I look up, 115 lev­els of knight shaft em­peror drag­ons lead one grou terjemahan - I look up, 115 lev­els of knight shaft em­peror drag­ons lead one grou Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I look up, 115 lev­els of knight sh

I look up, 115 lev­els of knight shaft em­peror drag­ons lead one group of peo­ple to well, leap the where­abouts from 8 in abun­dance on 9, here mon­ster by our [Zhan Long] clean­ing up sim­i­larly, there­fore they do not have what to be good to have scru­ples, but, the corpse of BOSS dark green val­ley be­fore my foot, this group of peo­ple should see, but also comes 9 to do, can pro­voke in­ten­tion­ally?
The shaft em­peror dragon raises long hal­berd to progress to go for­ward, the cor­ners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: „Heard that Ba Huang City has such an epic poem level map of Pangu deep pool, has not thought we ar­rive by [Zhan Long] BOSS killing, is re­ally un­for­tu­nately”
I stand up from fail­ure to start, draw out the Longchi sword front sur­face to go for­ward, said: „Yes, too un­for­tu­nately, oth­er­wise can also per­form one be­cause of snatch­ing BOSS, but PK dog blood plot.”
The shaft blood vice- guild­mas­ter shaft black dragon is rais­ing a han­dle pan- the in­digo blue gloss long sword, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, this time we, since came, to not come one not dead with [Zhan Long] the con­tin­u­ous fight, you have mas­sa­cred BOSS, since this, gives us this lo­ca­tion, we are pick the med­i­cine.”
„Picks the med­i­cine?” Lin Wan Er slightly one as­ton­ished, the vi­sion swept to all around, this dis­cov­ered that around on 9 main hall dikes grew thickly many herbal med­i­cines, many 10 lev­els of demon god grass, there­fore, a young beau­ti­ful woman face was joy­ful: „Pig head, we can pick the med­i­cine to walk again”
The mus­cle on my face twitches, pri­vate chat­ted said: „Oth­ers just said that must pick the med­i­cine, you said that must pick the med­i­cine to walk again, this is com­pelling me ob­vi­ously with them to doing”
How­ever, al­though said that lifted the hand also to pull out the town month sword, the dou­ble sword raised, says with a smile: „Sorry, we come to the Pangu deep pool to plan that the good pack­age to be round, here mon­ster was our [Zhan Long] broth­ers cleans up com­pletely, to kill to 9, our peo­ple have not hung lit­tle level, these losses hope that you can un­der­stand, the friend of shaft blood, gave us a [Zhan Long] face, gave our Ba Huang City per­son this Pangu deep pool, I think that nine Licheng did not cer­tainly lack like this high-qual­ity map.”
A shaft black dragon face is angry: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you es­pe­cially what mean­ing? So was greedy, kills BOSS also to want the herbal med­i­cine? What our shaft blood did you re­gard?”
Li Mu rapidly has also drawn out long sword, said lightly: „[Zhan Long], the at­tack lineup, pre­pares to make war!”
Ran Min, one sec­ond of hero and Song Han et al. in abun­dance the start array at dag­gers drawn, the front com­pletely was Li Mu, Wang Jian, white, the month mon­ster face and stars blade edge these in the Ba Huang City well-known player, by the strength, we sent out 30% line­ups to be able ap­prox­i­mately this less than hun­dred peo­ple of crush op­po­site party.
The shaft em­peror dragon raised long hal­berd, in the eye was pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly spunk, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai guild­mas­ter, if I have not re­mem­bered in­cor­rectly, the [Zhan Long] maxim is one ‚fights for the weak one’, now you such using strength to bully the weak, you did not think un­ex­pect­edly this did sat­i­rize very much?”
I have smiled, „clang” a town month sword pricks in the front flag­stone, said lightly: „Fights for the weak one, what weak one, the shaft blood takes ad­van­tage of the strength to be weak wants to cap­ture our [Zhan Long] spoils of war force­fully, so the weak one of the provoca­tive pow­er­house, killed, you think that I was very stodgy, did fight for the weak one can make me obey? The shaft em­peror dragon, you also this were on this sub­ject more tact­ful, [Zhan Long] is one for the trade union that the weak one fights, first we can­not be bul­lied by any­body! Come, you plant, crosses my this sword,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I look up, 115 lev­els of knight shaft em­peror drag­ons lead one group of peo­ple to well, leap the where­abouts from 8 in abun­dance on 9, here mon­ster by our [Zhan Long] clean­ing up sim­i­larly, there­fore they do not have what to be good to have scru­ples, but, the corpse of BOSS dark green val­ley be­fore my foot, this group of peo­ple should see, but also comes 9 to do, can pro­voke in­ten­tion­ally?The shaft em­peror dragon raises long hal­berd to progress to go for­ward, the cor­ners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: „Heard that Ba Huang City has such an epic poem level map of Pangu deep pool, has not thought we ar­rive by [Zhan Long] BOSS killing, is re­ally un­for­tu­nately”I stand up from fail­ure to start, draw out the Longchi sword front sur­face to go for­ward, said: „Yes, too un­for­tu­nately, oth­er­wise can also per­form one be­cause of snatch­ing BOSS, but PK dog blood plot.”The shaft blood vice- guild­mas­ter shaft black dragon is rais­ing a han­dle pan- the in­digo blue gloss long sword, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, this time we, since came, to not come one not dead with [Zhan Long] the con­tin­u­ous fight, you have mas­sa­cred BOSS, since this, gives us this lo­ca­tion, we are pick the med­i­cine.”„Picks the med­i­cine?” Lin Wan Er slightly one as­ton­ished, the vi­sion swept to all around, this dis­cov­ered that around on 9 main hall dikes grew thickly many herbal med­i­cines, many 10 lev­els of demon god grass, there­fore, a young beau­ti­ful woman face was joy­ful: „Pig head, we can pick the med­i­cine to walk again”The mus­cle on my face twitches, pri­vate chat­ted said: „Oth­ers just said that must pick the med­i­cine, you said that must pick the med­i­cine to walk again, this is com­pelling me ob­vi­ously with them to doing”
How­ever, al­though said that lifted the hand also to pull out the town month sword, the dou­ble sword raised, says with a smile: „Sorry, we come to the Pangu deep pool to plan that the good pack­age to be round, here mon­ster was our [Zhan Long] broth­ers cleans up com­pletely, to kill to 9, our peo­ple have not hung lit­tle level, these losses hope that you can un­der­stand, the friend of shaft blood, gave us a [Zhan Long] face, gave our Ba Huang City per­son this Pangu deep pool, I think that nine Licheng did not cer­tainly lack like this high-qual­ity map.”
A shaft black dragon face is angry: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you es­pe­cially what mean­ing? So was greedy, kills BOSS also to want the herbal med­i­cine? What our shaft blood did you re­gard?”
Li Mu rapidly has also drawn out long sword, said lightly: „[Zhan Long], the at­tack lineup, pre­pares to make war!”
Ran Min, one sec­ond of hero and Song Han et al. in abun­dance the start array at dag­gers drawn, the front com­pletely was Li Mu, Wang Jian, white, the month mon­ster face and stars blade edge these in the Ba Huang City well-known player, by the strength, we sent out 30% line­ups to be able ap­prox­i­mately this less than hun­dred peo­ple of crush op­po­site party.
The shaft em­peror dragon raised long hal­berd, in the eye was pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly spunk, said: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai guild­mas­ter, if I have not re­mem­bered in­cor­rectly, the [Zhan Long] maxim is one ‚fights for the weak one’, now you such using strength to bully the weak, you did not think un­ex­pect­edly this did sat­i­rize very much?”
I have smiled, „clang” a town month sword pricks in the front flag­stone, said lightly: „Fights for the weak one, what weak one, the shaft blood takes ad­van­tage of the strength to be weak wants to cap­ture our [Zhan Long] spoils of war force­fully, so the weak one of the provoca­tive pow­er­house, killed, you think that I was very stodgy, did fight for the weak one can make me obey? The shaft em­peror dragon, you also this were on this sub­ject more tact­ful, [Zhan Long] is one for the trade union that the weak one fights, first we can­not be bul­lied by any­body! Come, you plant, crosses my this sword,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku mendongak, 115 tingkat ksatria poros naga kaisar memimpin satu kelompok orang untuk dengan baik, melompat keberadaan dari 8 di kelimpahan di 9, di sini rakasa dengan kami [Zhan Panjang] membersihkan sama, karena itu mereka tidak memiliki apa yang menjadi baik untuk memiliki keberatan, tapi, mayat BOSS lembah hijau gelap sebelum kaki saya, kelompok orang harus melihat, tetapi juga datang 9 untuk dilakukan, dapat memprovokasi sengaja?
poros kaisar naga menimbulkan tombak panjang untuk kemajuan untuk maju, sudut-sudut dari kenaikan mulut, mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Mendengar bahwa Ba Huang City telah seperti peta tingkat puisi epik Pangu kolam yang dalam, tidak pikir kami tiba dengan [Zhan panjang] BOSS pembunuhan, adalah benar-benar sayang"
aku berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, menarik keluar permukaan Longchi pedang depan untuk maju, mengatakan: "Ya, terlalu sayang, jika tidak bisa juga melakukan salah satu karena menyambar BOSS, tapi alur ceritanya darah anjing PK."
poros darah wakil Guildmaster poros naga hitam adalah meningkatkan a menangani pan indigo biru gloss pedang panjang, mengatakan: "Xiao Yao Zi Zai, kali ini kami, sejak datang, tidak datang satu tidak mati dengan [Zhan panjang] perjuangan terus menerus, Anda telah dibantai BOSS, karena ini, memberikan kami lokasi ini, kami memilih obat. "
" Pilihan obat? "Lin Wan Er sedikit satu heran, visi menyapu ke seluruh, ini menemukan bahwa sekitar pada 9 tanggul aula utama tumbuh tebal banyak obat-obatan herbal, banyak 10 tingkat Tuhan rumput setan, oleh karena itu, muda yang cantik wanita wajah adalah menyenangkan: "kepala Babi, kita dapat memilih obat untuk berjalan lagi"
otot di berkedut wajah saya, pribadi bercakap-cakap mengatakan: "yang lain hanya mengatakan bahwa harus memilih obat, Anda mengatakan yang harus memilih obat untuk berjalan lagi, ini menarik saya jelas dengan mereka untuk melakukan "
Namun, meskipun mengatakan bahwa mengangkat tangan juga untuk menarik keluar pedang kota bulan, pedang ganda mengangkat, sambil tersenyum:" Maaf, kami datang ke Pangu kolam yang dalam untuk merencanakan bahwa paket baik untuk menjadi bulat, di sini rakasa itu kami [Zhan panjang] saudara membersihkan sepenuhnya, untuk membunuh 9, orang-orang kami belum menutup sedikit tingkat, kerugian ini berharap bahwa Anda dapat memahami, teman darah poros, memberi kami [Zhan panjang] wajah, memberi kami Ba Huang Kota orang Pangu kolam yang dalam ini, saya berpikir bahwa sembilan Licheng tidak pasti kekurangan seperti berkualitas tinggi peta ini. "
wajah poros naga hitam marah : "Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Anda terutama apa artinya? Jadi serakah, membunuh BOSS juga ingin obat herbal? Apa darah poros kami kau menganggap "
Li Mu cepat juga menghunus pedang panjang, kata ringan:"! [Zhan Panjang], serangan lineup, bersiap untuk berperang "
Ran Min, satu detik pahlawan dan Song Han et al . dalam kelimpahan awal array yang di belati ditarik, depan benar-benar adalah Li Mu, Wang Jian, putih, bulan rakasa wajah dan bintang pisau tepi ini di Ba Huang Kota pemain terkenal, oleh kekuatan, kami mengirimkan 30% Formasi untuk dapat sekitar ini kurang dari seratus orang dari naksir pihak lawan.
poros kaisar naga mengangkat tombak panjang, di mata itu melewati lembut dan cepat keberanian, mengatakan: "Xiao Yao Zi Zai Guildmaster, jika saya belum ingat salah, [Zhan panjang] maxim adalah salah satu, berjuang untuk satu lemah ', sekarang Anda seperti menggunakan kekuatan untuk menggertak yang lemah, Anda tidak berpikir tiba-tiba ini tidak menyindir sangat banyak? "
aku tersenyum," dentang "sebuah kota bulan menusuk pedang di batu ubin depan, kata ringan: "Perkelahian untuk satu lemah, apa yang lemah, darah poros mengambil keuntungan dari kekuatan lemah ingin menangkap kami [Zhan panjang] rampasan perang paksa, sehingga lemah salah pembangkit tenaga listrik provokatif, membunuh, Anda berpikir bahwa saya sangat kolot, tidak berjuang untuk satu lemah dapat membuat saya taat? Poros Kaisar Naga, Anda juga ini adalah tentang hal ini lebih bijaksana, [Zhan Panjang] adalah salah satu untuk serikat pekerja yang lemah satu perkelahian, pertama kita tidak bisa diganggu oleh siapa pun! Ayo, Anda tanaman, melintasi pedang ini saya,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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