ConclusionsBased on our assessment of the three MPA networks, we found terjemahan - ConclusionsBased on our assessment of the three MPA networks, we found Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ConclusionsBased on our assessment

Based on our assessment of the three MPA networks, we found that it was quite difficult to
analyse the contextual factors we selected in isolation, because all were interrelated. However,
we identified features that influenced participation and governance capacity from
which other networks within and outside the Philippines can learn. The governance context
explained the motivations and levels of interest of individuals and local governments when
participating in network initiatives, and the factors that contributed to governance capacity.
We found that higher levels of participation and governance capacity depended on less complicated
and less demanding network objectives, more inclusive and diverse membership of
representatives, more similar development objectives, and well-developed communication
from network to community levels.
Moreover, structural elements such as leadership, participatory measures, and incentive
systems, and process elements such as transparency and accountability, were very important
to participation and governance capacity. Good leadership and effective processes ensured
regular and timely reporting of progress and instilled a sense of responsibility, commitment,
and inclusiveness in the local governments. Leadership was seen through the presence and
commitment of people and/or organizations that were highly motivated to coordinate and
encourage other members in order to achieve network goals. Process elements that were
observed included steering mechanisms (i.e., rules in the memorandum of agreement and
management plans) that ensured participation of members. Incentive systems contributed
to motivations for members to perform their duties well. Providing MPA managers and local
governments with supplies and material incentives instead of monetary incentives helped
them to maintain their initiatives while preventing misuse of funds.
We believe that it is important to analyse governance context to diagnose potential problems
with governance prior to designing and facilitating the establishment and management
of MPA networks. Understanding how governance contexts constrain or improve success of
initiatives can guide the development of networks and determine their likely trajectories. We
recommend analyzing other governance factors, in addition to the ones considered here,
because contextual variables are interrelated and interdependent. Additional governance factors
such as culture and demographics should also be examined, because these factors also
influence management decisions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ConclusionsBased on our assessment of the three MPA networks, we found that it was quite difficult toanalyse the contextual factors we selected in isolation, because all were interrelated. However,we identified features that influenced participation and governance capacity fromwhich other networks within and outside the Philippines can learn. The governance contextexplained the motivations and levels of interest of individuals and local governments whenparticipating in network initiatives, and the factors that contributed to governance capacity.We found that higher levels of participation and governance capacity depended on less complicatedand less demanding network objectives, more inclusive and diverse membership ofrepresentatives, more similar development objectives, and well-developed communicationfrom network to community levels.Moreover, structural elements such as leadership, participatory measures, and incentivesystems, and process elements such as transparency and accountability, were very importantto participation and governance capacity. Good leadership and effective processes ensuredregular and timely reporting of progress and instilled a sense of responsibility, commitment,and inclusiveness in the local governments. Leadership was seen through the presence andcommitment of people and/or organizations that were highly motivated to coordinate andencourage other members in order to achieve network goals. Process elements that wereobserved included steering mechanisms (i.e., rules in the memorandum of agreement andmanagement plans) that ensured participation of members. Incentive systems contributedto motivations for members to perform their duties well. Providing MPA managers and localgovernments with supplies and material incentives instead of monetary incentives helpedthem to maintain their initiatives while preventing misuse of funds.We believe that it is important to analyse governance context to diagnose potential problemswith governance prior to designing and facilitating the establishment and managementof MPA networks. Understanding how governance contexts constrain or improve success ofinitiatives can guide the development of networks and determine their likely trajectories. Werecommend analyzing other governance factors, in addition to the ones considered here,because contextual variables are interrelated and interdependent. Additional governance factorssuch as culture and demographics should also be examined, because these factors alsoinfluence management decisions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berdasarkan penilaian kami dari tiga jaringan MPA, kami menemukan bahwa itu cukup sulit untuk
menganalisis faktor-faktor kontekstual kami memilih dalam isolasi, karena semua yang saling terkait. Namun,
kami mengidentifikasi fitur yang dipengaruhi partisipasi dan kapasitas pemerintahan dari
jaringan yang lain di dalam dan di luar Filipina bisa belajar. Konteks pemerintahan
menjelaskan motivasi dan tingkat kepentingan individu dan pemerintah daerah ketika
berpartisipasi dalam inisiatif jaringan, dan faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kapasitas pemerintahan.
Kami menemukan bahwa tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari partisipasi dan kapasitas pemerintahan bergantung pada kurang rumit
tujuan jaringan dan kurang menuntut, lebih inklusif dan keanggotaan beragam
perwakilan, tujuan pembangunan lebih mirip, dan berkembang dengan baik komunikasi
dari jaringan ke tingkat masyarakat.
Selain itu, elemen struktur seperti kepemimpinan, tindakan partisipatif, dan insentif
sistem, dan elemen proses seperti transparansi dan akuntabilitas, yang sangat penting
untuk partisipasi dan kapasitas pemerintahan. Kepemimpinan yang baik dan proses yang efektif memastikan
pelaporan rutin dan tepat waktu dari kemajuan dan menanamkan rasa tanggung jawab, komitmen,
dan inklusivitas dalam pemerintah daerah. Kepemimpinan terlihat melalui kehadiran dan
komitmen orang dan / atau organisasi yang sangat termotivasi untuk mengkoordinasikan dan
mendorong anggota lainnya dalam rangka mencapai tujuan jaringan. Elemen proses yang
diamati meliputi mekanisme kemudi (yaitu, aturan dalam nota kesepakatan dan
rencana pengelolaan) yang menjamin partisipasi anggota. Sistem insentif berkontribusi
untuk motivasi bagi anggota untuk melakukan tugas mereka dengan baik. Menyediakan manajer MPA dan lokal
pemerintah dengan persediaan dan insentif material bukan insentif moneter membantu
mereka untuk mempertahankan inisiatif mereka sementara mencegah penyalahgunaan dana.
Kami percaya bahwa penting untuk menganalisis konteks pemerintahan untuk mendiagnosa potensi masalah
dengan pemerintahan sebelum merancang dan memfasilitasi pembentukan dan manajemen
jaringan MPA. Memahami bagaimana konteks pemerintahan membatasi atau meningkatkan keberhasilan
inisiatif dapat memandu pengembangan jaringan dan menentukan lintasan kemungkinan mereka. Kami
sarankan menganalisis faktor tata kelola lainnya, selain yang dipertimbangkan di sini,
karena variabel kontekstual saling terkait dan saling tergantung. Faktor tata kelola tambahan
seperti budaya dan demografi juga harus diperiksa, karena faktor-faktor ini juga
mempengaruhi keputusan manajemen.
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Bahasa lainnya
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