#1075: The special fifth Kinmen This is they knows for the first time  terjemahan - #1075: The special fifth Kinmen This is they knows for the first time  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1075: The special fifth Kinmen Thi

#1075: The special fifth Kinmen

This is they knows for the first time when the Meng Hao matter, looks to Chu Yuyan, complete innermost feelings reacted, such as Meng Hao said that if this matter occurred on oneself ...
Quick, when many Ninth Sea God World disciples, look to Monster Cultivator branch, reveals cloudy and cold.
Even also many Monster Cultivator, is the look changes, they do not know this matter.
This matter, in cultivating true virtue, although sometimes occurred, may actually be almost every cultivator, the matter that most hates, everyone, has the relatives and friends, has the good friend, has the generation of feud, if one time disregards, then might occur on oneself in the future very much.
„Monster Cultivator branch, must to me a confession, Long Tianhai, probably die, Echelon, you are impossible to take away, but this gambling makes, I lost must also give me demigod jade!”
„This confessed!” Meng Hao said here, withdrew several steps, arrived at behind of nearby old woman, after the restorations of these time, Meng Hao at this moment, coordinated the eternal boundary, restored almost Cultivation.
The Red Hair Patriarch facial color is ugly, the related Chu Yuyan matter, was he initially agreed that all deferred to the plan, Meng Hao at this moment already died, the function conclusion of Chu Yuyan, all melted well.
But no one has thought that Meng Hao under such killing disaster, can reverse unexpectedly.
All around is silent, when these Ninth Sea God World cultivator, look to Monster Cultivator branch, in the item was having the question, the Meng Hao words, they have their sentenced 9 ∴ to go against 9 ∴ 0.9 ∴ small 9 ∴ saying that broke.
Monster Cultivator branch, is mostly silent, may some people ridicule, did not acknowledge this matter.
„Important matter for heavy, Ru Feng Plane opens, for half a month.” At this moment. Shen Shi in midair. Light to open mouth. The sound spreads, reverberates eight sides.
„Corrupt Echelon is because, hereafter all matters all are the fruits, among the scarlet dragon, Wu Ling two Fellow Daoist, Ru Feng Plane opens, enters the quota, you may increase one person.”
„This matter relinquishes. Let Meng Hao complete the gambling to make, all such as he said that under two intent how?” Shen Shi looks to the Red Hair old man as well as not far away, another Monster Cultivator Patriarch.
„Shen Shi already to open mouth, this matter so may also, but ... Echelon can not be the gambling stake, if this child has the skill, nine golden gate steles, are first ten, 300 million immortal jade. Coming out that my Monster Cultivator branch takes!”
„But if this child cannot achieve, immortal jade does not have!” After short silence. Red Hair old man deep looked at Meng Hao one, the matter of today, Meng Hao here has made the deep impression on him, this took a quick look around, such as must remember Meng Hao firmly, this coldly snorted, slowly to open mouth.
He understands that has Jiu Po, Shen Shi as well as Ling Yunzi, Monster Cultivator branch cannot have no consideration for face, and this time the matter, indeed was their Monster Cultivator branch is defeated.
What is most important, their defeats, cause in Sect male and female Dao Realm of another two influences, had other thoughts.
The innermost feelings sighed, spread along with the Red Hair Patriarch words, Wu Xing Monster Cultivator Patriarch, nodded slowly.
Shen Shi looks to Meng Hao, Meng Hao both eyes flash slightly, know themselves to be able the aspect to develop this degree, is the limit, if continues to pester, is not on the contrary good, but the innermost feelings are as before difficult to disappear to this matter Anger, although nods, may actually be in front of people, takes out from bag of holding Long Tianhai directly.
Seizes the neck of Long Tianhai, Meng Hao pinches maliciously at the same time, the left hand suddenly stretches out, pricks in the chest of Long Tianhai, in its struggling of shivering, in the vision of all around people, Meng Hao directly the heart that in Sea Dragon stature Long Tianhai changes, digs out directly.
That heart is still beating, was pinched maliciously by Meng Hao, extinguishes loudly when broken, condensed white blood, all around these, let all see cultivation, Monster Cultivator or cultivator, the innermost feelings trembled.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1075: The special fifth Kinmen This is they knows for the first time when the Meng Hao matter, looks to Chu Yuyan, complete innermost feelings reacted, such as Meng Hao said that if this matter occurred on oneself ...Quick, when many Ninth Sea God World disciples, look to Monster Cultivator branch, reveals cloudy and cold.Even also many Monster Cultivator, is the look changes, they do not know this matter.This matter, in cultivating true virtue, although sometimes occurred, may actually be almost every cultivator, the matter that most hates, everyone, has the relatives and friends, has the good friend, has the generation of feud, if one time disregards, then might occur on oneself in the future very much.„Monster Cultivator branch, must to me a confession, Long Tianhai, probably die, Echelon, you are impossible to take away, but this gambling makes, I lost must also give me demigod jade!”„This confessed!” Meng Hao said here, withdrew several steps, arrived at behind of nearby old woman, after the restorations of these time, Meng Hao at this moment, coordinated the eternal boundary, restored almost Cultivation.The Red Hair Patriarch facial color is ugly, the related Chu Yuyan matter, was he initially agreed that all deferred to the plan, Meng Hao at this moment already died, the function conclusion of Chu Yuyan, all melted well.But no one has thought that Meng Hao under such killing disaster, can reverse unexpectedly.All around is silent, when these Ninth Sea God World cultivator, look to Monster Cultivator branch, in the item was having the question, the Meng Hao words, they have their sentenced 9 ∴ to go against 9 ∴ 0.9 ∴ small 9 ∴ saying that broke.Monster Cultivator branch, is mostly silent, may some people ridicule, did not acknowledge this matter.„Important matter for heavy, Ru Feng Plane opens, for half a month.” At this moment. Shen Shi in midair. Light to open mouth. The sound spreads, reverberates eight sides.„Corrupt Echelon is because, hereafter all matters all are the fruits, among the scarlet dragon, Wu Ling two Fellow Daoist, Ru Feng Plane opens, enters the quota, you may increase one person.”„This matter relinquishes. Let Meng Hao complete the gambling to make, all such as he said that under two intent how?” Shen Shi looks to the Red Hair old man as well as not far away, another Monster Cultivator Patriarch.„Shen Shi already to open mouth, this matter so may also, but ... Echelon can not be the gambling stake, if this child has the skill, nine golden gate steles, are first ten, 300 million immortal jade. Coming out that my Monster Cultivator branch takes!”„But if this child cannot achieve, immortal jade does not have!” After short silence. Red Hair old man deep looked at Meng Hao one, the matter of today, Meng Hao here has made the deep impression on him, this took a quick look around, such as must remember Meng Hao firmly, this coldly snorted, slowly to open mouth.He understands that has Jiu Po, Shen Shi as well as Ling Yunzi, Monster Cultivator branch cannot have no consideration for face, and this time the matter, indeed was their Monster Cultivator branch is defeated.What is most important, their defeats, cause in Sect male and female Dao Realm of another two influences, had other thoughts.The innermost feelings sighed, spread along with the Red Hair Patriarch words, Wu Xing Monster Cultivator Patriarch, nodded slowly.Shen Shi looks to Meng Hao, Meng Hao both eyes flash slightly, know themselves to be able the aspect to develop this degree, is the limit, if continues to pester, is not on the contrary good, but the innermost feelings are as before difficult to disappear to this matter Anger, although nods, may actually be in front of people, takes out from bag of holding Long Tianhai directly.Seizes the neck of Long Tianhai, Meng Hao pinches maliciously at the same time, the left hand suddenly stretches out, pricks in the chest of Long Tianhai, in its struggling of shivering, in the vision of all around people, Meng Hao directly the heart that in Sea Dragon stature Long Tianhai changes, digs out directly.That heart is still beating, was pinched maliciously by Meng Hao, extinguishes loudly when broken, condensed white blood, all around these, let all see cultivation, Monster Cultivator or cultivator, the innermost feelings trembled.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1075: The kelima Kinmen khusus

ini adalah mereka tahu untuk pertama kalinya ketika materi Meng Hao, terlihat Chu Yuyan, perasaan terdalam lengkap bereaksi, seperti kata Meng Hao bahwa jika hal ini terjadi pada diri sendiri ...
Cepat, ketika banyak murid kesembilan Sea Tuhan Dunia, melihat ke cabang pembudidaya Rakasa, mengungkapkan berawan dan dingin.
Bahkan banyak juga Rakasa beralih, adalah perubahan tampilan, mereka tidak tahu hal ini.
Hal ini, dalam budidaya kebajikan yang sejati, meskipun kadang-kadang terjadi, sebenarnya bisa hampir setiap kultivator, hal yang paling membenci, semua orang, memiliki kerabat dan teman-teman, memiliki teman baik, memiliki generasi perseteruan, jika satu waktu mengabaikan, maka mungkin terjadi pada diri sendiri di masa depan sangat banyak.
"cabang Rakasa beralih, harus ke saya pengakuan, Long Tianhai, mungkin mati, Eselon, Anda tidak mungkin untuk mengambil, tapi perjudian ini membuat saya kehilangan juga harus memberikan giok setengah dewa! "
" ini mengaku! "kata Meng Hao sini, menarik beberapa langkah, tiba di belakang wanita tua di dekatnya, setelah restorasi waktu tersebut, Meng Hao saat ini, dikoordinasikan batas yang kekal, dipulihkan hampir Budidaya.
The Red Hair Patriark warna wajah jelek, terkait Chu Yuyan masalah, yang dia awalnya sepakat bahwa semua ditangguhkan rencana, Meng Hao saat ini sudah meninggal, fungsi kesimpulan Chu Yuyan, semua meleleh dengan baik.
Tapi tidak ada yang berpikir bahwa Meng Hao bawah bencana membunuh seperti, dapat membalikkan tiba-tiba.
semua di sekitar diam, saat ini Kesembilan Sea Allah Dunia kultivator, melihat ke cabang Rakasa beralih, di item itu memiliki pertanyaan, kata-kata Meng Hao, mereka memiliki mereka dihukum 9 ∴ untuk melawan 9 ∴ 0,9 ∴ 9 ∴ kecil pepatah yang pecah.
cabang Rakasa beralih, sebagian besar diam, mungkin beberapa orang ejekan, tidak mengakui hal ini.
"hal penting untuk berat, Ru Feng Pesawat terbuka, selama setengah bulan." Pada saat ini. Shen Shi di udara. Cahaya untuk membuka mulut. Menyebar suara, bergema delapan sisi.
"Corrupt Eselon karena, selanjutnya semua hal semua adalah buah-buahan, antara naga merah, Wu Ling dua Fellow Taois, Ru Feng Pesawat terbuka, memasuki kuota, Anda dapat meningkatkan satu orang."
" Hal ini relinquishes. Mari Meng Hao menyelesaikan perjudian untuk membuat, semua seperti dia mengatakan bahwa di bawah dua maksud bagaimana? "Shen Shi terlihat orang tua Red Hair serta tidak jauh, Rakasa lain pembudidaya Patriarch.
" Shen Shi sudah membuka mulut, hal ini sangat mungkin juga, tapi ... Eselon tidak bisa menjadi saham perjudian, jika anak ini memiliki keterampilan, sembilan emas gerbang steles, adalah sepuluh pertama, 300 juta giok abadi. Datang bahwa Rakasa pembudidaya cabang saya mengambil! "
" Tapi jika anak ini tidak dapat dicapai, giok abadi tidak memiliki! "Setelah diam singkat. Orang tua Red Hair dalam memandang Meng Hao satu, soal hari ini, Meng Hao sini telah membuat kesan yang mendalam pada dirinya, ini mengambil sekilas di sekitar, seperti harus ingat Meng Hao tegas, ini dingin mendengus, perlahan-lahan membuka mulut .
Dia mengerti bahwa memiliki Jiu Po, Shen Shi serta Ling Yunzi, cabang Rakasa pembudidaya tidak dapat memiliki tidak ada pertimbangan untuk wajah, dan kali ini hal tersebut, memang adalah cabang Rakasa pembudidaya mereka dikalahkan.
yang paling penting, kekalahan mereka, penyebab di Sect laki-laki dan Dao Realm perempuan dari dua pengaruh, memiliki pikiran lain.
perasaan terdalam mendesah, menyebar bersama dengan kata-kata Red Hair Patriarch, Wu Xing Rakasa pembudidaya Patriarch, mengangguk pelan.
Shen Shi terlihat Meng Hao, Meng Hao kedua mata berkedip sedikit, tahu diri untuk dapat aspek untuk mengembangkan gelar ini, adalah batas, jika terus mengganggu, tidak sebaliknya baik, tetapi perasaan terdalam adalah sebagai sebelum sulit menghilang ke Anger hal ini, meskipun mengangguk, mungkin sebenarnya berada di depan orang, mengeluarkan dari tas memegang panjang Tianhai langsung.
Menangkap leher panjang Tianhai, Meng Hao mencubit jahat pada saat yang sama, tangan kiri tiba-tiba membentang, menusuk di dada Long Tianhai, di nya berjuang menggigil, dalam visi seluruh orang, Meng Hao langsung jantung yang perubahan Sea Dragon bertubuh panjang Tianhai, menggali langsung.
jantung yang masih berdetak, dicubit jahat oleh Meng Hao, memadamkan keras bila rusak, kental putih darah, seluruh ini, mari kita semua melihat budidaya, pembudidaya Rakasa atau pembudidaya, perasaan terdalam gemetar.
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