The life domains of love and work are uniquely expressed inthe present terjemahan - The life domains of love and work are uniquely expressed inthe present Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The life domains of love and work a

The life domains of love and work are uniquely expressed in
the present generation of emerging adults (Roisman, Masten,
Coatsworth, & Tellegen, 2004). Exploration of different work
possibilities is common in emerging adulthood and is possible
due to a lack of enduring role obligations (Arnett, 2000). Most
emerging adults search for work not just to sustain them in the
here and now but as a way of establishing a basis for their
future work, their professional identity, and the jobs they will
have through adulthood (Masten, Obradovic & Burt, 2006).
Education plays a central role in this process, perhaps because
postsecondary education prepares the student for a profession
suited to the middle-class economic status. However, the current
job market is highly unstable: Jobs are less permanent and
career paths are less certain, often nonlinear, and more fluid.
Compared with previous generations, there is less of a clear
progression to a satisfying profession or a steady job; transitions
are no longer successive but are beset by discontinuities,
reversals, and uncertainties (Chisholm, 1999; Shulman &
Nurmi, 2010). Emerging adults may find a job, decide on an
occupation, leave it later, return to some kind of training, and
then pursue a different occupation altogether. Others may
oscillate between periods of work and unemployment or work
in a temporary job without definite plans to change this situation
(European Group for Integrated Social Research, 2001).
In sum, though a large number of emerging adults eventually
settle into a professional career path, the developmental process
tends to be uneven and nonlinear (Settersten, Furstenber,
& Rumbaut, 2005).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The life domains of love and work are uniquely expressed inthe present generation of emerging adults (Roisman, Masten,Coatsworth, & Tellegen, 2004). Exploration of different workpossibilities is common in emerging adulthood and is possibledue to a lack of enduring role obligations (Arnett, 2000). Mostemerging adults search for work not just to sustain them in thehere and now but as a way of establishing a basis for theirfuture work, their professional identity, and the jobs they willhave through adulthood (Masten, Obradovic & Burt, 2006).Education plays a central role in this process, perhaps becausepostsecondary education prepares the student for a professionsuited to the middle-class economic status. However, the currentjob market is highly unstable: Jobs are less permanent andcareer paths are less certain, often nonlinear, and more fluid.Compared with previous generations, there is less of a clearprogression to a satisfying profession or a steady job; transitionsare no longer successive but are beset by discontinuities,reversals, and uncertainties (Chisholm, 1999; Shulman &Nurmi, 2010). Emerging adults may find a job, decide on anoccupation, leave it later, return to some kind of training, andthen pursue a different occupation altogether. Others mayoscillate between periods of work and unemployment or workin a temporary job without definite plans to change this situation(European Group for Integrated Social Research, 2001).
In sum, though a large number of emerging adults eventually
settle into a professional career path, the developmental process
tends to be uneven and nonlinear (Settersten, Furstenber,
& Rumbaut, 2005).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Domain kehidupan cinta dan pekerjaan secara unik dinyatakan dalam
generasi sekarang orang dewasa muncul (Roisman, Masten,
Coatsworth, & Tellegen, 2004). Eksplorasi kerja yang berbeda
kemungkinan umum di masa dewasa muncul dan mungkin
karena kurangnya abadi kewajiban peran (Arnett, 2000). Kebanyakan
orang dewasa muncul mencari pekerjaan tidak hanya untuk mempertahankan mereka di
sini dan sekarang tapi sebagai cara untuk membangun dasar untuk mereka
pekerjaan di masa depan, identitas profesional mereka, dan pekerjaan mereka akan
memiliki sampai dewasa (Masten, Obradovic & Burt, 2006) .
Pendidikan memainkan peran sentral dalam proses ini, mungkin karena
pendidikan postsecondary mempersiapkan siswa untuk profesi
yang sesuai dengan status ekonomi kelas menengah. Namun, saat ini
pasar kerja sangat tidak stabil: Pekerjaan yang kurang permanen dan
jalur karir yang kurang tertentu, sering nonlinier, dan lebih cair.
Dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya, ada kurang dari yang jelas
pengembangan menjadi profesi memuaskan atau pekerjaan tetap; transisi
tidak lagi berturut-turut tetapi dilanda oleh diskontinuitas,
pembalikan, dan ketidakpastian (Chisholm, 1999; Shulman &
Nurmi, 2010). Dewasa muncul mungkin menemukan pekerjaan, memutuskan pada
pekerjaan, biarkan nanti, kembali ke beberapa jenis pelatihan, dan
kemudian mengejar pekerjaan yang berbeda sama sekali. Orang lain mungkin
berosilasi antara periode kerja dan pengangguran atau bekerja
di pekerjaan sementara tanpa rencana yang pasti untuk mengubah situasi ini
(Grup Eropa untuk Penelitian Sosial Terpadu, 2001).
Singkatnya, meskipun sejumlah besar orang dewasa yang muncul akhirnya
menetap menjadi jalur karir profesional , proses perkembangan
cenderung merata dan nonlinier (Settersten, Furstenber,
& Rumbaut, 2005).
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