Recommendations and ConclusionsWhile it may seem challenging to apply  terjemahan - Recommendations and ConclusionsWhile it may seem challenging to apply  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Recommendations and ConclusionsWhil

Recommendations and Conclusions
While it may seem challenging to apply SRL interventions to the design of
e-learning environments, there are multiple prompting and training strategies that can be employed toward achieving this goal. Both pedagogical interventions as well as the design of learning activities and course content can take advantage of a vast array of software and tools that are readily available through a LMS. It is important to acknowledge when considering these recommendations, however, that attention should be placed on the learning objectives and pedagogical goals and not the tool, as a number of other technologies can be configured to accomplish the same task. Following are specific examples of tools and instructional design interventions, along with practical advice for encouraging and supporting SRL.
First, online discussion boards, journals, and Wikis are all tools that can be used to activate the SRL processes of planning, self-monitoring, and reflection. The Wiki feature provides a collaborative area where learners can be prompted to: (a) define a problem; (b) generate possible solutions; (c) make arguments for solutions; (d) take next steps and consider steps an expert would take; (e) identify what information is needed to solve the problem; (f) view examples that are related to the problem; and (g) share points of view with peers about how to approach the problem.
Electronic journals, typically used for student to instructor communication, can be employed to elicit reflection about difficulties that students encounter or strategies that facilitate learning. For example, students might be asked:
1. What did I learn in this module?
2. How did I learn the material?
3. How confident am I about my knowledge of this module?
4. What was challenging for me in learning the material?
5. What strategies helped me learn the material?
6. What changes will I make in my approaches to studying for the upcoming module?
Comparably, a discussion board can be used at the onset of a course to trigger the SRL processes of planning and goal setting. Students can be prompted to engage in a dialogue about their goals and expectations, study strategies, and learning styles. An inventory such as the Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire, will help students identify their learning preferences before they share this information in the discussion board. Once students have shared their own profile, they can be prompted to interact with their peers to compare study strategies and summarize learning style trends for the class.
Second, the design of learning activities and course content can play a major role in stimulating SRL processes. The syllabus, for example, should provide a detailed road-map for the student who navigates through course content and deliverables in an e-learning environment. Setting the stage for students, the syllabus relays important details about course requirements, deadlines, and academic policies. Careful thought should be given to the way in which this information is presented and how students can better retain it. For example, to reinforce the organization and timing of assignment due dates, a syllabus can include a graphic prompt that illustrates patterns in course assignment due dates. Table 2 illustrates how a two-week module could be depicted to learners in a course syllabus. Instructors can call upon this visual aid when creating a syllabus overview presentation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Recommendations and ConclusionsWhile it may seem challenging to apply SRL interventions to the design ofe-learning environments, there are multiple prompting and training strategies that can be employed toward achieving this goal. Both pedagogical interventions as well as the design of learning activities and course content can take advantage of a vast array of software and tools that are readily available through a LMS. It is important to acknowledge when considering these recommendations, however, that attention should be placed on the learning objectives and pedagogical goals and not the tool, as a number of other technologies can be configured to accomplish the same task. Following are specific examples of tools and instructional design interventions, along with practical advice for encouraging and supporting SRL.First, online discussion boards, journals, and Wikis are all tools that can be used to activate the SRL processes of planning, self-monitoring, and reflection. The Wiki feature provides a collaborative area where learners can be prompted to: (a) define a problem; (b) generate possible solutions; (c) make arguments for solutions; (d) take next steps and consider steps an expert would take; (e) identify what information is needed to solve the problem; (f) view examples that are related to the problem; and (g) share points of view with peers about how to approach the problem.Electronic journals, typically used for student to instructor communication, can be employed to elicit reflection about difficulties that students encounter or strategies that facilitate learning. For example, students might be asked:1. What did I learn in this module?2. How did I learn the material?3. How confident am I about my knowledge of this module?4. What was challenging for me in learning the material?5. What strategies helped me learn the material?6. What changes will I make in my approaches to studying for the upcoming module?Comparably, a discussion board can be used at the onset of a course to trigger the SRL processes of planning and goal setting. Students can be prompted to engage in a dialogue about their goals and expectations, study strategies, and learning styles. An inventory such as the Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire, will help students identify their learning preferences before they share this information in the discussion board. Once students have shared their own profile, they can be prompted to interact with their peers to compare study strategies and summarize learning style trends for the class.Second, the design of learning activities and course content can play a major role in stimulating SRL processes. The syllabus, for example, should provide a detailed road-map for the student who navigates through course content and deliverables in an e-learning environment. Setting the stage for students, the syllabus relays important details about course requirements, deadlines, and academic policies. Careful thought should be given to the way in which this information is presented and how students can better retain it. For example, to reinforce the organization and timing of assignment due dates, a syllabus can include a graphic prompt that illustrates patterns in course assignment due dates. Table 2 illustrates how a two-week module could be depicted to learners in a course syllabus. Instructors can call upon this visual aid when creating a syllabus overview presentation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rekomendasi dan Kesimpulan
Walaupun mungkin tampak menantang untuk menerapkan intervensi SRL dengan desain
lingkungan e-learning, ada beberapa mendorong dan pelatihan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Kedua intervensi pedagogis serta desain kegiatan pembelajaran dan konten saja dapat mengambil keuntungan dari array yang luas dari perangkat lunak dan alat-alat yang tersedia melalui LMS a. Hal ini penting untuk mengakui ketika mempertimbangkan rekomendasi ini, namun, perhatian yang harus ditempatkan pada tujuan pembelajaran dan tujuan pedagogis dan tidak alat, sebagai sejumlah teknologi lainnya dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang sama. Berikut ini adalah contoh spesifik alat dan intervensi desain instruksional, bersama dengan saran praktis untuk mendorong dan mendukung SRL.
Pertama, forum diskusi online, jurnal, dan Wiki adalah semua alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengaktifkan proses SRL perencanaan, pemantauan diri, dan refleksi. Fitur Wiki menyediakan area kolaboratif di mana peserta didik dapat diminta untuk: (a) mendefinisikan masalah; (b) menghasilkan solusi yang mungkin; (c) membuat argumen untuk solusi; (d) mengambil langkah selanjutnya dan mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah seorang ahli akan mengambil; (e) mengidentifikasi informasi apa yang diperlukan untuk memecahkan masalah; (f) contoh pandangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah; dan (g) poin pangsa pandang dengan rekan-rekan tentang bagaimana mendekati masalah.
jurnal elektronik, biasanya digunakan untuk siswa untuk komunikasi instruktur, dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh refleksi tentang kesulitan yang menghadapi siswa atau strategi yang memfasilitasi belajar. Sebagai contoh, siswa mungkin akan diminta:
1. Apa yang saya pelajari dalam modul ini?
2. Bagaimana saya belajar materi?
3. Seberapa yakin aku tentang pengetahuan saya tentang modul ini?
4. Apa yang menantang bagi saya dalam belajar materi?
5. Strategi apa yang membantu saya belajar materi?
6. Perubahan apa yang akan saya buat dalam pendekatan saya untuk belajar untuk modul yang akan datang?
Comparably, papan diskusi dapat digunakan pada awal kursus untuk memicu proses SRL perencanaan dan penetapan tujuan. Siswa dapat diminta untuk terlibat dalam dialog tentang tujuan mereka dan harapan, strategi belajar, dan gaya belajar. Inventarisasi seperti Visual, Aural, Baca / Tulis, Kinestetik (VARK) kuesioner, akan membantu siswa mengidentifikasi preferensi belajar mereka sebelum mereka berbagi informasi ini dalam forum diskusi. Setelah siswa telah berbagi profil mereka sendiri, mereka dapat diminta untuk berinteraksi dengan rekan-rekan mereka untuk membandingkan strategi belajar dan meringkas tren gaya belajar untuk kelas.
Kedua, desain kegiatan pembelajaran dan konten saja dapat memainkan peran utama dalam mendorong proses SRL. Silabus, misalnya, harus memberikan peta jalan rinci untuk mahasiswa yang menavigasi melalui konten kursus dan Penyerahan dalam lingkungan e-learning. Pengaturan panggung untuk siswa, silabus relay rincian penting tentang persyaratan kursus, tenggat waktu, dan kebijakan akademik. Pemikiran yang cermat harus diberikan dengan cara di mana informasi ini disajikan dan bagaimana siswa dapat lebih mempertahankan itu. Misalnya, untuk memperkuat organisasi dan waktu tanggal jatuh tempo tugas, silabus dapat mencakup prompt grafis yang menggambarkan pola tanggal waktunya tugas di. Tabel 2 menggambarkan bagaimana modul dua minggu bisa digambarkan untuk peserta didik dalam silabus. Instruktur dapat memanggil bantuan visual ini saat membuat presentasi silabus gambaran.
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