The first day here at BigHeart farms, Galatians 5:26-26 may have seeme terjemahan - The first day here at BigHeart farms, Galatians 5:26-26 may have seeme Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The first day here at BigHeart farm

The first day here at BigHeart farms, Galatians 5:26-26 may have seemed like a
very confusing part of the Bible with a lot of big words. Now we are beginning to
see the Good News of Jesus in a much clearer way. In order to please God, we
have to follow the Spirit instead of our flesh. We know how to follow the Spirit
because God gave us the Law. Even though we cannot follow the Law perfectly,
Jesus lets us be a member of his kingdom when we follow him. Now we have one
more very important detail to discuss. Galatians 5:24 says, “And those who belong
to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” First, let's
talk some about what it means to belong to Jesus. We belong to Jesus when we
believe in him and follow him. Belonging to Jesus means we are a part of his
family. Families take care of each other. Jesus takes care of us, too. The Bible
calls Jesus the good shepherd, (John 10:11-16.) Shepherds care for their sheep
and are willing to die for their sheep. We are Jesus the Good Shepherd's sheep.
Jesus cares for us and he did die for us. Jesus had to die for us so we could be with
God in Heaven forever. We cannot get to Heaven or be with God on our own. We
are all sinners, we are all dirty, and our perfect God will not be around sin. But God
loves us so much that he sent his son Jesus to earth for us. Jesus was crucified and
died for us because that is the punishment we all deserve. Now let's focus on the
last part of this verse: we have crucified our flesh. We know what the flesh is. It
is our sinful nature, our desire to do wrong. But what does it mean to crucify our
flesh? I said earlier that Jesus was crucified for us. Jesus died on a cross for us.
He died in one of the most humiliating and painful ways imaginable, and he did it
willingly. Jesus was beat up, teased and had a crown made of sharp thorns shoved
into his head. He had nails hammered through his hands and feet and into the
wood of the cross. All of his friends left him as he was dying because they were too
afraid to stay. Jesus was crucified and went through all of that for you and me. He
was tortured to death and left alone by his friends because he loves you and wants
to be with you forever. He knew that was the only way to make up for our sins, to
wash them away like it never happened. This is a very sad story, but thankfully it
doesn't end here! After he was dead and buried for three days, Jesus came back
to life! Jesus can now live forever in our hearts if we let him. Jesus was willing to
get dirty and take our punishment so we could be clean and sinless before God. All
we have to do to be with God forever is crucify our flesh. Now this does NOT mean
we get nailed to a cross. It means that we have to give up following our sinful
nature. We have to believe Jesus was crucified and came back to life for us and we
have to follow him with our lives. We have to live by the Spirit.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The first day here at BigHeart farms, Galatians 5:26-26 may have seemed like avery confusing part of the Bible with a lot of big words. Now we are beginning tosee the Good News of Jesus in a much clearer way. In order to please God, wehave to follow the Spirit instead of our flesh. We know how to follow the Spiritbecause God gave us the Law. Even though we cannot follow the Law perfectly,Jesus lets us be a member of his kingdom when we follow him. Now we have onemore very important detail to discuss. Galatians 5:24 says, “And those who belongto Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” First, let'stalk some about what it means to belong to Jesus. We belong to Jesus when webelieve in him and follow him. Belonging to Jesus means we are a part of hisfamily. Families take care of each other. Jesus takes care of us, too. The Biblecalls Jesus the good shepherd, (John 10:11-16.) Shepherds care for their sheepand are willing to die for their sheep. We are Jesus the Good Shepherd's sheep.Jesus cares for us and he did die for us. Jesus had to die for us so we could be withGod in Heaven forever. We cannot get to Heaven or be with God on our own. Weare all sinners, we are all dirty, and our perfect God will not be around sin. But Godloves us so much that he sent his son Jesus to earth for us. Jesus was crucified anddied for us because that is the punishment we all deserve. Now let's focus on thelast part of this verse: we have crucified our flesh. We know what the flesh is. Itis our sinful nature, our desire to do wrong. But what does it mean to crucify ourflesh? I said earlier that Jesus was crucified for us. Jesus died on a cross for us.He died in one of the most humiliating and painful ways imaginable, and he did itwillingly. Jesus was beat up, teased and had a crown made of sharp thorns shovedinto his head. He had nails hammered through his hands and feet and into thewood of the cross. All of his friends left him as he was dying because they were tooafraid to stay. Jesus was crucified and went through all of that for you and me. Hewas tortured to death and left alone by his friends because he loves you and wantsto be with you forever. He knew that was the only way to make up for our sins, towash them away like it never happened. This is a very sad story, but thankfully itdoesn't end here! After he was dead and buried for three days, Jesus came backto life! Jesus can now live forever in our hearts if we let him. Jesus was willing toget dirty and take our punishment so we could be clean and sinless before God. Allwe have to do to be with God forever is crucify our flesh. Now this does NOT meanwe get nailed to a cross. It means that we have to give up following our sinfulnature. We have to believe Jesus was crucified and came back to life for us and wehave to follow him with our lives. We have to live by the Spirit.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hari pertama di sini di peternakan BigHeart, Galatia 5: 26-26 Mei tampak seperti
bagian yang sangat membingungkan dari Alkitab dengan banyak kata-kata besar. Sekarang kita mulai
melihat Kabar Baik Yesus dengan cara yang lebih jelas. Dalam rangka untuk menyenangkan Tuhan, kita
harus mengikuti Roh bukan daging kita. Kita tahu bagaimana mengikuti Roh
karena Allah memberi kami Hukum. Meskipun kita tidak bisa mengikuti Hukum sempurna,
Yesus memungkinkan kita menjadi anggota kerajaannya ketika kita mengikutinya. Sekarang kita memiliki satu
lebih detail sangat penting untuk membahas. Galatia 5:24 mengatakan, "Dan orang-orang yang menjadi milik
Kristus Yesus, ia telah menyalibkan daging dengan segala hawa nafsu dan keinginannya. "Pertama, mari kita
bicara beberapa tentang apa artinya menjadi milik Yesus. Kami milik Yesus ketika kita
percaya kepada-Nya dan mengikuti dia. Milik Yesus berarti kita adalah bagian dari-Nya
keluarga. Keluarga merawat satu sama lain. Yesus mengurus kita, juga. Alkitab
menyebut Yesus gembala yang baik, (Yohanes 10:. 11-16) Shepherds merawat domba mereka
dan bersedia mati untuk domba mereka. Kami adalah Yesus domba Baik Gembala.
Yesus memperhatikan kita dan dia mati bagi kita. Yesus harus mati untuk kita sehingga kita bisa dengan
Allah di Surga selamanya. Kita tidak bisa ke surga atau bersama Allah pada kita sendiri. Kami
semua adalah orang berdosa, kita semua kotor, dan Allah kita sempurna tidak akan sekitar dosa. Tapi Tuhan
mengasihi kita sehingga ia mengirim putranya Yesus ke bumi untuk kita. Yesus disalibkan dan
mati bagi kita karena itu adalah hukuman kita semua layak. Sekarang mari kita fokus pada
bagian terakhir dari ayat ini: kita telah menyalibkan daging kita. Kami tahu apa daging adalah. Ini
adalah sifat dosa kita, keinginan kita untuk berbuat salah. Tapi apa artinya untuk menyalibkan kami
daging? Saya mengatakan sebelumnya bahwa Yesus disalibkan bagi kita. Yesus mati di kayu salib bagi kita.
Dia meninggal di salah satu cara yang paling memalukan dan menyakitkan dibayangkan, dan ia melakukannya
dengan sukarela. Yesus memukuli, menggoda dan memiliki mahkota yang terbuat dari duri yang tajam mendorong
kepalanya. Dia memiliki kuku dipalu melalui tangan dan kakinya dan masuk ke
kayu salib. Semua temannya meninggalkan dia karena ia sedang sekarat karena mereka terlalu
takut untuk tinggal. Yesus disalibkan dan pergi melalui semua itu bagi Anda dan saya. Dia
disiksa sampai mati dan dibiarkan saja oleh teman-temannya karena dia mencintai Anda dan ingin
bersama Anda selamanya. Dia tahu bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk menebus dosa-dosa kita, untuk
mencuci mereka pergi seperti itu tidak pernah terjadi. Ini adalah cerita yang sangat sedih, tapi untungnya itu
tidak berakhir di sini! Setelah dia meninggal dan dikubur selama tiga hari, Yesus datang kembali
ke kehidupan! Yesus sekarang bisa hidup selamanya di dalam hati kita jika kita membiarkan dia. Yesus rela
kotor dan mengambil hukuman kita sehingga kita bisa menjadi bersih dan tanpa dosa di hadapan Allah. Semua
harus kita lakukan untuk bersama Tuhan selamanya adalah menyalibkan daging kita. Sekarang ini tidak berarti
kita mendapatkan dipaku di kayu salib. Ini berarti bahwa kita harus menyerah setelah berdosa
alam. Kita harus percaya bahwa Yesus disalibkan dan kembali hidup bagi kita dan kita
harus mengikutinya dengan hidup kita. Kita harus hidup oleh Roh.
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