Yorozuo long raises the left arm to de­fend with the shield, the drago terjemahan - Yorozuo long raises the left arm to de­fend with the shield, the drago Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yorozuo long raises the left arm to

Yorozuo long raises the left arm to de­fend with the shield, the dragon rest that but sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai spouts is the in­cor­rupt­ible at­tribute, di­rectly freezes in the Yorozuo long arm and shield to­gether, icy cold awls are hang­ing in the shield tri­an­gle skirt-width place, looks like very scary, so long as if were hit hard, this Yorozuo's long left arm must re­im­burse.
„Clang clang clang!”
One group of Xia Huo­jun guard camp draws out the pointed weapons, Frey shouts to clear the way loudly: „Stand­ing by!”
May also at this mo­ment, sud­denly giant shad­ows pass over gen­tly and swiftly from their top of the heads, Frey can­not bear the whole body trem­ble, looks up, im­me­di­ately the pupil re­ceives sud­denly, he saw a leader big dragon, de­stroyed their big drag­ons suf­fi­ciently, the throat has twitched slowly, Frey mut­tered: „This?”
Does not wait for him to re­spond that dragon rests emit in the crowd of guard camp, in­cor­rupt­ible, the wind blade edge, flame and talus cone wreak havoc, the at­tribute of group dragon is var­i­ous, the guard camp that also Gen­vre is proud is hor­ri­ble to look, in an in­stant must mas­sacre sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple, but re­main­ing peo­ple as be­fore well-trained is lift­ing the shield com­po­si­tion line of de­fense, just in Frost and in front of nu­mer­ous dragon knights, this de­fense sim­ply is the float­ing clouds.
Frost year to year guards cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, with the dif­fer­ent demon and dif­fer­ent demon of army so­cial­iz­ing per­fec­tion king level, the peo­ple in seven big king­doms knows the Frost de­fense ca­pa­bil­ity first under heaven, but ac­tu­ally no­body knows that the Frost at­tack ca­pa­bil­ity is also the first under heaven!
„Low-al­ti­tude fly­ing, to!”
Frost is­sues an order, blue radish and other dragon knights flushed in abun­dance, big dragon emit­ting Long Xi, the knight will wave Long Qiang, Long Jian and oth­ers to fight the air es­cape to fall on, I have not been idling, will fly to­gether, will ride the wind to cut to change into golden sword air es­capes to fall in the crowd, a hand, Longteng nine days and thun­der­ous nine days will rum­ble to­gether in the crowd, im­me­di­ately have brought the pur­ga­tory pic­ture, col­lected my this strik­ing power of over­lord cov­er­all can be imag­ined, these high-level NPC will un­able to re­sist, the ca­su­alty will be se­ri­ous!
Frey roars, grasped the lance to leave the warhorse to clash, the four-star god the strength will be able be un­der­es­ti­mated, the lance shook to con­dense to be mad the glow bang to­gether in an ab­domen of red dragon flour, im­me­di­ately red dragon flour whinned, the ab­domen was in­jured to crash, but should not be fatal, slightly ther­apy to be all right.
Frey's fly­ing speed is very fast, the body gath­ers the strength in the air­borne anx­ious spin, a lance brushes sud­denly on a Bron­tosaurus's back, that dragon knight „sob­bing” mis­er­able snort, spits blood to bend down in the dragon car­ries on the back, was in­jured.
Frost had been en­raged by Frey thor­oughly, the foot pedal is void, „” sonic-elec­tron­ics shoots to go, both hands hold up the sword, the sweet and del­i­cate voice shout to clear the way: „Frey, Na Minglai!”
Frey eyes glimpse Frost, re­sponded rad­i­cally with­out enough time that the hur­ried­ness the lance hor­i­zon­tally in the front, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Frost, you have to plant the high­est heaven city, keeps to the fa­ther the life!”
What a pity, Frey sim­ply has not thought of strength dis­parately big.
Mumps after the su­per­nat­ural power col­lides, Frey's lance ac­cord­ingly cut Hua Jian di­vides into two, Frost in air­borne sharply stops, the snow white lon­g­leg treads is fight­ing the boots is a time fast kicks, is a light sound, the solemn four star gods Frey the mouth will have spat the blood to fall to leave, lawn on an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion tum­bl
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yorozuo long raises the left arm to de­fend with the shield, the dragon rest that but sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai spouts is the in­cor­rupt­ible at­tribute, di­rectly freezes in the Yorozuo long arm and shield to­gether, icy cold awls are hang­ing in the shield tri­an­gle skirt-width place, looks like very scary, so long as if were hit hard, this Yorozuo's long left arm must re­im­burse.„Clang clang clang!”One group of Xia Huo­jun guard camp draws out the pointed weapons, Frey shouts to clear the way loudly: „Stand­ing by!”May also at this mo­ment, sud­denly giant shad­ows pass over gen­tly and swiftly from their top of the heads, Frey can­not bear the whole body trem­ble, looks up, im­me­di­ately the pupil re­ceives sud­denly, he saw a leader big dragon, de­stroyed their big drag­ons suf­fi­ciently, the throat has twitched slowly, Frey mut­tered: „This?”Does not wait for him to re­spond that dragon rests emit in the crowd of guard camp, in­cor­rupt­ible, the wind blade edge, flame and talus cone wreak havoc, the at­tribute of group dragon is var­i­ous, the guard camp that also Gen­vre is proud is hor­ri­ble to look, in an in­stant must mas­sacre sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple, but re­main­ing peo­ple as be­fore well-trained is lift­ing the shield com­po­si­tion line of de­fense, just in Frost and in front of nu­mer­ous dragon knights, this de­fense sim­ply is the float­ing clouds.Frost year to year guards cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, with the dif­fer­ent demon and dif­fer­ent demon of army so­cial­iz­ing per­fec­tion king level, the peo­ple in seven big king­doms knows the Frost de­fense ca­pa­bil­ity first under heaven, but ac­tu­ally no­body knows that the Frost at­tack ca­pa­bil­ity is also the first under heaven!„Low-al­ti­tude fly­ing, to!”Frost is­sues an order, blue radish and other dragon knights flushed in abun­dance, big dragon emit­ting Long Xi, the knight will wave Long Qiang, Long Jian and oth­ers to fight the air es­cape to fall on, I have not been idling, will fly to­gether, will ride the wind to cut to change into golden sword air es­capes to fall in the crowd, a hand, Longteng nine days and thun­der­ous nine days will rum­ble to­gether in the crowd, im­me­di­ately have brought the pur­ga­tory pic­ture, col­lected my this strik­ing power of over­lord cov­er­all can be imag­ined, these high-level NPC will un­able to re­sist, the ca­su­alty will be se­ri­ous!„Damn!”Frey roars, grasped the lance to leave the warhorse to clash, the four-star god the strength will be able be un­der­es­ti­mated, the lance shook to con­dense to be mad the glow bang to­gether in an ab­domen of red dragon flour, im­me­di­ately red dragon flour whinned, the ab­domen was in­jured to crash, but should not be fatal, slightly ther­apy to be all right.Frey's fly­ing speed is very fast, the body gath­ers the strength in the air­borne anx­ious spin, a lance brushes sud­denly on a Bron­tosaurus's back, that dragon knight „sob­bing” mis­er­able snort, spits blood to bend down in the dragon car­ries on the back, was in­jured.Frost had been en­raged by Frey thor­oughly, the foot pedal is void, „” sonic-elec­tron­ics shoots to go, both hands hold up the sword, the sweet and del­i­cate voice shout to clear the way: „Frey, Na Minglai!”„Um?”Frey eyes glimpse Frost, re­sponded rad­i­cally with­out enough time that the hur­ried­ness the lance hor­i­zon­tally in the front, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Frost, you have to plant the high­est heaven city, keeps to the fa­ther the life!”What a pity, Frey sim­ply has not thought of strength dis­parately big.„Bang!”Mumps after the su­per­nat­ural power col­lides, Frey's lance ac­cord­ingly cut Hua Jian di­vides into two, Frost in air­borne sharply stops, the snow white lon­g­leg treads is fight­ing the boots is a time fast kicks, is a light sound, the solemn four star gods Frey the mouth will have spat the blood to fall to leave, lawn on an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion tum­bl
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Yorozuo panjang menimbulkan lengan kiri untuk membela dengan perisai, naga beristirahat itu tapi naga perak kecil Bai menyembur-nyemburkan adalah atribut yang tidak fana, langsung membeku di lengan panjang Yorozuo dan melindungi bersama-sama, es awls dingin tergantung di perisai segitiga rok lebar tempat, tampak seperti sangat menakutkan, asalkan jika terpukul keras, lengan kiri panjang ini Yorozuo harus mengganti.
"dentang dentang dentang!"
satu kelompok penjaga kamp Xia Huojun menarik keluar senjata runcing, Frey berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "Berdiri!"
Mungkin juga saat ini, bayangan tiba-tiba raksasa melewati lembut dan cepat dari mereka atas kepala, Frey tidak tahan gemetar seluruh tubuh, mendongak, segera murid menerima tiba-tiba, ia melihat seorang pemimpin naga besar, menghancurkan naga besar mereka cukup, tenggorokan telah mengejang perlahan, Frey bergumam: "? ini"
Apakah tidak menunggu dia untuk menanggapi bahwa naga bersandar memancarkan di kerumunan kamp penjaga, yang tidak fana, tepi pisau angin, api dan talus kerucut melampiaskan malapetaka , atribut naga kelompok adalah berbagai, kamp penjaga yang juga Genvre bangga mengerikan untuk melihat, dalam sekejap harus pembantaian beberapa ratus orang, tetapi yang tersisa orang seperti sebelumnya terlatih adalah mengangkat garis komposisi perisai pertahanan, hanya di Frost dan di depan banyak ksatria naga, pertahanan ini hanya adalah awan mengambang.
Frost tahun ke penjaga tahun dingin tanah yang tidak digarap dragon den, dengan setan yang berbeda dan iblis yang berbeda dari tentara bersosialisasi tingkat kesempurnaan raja, orang-orang di tujuh kerajaan besar yang tahu Frost kemampuan pertahanan pertama di bawah langit, tetapi sebenarnya tidak ada yang tahu bahwa kemampuan serangan Frost juga yang pertama di bawah langit!
"Low-ketinggian terbang, untuk!"
Frost mengeluarkan perintah, lobak biru dan ksatria naga lainnya memerah dalam kelimpahan, naga besar memancarkan panjang Xi, ksatria akan gelombang panjang Qiang, panjang Jian dan lain-lain untuk melawan udara keluar jatuh pada, saya belum idling, akan terbang bersama-sama, akan naik angin untuk memotong untuk mengubah ke udara pedang emas lolos jatuh di kerumunan, tangan, Longteng sembilan hari dan gemuruh sembilan hari akan bergemuruh bersama dalam kerumunan, segera membawa gambar api penyucian, dikumpulkan saya kekuatan mencolok ini coverall tuan bisa dibayangkan, ini tingkat tinggi NPC akan mampu menolak, korban yang akan serius!
Frey mengaum, menangkap tombak untuk meninggalkan kuda perang berbenturan, dewa bintang empat kekuatan akan dapat diremehkan, tombak mengguncang mengembun menjadi gila cahaya yang menggedor bersama-sama dalam perut tepung merah naga, segera tepung naga merah whinned, perut terluka crash, tetapi seharusnya tidak menjadi fatal, sedikit terapi untuk baik-baik saja.
kecepatan terbang Frey sangat cepat, tubuh mengumpulkan kekuatan di spin cemas udara, tombak sikat tiba-tiba di belakang Brontosaurus ini, bahwa dragon knight "menangis" mendengus menyedihkan, meludah darah membungkuk di naga tersebut menjalankan belakang, terluka.
Frost telah marah oleh Frey secara menyeluruh, pedal kaki batal, "" sonic- elektronik tunas untuk pergi, kedua tangan memegang pedang, suara teriakan yang manis dan lembut untuk membersihkan jalan: "! Frey, Na Minglai"
? "Um"
mata Frey sekilas Frost, merespons secara radikal tanpa cukup waktu bahwa hurriedness tombak horizontal di depan, kemarahan berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "Frost, Anda harus menanam kota surga tertinggi, terus ke ayah hidup!"
Sayang sekali, Frey hanya belum memikirkan kekuatan disparately besar.
gondok setelah kekuatan supranatural bertabrakan, tombak Frey sesuai memotong Hua Jian membagi menjadi dua, Frost di udara tajam berhenti, salju tapak longleg putih memerangi sepatu adalah waktu tendangan cepat, adalah suara cahaya, khidmat bintang empat dewa Frey yang mulut akan meludah darah jatuh untuk meninggalkan, rumput pada situasi tumbl sangat sulit
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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