„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”Cooldown grasped just well, th terjemahan - „At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”Cooldown grasped just well, th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fu

„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”
Cooldown grasped just well, this is I in the Pangu deep pool N th times at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully.
Li Mu also fol­lows the ex­am­ple, is start­ing the hit and trun­ca­tion ar­ter­ies to a Chi You cav­alry op­er­ates, how­ever is ac­tu­ally a Chi You strikes ac­cord­ing to the fore­head by oth­ers, fell near 1.7 W HP, the com­plex­ion soon changed: „What's the mat­ter, can't my op­er­a­tion with free ex­actly the same, why I at­tack and de­stroy ob­vi­ously suc­cess­fully? More­over I also in mon­ster skill guides in Cooldown 60%-90% Cooldown to com­plete the op­er­a­tion”
Wipes the tea to blink, said: „Your move­ment is not very co­her­ent, the op­er­a­tion of each in­ter­rup­tion skill has con­junc­tion, the Boss at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess­ful move­ment ex­cep­tion­ally to be co­her­ent each time, and his at­tacked and de­stroyed the op­er­a­tion al­most in 0.1 sec­onds to com­plete com­pletely, the move­ment was quicker, at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess ratio to be higher!”
Li Mu is stunned: „In does 0.1 sec­ond com­plete one set of move­ment? This is how pos­si­ble, I am the strength swords­man, is not the agile swords­man”
Wipes the tea to eat to say with a smile: „There­fore, the Boss is the dou­ble sword class swords­man, co­her­ent op­er­a­tional of dou­ble sword, very suit­able trun­ca­tion rip­ple, as for Li Mu you, fights the du­pli­cate class, fights steadily is pos­si­bly more suit­able you to play in his­tory these hon­ored and pop­u­lar trun­ca­tion rip­ple close com­bats is the player, ba­si­cally is pur­sues the pro­mo­tion to at­tack fast equip­ment, this has the pos­si­bil­ity to erupt one set of at­tack move­ment to break the skill of match in­stan­ta­neously.”
In this time, I am sud­denly near the body Chi You cav­alry, holds the left hand skill of town month sword to turn, sword hilt „bang” a hit from top to bot­tom in the skill of Chi You cav­alry, the right hand Longchi sword pushes rapidly, „bang” one is one blue „at­tacks and de­stroys to fly suc­cess­fully”, this time linked his blood to cut the skill to break, guid­ance Cooldown that the blood cut were most also for 0.4 sec­ond, my two op­er­a­tions truly were in­stan­ta­neously are being com­pleted, and after at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing was suc­cess­ful, the op­po­site party will have cer­tain move­ment delay Cooldown, I fol­lowed on am one set one. Rides to work as fiercely at­tack­ing of thou­sand + dou­ble hit, this Chi You cav­alry mis­er­able howl­ing then falls down, crash-bang blew out one pile of gold coin as well as a card.
Li Mu knit­ting the brows head, said: „How ram­ble achieves”
I took pos­ses­sion to pick up the card, in a flash the hand, the card ef­fect reap­peared in air­borne, in demon spirit big sword mas­ter card in ad­di­tion of com­pared with dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory held the ef­fect to the mil­i­tary might
【Chi You cav­alry card】: Pro­motes the user 35% strik­ing power with 25% de­fense ef­fects, and pro­motes the user 40% sad­dle horse tough­ness, needs the player 110 lev­els , to con­tinue for 180 min­utes.
The card added holds on me, then cer­tainly must kill BOSS in any case, at this time does not need to save.
Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, this time killed to blame being more in­ci­sive, but in the guild Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han and oth­ers op­er­ated the class play­ers des­per­ately to pur­sue the deep mean­ing of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, but al­ways no­body can be suc­cess­ful, I watched, un­der­stands why that was, the body co­or­di­na­tion, this sec­tion of ar­ter­ies skill to player in­di­vid­ual body co­or­di­na­tion re­quest was re­ally too high, even if were Wang Jian this type nearly is un­able to achieve in short Cooldown in the ex­tra-su­pe­rior op­er­a­tion player.
When the peo­ple kill silently is strange, ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er raises the dag­ger to jump, the at­tack of dou­ble d
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”Cooldown grasped just well, this is I in the Pangu deep pool N th times at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully.Li Mu also fol­lows the ex­am­ple, is start­ing the hit and trun­ca­tion ar­ter­ies to a Chi You cav­alry op­er­ates, how­ever is ac­tu­ally a Chi You strikes ac­cord­ing to the fore­head by oth­ers, fell near 1.7 W HP, the com­plex­ion soon changed: „What's the mat­ter, can't my op­er­a­tion with free ex­actly the same, why I at­tack and de­stroy ob­vi­ously suc­cess­fully? More­over I also in mon­ster skill guides in Cooldown 60%-90% Cooldown to com­plete the op­er­a­tion”Wipes the tea to blink, said: „Your move­ment is not very co­her­ent, the op­er­a­tion of each in­ter­rup­tion skill has con­junc­tion, the Boss at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess­ful move­ment ex­cep­tion­ally to be co­her­ent each time, and his at­tacked and de­stroyed the op­er­a­tion al­most in 0.1 sec­onds to com­plete com­pletely, the move­ment was quicker, at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess ratio to be higher!”Li Mu is stunned: „In does 0.1 sec­ond com­plete one set of move­ment? This is how pos­si­ble, I am the strength swords­man, is not the agile swords­man”Wipes the tea to eat to say with a smile: „There­fore, the Boss is the dou­ble sword class swords­man, co­her­ent op­er­a­tional of dou­ble sword, very suit­able trun­ca­tion rip­ple, as for Li Mu you, fights the du­pli­cate class, fights steadily is pos­si­bly more suit­able you to play in his­tory these hon­ored and pop­u­lar trun­ca­tion rip­ple close com­bats is the player, ba­si­cally is pur­sues the pro­mo­tion to at­tack fast equip­ment, this has the pos­si­bil­ity to erupt one set of at­tack move­ment to break the skill of match in­stan­ta­neously.”In this time, I am sud­denly near the body Chi You cav­alry, holds the left hand skill of town month sword to turn, sword hilt „bang” a hit from top to bot­tom in the skill of Chi You cav­alry, the right hand Longchi sword pushes rapidly, „bang” one is one blue „at­tacks and de­stroys to fly suc­cess­fully”, this time linked his blood to cut the skill to break, guid­ance Cooldown that the blood cut were most also for 0.4 sec­ond, my two op­er­a­tions truly were in­stan­ta­neously are being com­pleted, and after at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing was suc­cess­ful, the op­po­site party will have cer­tain move­ment delay Cooldown, I fol­lowed on am one set one. Rides to work as fiercely at­tack­ing of thou­sand + dou­ble hit, this Chi You cav­alry mis­er­able howl­ing then falls down, crash-bang blew out one pile of gold coin as well as a card.„Corona”
Li Mu knit­ting the brows head, said: „How ram­ble achieves”
I took pos­ses­sion to pick up the card, in a flash the hand, the card ef­fect reap­peared in air­borne, in demon spirit big sword mas­ter card in ad­di­tion of com­pared with dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory held the ef­fect to the mil­i­tary might
【Chi You cav­alry card】: Pro­motes the user 35% strik­ing power with 25% de­fense ef­fects, and pro­motes the user 40% sad­dle horse tough­ness, needs the player 110 lev­els , to con­tinue for 180 min­utes.
The card added holds on me, then cer­tainly must kill BOSS in any case, at this time does not need to save.
Has pro­moted many at­tack and de­fense ef­fects in­stan­ta­neously, this time killed to blame being more in­ci­sive, but in the guild Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han and oth­ers op­er­ated the class play­ers des­per­ately to pur­sue the deep mean­ing of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, but al­ways no­body can be suc­cess­ful, I watched, un­der­stands why that was, the body co­or­di­na­tion, this sec­tion of ar­ter­ies skill to player in­di­vid­ual body co­or­di­na­tion re­quest was re­ally too high, even if were Wang Jian this type nearly is un­able to achieve in short Cooldown in the ex­tra-su­pe­rior op­er­a­tion player.
When the peo­ple kill silently is strange, ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er raises the dag­ger to jump, the at­tack of dou­ble d
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Serangan dan menghancurkan berhasil!"
Istirahat digenggam hanya dengan baik, ini adalah saya di Pangu dalam kolam N th kali diserang dan dihancurkan berhasil.
Li Mu juga mengikuti contoh, mulai memukul dan pemotongan arteri ke kavaleri Chi Anda beroperasi, namun sebenarnya Chi Anda pemogokan sesuai dengan dahi oleh orang lain, jatuh di dekat 1,7 W HP, kulit segera berubah: "Ada apa, tidak bisa operasi saya dengan bebas persis sama, mengapa saya menyerang dan menghancurkan jelas berhasil? Selain itu saya juga dalam keterampilan rakasa panduan di Cooldown 60% -90% Cooldown untuk menyelesaikan operasi "
Wipes teh berkedip, mengatakan:" gerakan Anda sangat tidak koheren, operasi keahlian masing-masing gangguan memiliki hubungannya, serangan Boss dan menghancurkan ! gerakan sukses sangat menjadi koheren setiap kali, dan itu menyerang dan menghancurkan operasi hampir 0,1 detik untuk menyelesaikan sepenuhnya, gerakan lebih cepat, menyerang dan menghancurkan rasio keberhasilan lebih tinggi "
Li Mu tertegun:" dalam melakukan 0,1 kedua menyelesaikan satu set gerakan? Ini adalah bagaimana mungkin, saya pendekar pedang kekuatan, bukan pendekar lincah "
Wipes teh untuk makan untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum:" Oleh karena itu, Boss adalah ganda pendekar kelas pedang, operasional koheren pedang ganda, sangat cocok pemotongan riak , seperti untuk Li Mu Anda, perkelahian duplikat kelas, perkelahian terus mungkin adalah lebih cocok Anda untuk bermain dalam sejarah dihormati dan populer pemotongan riak pertempuran dekat ini adalah pemain, pada dasarnya yaitu mengejar promosi untuk menyerang peralatan cepat, ini memiliki kemungkinan untuk meletus satu set gerakan serangan untuk memecahkan keterampilan pertandingan seketika. "
saat ini, saya tiba-tiba di dekat tubuh Chi Anda kavaleri, memegang keterampilan tangan kiri pedang bulan kota untuk mengubah, pedang gagang" bang "hit dari atas ke bawah dalam keterampilan Chi Anda kavaleri, tangan kanan pedang Longchi mendorong cepat, "bang" satu biru "serangan dan menghancurkan terbang berhasil", kali ini terkait darahnya untuk memotong keterampilan untuk istirahat, Cooldown bimbingan bahwa cut darah yang sebagian besar juga untuk 0,4 detik, dua operasi saya benar-benar sedang seketika sedang diselesaikan, dan setelah menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil, pihak lawan akan memiliki gerakan penundaan tertentu Cooldown, aku mengikuti di pagi satu set satu. . Rides bekerja sebagai keras menyerang ribu + ganda hit, ini kavaleri Chi Anda sengsara melolong kemudian jatuh, kecelakaan-bang meniup salah satu tumpukan koin emas serta kartu
Li Mu merajut kepala alis, mengatakan: "Bagaimana pelancongan mencapai"
saya mengambil kepemilikan untuk mengambil kartu, dalam sekejap tangan, efek kartu muncul kembali di udara, dalam roh setan besar kartu pedang master dalam penambahan dibandingkan dengan wilayah iblis yang berbeda diadakan efek militer mungkin
【 chi Anda kartu kavaleri】: mempromosikan pengguna 35% daya mencolok dengan efek pertahanan 25%, dan mempromosikan pengguna 40% ketangguhan pelana kuda, membutuhkan pemain 110 tingkat, untuk terus selama 180 menit.
kartu itu menambahkan berpegang pada saya, maka tentu harus membunuh BOSS dalam hal apapun, saat ini tidak perlu menyimpan.
Telah dipromosikan banyak serangan dan pertahanan efek seketika, saat ini dibunuh untuk menyalahkan menjadi lebih tajam, tetapi dalam serikat Li Mu, Wang Jian, Lagu Han dan lain-lain dioperasikan para pemain kelas mati-matian untuk mengejar makna mendalam dari pemotongan riak, tapi selalu ada yang bisa sukses, saya menyaksikan, memahami mengapa itu, koordinasi tubuh, bagian keterampilan arteri permintaan koordinasi pemain tubuh individu benar-benar terlalu tinggi , bahkan jika itu Wang Jian jenis ini hampir tidak dapat dicapai dalam Pendinginan singkat di pemutar operasi ekstra-superior.
Ketika orang-orang membunuh diam-diam yang aneh, sebenarnya Lin Wan Er menimbulkan belati untuk melompat, serangan ganda d
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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