It would have been fine, but she had already told someone to call 911. terjemahan - It would have been fine, but she had already told someone to call 911. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It would have been fine, but she ha

It would have been fine, but she had already told someone to call 911. Within minutes, two ambulances and a fire truck showed up to the school. One of the boys at the next table told Mrs. Brill they were faking the whole thing, so Kel got called to the office.”
Lake leans forward and glares at Kel. “Please tell me this is a joke.”
Kel looks up at her with an innocent look across his face. “It was a joke. I really didn’t think anyone would call 911. Now I have to spend all next week in detention.”
“Why didn’t Mrs. Brill call me?” Lake asks him.
“I’m pretty sure she did,” he says. “You can’t find your phone, remember?”
“Ugh! If she calls me in for another conference, you’re grounded!”
I look at Caulder and he’s attempting to avoid my gaze. “Caulder, what about you? Why didn’t Mrs. Brill try to call me?”
He turns toward me and gives me a mischievous grin. “Kel lied for me. He told her I really thought he was choking and that I was trying to save his life,” he says. “Which brings me to my sweet for the day. I was rewarded for my heroic behavior. Mrs. Brill gave me two free study hall passes.”
Only Caulder could find a way to avoid detention and get rewarded instead. “You two need to cut that crap out,” I say to them. “And Gavin, no more prank stories.”
“Yes, Mr. Cooper,” Gavin says sarcastically. “But I have to know,” he says, looking at the kids. “Does she really waddle?”
“Yeah,” Kiersten laughs. “She’s a waddler, alright.” She looks at Caulder. “What was your suck, Caulder?”
Caulder gets a serious look on his face. “My best friend almost choked to death today. He could have died.”
We all laugh. As much as Lake and I try to do the responsible thing by them, sometimes it’s hard to draw the line between being the rule enforcer and being the sibling. We choose which battles to pick with the boys, and Lake says it’s important that we don’t choose very many. I look at her and she’s laughing, so I assume this isn’t one she wants to fight tonight.
“Can I finish my food now?” Lake says, pointing to her plate that’s still on the other side of me, out of her reach. I scoot the plate back in front of her. “Thank you, Mr. Cooper,” she says.
I knee her under the table. She knows I hate it when she calls me that. I don’t know why it still bothers me so much. Probably because when I actually was her teacher, it was absolute torture. Our connection progressed so quickly that first night I took her out. I’d never met anyone I had so much fun just being myself with. I spent the entire weekend thinking about her. The moment I walked around the corner and saw her standing in the hallway in front of my classroom, it felt like my heart was ripped right out of my chest. I knew immediately what she was doing there, even though it took her a little while longer to figure it out. When she finally realized I was a teacher, the look in her eyes absolutely devastated me. She was hurt. Heartbroken. Just like me. One thing I know for sure, I never want to see that look in her eyes again.
Kiersten stands up and takes her plate to the sink. “I have to go. Thanks for the bread, Will,” she says sarcastically. “It was delicious.”
“I’m leaving, too. I’ll walk you home,” Kel says. He jumps out of his seat and follows her to the door. I look at Lake and she rolls her eyes. It bothers her that Kel has developed his first crush. Lake doesn’t like to think that we’re about to have to deal with teenage hormones.
Caulder gets up from the table. “I’m gonna watch TV in my room,” he says. “See you later, Kel. Bye Kiersten.” They both tell him bye as they leave.
“I really like that girl,” Eddie says after Kiersten leaves. “I hope Kel asks her to be his girlfriend. I hope they grow up and get married and have lots of weird babies. I hope she’s in our family forever.”
“Shut up, Eddie,” Lake says. “He’s only ten. He’s too young for a girlfriend.”
“Not really, he’ll be eleven in eight days,” Gavin says. “Eleven is the prime age for first girlfriends.”
Lake takes an entire handful of her fries and throws them toward Gavin’s face.
I just sigh. She’s impossible to control. “You’re cleaning up tonight,” I say to her. “You too,” I say to Eddie. “Gavin, let’s go watch some football like real men while the women do their job.”
Gavin scoots his glass toward Eddie. “Refill this glass, woman. I’m watching some football.”
While Eddie and Lake are cleaning the kitchen, I take the opportunity to ask Gavin for a favor. Lake and I haven’t had any alone time in weeks due to always having the boys. I really need alone time with her.
“Do you think you and Eddie could take Kel and Caulder to a movie tomorrow night?”
He doesn’t answer right away, which makes me feel guilty for even asking. Maybe they had plans already.
“It depends,” he finally responds. “Do we have to take Kiersten, too?”
I laugh. “That’s up to your girl. She’s her new best friend,” I say.
Gavin rolls his eyes at the thought.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Itu pasti halus, tetapi dia telah memberitahu seseorang untuk menelepon 911. Dalam beberapa menit, dua ambulans dan sebuah truk pemadam kebakaran muncul ke sekolah. One of the boys di meja depan mengatakan Brill ibu mereka yang berpura-pura semuanya, sehingga Kel dipanggil ke kantor." Danau bersandar ke depan dan glares di Kel. "Tolong katakan padaku ini adalah lelucon." Kel tampak kepadanya dengan tidak tampak di wajahnya. "Itu adalah lelucon. Saya benar-benar tidak berpikir siapa pun akan menelepon 911. Sekarang saya harus menghabiskan semua minggu depan dalam tahanan." "Mengapa tidak ibu Brill panggil saya?" Danau bertanya kepadanya. "Aku cukup yakin dia," katanya. "Anda tidak dapat menemukan telepon Anda, ingat?" "Ugh! Jika dia memanggil saya konferensi lain, Anda sedang Beralas!" Saya melihat Caulder dan ia mencoba untuk menghindari pandangan. "Caulder, bagaimana dengan Anda? Mengapa tidak Brill ibu mencoba menelepon saya?" Ia berubah ke arahku dan memberiku senyum nakal. "Kel berbohong untuk saya. Dia mengatakan bahwa saya pikir dia tersedak dan bahwa aku sedang berusaha untuk menyelamatkan hidupnya sendiri, "katanya. "Yang membawa saya ke saya manis untuk hari. Aku dihargai untuk perilaku saya heroik. Ibu Brill memberiku dua tiket gratis studi hall." Caulder hanya bisa menemukan cara untuk menghindari penahanan dan mendapatkan imbalan sebaliknya. "Kalian berdua perlu memotong omong kosong keluar," kataku kepadanya. "Dan Gavin, tidak ada lagi prank cerita." "Ya, Mr Cooper," Gavin mengatakan sinis. "Tapi aku harus tahu," katanya, memandang anak-anak. "Apakah dia benar-benar waddle?" "Ya," Kiersten tertawa. "Dia adalah waddler, baik-baik saja." Dia tampak di Caulder. "Apa Apakah Anda mengisap, Caulder?" Caulder akan serius melihat pada wajahnya. "Sahabat saya hampir tersedak sampai mati hari ini. Dia bisa mati." Kita semua tertawa. Seperti Danau dan saya mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang bertanggung jawab dengan mereka, kadang-kadang sulit untuk menarik garis antara menjadi penegak aturan dan menjadi saudara. Kita memilih yang pertempuran untuk memilih dengan anak-anak, dan Danau mengatakan itu penting bahwa kita tidak memilih sangat banyak. Saya melihat dia dan dia tertawa, jadi saya berasumsi ini bukan salah satu yang dia ingin melawan malam ini. "Dapatkah saya menyelesaikan makanan sekarang?" Danau berkata, menunjuk ke piring nya yang masih di sisi lain dari saya, jauh dari jangkauan nya. Saya scoot piring kembali di depannya. "Terima kasih, Mr Cooper," katanya. I knee her under the table. She knows I hate it when she calls me that. I don’t know why it still bothers me so much. Probably because when I actually was her teacher, it was absolute torture. Our connection progressed so quickly that first night I took her out. I’d never met anyone I had so much fun just being myself with. I spent the entire weekend thinking about her. The moment I walked around the corner and saw her standing in the hallway in front of my classroom, it felt like my heart was ripped right out of my chest. I knew immediately what she was doing there, even though it took her a little while longer to figure it out. When she finally realized I was a teacher, the look in her eyes absolutely devastated me. She was hurt. Heartbroken. Just like me. One thing I know for sure, I never want to see that look in her eyes again. Kiersten stands up and takes her plate to the sink. “I have to go. Thanks for the bread, Will,” she says sarcastically. “It was delicious.” “I’m leaving, too. I’ll walk you home,” Kel says. He jumps out of his seat and follows her to the door. I look at Lake and she rolls her eyes. It bothers her that Kel has developed his first crush. Lake doesn’t like to think that we’re about to have to deal with teenage hormones. Caulder gets up from the table. “I’m gonna watch TV in my room,” he says. “See you later, Kel. Bye Kiersten.” They both tell him bye as they leave. “I really like that girl,” Eddie says after Kiersten leaves. “I hope Kel asks her to be his girlfriend. I hope they grow up and get married and have lots of weird babies. I hope she’s in our family forever.” “Shut up, Eddie,” Lake says. “He’s only ten. He’s too young for a girlfriend.” “Not really, he’ll be eleven in eight days,” Gavin says. “Eleven is the prime age for first girlfriends.” Lake takes an entire handful of her fries and throws them toward Gavin’s face. I just sigh. She’s impossible to control. “You’re cleaning up tonight,” I say to her. “You too,” I say to Eddie. “Gavin, let’s go watch some football like real men while the women do their job.” Gavin scoots his glass toward Eddie. “Refill this glass, woman. I’m watching some football.” While Eddie and Lake are cleaning the kitchen, I take the opportunity to ask Gavin for a favor. Lake and I haven’t had any alone time in weeks due to always having the boys. I really need alone time with her. “Do you think you and Eddie could take Kel and Caulder to a movie tomorrow night?” He doesn’t answer right away, which makes me feel guilty for even asking. Maybe they had plans already. “It depends,” he finally responds. “Do we have to take Kiersten, too?” I laugh. “That’s up to your girl. She’s her new best friend,” I say. Gavin rolls his eyes at the thought.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini akan baik-baik saja, tapi dia sudah mengatakan kepada seseorang untuk menelepon 911. Dalam beberapa menit, dua ambulans dan truk pemadam kebakaran muncul untuk sekolah. Salah satu anak laki-laki di meja depan mengatakan kepada Mrs. Brill mereka berpura-pura semuanya, sehingga Kel dipanggil ke kantor. " Lake membungkuk dan melotot Kel. "Tolong katakan ini adalah lelucon." Kel melihat ke arahnya dengan wajah polos di wajahnya. "Itu adalah lelucon. Aku benar-benar tidak berpikir orang akan memanggil 911. Sekarang saya harus menghabiskan semua minggu depan dalam tahanan. " " Kenapa tidak Mrs. Brill memanggil saya? "Lake meminta dia. " Aku cukup yakin dia lakukan, "dia mengatakan. "Anda tidak dapat menemukan telepon Anda, ingat?" "Ugh! Jika dia memanggil saya di untuk konferensi lain, Anda beralasan! " Saya melihat Caulder dan dia mencoba untuk menghindari pandanganku. "Caulder, bagaimana dengan Anda? Mengapa tidak Mrs. Brill mencoba untuk menelepon saya? " Dia berbalik ke arahku dan memberi saya senyum nakal. "Kel berbohong untuk saya. Dia bilang aku benar-benar berpikir dia tersedak dan bahwa aku sedang berusaha untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya, "kata dia. "Yang membawa saya ke manis saya untuk hari. Aku dihargai untuk perilaku heroik saya. Mrs. Brill memberi saya dua studi bebas aula melewati. " Hanya Caulder bisa menemukan cara untuk menghindari penahanan dan mendapatkan imbalan sebagai gantinya. "Kalian berdua harus memotong omong kosong yang keluar," Saya katakan kepada mereka. "Dan Gavin, ada lebih banyak cerita prank." "Ya, Mr. Cooper," kata Gavin sinis. "Tapi aku harus tahu," katanya, melihat anak-anak. "Apakah dia benar-benar berlenggak-lenggok?" "Ya," Kiersten tertawa. "Dia Waddler sebuah, baik-baik saja." Dia melihat Caulder. "Apa yang Anda mengisap, Caulder?" Caulder mendapatkan tampilan yang serius di wajahnya. "Sahabat saya hampir tersedak sampai mati hari ini. Dia bisa mati. " Kami semua tertawa. Sebanyak Danau dan saya mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang bertanggung jawab oleh mereka, kadang-kadang sulit untuk menarik garis antara menjadi penegak aturan dan menjadi saudara itu. Kami memilih pertempuran untuk memilih dengan anak laki-laki, dan Lake mengatakan penting bahwa kita tidak memilih sangat banyak. Aku melihat dia dan dia tertawa, jadi saya menganggap ini bukan salah satu dia ingin melawan malam ini. "Dapatkah saya menyelesaikan makanan saya sekarang?" Lake mengatakan, menunjuk ke piringnya yang masih di sisi lain dari saya, dari dia mencapai. Aku bergeser piring kembali di depannya. "Terima kasih, Mr. Cooper," katanya. Aku lututnya di bawah meja. Dia tahu aku benci kalau dia memanggil saya itu. Saya tidak tahu mengapa hal itu masih mengganggu saya begitu banyak. Mungkin karena ketika aku benar-benar adalah gurunya, itu mutlak penyiksaan. Koneksi kita berkembang begitu cepat sehingga malam pertama aku membawanya keluar. Saya tidak pernah bertemu siapa pun yang aku punya begitu menyenangkan hanya menjadi diriku sendiri dengan. Aku menghabiskan seluruh akhir pekan memikirkannya. Saat aku berjalan di sudut dan melihatnya berdiri di lorong di depan kelas saya, rasanya seperti hatiku merobek keluar dari dadaku. Aku langsung tahu apa yang dia lakukan di sana, meskipun itu membawanya sedikit waktu lagi untuk mencari tahu. Ketika dia akhirnya menyadari bahwa aku seorang guru, sorot matanya benar-benar hancur saya. Dia terluka. Patah hati. Sama seperti saya. Satu hal yang saya tahu pasti, aku tidak pernah ingin melihat tampilan di matanya lagi. Kiersten berdiri dan mengambil piring nya ke wastafel. "Aku harus pergi. Terima kasih untuk roti, Will, "katanya sinis. "Itu lezat." "Aku pergi, juga. Saya akan memandu Anda pulang, "kata Kel. Dia melompat dari kursinya dan mengikutinya ke pintu. Saya melihat Danau dan dia memutar matanya. Itu mengganggu bahwa Kel telah mengembangkan naksir pertamanya. Lake tidak suka berpikir bahwa kita akan harus berurusan dengan hormon remaja. Caulder bangkit dari meja. "Aku akan menonton TV di kamar saya," katanya. "Lihat nanti, Kel. Bye Kiersten. "Mereka berdua mengatakan kepadanya bye karena mereka meninggalkan. " Aku benar-benar seperti gadis itu, "Eddie mengatakan setelah Kiersten daun. "Saya berharap Kel meminta dia untuk menjadi pacarnya. Saya berharap mereka tumbuh dan menikah dan memiliki banyak bayi aneh. Saya berharap dia dalam keluarga kami selamanya. " " Diam, Eddie, "kata Lake. "Dia hanya sepuluh. Dia terlalu muda untuk pacar. " " Tidak juga, dia akan sebelas dalam delapan hari, "kata Gavin. "Sebelas adalah usia utama untuk pacar pertama." Lake mengambil seluruh segenggam kentang goreng dan melemparkan mereka ke arah wajah Gavin. Aku hanya menghela napas. Dia tidak mungkin untuk mengontrol. "Kau membersihkan malam ini," kataku padanya. "Kau juga," kataku pada Eddie. "Gavin, mari kita pergi menonton sepak bola seperti pria sejati sementara wanita melakukan pekerjaan mereka." Gavin scoots gelasnya ke arah Eddie. "Refill kaca ini, wanita. Saya menonton sepak bola. " Sementara Eddie dan Danau membersihkan dapur, saya mengambil kesempatan untuk meminta Gavin untuk bantuan. Danau dan saya tidak punya waktu sendirian di minggu karena selalu memiliki anak laki-laki. Aku benar-benar membutuhkan waktu sendirian dengan dia. "Apakah Anda pikir Anda dan Eddie bisa mengambil Kel dan Caulder untuk film besok malam?" Dia tidak menjawab langsung, yang membuat saya merasa bersalah untuk meminta. Mungkin mereka punya rencana sudah. ​​"Itu tergantung," ia akhirnya merespon. "Apakah kita harus mengambil Kiersten, juga?" Aku tertawa. "Itu terserah gadis Anda. Dia teman barunya terbaik, "kataku. Gavin memutar matanya di pikiran.




























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