Theresa was out of breath and furious when he finally released her han terjemahan - Theresa was out of breath and furious when he finally released her han Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Theresa was out of breath and furio

Theresa was out of breath and furious when he finally released her hand. They were in the master bedroom, facing each other and she glared at him… refusing to be intimidated by his scowl.
“When did you become the Neanderthal Man, Sandro? I never thought you would resort to caveman tactics…” he didn’t like being called a barbarian, not her suave, sophisticated, rigid husband, she saw it in the way his mouth thinned and his eyes flared. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her up against him.
“You haven’t seen the Neanderthal in me yet, cara. I advise you not to push me on this, not unless you want things to get really ugly between us,” he was using his whole body to intimidate her, leaning over and into her, nose to nose with her.
“I.I don’t see how things can get any uglier…” she whispered.
“You really don’t want to find out how much worse it can get, trust me on that,” his eyes were boring into hers and her breath was coming in small, shallow gasps. She was suddenly aware of how closely she was pressed against him and felt a betraying flash of heat uncoiling in the pit of her stomach and radiating outward. Even though Sandro never really let himself go in bed, he was still an incredible lover and despite, or maybe because of, the clinical precision with which he conducted the act, he always made sure she climaxed. She would have traded any number of those orgasms for a kiss of course, or even a show of affection afterwards but she couldn’t help her reaction to him. He could always make her melt. Chemistry was a terrible thing, sometimes it simply sparked between the wrong people.
His eyes were still locked with hers and she felt the sudden change in his breathing and his heart rate… he leaned even closer, his mouth nearly touching hers, their breath mingled and came in jagged gasps. If she moved her head, just a fraction of an inch, their lips would be touching… she couldn’t resist and she tensed herself to do just that, when he suddenly swore and stepped away from her. Theresa blinked and felt like someone coming out of a trance.
“Just go to bed,” he put his hand in the small of her back and gave her a gentle push toward the bed.
“I’m not going to have…” she began to protest.
“I know. I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind for it either,” he prodded her again.
“You won’t touch me?”
“Not unless you want me to.” He shrugged as if he didn’t care either way.
“I don’t want you to.” She asserted firmly.
“Then you have nothing to worry about,” he turned away from her stripped off his casual shirt, leaving him abruptly naked from the chest up. As always, he stole her breath away and she had to force herself to turn away from the seductive sight of her half-naked husband and head to bed. She crept beneath the covers and kept her back to him but she was achingly aware of every sound he made as he headed toward the en-suite, discarding even more clothes along the way. For such a precise and controlled man in every other aspect of his life, Alessandro tended to be a bit messy in his own space; it was rather endearing the way he would casually drop a shirt here, a sock there… obviously expecting the magical cleaning fairies to pick up after him. That “magical cleaning fairy” was usually Theresa; she was a bit of a neat freak and would quite compulsively pick up and fold everything he dropped. Well not anymore, she suddenly thought fumingly, he could damned well pick up his own shirts.
She suddenly wryly acknowledged to herself that this resolution would only last as long as it took for the maid to come in and clean it up…the one thing about being fabulously wealthy was that you didn’t have to think about mundane things like picking up after yourself. And Alessandro had been spoiled into believing the universe revolved around him since birth. While Theresa’s family had been wealthy too, she had never taken anything for granted, not when she had an emotionally-detached father who quite relentlessly pointed out her every flaw.
She sighed softly and turned over to watch the door of the en-suite, he hadn’t shut it completely and a narrow sliver of light streamed out into the darkened bedroom. Steam was creeping out along the edges of the door and she could smell the spicy scent of his soap as he showered. The shower stopped abruptly and she heard the rustling sounds of him towel-drying. She smiled softly to herself as she heard the towel drop to the floor after he finished. She was achingly familiar with every detail of his nightly ablutions; he usually showered, shaved in the shower and brushed his teeth afterwards. Five minutes later the light in the en-suite went out and he stepped out into the dark bedroom. She could just make out his silhouette enough to realise that he was naked and panicked slightly when she realised that he had absolutely every intention of getting into bed that way.
He usually slept naked but she had honestly believed that he would drag on a shorts or something after the events of that evening. No such luck, she felt him lifting the covers and sliding beneath them. He smelled divine and she had to fight the impulse to turn toward him. He didn’t say a word and made no move toward her, staying on his side of the bed. No surprise there… he usually stayed on his side of the bed anyway, unless he felt the need to work on his long-term project to sire a son, only then would he move toward her, touch her, caress her… do everything but love her. Theresa never instigated their intimate encounters. She had learned early on that any move toward such intimacy was usually rebuffed and her fragile self-esteem didn’t deal well with rejection, so she had stopped trying.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Theresa adalah kehabisan napas dan marah ketika ia akhirnya dilepaskan tangannya. Mereka berada di kamar tidur utama, saling berhadapan dan ia melotot padanya... menolak diintimidasi karena dia cemberut."Ketika Anda menjadi orang Neanderthal, Sandro? Saya tidak pernah berpikir Anda akan resor gua taktik..."dia tidak menyukai dipanggil barbar, tidak suaminya ramah tamah, canggih dan kaku, dia melihatnya dengan cara yang mulutnya menipis dan matanya menyala. Ia mengambil pergelangan tangannya dan menyeretnya melawan dia."Anda belum melihat Neanderthal saya belum, cara. Saya menyarankan Anda untuk tidak mendorong saya dalam hal ini, tidak kecuali jika Anda ingin hal-hal untuk mendapatkan benar-benar jelek diantara kita,"Dia menggunakan seluruh tubuhnya untuk mengintimidasi dirinya, bersandar lebih dari dan ke dalam dirinya, hidung ke hidung dengannya."I.I tidak melihat bagaimana hal-hal bisa lebih jelek..." dia berbisik.“You really don’t want to find out how much worse it can get, trust me on that,” his eyes were boring into hers and her breath was coming in small, shallow gasps. She was suddenly aware of how closely she was pressed against him and felt a betraying flash of heat uncoiling in the pit of her stomach and radiating outward. Even though Sandro never really let himself go in bed, he was still an incredible lover and despite, or maybe because of, the clinical precision with which he conducted the act, he always made sure she climaxed. She would have traded any number of those orgasms for a kiss of course, or even a show of affection afterwards but she couldn’t help her reaction to him. He could always make her melt. Chemistry was a terrible thing, sometimes it simply sparked between the wrong people.His eyes were still locked with hers and she felt the sudden change in his breathing and his heart rate… he leaned even closer, his mouth nearly touching hers, their breath mingled and came in jagged gasps. If she moved her head, just a fraction of an inch, their lips would be touching… she couldn’t resist and she tensed herself to do just that, when he suddenly swore and stepped away from her. Theresa blinked and felt like someone coming out of a trance.“Just go to bed,” he put his hand in the small of her back and gave her a gentle push toward the bed.“I’m not going to have…” she began to protest.“I know. I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind for it either,” he prodded her again.“You won’t touch me?”“Not unless you want me to.” He shrugged as if he didn’t care either way.“I don’t want you to.” She asserted firmly.“Then you have nothing to worry about,” he turned away from her stripped off his casual shirt, leaving him abruptly naked from the chest up. As always, he stole her breath away and she had to force herself to turn away from the seductive sight of her half-naked husband and head to bed. She crept beneath the covers and kept her back to him but she was achingly aware of every sound he made as he headed toward the en-suite, discarding even more clothes along the way. For such a precise and controlled man in every other aspect of his life, Alessandro tended to be a bit messy in his own space; it was rather endearing the way he would casually drop a shirt here, a sock there… obviously expecting the magical cleaning fairies to pick up after him. That “magical cleaning fairy” was usually Theresa; she was a bit of a neat freak and would quite compulsively pick up and fold everything he dropped. Well not anymore, she suddenly thought fumingly, he could damned well pick up his own shirts.She suddenly wryly acknowledged to herself that this resolution would only last as long as it took for the maid to come in and clean it up…the one thing about being fabulously wealthy was that you didn’t have to think about mundane things like picking up after yourself. And Alessandro had been spoiled into believing the universe revolved around him since birth. While Theresa’s family had been wealthy too, she had never taken anything for granted, not when she had an emotionally-detached father who quite relentlessly pointed out her every flaw.She sighed softly and turned over to watch the door of the en-suite, he hadn’t shut it completely and a narrow sliver of light streamed out into the darkened bedroom. Steam was creeping out along the edges of the door and she could smell the spicy scent of his soap as he showered. The shower stopped abruptly and she heard the rustling sounds of him towel-drying. She smiled softly to herself as she heard the towel drop to the floor after he finished. She was achingly familiar with every detail of his nightly ablutions; he usually showered, shaved in the shower and brushed his teeth afterwards. Five minutes later the light in the en-suite went out and he stepped out into the dark bedroom. She could just make out his silhouette enough to realise that he was naked and panicked slightly when she realised that he had absolutely every intention of getting into bed that way.He usually slept naked but she had honestly believed that he would drag on a shorts or something after the events of that evening. No such luck, she felt him lifting the covers and sliding beneath them. He smelled divine and she had to fight the impulse to turn toward him. He didn’t say a word and made no move toward her, staying on his side of the bed. No surprise there… he usually stayed on his side of the bed anyway, unless he felt the need to work on his long-term project to sire a son, only then would he move toward her, touch her, caress her… do everything but love her. Theresa never instigated their intimate encounters. She had learned early on that any move toward such intimacy was usually rebuffed and her fragile self-esteem didn’t deal well with rejection, so she had stopped trying.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Theresa kehabisan napas dan marah ketika ia akhirnya dibebaskan tangannya. Mereka berada di kamar tidur utama, saling berhadapan dan dia memelototinya ... menolak untuk diintimidasi oleh cemberut nya.
"Kapan Anda menjadi manusia Neanderthal, Sandro? Saya tidak pernah berpikir Anda akan resor untuk taktik manusia gua ... "dia tidak suka disebut barbar, tidak sopan, canggih, suaminya yang kaku, ia melihatnya dengan cara mulutnya menipis dan matanya menyala. Dia meraih pergelangan tangannya dan menyeretnya melawan dia.
"Anda belum melihat Neanderthal di saya belum, cara. Saya menyarankan Anda untuk tidak mendorong saya di ini, tidak kecuali jika Anda ingin hal-hal untuk mendapatkan benar-benar jelek di antara kami, "ia menggunakan seluruh tubuhnya untuk mengintimidasi dirinya, bersandar dan ke dalam dirinya, hidung ke hidung dengan dia.
"II tidak melihat bagaimana hal-hal bisa mendapatkan lebih buruk ... "bisiknya.
"Kau benar-benar tidak ingin mengetahui berapa banyak buruk itu bisa, percayalah pada itu," matanya membosankan menjadi miliknya dan napasnya datang di kecil, dangkal terengah-engah. Dia tiba-tiba menyadari seberapa dekat dia menekan dia dan merasa flash mengkhianati dari uncoiling panas di perutnya dan memancar ke luar. Meskipun Sandro pernah benar-benar membiarkan dirinya pergi di tempat tidur, ia masih kekasih yang luar biasa dan meskipun, atau mungkin karena, presisi klinis yang ia dilakukan tindakan, ia selalu memastikan dia mencapai klimaks. Dia akan diperdagangkan sejumlah orang orgasme untuk ciuman tentu saja, atau bahkan menunjukkan kasih sayang setelah itu tapi dia tidak bisa membantu reaksinya kepadanya. Dia selalu bisa membuatnya meleleh. Kimia adalah hal yang mengerikan, kadang-kadang itu hanya memicu antara orang yang salah.
Matanya masih terkunci dengan miliknya dan ia merasakan perubahan mendadak dalam pernapasan dan detak jantung ... dia membungkuk lebih dekat, mulutnya hampir menyentuh miliknya, napas mereka berbaur dan datang terengah-engah bergerigi. Jika dia pindah kepalanya, hanya sebagian kecil dari satu inci, bibir mereka akan menyentuh ... dia tidak bisa menahan dan dia tegang dirinya untuk melakukan hal itu, ketika ia tiba-tiba bersumpah dan menjauh darinya. Theresa berkedip dan merasa seperti seseorang yang keluar dari trans.
"Hanya pergi ke tempat tidur," ia meletakkan tangannya di punggungnya dan memberinya dorongan lembut ke arah tempat tidur.
"Aku tidak akan memiliki ..." dia mulai protes.
"Aku tahu. Aku tidak benar dalam kerangka berpikir yang benar untuk itu baik, "ia mendesak lagi.
"Anda tidak akan menyentuhku?"
"Tidak, kecuali Anda ingin aku." Dia mengangkat bahu seolah-olah ia tidak peduli dengan cara baik .
"Saya tidak ingin Anda." Dia menegaskan tegas.
"Lalu Anda tidak perlu khawatir," ia berpaling dari menanggalkan bajunya kasual nya, meninggalkan dia tiba-tiba telanjang dari dada ke atas. Seperti biasa, dia mencuri napas pergi dan ia harus memaksa dirinya untuk berpaling dari pandangan menggoda dia setengah telanjang suami dan kepala ke tempat tidur. Dia merayap di bawah selimut dan terus kembali ke dia tapi dia pedih menyadari setiap suara yang dibuatnya saat ia berjalan menuju en-suite, membuang pakaian bahkan lebih di sepanjang jalan. Untuk seorang pria yang tepat dan dikendalikan dalam setiap aspek lain dari hidupnya, Alessandro cenderung agak berantakan di ruang sendiri; itu agak menawan cara dia santai akan menjatuhkan kemeja di sini, kaus kaki ada ... jelas mengharapkan peri pembersih magis untuk menjemput setelah dia. Bahwa "ajaib pembersih peri" biasanya Theresa; dia sedikit aneh rapi dan cukup akan kompulsif mengambil dan melipat semua yang dia menjatuhkan. Nah sekarang tidak lagi, dia tiba-tiba berpikir fumingly, dia bisa dihukum juga mengambil kaos sendiri.
Dia tiba-tiba kecut mengakui pada dirinya sendiri bahwa resolusi ini hanya akan bertahan selama itu mengambil untuk pembantu untuk datang dan membersihkannya ... satu hal tentang menjadi sangat kaya adalah bahwa Anda tidak harus berpikir tentang hal-hal duniawi seperti mengambil setelah diri sendiri. Dan Alessandro telah manja menjadi percaya alam semesta berputar di sekelilingnya sejak lahir. Sementara keluarga Theresa telah kaya juga, ia tidak pernah mengambil sesuatu untuk diberikan, bukan ketika dia memiliki seorang ayah emosional-terpisah yang cukup tanpa henti menunjukkan dia setiap cacat.
Dia mendesah pelan dan diserahkan untuk menonton pintu en-suite, ia tidak menutup sepenuhnya dan sepotong sempit cahaya mengalir keluar ke kamar yang gelap. Uap merayap di sepanjang tepi pintu dan dia bisa mencium aroma pedas sabun sambil mandi. Kamar mandi tiba-tiba berhenti dan dia mendengar suara gemerisik dia handuk kering. Dia tersenyum lembut pada dirinya sendiri saat ia mendengar handuk jatuh ke lantai setelah dia selesai. Dia pedih akrab dengan setiap detail dari wudhu malamnya; ia biasanya mandi, bercukur di kamar mandi dan menggosok gigi setelahnya. Lima menit kemudian lampu di en-suite pergi keluar dan dia melangkah ke kamar tidur gelap. Dia hanya bisa melihat siluetnya cukup untuk menyadari bahwa ia telanjang dan panik sedikit ketika ia menyadari bahwa ia telah benar-benar setiap niat masuk ke tempat tidur seperti itu.
Dia biasanya tidur telanjang tapi ia benar-benar percaya bahwa ia akan menyeret pada celana pendek atau sesuatu setelah peristiwa malam itu. Tidak beruntung, dia merasa dia mengangkat selimut dan geser di bawah mereka. Dia berbau ilahi dan ia harus melawan dorongan untuk mengubah arahnya. Dia tidak mengatakan sepatah kata pun dan tidak bergerak ke arahnya, tinggal di sisinya tempat tidur. Tidak mengherankan ada ... ia biasanya tinggal di sisi tempat tidur pula, kecuali dia merasa perlu untuk bekerja pada proyek jangka panjang untuk Sire anak, hanya kemudian akan ia bergerak ke arahnya, menyentuhnya, membelai nya ... melakukan segalanya tapi mencintainya. Theresa pernah menghasut pertemuan intim mereka. Dia telah belajar bahwa setiap langkah menuju keintiman seperti biasanya ditolak dan dia rapuh harga diri tidak menangani dengan baik dengan penolakan, sehingga ia berhenti mencoba.
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