15,260 --> 01:18:17,310And Matthew Litchfield.104701:18:18,340 --> 01:18:22,270You visited him, did you not, on thenight he was killed by his daughter,Margaret?104801:18:22,280 --> 01:18:25,310What is your p-point, MonsieurPoirot?104901:18:25,320 --> 01:18:28,280Ah. My point is this, MonsieurNorton.105001:18:28,290 --> 01:18:31,260That in none of these murderswas there any real doubt.105101:18:31,270 --> 01:18:33,360There was one clear suspect. Noother.105201:18:33,370 --> 01:18:40,230But you, Monsieur Norton...are the one factor malevolent commonto all.105301:18:41,400 --> 01:18:44,330Oh, d-dear, Monsieur Poirot,105401:18:44,340 --> 01:18:48,390is that the best your little greycells can come up with?105501:18:48,400 --> 01:18:52,310Your proximity to these three murderswas too much of a coincidence105601:18:52,320 --> 01:18:54,340and I smelt, as you say, the rat.105701:18:55,290 --> 01:18:57,290That is why I came to Styles -105801:18:57,300 --> 01:19:00,410to observe you function and you havenot disappointed, monsieur.105901:19:00,420 --> 01:19:03,210No. You are a man who is veryclever...106001:19:04,200 --> 01:19:08,300..but not clever enough for...HerculePoirot.106101:19:09,440 --> 01:19:13,360So...what are you going to d-doabout it?106201:19:21,370 --> 01:19:23,320Execute you.106301:19:25,260 --> 01:19:26,380Execute me?106401:19:26,390 --> 01:19:28,390Oui.106501:19:29,240 --> 01:19:31,380Then...do get on with it.106601:19:32,430 --> 01:19:34,400I promised myself an early night.106701:19:34,410 --> 01:19:36,430Justice is no joking matter,monsieur.106801:19:36,440 --> 01:19:41,440I do what I can to serve it, but if Ifail, there is a justice that ishigher, believe me.106901:19:42,200 --> 01:19:46,390You p-pathetic, self-importantlittle man.107001:19:48,330 --> 01:19:50,340Murder me?107101:19:51,320 --> 01:19:54,270There's a m-mortal sin if ever therewas.107201:19:55,340 --> 01:19:57,290And then what?107301:19:57,300 --> 01:20:00,330Suicide to escape the ignominy ofhanging?107401:20:01,260 --> 01:20:03,200Ah.107501:20:03,210 --> 01:20:06,270Your God will give you a hell of atime.107601:20:07,290 --> 01:20:11,390All those years of pietyup in smoke because of me.107701:20:11,400 --> 01:20:13,320Uh-uh-uh, monsieur.107801:20:13,330 --> 01:20:15,440You can't go yet.107901:20:16,200 --> 01:20:19,300You don't think I'd let you d-die onme,108001:20:19,310 --> 01:20:22,320d-d-deprive me of my ultimatet-triumph?108101:20:23,230 --> 01:20:25,270Please... Please...108201:20:26,200 --> 01:20:28,440You see, if you don't succeed, I'm afree man.108301:20:29,370 --> 01:20:33,420Even if you do, it would still be avictory of sorts,108401:20:33,430 --> 01:20:38,200because in the eyes of the lawI would be innocent.108501:20:38,370 --> 01:20:44,350Whereas you and your reputation -your p-precious reputation -108601:20:44,360 --> 01:20:46,230blown to bits.108701:20:46,240 --> 01:20:48,420- Je vous en prie.- Je vous en prie.108801:20:49,410 --> 01:20:53,290You can see them now: "Went off hisrocker. You can never trust aforeigner."108901:20:56,360 --> 01:21:00,240You see how good I am to you, oldman?109001:21:02,360 --> 01:21:04,240There you go.109101:21:04,250 --> 01:21:06,330Take your time...109201:21:06,340 --> 01:21:10,230and see how it all...pans out, shallwe?109301:21:11,430 --> 01:21:15,290Who will be there at the finalcurtain?109401:21:32,330 --> 01:21:34,310I pity you, Norton.109501:21:35,400 --> 01:21:39,380How very sad to findthat this great and beautiful world109601:21:39,390 --> 01:21:42,260is so foul and disappointing.109701:21:44,410 --> 01:21:50,380And your mother...I pity even more.109801:21:50,390 --> 01:21:54,220My m-mother?You pity my mother?109901:21:54,410 --> 01:21:57,220To endure the agony of bringing youforth110001:21:57,230 --> 01:22:01,300only to discover that she hadnurtured in her loins suchwickedness.110101:22:02,240 --> 01:22:04,420Is that not worthy of pity?110201:22:04,430 --> 01:22:07,230It is you who is not worthy.110301:22:07,410 --> 01:22:11,260She m-meant the world to me.And you to her?110401:22:11,270 --> 01:22:13,270She l-loved me...110501:22:13,420 --> 01:22:17,440..l-loved me more than...m-morethan...110601:22:18,200 --> 01:22:22,250Did she ever hold you, Norton, asmothers do,110701:22:22,420 --> 01:22:26,340stroke your hair...kiss your cheek?110801:22:26,350 --> 01:22:29,260She... She...110901:22:29,270 --> 01:22:31,360Scared you, did she not?111001:22:32,220 --> 01:22:36,430She pushed you away,starved you of what we all desire,111101:22:36,440 --> 01:22:39,370because she knew everything aboutyou.111201:22:39,380 --> 01:22:42,200My mother knew nothing.111301:22:42,210 --> 01:22:45,390Oh, Monsieur Norton, mothers know.111401:22:47,220 --> 01:22:48,440They always know.111501:22:49,200 --> 01:22:50,340Ohh...111601:23:04,270 --> 01:23:06,270Shots in the dark, Poirot.111701:23:07,420 --> 01:23:10,290Shots in the dark.111801:23:27,250 --> 01:23:28,370Chocolate?111901:23:33,260 --> 01:23:37,240Would you mind awfullyif I drank yours instead?112001:23:44,210 --> 01:23:45,400Not at all.112101:23:58,380 --> 01:24:01,220It was quite immaterial.112201:24:01,230 --> 01:24:05,250I take the sleeping tabletsand have acquired a certaintolerance.112301:24:05,260 --> 01:24:09,420The dose that would send Norton tosleep would have little effect on me.112401:24:14,350 --> 01:24:18,200With the greatest of difficulty,I put him in my wheelchair.112501:24:18,210 --> 01:24:21,410Then when the coast was clearI wheeled him to his room.112601:24:26,420 --> 01:24:28,370You will not have realised, Hastings,112701:24:28,380 --> 01:24:32,340that recently I havetaken to wearing the false moustache.112801:24:32,350 --> 01:24:34,430Even George does not know that.112901:24:35,440 --> 01:24:38,250I put on the dressing gown ofNorton...113001:24:39,260 --> 01:24:41,250..tapped on your door...113101:24:43, 380--> 01:24:45, 400.. kemudian pergi ke kamar mandi.113201:24:47, 390--> 01:24:51, 350Saat ini aku mendengar Anda membuka pintu Anda.113301:24:51, 360--> 01:24:54, 320Saya meninggalkan kamar mandi dan kembaliuntuk ruang Norton,113401:24:55, 260--> 01:24:57, 290mengunci pintu di belakang saya.113501:24:58, 300--> 01:25:00, 300Aku mengenakan gaun pada Norton...113601:25:01, 260--> 01:25:02, 380.. dan membaringkanNya di tempat tidurnya.113701:25:09, 300--> 01:25:11, 360Aku punya pistol,113801:25:11, 370--> 01:25:15, 360yang saya telah ditempatkan pada dua kesempatanterang-terangan pada meja riasNorton113901:25:15, 370--> 01:25:17, 260ketika ia masih keluar,114001:25:17, 270--> 01:25:19, 370sehingga pembantu akan melihatnya.
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