At that moment, everyone was thinking where Wuqing came from, as he ac terjemahan - At that moment, everyone was thinking where Wuqing came from, as he ac Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At that moment, everyone was thinki

At that moment, everyone was thinking where Wuqing came from, as he actually did not even put the Flash Gold Temple in his eyes. After all, the temple, in their perspective, was an existence that could not be desecrated. It was the king of many powers in that region.

“What a savage brat. I don’t know what school nor sect you come from, but since you dare to attack Monk Huang Jin’s disciples, it is equal to attacking my, Sect Head Ouyang’s, disciples! Today, I will bring you to justice!”

Just at that moment, Sect Head Ouyang suddenly yelled, then leapt up, and like a dragon streaking through the air, he flew over.

He attacked, because he had no choice. After all, Dao Yuan and Dao Cheng came here for the Painting Sect’s sake. At present, Dao Cheng was killed, and even killed right before his very own eyes. If he did not do something now, then he would not be able to give Monk Huang Jin an explanation. So, he had to attack.

Whenever a rank one Martial Lord attacked, the colours of the weather would change and the earth would tremble. The Martial power Martial Lords had was really too strong. It was a divide between realms, a realm that cultivators dreamt of reaching. Not only did one’s power surge greatly after entering that realm, their lives could be prolonged.

So, Sect Head Ouyang’s attack made everyone beneath the stage scutter about in fear, deeply afraid they’d be affected by his attacks and die.

In reality, before Sect Head Ouyang attacked, he had already enveloped the entire fighting stage with his might. He wanted to seal off Chu Feng’s path to prevent him from escaping.

However, as he felt the pressure surrounding him formlessly attacking, Chu Feng did not move in the slightest, nor was he affected by anything in the slightest. To him, such pressure was akin to air. It did not even present an iota of threat to him.

“How can this be? This brat can actually resist my pressure?” Seeing that, Sect Head Ouyang tightly furrowed his brows and further confirmed that Chu Feng was not a simple person. He did not dare to be careless, so with a flash of light in his palm, a great blade—an Elite Armament—appeared within his hand.

*whoosh* With the Elite Armament in hand, he seemed as if he could rule the world. When it slashed down suddenly, a blinding half-moon blade of light appeared.

The blade of light seemed as though it could slice through anything. Even a deep black gap was slashed open in the air, and even the sky and earth turned dim. At that instant, what lit up that earth was no longer the sun, but the half-moon blade of light from the Elite Armament.

“Break!” However, as the blade of light came down, Chu Feng explosively shouted. That yell alone actually shattered the blade of light into pieces, dispersed the dark clouds above his head, and drove away all the enveloping dust that rose into the air from Sect Head Ouyang’s might.

But that was not all. Seeing the Elite Armament quickly chopping downwards, Chu Feng still did not dodge. Only when it was about to touch him did he suddenly extend his hand and actually caught the blade that could slice open space.

“You…” At that instant, Sect Head Ouyang was dumbfounded. His old face turned deathly-white from fear because he discovered in astonishment that it was as if his Mastered Elite Armament was stuck in Chu Feng’s hand. Not only was it unable to injure Chu Feng, he could not even move it a tiny bit.

But the thing that made him most shocked came afterwards. With a light smile on his face, Chu Feng put a slight bit of force into his hand, and pinched. Just like that, with a snapping sound, his Mastered Elite Armament had turned into fragments.

“How is this possible? You are only a rank one Martial Lord, how can you have this power?!” At that instant, Sect Head Ouyang finally felt Chu Feng’s aura. He determined that Chu Feng was no more than a rank one Martial Lord, yet how could someone like him have such strength? He actually shattered the Elite Armament he us
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At that moment, everyone was thinking where Wuqing came from, as he actually did not even put the Flash Gold Temple in his eyes. After all, the temple, in their perspective, was an existence that could not be desecrated. It was the king of many powers in that region.“What a savage brat. I don’t know what school nor sect you come from, but since you dare to attack Monk Huang Jin’s disciples, it is equal to attacking my, Sect Head Ouyang’s, disciples! Today, I will bring you to justice!”Just at that moment, Sect Head Ouyang suddenly yelled, then leapt up, and like a dragon streaking through the air, he flew over.He attacked, because he had no choice. After all, Dao Yuan and Dao Cheng came here for the Painting Sect’s sake. At present, Dao Cheng was killed, and even killed right before his very own eyes. If he did not do something now, then he would not be able to give Monk Huang Jin an explanation. So, he had to attack.Whenever a rank one Martial Lord attacked, the colours of the weather would change and the earth would tremble. The Martial power Martial Lords had was really too strong. It was a divide between realms, a realm that cultivators dreamt of reaching. Not only did one’s power surge greatly after entering that realm, their lives could be prolonged.So, Sect Head Ouyang’s attack made everyone beneath the stage scutter about in fear, deeply afraid they’d be affected by his attacks and die.In reality, before Sect Head Ouyang attacked, he had already enveloped the entire fighting stage with his might. He wanted to seal off Chu Feng’s path to prevent him from escaping.However, as he felt the pressure surrounding him formlessly attacking, Chu Feng did not move in the slightest, nor was he affected by anything in the slightest. To him, such pressure was akin to air. It did not even present an iota of threat to him.“How can this be? This brat can actually resist my pressure?” Seeing that, Sect Head Ouyang tightly furrowed his brows and further confirmed that Chu Feng was not a simple person. He did not dare to be careless, so with a flash of light in his palm, a great blade—an Elite Armament—appeared within his hand.*whoosh* With the Elite Armament in hand, he seemed as if he could rule the world. When it slashed down suddenly, a blinding half-moon blade of light appeared.The blade of light seemed as though it could slice through anything. Even a deep black gap was slashed open in the air, and even the sky and earth turned dim. At that instant, what lit up that earth was no longer the sun, but the half-moon blade of light from the Elite Armament.“Break!” However, as the blade of light came down, Chu Feng explosively shouted. That yell alone actually shattered the blade of light into pieces, dispersed the dark clouds above his head, and drove away all the enveloping dust that rose into the air from Sect Head Ouyang’s might.
But that was not all. Seeing the Elite Armament quickly chopping downwards, Chu Feng still did not dodge. Only when it was about to touch him did he suddenly extend his hand and actually caught the blade that could slice open space.

“You…” At that instant, Sect Head Ouyang was dumbfounded. His old face turned deathly-white from fear because he discovered in astonishment that it was as if his Mastered Elite Armament was stuck in Chu Feng’s hand. Not only was it unable to injure Chu Feng, he could not even move it a tiny bit.

But the thing that made him most shocked came afterwards. With a light smile on his face, Chu Feng put a slight bit of force into his hand, and pinched. Just like that, with a snapping sound, his Mastered Elite Armament had turned into fragments.

“How is this possible? You are only a rank one Martial Lord, how can you have this power?!” At that instant, Sect Head Ouyang finally felt Chu Feng’s aura. He determined that Chu Feng was no more than a rank one Martial Lord, yet how could someone like him have such strength? He actually shattered the Elite Armament he us
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada saat itu, semua orang berpikir di mana Wuqing berasal, karena dia benar-benar bahkan tidak menempatkan Temple flash Emas di matanya. Setelah semua, candi, dalam perspektif mereka, adalah eksistensi yang tidak bisa dinodai. Itu raja banyak kekuatan di wilayah itu. "Apa brat buas. Aku tidak tahu apa yang sekolah atau sekte Anda datang dari, tapi karena Anda berani untuk menyerang murid Monk Huang Jin, itu sama dengan menyerang saya, Sekte Kepala Ouyang ini, murid-murid! Hari ini, saya akan membawa Anda ke pengadilan! " Tepat pada saat itu, sekte Kepala Ouyang tiba-tiba berteriak, kemudian melompat, dan seperti naga melesat di udara, dia terbang di atas. Dia menyerang, karena dia tidak punya pilihan. Setelah semua, Dao Yuan dan Dao Cheng datang ke sini demi Lukisan Sekte ini. Saat ini, Dao Cheng tewas, dan bahkan dibunuh tepat di depan matanya sendiri. Jika dia tidak melakukan sesuatu sekarang, maka dia tidak akan mampu memberikan Monk Huang Jin penjelasan. Jadi, dia harus menyerang. Setiap kali peringkat satu Tuhan Martial menyerang, warna cuaca akan berubah dan bumi akan gemetar. Kekuatan Martial Martial Lords telah benar-benar terlalu kuat. Itu membagi antara alam, alam yang kultivator bermimpi mencapai. Tidak hanya satu lonjakan listrik sangat setelah memasuki wilayah itu, kehidupan mereka bisa diperpanjang. Jadi, serangan Sekte Kepala Ouyang ini membuat semua orang di bawah scutter tahap tentang ketakutan, sangat takut mereka akan terpengaruh oleh serangan dan mati. Pada kenyataannya, sebelum Sekte Kepala Ouyang diserang, ia sudah menyelimuti seluruh tahap pertempuran dengan kekuatannya. Dia ingin menutup jalan Chu Feng untuk mencegah dia dari melarikan diri. Namun, karena ia merasa tekanan di sekitarnya formlessly menyerang, Chu Feng tidak bergerak sedikit pun, juga tidak terpengaruh oleh apa pun sedikit pun. Baginya, tekanan seperti itu mirip dengan udara. Ini bahkan tidak hadir sedikitpun ancaman baginya. "Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? Anak nakal ini benar-benar dapat menahan tekanan saya? "Melihat itu, Sekte Kepala Ouyang erat mengerutkan alisnya dan semakin menegaskan bahwa Chu Feng bukan orang yang sederhana. Dia tidak berani gegabah, sehingga dengan kilatan cahaya di telapak tangannya, besar pisau-an Elite Persenjataan-muncul dalam tangannya. * Wusss * Dengan Elite Persenjataan di tangan, ia tampak seolah-olah ia bisa menguasai dunia . Ketika memangkas bawah tiba-tiba, pisau setengah bulan menyilaukan cahaya muncul. Pisau cahaya tampak seolah-olah itu bisa mengiris melalui apa-apa. Bahkan celah hitam pekat digorok terbuka di udara, dan bahkan langit dan bumi berubah redup. Saat itu, apa yang menyala bumi yang tidak lagi matahari, tapi pisau setengah bulan cahaya dari Elite Persenjataan. "Break!" Namun, sebagai pisau cahaya turun, Chu Feng eksplosif berteriak. Yang berteriak sendiri sebenarnya hancur pisau cahaya menjadi potongan-potongan, tersebar awan gelap di atas kepalanya, dan mengusir semua debu menyelimuti yang naik ke udara dari kekuatan Sekte Kepala Ouyang ini. Tapi itu tidak semua. Melihat Elite Persenjataan cepat memotong ke bawah, Chu Feng masih tidak menghindar. Hanya ketika hendak menyentuhnya dia tiba-tiba mengulurkan tangan-Nya dan benar-benar menangkap pisau yang bisa mengiris ruang terbuka. "Kamu ..." Pada saat itu, sekte Kepala Ouyang tercengang. Wajah tuanya ternyata mayat-putih dari rasa takut karena ia menemukan heran bahwa itu seolah-olah itu Dikuasai Elite Persenjataan terjebak di tangan Chu Feng. Tidak hanya itu dapat melukai Chu Feng, ia bahkan tidak bisa bergerak sedikit kecil. Tapi satu hal yang membuatnya paling terkejut datang setelah itu. Dengan senyum cahaya di wajahnya, Chu Feng menempatkan sedikit sedikit gaya ke tangannya, dan mencubit. Sama seperti itu, dengan suara gertakan, itu Dikuasai Elite Persenjataan telah berubah menjadi fragmen. "Bagaimana mungkin? Anda hanya peringkat satu Tuhan bela diri, bagaimana Anda dapat memiliki kekuatan ini ?! "Pada saat itu, sekte Kepala Ouyang akhirnya merasa aura Chu Feng. Dia bertekad bahwa Chu Feng tidak lebih dari peringkat satu Tuhan bela diri, namun bagaimana bisa seseorang seperti dia memiliki kekuatan seperti itu? Dia benar-benar menghancurkan Elite Persenjataan dia kami

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